AirForces Monthly - January 2024

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BUNA VIPER TQS MISSION PACK 5 ry re Ween SUL Rae LU Ga WNL) MONTHLY USNS Deadly Flankers Every type e Every location e Every Unit Watching Gaza eee kee) ea Seu PS iy British F-35B ULCesy ey aey CoM) Su-35 ieee LGic lacie sits Wea weapons instructor faa Dutch ‘ ad Reapers Riel \ Europe’s (ead ee & , a ERR og PLAY NOW FOR FREE me = WARTHUNDER. Ta Ce vies Oro MO Qf. Pd be Bera Somos Bess Bxooxsenesxis ———S+_ a Testing AGE skis in tho UK recent saw Fronch Rafale, USAF F-35As and RAF Typhoons (and Brish F-SSBs not seen here) deploy tothe bolt-hole at RAF Leeming as part of Exerose Arce Ment Crown Copyright Shaping the future We ‘ year 2028 has been, ending with two major wars being fought in Ukraine and Israel, where air power has been playing its part. Even if they are willy citferent confit. Israel has air euperorty, providing the ability to protect troops on the ground, allowing the ‘reedom to move around Gaza. As a result, the battle in Gaza wil hopefully end soon. Nether Ukraine or Russia can do that and its ‘a complete stalemate. ‘Yes, Irae! wil eliminate the Hamas leadership, but in thelr place wil come new leaders ready to avenge the loss of their loved ones in recent weeks, While winning the battle, Israel wil not win the \war - diplomacy and poitics wil have to resolve that one. This appears to be the only rout lft for the war ia Ukraine, which has ‘evolved into an attrtion war, as nether side appears to be making headway. Atition \wartare has been defined as “the sustained process of wearing down an opponent so 2s to force ther physical colapse through continuous losses in personnel, equipment dtr - Moca tary ation: Son Loe ‘Group Ear ot rae Aon res eos str em Charan ‘asta tary Ear: Deve por ‘estat ary Eto: en Sar sk ‘Group Proucton Eta bau oor Desi tsay Cot oy Oa, Ma Fae ‘Mat Esco, tte ar ‘eertong Are Man Nea of See ane Maretg Suz aor Copesot Art ene blared an month [ive oct, contacto Sreuaton Manager subroneypuoistingcom: ‘tamaton Media Sani, worn Key. Aero {and supplies or to an extent that thei will to fight collapses’ ‘The biggest lesson NATO learnt this year is to step up its agile combat employment (ACE) skis — deploying to bare bases, with as litle support as possible just as we have seen in Ukraine. In November, another major [ACE exercise (Atlantic Trident) took place in the UK, because as the French detachment ‘commander sald: “This know-how was in our {genes during the Cold War and we are now working on this again.” For more, see Ace in the hole, page 86-87, ‘As par of ts ACE training, and a wider tral to defend major cities, the Gorman Air Force deployed three Eurofighters during late November to Hannover airport, a8 part of Exercise Hannover Shield During my many visits tothe Pakistan Air Force (PAF), | witnessed its tactical needs to disperse fighters from most of ts combat ‘squadrons to other bare-bases in many different envronmants, because unlike Russia the threat from neighbouring India never went ‘away. Packing up everything and moving to ‘anor potato prs oration ‘ites Mon S34 055.709) USPS6119, es th Roy hing i, PO BO 10, ‘Sovkwoesescew nc codes rie pace ony 138 Pontes Su rs ranges aor Non. ‘cipro ae mad ay aig Ae nere atacing ot alt sp The Eto hogy ore contrbuon AF. Pee {a forward operating base isn't easy by more than ten squadrons isnot easy, but that has been perfected by the PAF. Back in 2010, | was privileged to witness the AP's premier ACE dl, Exercise High Mark, last for more than two manths ~ 80 once NATO has perfected is one or two-week test for single unit, it might consider two to three ‘month deployments to civiian bare-base airports that are empty most ofthe tet |Ihope you enjoy our ten-page Flanker feature an incredible mult-role combat aivratt and Undoultedly a Russian jet that NATO is quite rightly wary of A huge payload, with alot of fuel and some very capable weapons. Finally, the AirForces Monthy team would like to wish all our readers @ Happy New Year! ‘Alan Warnes Group Editor at Large Contact tho team at {fe sunet our tems and condton, neh regu ‘ened iho proce reheatywabon Ky Ieher Same 03cm) nse ines pa Uk Te ae reo ee" ‘au 44 4700 S72 Wana wom ay Ae ‘Sopmararton is, 2 Paya aon EOTA SPR “rset contents ot Arrorese Wor © copra an apart maybe eoroauces ey torso on {ny fomet eer ester wou he ry pemisen Next Issue Ci eueur erm ey enuary 2026.) 3 ora eet Cn ed one) ere a eet) Perret erat a) eve etree) ee neu eee ore eeve ey be CT eRe ret instalment of our monthi feature looking Sree ee eens ACE in the hole eee eres Ee ee ae gee Sr eee eee Ree) Le em etna the French detachment at RAF Leaming Sr reel cagA ee en Et ete Peer a tency Pas See aes recent miltary aviation mishaps from around cer) Next Issue eer ay oe ee ROU cme) Se renee ne aa ced ee ee Tree Rang Lo eer en remit Ponte eae ere eerie eee rrreerin) Sie nae ees Watching the terrorists Sees surveillance and reconnaissance ascats have Porro coer rtd peace anaes arenas rua AC) Arcee eRe ha eee cau noe Pears tere ud acy ete ee eee ey Syria over the past few years. Babak Taghvaee Se oni ac) Per ener een mettre eee eee! SS ear stern Py Sr mney apeiron ey eit tt pelea cia sone) oe eas etme erie ace canteen from fv to one Subscribe & save offers great savings on the cover price. Poe Rea ery Ce retro peace ee eee re on tice any pete pean ret menemeat rd Eerie er ere ay paar eee eee Pope and pepe Pacer oe ree nr ee in eck perc) ee td Re rene eee neat a Borstal otk about hs Sea Safar et TT LRA See vl Worth £449.99 each 1 9 Offered by our fiends perronees eed Cicer Seo page INA dramatic announcement on November 28, the Iranian Defence Minister, Brig Gen Mohammad Reza Gharaei Ashtian, said the agreement between Iran ang Russia over the procurement of Su-35SE Flanker-E mutt-role fighters forthe Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (\RIAF) was back fn, but addes that the ration wil also acquire Mi-28NME Havoo attack helicopters forthe army {viation branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Land Forces iRcc-LF} ‘The new arms sale agreement comes after Russia's Minister of| Defence, Sergey Shoigu, made an official visit to Tehran in September for negotiations regarding the procurement of Iranian Fateh-110 and Zolfaghar short-range ballistic missile forthe Russian Armed Forces and @ eee eee Headlines lran to buy Su-35SEs, Mi-28NMEs renegotiation of ran’s cancelled acquisition of the Su-a5SEs initially destined for Egypt. Deliveries of the type to ran were expected to begin earlier in 2023, but in duly the ranian defence minister announced that the nation had pulled ut of the deal Later, the Commander in- Chiat of the IRIAF, Brig Hamid Vahect, revealed that Russia's refusal to transfer the knowledge required to conduct domestic maintenance land avernaul work on the aircrat, combined with its refusal to sel certain weapons ~ such as R-S7M (AA-13 Axehead) aicto-air missiles and Khibiny (L175V) electronic countermeasures pods ~ was the reason behind the cancellation of Su-35SE procurement, (For more ‘etails about the intial deal's cancellation, soe ‘AFM, October 2023, 48 52) Babak Taghvace Pee en nen ne te eens LER Sore te soreness 1n 2021, two AH-1J instructor plots from the IRCG-LF's Army Aviation branch flew with {his pre-production RUAP M-2ONM (RF-1489/70 Rec). AI Nase” PLT oTPICYed by the firm's 20006 wil ook ike in Luftwaffe service, Note thatthe aircraft fs equipped wits AGM. WREST au ‘on its underwing pylons, as wall a the Seab EW solution on ts wiogtios | path i rE - aa [AIRBUS DEFENCE and Space announced on November 29 thatthe Budget Commitoe of ‘the German Bundestag (Federal Government) had recently approved the frm to convert 15, Luftwaffe (German Air Force)-operated Eurofightor EF-2000s to Ek-standard, providing the selected mult-role fighters with adetional ‘electronic combat (EK) capabilites. ‘According