Lesson Plan

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Subject: Science

Grade Level: Grade 6

Objective: Practices proper self-care procedures

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics - Understanding measurements and calculations related to self-care

procedures, such as measuring the appropriate dosage of medicine or calculating
the time needed to brush teeth effectively.

2) Physical Education - Incorporating physical activities and exercises in self-care

routines to promote overall health and well-being.

3) Home Economics - Learning about proper nutrition and meal planning as part of
self-care practices to maintain a healthy diet.


Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming

Instructional Materials: None

Anecdote 1: Share a personal experience about the importance of practicing proper

self-care procedures, such as the benefits of regular handwashing in preventing the
spread of diseases.

Anecdote 2: Discuss a Filipino cultural practice related to self-care, such as the use
of herbal remedies for common ailments.


Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Props for role-playing

Idea 1: Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a specific self-care
scenario, such as washing hands before eating, brushing teeth, or applying
sunscreen. Have the groups act out the proper procedures and discuss why they are

Idea 2: Conduct an interactive quiz using real-life scenarios related to self-care.

Students can answer questions individually or in teams, promoting active
participation and engagement.Explore

Activity 1: Creating a Personal Care Routine

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Worksheets, pens/pencils, magazines for cut-outs

Significance: Students will develop their own personal care routine, incorporating
proper self-care procedures.


1) Distribute worksheets to each student.

2) Instruct students to create a personal care routine that includes activities such as
brushing teeth, washing hands, taking a bath, etc.

3) Encourage students to use cut-outs from magazines to illustrate their routine.


- Completeness: 5 pts

- Accuracy of self-care procedures: 5 pts

- Creativity and presentation: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Why is it important to have a personal care routine?

2) How can practicing proper self-care procedures contribute to overall well-being?

3) What are the consequences of neglecting self-care?

Activity 2: Healthy Meal Planning

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Food pyramid posters, magazines with food images, scissors, glue,

Significance: Students will learn about proper nutrition and meal planning as part of
self-care practices.


1) Divide the class into small groups.

2) Provide each group with a food pyramid poster and magazines with food images.

3) Instruct the groups to cut out food images from the magazines and arrange them
on the food pyramid according to the recommended servings for each food group.

4) Have the groups present their completed food pyramids and explain how their
chosen meals contribute to a balanced diet.


- Completeness and accuracy of food pyramid: 5 pts

- Proper arrangement of food images: 5 pts

- Presentation and explanation: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Why is it important to have a balanced diet?

2) How can meal planning contribute to proper self-care?

3) What are the consequences of an unhealthy diet?

Activity 3: Exercise Routine Design

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Worksheets, pens/pencils, exercise equipment (optional)

Significance: Students will design an exercise routine that promotes physical fitness
and well-being as part of self-care practices.


1) Distribute worksheets to each student.

2) Instruct students to design an exercise routine that includes a warm-up,

cardiovascular exercises, strength exercises, and cool-down stretches.

3) Encourage students to include modifications for different fitness levels and provide
options for exercises that can be done at home.


- Completeness and accuracy of exercise routine: 5 pts

- Variety and effectiveness of exercises: 5 pts

- Presentation and explanation: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Why is regular exercise important for self-care?

2) How can different types of exercises benefit the body?

3) What are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle?

Activity 7: Mindfulness Meditation

Materials: Comfortable seating, soft music, meditation guides or apps

Significance: Students will learn about the importance of mental and emotional self-
care through mindfulness meditation.


1) Create a calm and relaxing environment in the classroom.

2) Guide students through a mindfulness meditation session, focusing on deep

breathing and being present in the moment.

3) Encourage students to reflect on their experience and discuss the benefits of

mindfulness meditation for their overall well-being.


- Active participation: 5 pts

- Ability to follow meditation instructions: 5 pts

- Reflection and discussion: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How can mindfulness meditation contribute to mental and emotional self-care?

