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Oral Communication Distance Learning Activity

Activity 1.
Instruction: Read and understand the statement carefully and Identify what types of speech
context is being used on each statement.
________________1. Two colleagues are having a discussion in the office kitchenette about their weekend
________________2. Someone is sitting alone in their room, reflecting on their goals and making a mental
list of tasks they need to accomplish for the day.
________________3. A politician is delivering a speech at a campaign rally, addressing a large crowd of
supporters and outlining their policy proposals.
________________4. A television network broadcasts breaking news about a natural disaster, reaching
millions of viewers across the country with live updates and safety instructions.
________________5. Two individuals who have history of unresolved conflicts and strongly opposing
viewpoints are tasked with working together on a high-stakes project that requires effective collaboration
and communication.
________________6. A customer is speaking with salesperson in a clothing store, asking for assistance in
finding the perfect outfit for a special occasion.
________________7. An individual is struggling to overcome a debilitating fear of public speaking, and
they engage in internal dialogue and self-coaching to boost their confidence and prepare mentally for an
upcoming important presentation.
________________8. A person is deep in thought while taking a long solitary walk, pondering their life
choices and considering their future plans.
________________9. A popular social media platform displays a trending topic related to a major celebrity
scandal, with millions of users sharing and commenting on the news, making it a viral discussion.
________________10. A University professor is giving a lecture to a packed lecture hall on a complex
topic, engaging with students and using visual aids to enhance understanding.

Activity 2
Instruction: Read and understand the questions carefully and provide your insights on the questions
provided below.
1. How does effective oral communication contribute to successful leadership and management in
2. Social media and technology play a pivotal role in connecting people, sharing information, and
facilitating communication on a global scale. As a SHS student how will you encourage people to
use social media responsibly to avoid misinformation and fake news?
3. Analyze the impact of technology on oral communication in the digital age. How has it changed the
way we communicate verbally.

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