to Airbus, the 18 aircraft selected for conversion wil bbe equipped with an unspecified transmitter location and sel protection system from Saab, as well as An electronic combat- Configured variant of the Eurofighter that has been pploneered by Airbus the EK is scheduled to bbe NATO-certities by 2030 and will be used to ‘place the Luftwatte's ageing fleet of Tornado EOR strike aircraft in the suppression/destruction ‘of enemy air defence (GEADIDEAD) role. AGM-88 Advanced “With Saab's transmitter AAnti-Radiation Guided cation gystem and the Missiles (AARGMs) from AARGM from Northrop Northrop Grumman. ‘Grumman, the Eurofighter While Airbus did not_ EK willbe able to detect, disclose the system that localise and disable Saabs providing fer anti-aircraft radars. the EK conversion, it _In addition, the Saab Is likely o be the latest solution has jammers that Generation of the Arexis improve the Eurofighter's lactronic warfare (EW) self-protection,” the firm system, which is currently said ina press release. Germany to equip EF-2000s for ECR duties While the move thas gained German parliamentary approval ‘and has been confirmed fas the successor to the Tornado ECR - ‘beating competition from Boeing's EA-18G Growler ‘and an option to procure ‘more F-35A Lightning lis~a formal contract {forthe conversion has yet to be signed but is ‘expected to be inked by tho end of 2023, airbus Is currently working with the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (GAAINBW), the Luftwaffe land the German ‘Armed Forces Avlation Office to produce a detailed schedule for the integration of EK solutions on the 15. F-20008, uses wor Key. Aero fo banking news stores Ena the nous tam at edtarsa Russia using MiG-35 jets against Ukraine? ‘SERGEY KOROTKOV, Designer General at the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) - a subsidiary of Russia’ state-owned Fostec State Corporation ~ has, claimed that the MiG- 235 Fulerum-F has been , maritime patrol aircraft ~ arrived in Hala, Canada, on October 8 to be modified and Upgraded by General Dynamics Mission ‘Systems-Canada and IMP Acrospace & Detence. Operated by Esq 601 (601 Sqa) ‘Lobos (Wolves), the aircraft (14808) arrived sporting ‘special markings and is expected to return to Boja AB in March 2024, The Orions il be equipped with a now ‘The Spanish ir and Space Force ie currently using its Eurofighter EF-2000 Intrumented Production Airraft 4 mission system, datainks (tPA) as part of a Might test campalgn supporting the integration of Lockheed Martin's AN/AAQ-33 Sniper advanced ting pod (ATP) onto tho Typhoon fleats of Kuwait and Qatar. Using tho callsign ‘TIFONDT, EF-2000(G.1620/"1?- 8nd communications TIPAG) fe seon hore landing at Airbus Toclty In Getafe, Spal, after completing a fst Might withthe Sniper ATP __ecuipment. The four located on is cantreline luselage hardpoint~over the Bardenas Reales Bombing Range In Zaragaza.on November 17, remaining acaft are due stich nse or an hour ana aha. 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North America Canada opts for Poseidon CANADA HAS confirmed Blair revealed that @ ROAF's ageing feet of that twill buy upto 18 government-to-governmentCP-140M Aurora maritime P-8A Poseidon mult- agreement had been patio ara, which have mission martime patrol finalised withthe US for___been in operational service and reconnaissance the acquisition of 14 P-8A for more than 40 years. aircraft for the Royal Poseidons forthe RCAF, _In announcing ite decision Canadian Air Force (RCAF). along with an option for to acquire the P-BA, the (On November 20, the procurement of upto Canadian Department of Canada's Ministr of two'additionalarcraf. ‘National Defence (ONO) National Defence Bill The P-8A wil replace the said that the Poseidon ‘This eit! concept image provides an early glimpse of what the RCAP's future P-BA Poseidon Meet wil ook ike when operational Boeing ‘deivers the best ant being delivered per month submarine warfare and ISR the fil RCAF Poseidon ‘capabilties. This platform fleet could be delivered to is. proven capability Canada by Auturnn 2027. that is operated by al of The fleet is expected to ‘Canada’s Five Eyes alles achieve Full Operational ~ Australia, New Zealand, Capability in 2033, the UK andthe US- as Commenting on the wellas other defence _acquiston, Blair sai: "In partners. today’s complex global ‘Selected through the environment, Canada DND's Canadian Mult- requires a miltary that Mission Aircraft (CMMA) is capable of protecting project, which has a four country wellnte the budget of CASIO-40n, This future. We are committed includes USSS.9bn for the to ensuring that our procurement of the P-8A, current and future aviators aswell as associated have the most advanced ‘equipment, taining ‘equipment possible to ‘cevices and sustainment do just that. Canada ‘services, The remainder requires a mult-mission ‘of this budget vill cover feet to contribute tothe ‘additional investments in. safety and securty of, simulators infastructure Canadians and protect the ‘and weapons sovereignty of a country ‘Canada’s frst P-8A‘s with he longest coastine ‘scheduled to be delvered in the world. The Boeing in 2026, and with an 8 Posoidon isthe right average of one aircraft aircraft to ful this rot.” USAF rebrands Compass Call as EA-37B THE USAF'S new EC-378 andi breaks the usual __EC-130H i retired from Compass Call has quietly rules and conventions __ operational service. USAF ‘boen redesignated as the that govern the allocation Air Combat Command EA-37B, with te change of akcraft designations has already divested ‘becoming effective from andi nomenclature to rine of ts 14 EC-120Hs. October 27 aircraft. Ary new “attack” The withdrawn aitcraft Though the acraftis designation should have have been placed into erved fromthe C-27 followed the established long-term storage with Gulfstream and not the sequence and should not the 308th Aerospace AST Dragonfly, the have reused one that had Maintenance and new EA-$7B airoratt been previously assigned. Regeneration Group Cesignation was chosen Tha aicraftis expected (AMAR) at Davie- tw better refit the toadopt me ‘Compass Monthan AFB in Arizona. platform’ electronic Call name used bythe The Gulfstream G550 attack EA) mission. The EC-130H aicrattit is business jet arrames ‘new EA-378 designation intended to replace by _that form the basis ofthe ‘sanon-standard one _-FY28,orwhenthelast _EA-G7B are manutactured RAVN deploys ADAIR Hawks to Lakenheath in Savannah, Georgia, __and operational testing, land are then modified The EA-378 wil ‘ith antennas and Undergo simultaneous Conformal arrays at {evelopment and Hari’ facies in peratonal testing, he Waco, Texas, A total the F-15EX Eagle Il and often EA-37Bs areto 8-21 Raider. This was be delivered by BAE made easier because Systems and L3Harrs, many ofthe now aircraft's and two EA-S7B aircraft systems are being have been delivered physically ‘ported over" to Detachment 1 of from the EC-130H, US Air Force Materiel Delivery of the frst OM" (Command's 645th coded EA-378 tothe 55th ‘Aeronautical Systems Electronic Combat Group ‘Squadron at Waco, at Davie-Monthan AFB is Texas, for development expected in 2024 [RAVH Aerospace has deployed four ofits ex Republic of ‘Korea Ar Force (ROKAF) Hawk Mk 67s fo RAF Lakenheath In Sutfolt, UR. The four Hawke ~ comprising NSOSKX (amo), NSD.O0X(eamo),NSOBXX (rey) and NSTTAX (camo) rived at Lakenheat” at approximately 1200hrs (local {imo} on December 3 folowing an overnight stop at Glasgow Prestwick Arportin South Ayrshire, Scotland. The fourship fight arrived atthe Suaik base using the Callsigns ‘HARBINGER 11-14. The Hawks will remain at [RAF Lakenheath for an undiscloued period of time and ‘si possibly be moved to Aviano Air ase in northeastern Iain the near future. The US-based RAVN Aerospace ‘san advorsary ar (ADAIR) traning company that Ieadauartered at Quincy Rogional Airprt in Minis 2022, tho firm