2) What are some challenges you faced during the mindfulness meditation session,
and how did you overcome them?

3) How can you incorporate mindfulness meditation into your daily routine?

Activity 8: Sleep Hygiene Workshop

Materials: Presentation slides, sleep hygiene checklist

Significance: Students will learn about the importance of proper sleep hygiene for
optimal self-care.

1) Conduct a workshop on sleep hygiene, covering topics such as creating a sleep-

friendly environment, establishing a bedtime routine, and avoiding sleep disruptors.

2) Provide students with a sleep hygiene checklist to assess their current sleep
habits and identify areas for improvement.

3) Facilitate a discussion on the impact of sleep on overall well-being and strategies

for improving sleep hygiene.


- Active participation: 5 pts

- Understanding of sleep hygiene principles: 5 pts

- Completion of sleep hygiene checklist: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Why is proper sleep hygiene important for self-care?

2) What are some common sleep disruptors, and how can you minimize their impact
on your sleep?

3) What changes can you make to your sleep routine to improve your overall well-

Activity 9: Stress Management Techniques

Materials: Stress balls, relaxation music, guided imagery scripts

Significance: Students will learn various stress management techniques to

incorporate into their self-care routines.

1) Introduce students to different stress management techniques, such as deep

breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery.

2) Provide stress balls for students to use during the session and play relaxation
music in the background.

3) Guide students through practicing each stress management technique and

encourage them to reflect on their experiences.


- Active participation: 5 pts

- Ability to follow stress management techniques: 5 pts

- Reflection and discussion: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How can stress management techniques contribute to overall self-care?

2) Which stress management technique did you find most effective, and why?

3) How can you incorporate stress management techniques into your daily routine to
manage stress effectively?

Note: It is essential to adapt the activities and assessment questions to the specific
grade level and individual needs of the students.


Teaching Strategy: Discussion

Instructional Materials: None

Explain the concept of self-care procedures, emphasizing the importance of

practicing proper hygiene, nutrition, and physical activity. Engage students in a
discussion by asking open-ended questions and encouraging them to share their
thoughts and experiences related to self-care.

Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Task 1: Create a DIY Natural Beauty Product

Task 2: Plan and Prepare a Healthy Snack

Materials: Ingredients for DIY beauty product, recipe cards for healthy snack options

Task 1: In groups, students will research and create a DIY natural beauty product
using ingredients such as fruits, herbs, or essential oils. They will document the
process and share their creations with the class, discussing the benefits of using
natural products for self-care.

Task 2: Individually or in pairs, students will plan and prepare a healthy snack using
the provided recipe cards. They will consider nutritional value and portion sizes,
promoting healthy eating habits as part of self-care.


Teaching Strategy: Differentiation

Instructional Materials: None

Question 1: Explain the steps in proper handwashing. (Knowledge)

Question 2: Why is it important to eat a balanced diet? (Comprehension)

Question 3: How can regular exercise contribute to overall well-being? (Application)

Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Instructional Materials: Case study scenarios related to self-care

Present case study scenarios where students need to apply their knowledge of
proper self-care procedures in real-life situations. Encourage critical thinking and
problem-solving skills by asking students to analyze the scenarios and provide
appropriate solutions based on their understanding of self-care practices.


Assignment 1: Self-Care Journal

Assignment Overview: Students will keep a self-care journal for one week,
documenting their daily self-care practices and reflecting on their experiences. They
should include observations, challenges, and improvements they can make in their
self-care routines.

Assignment Question: How does practicing proper self-care procedures contribute

to your overall well-being?

Assignment 2: Self-Care Action Plan

Assignment Overview: Students will create a self-care action plan, outlining

specific self-care practices they will incorporate into their daily routines. They should
include goals, strategies, and a timeline for implementing and evaluating their action

Assignment Question: How can you promote proper self-care procedures in your
daily life?

Note: The teacher can provide additional guidance and instructions for the
assignments based on the specific needs and

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