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The deterioration of buildings has been becoming problematic in

many cities. The governments have to spend more money on the

restoration of old buildings in some cities than before. This

tendency has caused some people to speculate that the

governments should spend more money on providing housing and

road development more than restorations effectively. Although the

restoration is sometimes necessary, I partially agree that the

developments of housings and roads would be more beneficial

than others.

There is no doubt that using money on housing and road

development has positive aspects. To begin with, increasing the

number of housings leads to revitalizing cities. If many people

can move to a city where has many housings, the number of

population will grow fast. This fact contributes to the economic

growth of cities due to increasing incoming residential taxes and

the governments can use it for the development of cities

effectively. Furthermore, people can go their destination faster

and they are able to save their time. Especially rescues and

supports during disasters are easily affected by the conditions of

roads. For instance, after earthquakes happened, the

maintenances of highways and roads in the countryside are very

important for people to get enough lifelines.

On the other hand, some people may argue that spending too

much money on housing and road development has negative

aspects. One of the issues is environment problems. For example,

deforestations might be caused by constructing many buildings.

This fact might lead to disasters such as floods. Moreover,

constructing new buildings costs generally a lot of money.

Recently, construction materials are getting more expensive and

sometimes using existing materials for restorations enables people

to build houses much cheaper than constructing new houses.

In conclusion, although there are some drawbacks, I believe that

spending more money on providing housing and road

development is mostly beneficial. This development offers

conveniences for people and the activation of cities.

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