was contracted to provide ADAIR training Tor US Air Forces In Europe and Air Forces Africa (USAFE ‘AFAFRICA) and NATO forces Jay Carter Ema renews tan tear Sat ing news stores reesmonthycom ‘Greyhawks’ carry out last Greyhound flight INSTRUCTORS ASSIGNED tothe US Navy's Arboe ‘Command and Control ‘Squadron 120 (VAW- 120) ‘Greyhawks' carted ‘out the unit’ inal C-28 Greyhound fight fom NAS Norfolk's Chamioers Field in Virginia on October 30. ‘Accompanied by examples fof the E-26 Hawkeye and E-20 Advanced Hawkeye, the C-2A ~ which is being phased out ofits carrer ‘onboard delivery (COD) ‘ale after more than 60 years of operations ~ flew ‘around the Virginia Capes, (Cape Hatteras and the Cuter Banks of North Grumman C-28 Greyhound (162155/AD-696) of the US Navy's VAW-120 ‘Greyhawks" is accompanied by both an E-2C and Carolina Defore vetuming £20 during its inal fight over the Wright Brothars First Fight Memorial in Kil Del Hills, Nort Caraina, on October 30, Rae ee yayy. US NavylAreren Survival Equipmentman 2nd Gass Pichard Waren 120 had previously been the unt wil no longer be September 2023, when __— the C-2Ns FRS detachments as the tasked as the US Navy's responsible for training the lat two students lust leaves the US Navy's service's sole Greyhound Feet Replacement Cras forthe COD role, completed thal instruction Fleet Logistics Support unit and is scheduled to| ‘Squadron (FRS) for both Greyhound taining with VAW-120. The ‘Squadron 40 (VRC-#0) conclude operations in the C-2A and E-2C/D, but formally concluded inate standing down of VAW- _Rawhides'andits carrier 2026. Tom Kaminski _ ee ee ee eas fornia: A dian n Hornet fleet suffers instructor shortage, VRSCA pete CF 109 Home! (10852059 les over mans during» mision froma Kopsnceons Ar Soro i support of persion ReseuonceCaracs’s Deere fat senreestverctoe recetesh Oonrsfand cen ureve 2p Sontanser 28 202! Canaion ke fessor ave) Pipe ‘AREPORT by the legacy Hornet fleet ‘Aerospace Defense and retirement rates to remain operational Uk-based think tank, ‘comprises the survivors Command (NORAD). ‘among experienced until 2082. The ROAF RUSI- commissioned _of the 98 single-seat These 6 fighters went instructor pilots and is due to receive an by the Canadian (CF-188As and 40 dual- through the Hornet qualified weapons intial four F-85AS in Department of National seat CF-1888s that were Extension Project (HEP) instructors were 2028, followed by a Defence (OND) ~has ‘acquired in the early Upgrade to maintain judged to have been further six in 2027 and bboen leaked to The Globe 1960s, along with the 12 interoperability with alles “unsustainably high 2028, respectively. The ‘and Mail newspaper. single-seat F/A-18As and and to mest aviation for years, and in such remainder wil flow revealed that report six two-seat F/A-8Bs regulatory requirements. a smal fighter force, by 2032. However ‘author Professor Justin that were purchased The RUSI report noted have now become an _—_‘The Globe and Mail Bronk had assessed that second-hand from that the RCAF's fighter immediate threat tots questioned whether Canada’s CF-1884/8 ‘Australia from 2078, force was also "suffering viabilty". The report “there willbe insufficient Hornat fleet may be Some 36 of the RCAF's from low morale, high sald urgent action must experienced pilots to Unable to meet its CF-188A/Bs are ited rates of departure among be taken now if the effectively transition ‘commitments, judging with AN/APG-7av(4) instructor plots anda decline isnot to become the force onto the F-35 that twas “aot credible active electronically shortage of maintenance irreversible. while maintaining any in a NATO context scanned array (AESA) technicians", which Canada's long ‘meaningful combat ‘against mary of the radars, and these further impedes the air delayed procurement capabilities in the higher-end mission sets’. shoulder the burden of force's ability to mest. of BB F-98A Lightning remaining two CF-188 The Royal Canadian Ar Canada's commitment its defence obligations. lls means some of the HEP Il squadrons out to Force!s (RCAF's) ageing tothe Neth American In particular, resignation Hornets areexpected 2032" rer Key Aero January 2026 // 47 North America Raider soars into US skies ‘The USAF's first B-21 Raider (AF-ODOIIED ‘Cerborus) soars into American skies fr the frst time a it gets airborne {or ts frst Might rom Air Force Plant 42 n Palm, California, on November 10 Arrow Kare! ‘THE USAF and Northrop Grumman Ccolebrated achieving ‘2 major milestone in the development and testing of the 8-21 Raider on November 10, when the air arm's naw, highiy anteipated sith ‘generation stealth bomber which wil evertualy replace both the 8-18 ang B-2A fleets ~ took to US ‘kias forthe fist time. Using the callsign ‘Raider 29, the USAF's fist B-21 (AF-0001/ ED ‘Cerberus! took off from Air Force Plant, 42, classified aircraft manufacturing faclty near Paimdale in Calforia, at approximately 0650hrs (local tne). The fight {gave the world its fst Unscripted glimpse of the new stealth bomber, whieh due to the secretive ature of the Long-Range Strike Bomber (LRS-8) programme, has largely been kept behind closed doors sine it was publicly announced on December 2, 2022 ‘Commenting on this milestone fight, USAF spokesperson Ann Stefanek told AFM: “The 18-21 Rader isin fight testing. Flight testing is a ortcal step in the test Campaign managed by the Air Force Test Center and 412th Test Wing's B-21 Combined Test Force to provide survivable, long-range, penetrating strike capabilities to deter aggression and strategic attacks against the US, allies, and partners.” She ‘added that 8-21 flght ‘als would encompass ‘round and taxi testing, along with tying operations. As i relatively common {or inital fight, the Raider ‘departed Air Force Piant -42:whie towing an orange ‘aidata traling cone fon along wire, which is used to acauire static air measurements that are undisturbed by the aircraft ‘Another notable piece of test equipment that was fitted tothe lower frontett fuselage was along fight test ar data probe, which is excl for gathering precise information on intial fight test activites. “The airrat landed at nearby Edwards AFB = nence why it carieg the ED’ code - after ‘completing its historic fone and a half hour fight land where it wl join the “412! Test Wing's 420th Flight Test Squadron. The ‘completion ofthe maiden fight comes shortly after the Raider was spotted ‘conducting ground taxi tess outside lis hangar on (October 26. At present, just fone 6-21 has been pubily rolled out, but a further five testbeds are known tobe in varous stages of production/testing at Air Force Plant 42. Edwards welcomes Red Hawk ‘THE USAF's first T-7A Fed Hawk arrived at awards AFB, California, ‘on November 8, marking ‘milestone that formally kicks off the ai arm's dovelopmenta fight test programme for the new ‘advanced jet trainer Known as APT-2, this iil T-7A (21- 7002) was the fst of five production- representative aircraft to bbe completed and was accepted by the USAF at Bocing's St Louis Lambert International ‘Alrpor facility in Missouri, ‘on September 15. Flown by a joint Boeing! USAF altcrow, the T-7A rived at Edwards ator ‘completing a 2,253km ferry ight, which began ‘on November 6 and involved stops at Vance ‘AFB, Oklahoma, Kirtland ‘AFB, New Mexico, and Luke AFB, Arizona Evaluations at Edvard will be conducted by Boving/USAF personnel fom the T-7A Integrated Test Foree - which is part ‘ofthe larger Airpower Foundations Combined Test Foree at Edwards and led by the 412th Test Wing's 416th Flight Test ‘Squadron, The platform will initally undergo ‘envelope expansion testing before progressing Into mission system tests. Development ofthe Red Hawk began in 2018, when the USAF awardes Booing £289.2bn contract for 351 T-7As, along with 46, ‘simulators and associated ‘support equipment. ‘The T7 programme has experienced several delays ‘caused by issues with its escape system and fight Ccontral software that were ciscovered during earler testing. Although it was originally scheduled to achieve Initial Operational CCapabiity in 2024, the type will now ikely meet that milestone in Spring 2027. In related news, 2 USAF official revealed that the service is actively considering the development of an armed variant ofthe T-74 — which could potentially replace some of is older F608 ~ and plans to roloase a Request for Information that wil cutie its requirements to industry. The service has not yet discussed ‘developing the aircraft (which has been dubbed the F-7) with Boeing. The plans were revealed at the International Fighter Conference in Machi, ‘Spain, While the -7A. is boing developed ana bult by Booing and its partner, Saab, the design features an open architecture that could alow other contractors to integrate weapons and new technologies with the ‘cra, Tom Kaminski Third F-15EX takes flight BOEING COMPLETED ‘the first fight ofthe third F-15EX Eagle Il forthe USAF on October 27, some ten wooks after the nev fighter was rolled off the assembly line. That day, two sorties were flown from the fms faclity t St Louis Lambert International Airport in St Loui, Missour, The third F-ISEX 0 (0003) isthe first to be built in the type's final ‘operational configuration ‘and has been fitted with the AN/ALO-250 Eagle Passive Warring Survivability System (EPAWSS) an electronic \warfare/eurvallance system developed by BAE Systems, This latest aircraft was expected 10 be delivered by the end ‘of November, nearly a year lator than was italy planned as Booing was ‘originally scheduled to start delivering the frst fof ix Lot 1 F-15EXs in December 2022. This deacine was missea ater the holes required to install the cockpit ‘canopy were mis-driled (on four aircraft due to a faulty tool. Following @ redesign of the F-15EX's forward fuselage, Boeing relocated assembly work to St Louis from South Korea. A revised date for the delivery ofthe this F-15EX to the USAF was ‘als0 missed in July 2028, Production ofthe fourth F-A5EX (likly to be 20-0004) is said to be ‘complete, andit will be livered to the USAF ‘000 aftr the third ‘example, The fith and sixth Eagle Is re now Undergoing final assernbly and are expected to be on the ramp ina few weeks, ‘These four Lot 1B aireratt are due to go to Eglin AFB in Florida for operational testing purposes. The final two Lot 18 F-15EXs will be the first ‘combat. coded aircraft and are expected to be finished during 1 2024 ‘These aireatt may go to the type's Formal Training Unit (FTU) now expected tobe an existing F-1SE FTU at Seymour Johnson ‘AFB in North Caralina = orto the Oregon AANG's 42nd Wing at Portland ANGB, which is scheduled to become the first operational F-15EX unit in FY25. THE USMC moves another step closer to [hasing out its legacy Home fleet on November 9, when Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 115, (VMFA-115)'Siver Eagles’ was deactivated at MCAS Beaufort, South Carolina. The unt had flown the FA-18C/D as ‘component of the Sra Marine Aieratt Wing's Marine Aterat Group 31 Based at Beaufort since July 1977, VMFA-TS ‘concluded ite final Unit Deployment Program tour at MCAS lwakuni ‘Japan, on September 28, 2028. The unit wil reactivate as an F-35C ‘squadron at MCAS CCherry Point, North aratna, in FY25. The deactivation ofthe ‘Siver Eagles’ leaves just wo legacy Herat squadrons at Beaufort: VMFA-312 “Checkerboard? and \YMFAAW)-224 ‘lying Bengals’. Tom Kaminski mBOMBARDIER DEFENSE has recently dalivered another E-11 Battlefield Airborne ‘Communications Node (BACN) to the USAF, Increasing the number of airframes delivered to date to seven. The Global (6500-based aircraft was, delivered as part ofa ‘$405m five-year contract ‘that was awarded to Bombardier subsiiar, Learjet, in 2021. This deal gives the USAF the option to annually procure additional E-t1s until 2028. The first four Ets are ‘operated by the 430th Expeditionary Electronic ‘Communications Sqn (EECS) "Black Wolves’ at Prince Suttan AB, Saudi Arabia. A fith E-118 (11- 9958) was lot ina fatal ‘accident in Aighanistan In 2020, Two new E-118, {are now operated by the ‘ath Airborne Command ‘and Control Sqn (ACCS), ‘which was activated at Robins AFB, Georgia, on February 10, 2028 THE US Navy has: cleared its frontine FIA 1BE/F Super Hornet feet to carry Raytheon's (GBU-58/8 StormBreaker, formally row as the ‘Small Diameter Bomb Increment il (SOB 1), ‘operationally. The SDB, 11 was initially felded on USAF F-16ES, but will also be compatible with the F-16C/D and F-35 family. North America ‘The 250 air-launched, precision-guided glide bomb achieved early operational capability vith the Super Hornet in October. tis the first naval aircraft to be cleared to deliver ‘StormBreaker, which provides the mult-rlo fighter with an abiity to prosecute stand-off attacks against fixed and moving targets in eC ed ey a ec eee Pre ar eeney Pereira eet ered Omega KDC-10 refuels F-16s THE USAF recently conducted the fst ‘commercial a-to-ai refueling of F-16C Fighting Falcon fighters while supporting a deployment, This proof-of-concept demonstration was carried fut on November 6, when commercially operated KOC-10 tanker operated by Omega Air Tanker reluelled F-16Cs assigned to the Sist Fighter Wing's 36th Fighter Squadron “Flying Fiends’ that were deploying from Osan Ar Base, South Korea, to Paya Lebar Air Base, Singapore, for Exercise Commando Sting 2023, a training event sponsored by the USAF's Pacific Ar Forces (PACAF) ‘command. In aditon to refueling the fighters, the KOC-10 carried 40 airmen and four pallets of cargo. The tanker - N264DE, formerly registered as one of two thet Omege soqued second-hand from the Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) folowing the type's retirement from Dutch service. The second KOC-10 (N29SUL) was previously registered as 7-235, ‘The USAF had previously conducted trials between a commercially opecated ‘ow operated by Omege Air Refueling, his adverse weather and co-ordinates mid-tight ‘dynamic scenavios. t via two-way datalink fe Eee, 112k against fixed permits airborne or targets and 72km ‘ground controllers to ‘against moving targets. send in-ight target StormBreaker features updates to the weapon a triemode seeker ‘The GBU-53/B wil that employs infrared now undergo two land millimetre wave ‘addtional operational Fadar to 8 through test missions before fog, smoke and rain, achieving intial Additionally, tcan ‘operational capability in receive updated target 2024. Tom Kaminski KO-95R tankeranda 2020, While the US Navy USAF E-3 Sentry 52nd and USMC have uiised ‘Ae Control Wing) and ‘commercial tankers to RC-135 Rivet Joint (5th support deployments for Wing), These evolutions some ime, the USAF has. were cared out by not previously used the Metrea Strategic Mobilty _capabilty. The service has uring Exercise Resolute begun evaluating the use of Hunter 20-2 in June 2023. commercial tanker eupport Metrea had acquired in order to free up its on four KC-135Rs that were arto-ar refueling assets previously operated by to carry out operational the RSAF in October missions, Tom Kamingki - Se LRNLAF KDC-10 conducted operations with USAF F-16Gs from the Stst FW's 26th FS Flying Flends' over the Pacific Ocean on November 6 USAF Super Hornets cleared to use StormBreaker [ETC THE GEORGIA ANG's 116th A Control Wing (AOW) and the USAF's 4Bist ACW bade farewell to the E-8C Joint STARS ata sunset ceremony at Fobins AFB, Georgia, on Nowember 4. In advance ofthe ceremony, the wing's sole remaining E-8C (02-911178A) Carried out its final fight around the base. Continuously deployed since 2002, the E-8C fleet has flown 14,259 operational sorties, totaling 141,169 hours in support of every ‘combatant command, Tom Kaminski BOEING RECENTLY dolivored a further four KO-46A Pegasus tankers to the USAF from the firm's production faciity at King County International Aiport (aka Boeing File, Seatte. On otober 20, the 15th and 16h KO-46As (20-46079 and 20-46082)arived at Joint Base McGuire- Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey, where they wil be ‘operated by the 205th Air Mobility Wing (AMW). The same day, the 60th AMW at Travis AFB, California, Feceived it third Pegasus (@1-46085). On November 46, the 60%n AMW's fourth KO-a6A (21-16084) arrived at Travis, ‘m SLOVAK PILOTS wil train to fly the F86C/D Block 70 Fighting Falcon with the Arizona, AANG's 162nd Wing st Morris ANGB in Tucson, Arizona, the USAF revealed on November 48, Four Siovak F-16C/ Ds are expected to rive at Morris ANGE, In Spring 2024 and ‘wil remain unt 2026, Slovakia’ frst F160 Block 70 was unveiled at Lockneed Martin's facility in Greenville, South Carolina, on September 7, 2028, betore ‘completing its maiden fight later that month. Slovakia has ordered 14 F-18070 Block 70s, ‘Tom Kaminski Latin America Brazil welcomes fifth modernised E-99M ety eee peer t ar Bre’ cee ae Porn 23, en ee re perenne erect ety peers ee ee te) et rs utes, rere Set en ee ee ane! Seen meee ay ee rng eer ene! eens errs Pees ree eeetel FOC . ‘already ‘livered E-S0Ms willbe brought fo this same standard Embraer Defense & Secunty unseat 1 wor Key. Aero fo banking news stores Enna rows toa a eatoreairtrcesmonthy com Over Intemet Protocol VoIP) technology: and seers reer eis function adapted to a era en aes eet eet operational capability een oes Chieftain joins Antigua and Barbuda Air Wing IN THE second year of its existonce, the Air Wing of the Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force (ABOF) accepted delivery of ts second aircraft on October 10. The aircraft, a Piper PA-31-360 Navajo Chieftain, has been registred as ABDF-A2 and is generally known as Alpha Il. This delivery comes more than a year ater the Air Wing ofthe ABDF welcomed its first craft ~a Britton-Norman BN-2 Islander (ABDF-At ‘Alpha I~ at the end of February 2022, when it was revealed atthe wing's home base at VC Bird International Airport in St ‘John’s, the capital city of ‘Antigua and Barbuda, ‘The new PA-31-950 wil rescue (SAR) operations be responsible for medical The wing's two airratt ‘evacuation (MEDEVAC), will also be offered to transport, humanitarian the other member states asistance/dicaster ree! of the Regional Security (HAIDA) and search-and- System (RSS) - Barbados, een Peer era Dominica, Grenada, Stkitts and Nevis, St Luca, St Vincent and the Grenadines and Guyana — as needed, ‘Santiago Ri Hirata retriever reer eyo rere eed eee eee eee Boas ‘TEXTRON AVIATION announced on| November 7 that it has been awarded ‘contract worth Lup to $100m- for the procurement of alrcraft over a five-year period by the US Army Contracting Command at Redstone Arsenal In Alabama, This intial ‘uard covers tres King Air S60ERs, two fof whioh are destined to join the Peruvian Navy, while the third will be delivered to the Ecuadorian Navy. These aiccrat wll be Configured for maritime patrol operations, ‘enabling both nations to bolster the sovereignty and security of their ‘exclusive economic zones (EEZs). A delivery Schedule was not discloses, PERU'S PRESIDENT Dina Boluarte reported fon November 15 that progress will be made in the acquisition of two adaitional Boeing 737s for the Peruvian Ar Force. The decision was justified due to the difficulties faced in repatriating Peruvian ciizens following the start ofthe Israel- Hamas War on October 7.The airerat are likly to be -600NG ‘or TOONGs, operated by the 8th Air Group Santiago Rivas THE ECUADORIAN MOD recently announced that it ie close to finalising {8 deal reportedly worth '$00m with Aitbus for five second-hand Super Puma helicopters to ‘equip the Ecuadorian ‘Army. The aircratt wil bbe purchased directly from Airbus, which wil recondition them bafore handing them over ‘The Super Pumas are expected to join the army's now-reduced 'AS3328 Super Puma, ‘SA-230C Puma and METI Hip-H flets inthe tactical transport role. Africa Nigeria receives first T129 ATAK gunships MEX=a THE FIRST two T129 helicopters acquired for national markings applied 2024. It has been reported sf THE NIGERIAN Air ATAK helicopters for the the [NAF]," Three days to the gunships comprised that a follow-up order of Force (NAF) has received Nigerian Air Force (NAF) later the rst pair were asmaligreen and white another sixhelicopters _at least one of two arrived in country viaa delivered. The twomen roundel and a rectangular may be placed. Nigeria's King Air 360ER aircraft Turkish Air Force-operated were photographed infin flash in the same ‘7129s willbe operated by marking a significant step [AAOOM Atlas tactical front ofthe fst pair of colours. the NAF's 115th Special forward in the air arm's transport on November 1. Nigerian T1298 one of These helicopters were Operations Group at efforts to enhance ts ISR Air Core Edward which wore the serial the frst two of six T129 NAF Base Port Harcourt. capabilites, Delivered to Gabkwet, the NAPS INAFS00. Both craft _ATAKS for the NAF, Nigeria italy signed athe NAF on November Director of Pubic Were painted in overall with two more set tobe contract for six T129 ATAK 15, the aircraft (NAFZOS) lations and Information, olive drab, rather than the delivered before the end gunships from Turkish along with is sistor- sald that the NAF's three-tone camouflage of 2028 and the remainder Aerospace Indusries ship — wil evertualy be Chiat of the Air Statt, Air favoured by Turkey. The due to follow before G2 (TUSAS) in 2021 Converted toa special "to faclitate the speedy Nigeria as ae T129 ATAKs on ord, two of which have been delivered with further pair set with maintaining the LET, GRASSES AEN MA a ‘South Africa’s state- - lemo in on ae Armscor, has stuggied mmission configuration to carry out ts intended ISR operations. The Contract forthe two King Air 3B0ERs is reportedly ‘worth N10.85bn($24.7m) and also encompasses related spare parts ‘and ground support equipment |THE END appears to be nigh for the South Arican Alr Force's (SAAF'9) C-87TP Turbo EMBRAER DEFENSE Waterkloof at 0730hrs 1969, respectvely-the purchase of the KC-990 isto secure a maintenance Security deployed (local time). According _airarmhas long sought feasible. Contract forthe feet ‘@KC-390 Millennium to a notice issued by the Despite tight budgets, since 2018, and the tanker‘transport to AFB South African National the South Atrcan future ofthe C-A77P isin Waterkiool in Pretoria, Defence Force (SANDF), government approved doubt due to its age and ‘South Arica, on Embraer was to display $50.6m service lle lack of support options. November 24 to conduct the KC-390's airto-air extension forsixofits ‘South Africa upgraded along:planned capablity refueling, humanitarian Seven C-130825.This $3.C-475 0. C-47TP- demonstration for the ald, ait, search wilextend the Hercules’ standard in the 1990s, South African AirForce _and-rescue and aerial servicelieand enance ts but ust five examples (SAAR) firefighting capabiitios. reliably, while increasing are thought to still be in “This comes after a ‘While the SAF has the numberof support operational service today. South Aitican delegation not pubic stated that ‘personnel. n August, INPRODUCTION ON, visited Braz in Apr ‘tis eyeing the KC-380C-3OBZs with retired Marshall Aerospace the fst of 24 AH-64E 2028, during which ‘asa replacement for ‘e@cUSAF C-190Hs, though and Defence Group Apache Guardians for plans were made to Its ageing C-47TP and ‘announced ithad secured the Royal Moroccan Air bring a KC-S00 to South C1908 fleets - which ‘contract to service and Force has commenced Arica. The aircraft entered operational perform modiications.on at Booing’s facity in (PT-ZNG) arrived at AFB service in 1943 and the C-13082 feet. Mesa, Arizona, the frm revealed on November 418. The US approved the possible Foreign Miltary Salo of up to 36 AH-64Es te Morocco in November 2019 and in June 2020, Booing was awarded a $438.1m contract ‘modification to buld 24 [AH-64Es for Morocco, Deliveries are scheduled oo - to begin in 2028 0-390 Milennium (PT-ZNG) at AFB Watorklof in Pretoria, South Africa, aftr arriving on November 24 SANDF NEW WEEKLY USMC F-35. PTS Tay weety Embraer crossover jet sees zona USMC VMFAT-101 deacthate Plus much more! Examining the RAFS training chaos Cost effective ways to the cockpit Rethink for Connecticut Het Plus much more! Greyhound withdrawal commence Fes forthe fst time FREE P&P* when you order online at... (Monday to Friday Sam-5.30pm GMT) Also available from W.H Smith and all leading newsagents. Or download from or your native app store “Free 2nd lass PP on cll UK& BFPO orders, Overseas charges apply ‘The Pakistan Air Force unveiied the Chengdu F-7C publi forthe first ime at this year’s Dubai show. It comes nearly two years ator the fst example carried ‘ut inal taxi trials on ‘January 1, 2022, at PAC Kamra, where they are bult. They are now being eivered to 16 Sqn Black Panthers’ at PAF Base Minhas, whie a second ‘squadron wil stand up soon, With al he new ‘yetems and weapon that are being added, te ‘new Block Il elevates the Pak-Sino-cesigned jet into a new sphere The biggest upgrade ‘the Nanjing KLITA Dubai Airshow 2023 JF-17C makes public debut ‘airborne electronically ‘scanned array radar, which comes with a new avionics suite that includes a wide angle heads up display inthe cockpit and a new Chinese helmet mounted display sight. For selt-protection there is algo an embedced Chinese electronic ‘countermeasures system, “The integrated Klimov RD-83MA powerplant wal provide an extra 5,00010 ofthrust, as well as ‘eliminate the biack smoke that often appears when the jet accelerates in the ac The new engine wil ‘also alow an additonal half an-hour on station Another area where the JF-7C has seen considerable ‘enhancements the weapons load, withthe Increase to four weapons Stations under each wing, two of them courtesy of atwin-ack. There is an ‘adctional station under the central fuselage and a Cchin-mountes hard point that was housing the Turkish Aselsan Aselpod targeting pod at the show. “Then there are the naw weapons, with the PLA Figh-bore of-sight mssilo integrated into the new Chinese HID to augment the existing PL-SEIl There fare also suggestions that the highly capable PLASE BVRAAM will be integrated withthe PAF's J-100s, With @ ange of up to 150kms, It works within the range of the KLI-TA radar. Thase missiles ensure a huge leap in the JF-170's prowess, effectively sideining the current SD-10A as the PAF's primary BVA missile. Included among the array of weapons on display withthe static display aircraft at Dubai was an indigenous Al Batar laser quided bomb kitthat can convert '5001b/100016/2000Ib ‘bombs into smart weapons. with a 30 JF-17 Block Ills set to be finished soon, attention will hit to the upgrading ofthe 50 Block Ils with new avionies, but the 50 Block Is will remain as they are. A ‘new indigenous data- link known 98 Link 17, designed by PAC. Kamia’s Avionics Production Factory, is bing implemented into the PAF's combat fleets This led one PAF pilot to tall AirForces Monthy: “The F-16 Block 52's ancient compared to the ‘avionics on the JF-17 row. We know because we fly them both Quite a boast! SPATE 22308 of 16 San ‘Bick Panthors’ 9s the puble debut of 2 Block I Thunder. Two Block ls wee inoue in the Myng splay on most days ofthis oars Dubai Airshow Alan ismee UAE confirms L-15 deal ‘A Hongda 1-18 demonstrator on stati display, looking very Bean in this vere. The UAE's {166 are expected fo be delvered wit ato-air refueling probes ‘The United Arab Emirates’ MOD announced on November 13 that a $442m ‘contract had been signed with the China National ‘Aoro-Technology import ‘and Export Corporation (CATIC) forthe purchase of airshow aircratt, ‘and accessories, That translates into 12 Hongda LAB Falcons to replace the Leonardo MBIS9NATS fof the Emarat A Fursan {A aerobatics team. There has been a suggestion thatthe frst airraft nad been handed aver in China recently, but no one atthe press conference would ‘confirm this, There were two L188 atthe airshow, ‘one in the static display ‘and the otherin the fying display, which were both demonstrators, Itis unclear when the aircratt will start tying with Al Fursan. A turther 36 L-5 Falcons are on option to be split ‘equally between advanced flying training and light attack. Parked next to the aircraftin the static display was the Leinua Electronic Technology esearch Institute (LETRI) [AESA radar known as the LKFEOTE, CATIC throw its \welght behind this option, Claiming it was the fst ai-cooling radar when the Pakistan Air Force was looking at an AESA radar although Pakistan eventually opted for the KLIZA. unseat wor Key Aero fo banking news stores sri namo ectoreairforzesmanthiy com UAE looks at Korean options ‘Two helicopters from supporting UAE's Calidus The second helicopter Korea and the UAE strategic alrifter, UAE Korean Aerospace: inthe production of both was a light attack signed a memorandum works well with South Industries were making weapons. According to helicopter (LAH) based on of understanding fora Korea and China, wiio theirdebuts at Dubai a KAI spokesperson, ‘another Airous Helicopters strategic defence industry both understand the need ‘Airshow. One was a Tawazun and KAI are product, the H155 co-operation in February to offer what the customer maritime version of the exploring and negotiating Dauphin, The one at Dubai that inclides KA'e new wants rather than tll KUH-E utility helicopter, on @ KUH-IE deal that was the second prototype, fith-generation KF-21__ them what they can or based on the Airbus AS could lead to acontract. fitted with test equipment. Boramee fighter and MCX can't have. 332 Super Puma, wearing ‘serial *KUHE0O1" on both sides, thie an export version of Korea's KUH-1 Surion helicopter. ‘Glearty the maritime KUH-E is a new product ‘and was seen fitted with dummy missies, Doth of UAE design, The 140mm Alheda missile has a range of 1okm and is for use against fixed {and moving targets, ‘while the 70mm LOGIR missile is capable of “engaging asymmetric threats on land and ‘sea based on Imaging ee IR seeker" according a martime verso of KUN. Surin tty heleopter mason of two haleopters brought by Keren Aerespace Industes 0 toTawazun, whichis theshow, he ober waste LAH attack Rooper ale) 8-1-7220 Kuwaiti Typhoon unveiled on display Pe lm Bie eee ar ee ee eer After along delay ‘options for a light attack : eee sulting from aredesign, version. Dalvery ofthe Y Sniper the Unitad Arab Emirates’ fst tothe UAEAF&AD Calidus snow producing is expected in March the first serial production 2024. Both ofthe 8250 18250, which made its prototypes were present but in the static dsplay atthe show, 980 in a Peet atthe company’s chalet. orange and white scheme UGE SU panes Siting next to was parkod in the static srporate the new EDGE A-Tariq precision display, while 963, which Quiced munition with a will serve as the B250T ero 50016 Mk 82 bomb and basi trainer, flew in Pear art ‘Thunder P32 guidance the fying display ina kit, which could be Calidus Grey scheme, Perret eed ‘Six years after launching the B250 at Dubai 2017, Cais ie showing off the fis serial production BQSOLA Bight attack ‘erat Alan Wares ect tars carries Middle East Israel scores first F-35 cruise 4 | . AN ISRAELI Air Force m I SSI e I (UAF)-operated F-35I Adie (Mighty One) has been crested with scoring the ‘An 351 Adi (927) rom the IAF's No 140 ‘The Golden _tyPe' ist known ai-o- ‘Eagle’ Squecron oushes down ater competing air kill against a cruise ‘mission during Exerise Blue Flag 2019/AFIAm! Agropov missile on October 31, probabiy using an AIM-OX Sidowindar short-range air-to-air missile to achieve this fet. — See The Israeli Defense Force publicly announced on November 2 that the F-351 had shot down a cruise missile that was believed to have been launched at Israel by iranian-backed Houthi militia fighters in Yomen, The Houthis have access to a range ‘of Iranian-suppied long range weapons, including ‘Quds and Hoveyzeh cruise missiles ~ the latter being ‘a derivative of the Russian K-55 (AS-19 Kent-O) [None ofthe known weapons were previously believed to have the range to reach northern Savi Arabia, let alone Israel - a distance of ‘approximately #,600km (994 miles), though the Houthis have dropped hints about targeting the Shimon Peres Negev Nuclear Research Center in Dimona, Israel, ang the wreckage of a Hout (Quds cruise missile was recovered in the southern region of Mudawwara in Ma‘an, Jordan ~ some 4,500km (882 miles) away from Yemen. The APs F-25i fleet ‘made its operational debut in May 2078, and in 2021 the type scored its first ar ‘combat successes against at least tw Iranian drones, ‘This was the fist ime that ‘any F-95 had scored a ‘confirmed victory against ‘an aicnorne missile target. AC-130J strikes militants in Iraq [AUSAF AC-1304 have come under attack in the area conducted a Ghostrider fixed-wing from militia groups in raq__ self-defence strike against ‘gunship was.caled in and Syria since October amilia vehicle and a tohit an ranian-backed 17. The missile attack numberof Iranian-backed militant group after they resulted in minor injuries mila personnel involved fired a balistic missile to coalition personnel and _ inthis attack. This sef= at American forces at _tnited damage to the _efence strike resulted in AlAcad AirBase in base, ‘some hostile fatalities,” Iraq, the Pentagon has Pentagon deputy press The Pentagon reported reported, secretary Sabrina Singh that the AC-190J was able ‘The incident on said: “immediately to mount a rapid response November 20 was the following the attack, a US because it was in the air at 66th time US forces military AC-130 aircraft the time ofthe attack and its crew had spotted the attackers and monitored their movements. Since the start ofthese attacks in October, the US has. carried out three other airstrikes, but these ‘were pre-planned and targeted specific facies ‘and infrastructure known, 10 be used by mitias affliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. “These groups have targeted our forces [in] bboth Iraq and Sy ‘Singh said. "We fee right ‘now that wo've taken ‘appropriate action to decimate some oftheir faciities and weapons. We always reserve the right to respond at a time and place of our choosing” Qatari Typhoon deliveries half done ‘further two Eurofightor Typhoon mutrole Iightere wore dolvered to the Gatar Emin Air Force (GEAR) in November Qasra/zRst and Qaate/2nst? departed BAE systems’ Warton Tacitty mn Lancashire, Uk, on November 6 and ‘wore town to Gator via IManching Germany, ‘Barn aly and Heratiion In Grete. This comes just ‘one month after SAE ‘Systome roveaied it had reached ine haltway point in its delivery of 24 ‘Typhoons, comprising 20 Singleseet and four dua! Seat airrames, to the GEAR Poor Foster ing news stores reesmonthy com es Australasia re ae co © 15720, Australia’s first Triton gets airborne | CR eae ge gee ig ee eee a ae ee PC eae aa NC care a eee Tee an ae et ee a ar ee fee ce eae ee te ea ae en aoe ee ey Ea sai a oe en eae eee Aa erie ererar ara ene reat eke ee RAAF F-35A crews enhance SDB skills ‘The Royal Australian 78.and 77 Squadron ‘According to Sqn Lér crews came together, Lt Jacob Newson, an Ar Force's RAAF's) No operate together in Mark Moh-Bell, the ‘operating the larger fleet armament officer from 77 Squadron recently _ airspace over the Northem Executive Officer of No under asingle command No 75 Squadron, said deployed eight F-35As and Territory and Westem 75 Squadron, this year’s structure, "AS an organisation, our Te personnel rom RAAF Austalla, with the fighters edition of the Aznhem Uniquely this year’s understanding of some Base Wiliamtown, New operating from various Thunder series enabled __eition of the exercise __of the F-35A weapon South Wales, to RAAF locations, including the two F-35A units to involved the employment systems is stil immature Base Tindal in Austral’ RAAF Bases Darwin and conduct large-orce (of Small Diameter and requires activities Norther Tertory to Tindal, the Delamere Air employment operations Bomb (SDB) gle test__ke this, supported by ‘rain alongside felow Weapons Range and over the Northern vehicles to messure the an extensive network Lightning Il operator, No 7S Kununurra Aiport. The Terttory’s vast taining fight characteristics of of stakeholders. ‘Squadron, during Exercise Arnhem Thunder-series _ranges."During Arnhem guided munitions, The ‘These weapons are a ‘Arnhem Thunder 23, (of domestic training Thunder, F-35A aircrew opportunity for aifground key capability forthe The annually held multi- exercisesis designed to integrated seamlessly crews to test and review _F-35 and i's vital that ‘squadron exercise, which enhance the capablity into high-end Offensive their understanding fur ‘gunnies’ get as was held from October and interoperabilty Counter-Airtactics, while of using SOBs was a many opportunitias to 30 to November 8, saw between the RAAF's Air maintenance, armament, _particularhighlight of _—_familarse themselves as F-35As rom both No Combat Group squadrons. logistics and support this year's event. Fit possible THE ROYAL New Blenheim forthe last Since NZ7004/04 entered Herzegovina, East Timor, ust nine months after Zealand Air Force time, bringing to an end operational service with raqaand the Solomon New Zealand retired its RNZAF) formally retired its 55-year career with the RNZAF in 1968, the Islands. Italso cared ‘fist legacy Hercules its second C-180H(NZ) New Zealand's military. aierafthas flown ait out anumber of fights (NZ7009/03) in February Hercules (N27004/04) Starting from the home missions in saveral to scientific outposts in The RNZAF is curently {rom operational use on of No 40 Squadron at _—_ifferent countries, such as Antarctica. The retirement preparing to receive its fst November 27, leaving just RNZAF Base Auckland, Afghanistan, Bosnia and of this aircraft came. (of fve C-190-908 in 2028 three examples of the the aircraft performed legacy tactical transport farewell fypasts over inservice with No 40 Hamilton, New Plymouth, Squadron. COhakea, Masterton and The C-130H(NZ) was Wellington before landing officiaty withdrawn from at Wooabourne for the ‘active service after it fnal time, New Zealana's ‘completed a final fight capital city, Welington ~ ‘serose New Zealand located in the southern = which was the most end of the North Island — ‘racked fight by ary marked the southernmost aircraft on Fightradar24 point ofthe final fight as that day - with the the arcrat's remaining airifter landing at RNZAF fight hours did not permit ¢-450H(NzZ) Hercules (§NZ7004/04) 1s refueled at RNZAF Base Auckland forthe final time Base Woodbourne in tt fh further south, Before departing on ts forerll ight FNZA vera Key. Aero January 2024 1/27 _ NEWs!| Asia-Pacific Indian Navy Sea King trials NASM-SR missile 50a King Mk 428 (INS29/W/) from the Indian Navy's INAS 338 ‘flaming Arrows’ s seen carrying 2 NASM-SR anti-ship missle ‘during the weapon's secand light taal on Nevember 21 Iaian Navy IN PARTNERSHIP with India’s Defence Research and Development (Organisation (ORDO), the Incian Navy (IN) carried out guided fight trals ofits indigenously developed Naval Anti~ Ship Missile-Short ange (NASM-SR) on November 21, when the ‘weapon was fred from 2 Sea King Mk 428 ASW/ ‘ASUW helicopter fr the ‘second time, Taking to social media fo announce the ‘successtul completion ofthis latest test launch, the IN aie this tril marked “a significant step towards achieving self-reliance in niche missile technology, including] seeker and ‘guidance (technology) While also sharing images and video footage of the NASM- ‘SA being launched from Sea King Mk 428, (INS29/W) ~ operated by Indian Naval Air ‘Squadron (INAS) 836 “Flaming Arrows’ at INS Garuda in Kochi = over an undisclosed test range off the Indian coast The completion of this guides fight trial ‘comes more than a year after the NASM- SSR completed its inaugural test launch at the DRDO's integrated Test Range at Chandipur located off the coast (of Odisha - on May 18, 2022, win itwas fst launched from @ Sea King Mk 428, This intial test was success, With the munition alo demonstrating its sea skimming eapablity ~ where it approached its designated target at lust Sm above sea level This test also validated the munition’ accuracy, control, quidance and mission algorithms. Developed domestically as part ofa collaborative teffort between the IN ‘and DRDO, the NASM- SSR wil be Inc's frst Indigenous al-launched ‘anti-ship missile and is. signed to be launched from helicopters. While the munition is currently boing trialled by the IN's outgoing Sea King fleet, it wil eventually bbe equipped on the service's newly acquired IMH-60R Seahawk fleet. KAI plots KF-21’s first live-fire missile launch KOREA AEROSPACE Industries’ (KAS) KF-21 Boramae fighter wil be the fret non-West European platform to be intgrated vith MDA’ Meteor beyond-viual-ranga ato airmissile (BYRAAM), and a fist ve-re tet launch has been planned for early 2024. KAI has already Undertaken a Meteor release tral in March 2023 cropping an unpowered and inert data gathering round, which collected important parameters in support ofthe fst ve- fre test launch, KA and the Republic of Korea Ae Force (ROKAF) started working on an advanced, indigenous fighter concept in 2002. 4 technology maturation phase was completed in 2012, but there was then a four: ‘screenshot taken from vide ‘drop an unpowered, inert et year walt forthe project to {gain funding approval and South Korea's Dotenso ‘equisttion Program ‘Administration (DAPA) cid rot launch the Engineering and Manufacturing Development EMD) Phase + programme unti 206. The programme aims to delver an arto: footage released of the KF-21 Boramae's st Meteor rele Gathering round ofthe BVRAAM on March 28, 229 04° capable ‘Phase 1" KF-21 by 2028, wth an airto ground capabilty set to be delivered under Phase 2. The two-year EMD Phase 2 testing is scheduled to begin in 2026, A low-observable variant ofthe K-24 with intemal weapons bays and new surface treatments vill be developed under "Phase 3 rom 2028, Foreign partnars are being ‘sought for these next two ‘development phases. ‘The frst single-seat KF-21 test aircraft ‘completed its maiden flight on July 19, 2022, and al six fying prototypes (including a teal which sow the fighter pair of dual-seat aircrat) ‘were flown within 12 montha, Thrae ground: tet airframes were also ‘completed. KAI plans to start production of, ‘an initial atch of 40 KF-218 in 2024, and the first operational ROKAF ‘squadron will begin tying ‘air-to-air missions in 2026, Philippine FA-50s fly joint exercise vicncmn witht USAF F-15Cs eda ane tar teed eee eas A ee eae ure er Ey Pe ea ee eT ae Cena] mo aa ee eee eee een ter ee teat at Sr ee eS Senet ela Tt) See ne) areas erent eee ener eens) National Guard's (ANG's) over maritime rights and recently strengthened Li was areata re ee ee ae eo tc EE Se ee erent] Cee eee aceon Pe ae Corer o Sera Ce ene (PAF) toa free and open ish ee See ae ee eee me ee) Ts even ree eee als “the rules-based within he so-called iets pai ets eee Se esta arte eet ‘maintaining peace anc ary (cee Seen es prea eee’ During the exercise ee Peed nee South Korea’s ‘Code One’ visits Paris ‘South Korea's President Yoon Suk Yoo travelled to Pars to meet Fronch President Emmanuel Macron between November 29-28. Ho once again used ‘Code One: the Republic of Korea Air Force's (ROKAFs) sole Boeing 747-085 (22-001 fortis inp. The siyear-oldalreraft~ which few for the frst time on April 28, 2017 has been used by the ROKAP for presidental vanspert missions since 2021, when is canversion to 2 Boeing Businass Jet was completed I Hamburg, Germany. Sines tat tim, It has replaced ROKAP-opersted Boeing 747- 4B (10-001) that hed been leased {the 747-486 was parked at Paris-Ory International Airport. The aireraf also ferred the South Korean leader to London ‘nd Amsterdam during his vst to Europe n November and December Sabsk Taghvaes Department of National Defense announced ‘on October 17 that t will proceed with the ‘acquisition of three brand-new C-130)-30 Super Hercules transports to “greatly fenhance” the Philippine Al Force's PAF's) tactical ali capabilities The frst C-130u-30, i scheduled to be delivered tothe PAF in ‘July 2026, folowed by the second in October that year, and the third ‘and final airframe in ‘January 2027, Defence ‘observers state that the deal forthe three arraft is worth approximately PHP22.2bn ($398.7!) TAIWAN'S F-16 upgrade programme stepped closer to ‘completion on November 10, when F-16V (6691) performed the Republic ‘of China Air Force's (ROCAF') last single seat F-16 test flght atthe Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation's (AIDC's) Shalt facility at Taichung International Airport. The ‘upgrade programme is scheduled to conclude before the end of 2023, after the two remaining ‘ual-seat F-16s (6807 and 6805) completo their respective test tights land are redelvered to the ROCAF. Four more F163 wil complete their upgrade by the fend of January and are expected to be placed into long-term storage. THE INDONESIAN, ‘Al Force accepted the delivery of eight H225M Caracal transport helicopters from PT Dirgantara Indonesia (TDI on December 1. Thase helicopters (H-7207-H7-7214) jin x previously delivered H226H that are ready in service with 8 Skadron Usira (Air Squadron) at Bogor-Atang Senjaya Air Base, growing the TN! AU's H225M flat to 14. From the Editor PTA) At AirForces Monthly we are at the cutting edge of modern military aviation and every month we bring you the Pretec Each issue of the magazine is packed full of exclusive content and detailed briefings by our team of experts and. ‘our legion of correspondents from across the world. 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We also have an image movement of aeratt craw of anew type in ish Ar Corps and personnel never stops C295MPA ata new locaton for us, sat airbases across the UK-in_Benbecula inthe Outor Hebrides particular, Prestwickin Scotand, _Arraft rom Beigum, France and with a Bosing 707 anda BAe Hawk the USA round out our offerings M&.67, which arerare vistors this month ‘Saray 2086 ns mon i 28. PAF Moa on ‘C1907, 164600 of VA-82 ‘Nomads: ane of ony two ‘Stotched €-1307-90s nthe US Navy’ Inventory Jay Cartor Ben Stanley Hall showcases the rich diversity of airbase movements up and down the UK We welcame contributions from our readers across the UK and the rest ofthe world. f you photograph something that Is no nits usual locaton or you think could be of interest, please send your images, without watermarks, to using the heading Just passing through, with a short caption including as ‘much information as possible. am This Belgian Air Force NH Industries NH-SONFH, NO, soon avin at Norwich as ‘BAF7O1" on ‘Novombor 1. Tho aireraft started ts southbound track of the coast of Aberdeon, presume presumably operating Bolgian tigate BNS Lous Marie, which was operating Inthe aoa. ator doparted Norwich fr Kokaide AB oan knights trom the Arriving at Prestwick on December 3 wos this ox-ROKAF (67-509) BAe ‘Hawk 67, NEOSXAT'S08, operated by RAUN Aorospace. was one of four to amive trom Kee, lsiand, before transiting t9 RAF Lakenhooth the next ty Bi Bouck L’Amée do Phir of de "Espace ASSE2L1 Super Puma, 2260/F2 ‘F-RAFZ, departing Birmingham Arport on October 31 folowing a short gas ‘and go, bound for Eanburgh Ania Fogarty nu Log su ‘reaped by» Hangar Rr ore roan’ ovr te atc Sa 070 two, oy 74 ‘ive oth trom the naval ath SAP based at Chenyakhovs, Kaliningrad Oblast Hungarian Ar Force ‘su-27P ain 9 rec RF-22749' ofthe naval oath AP at Chialovskis one of hand of ‘orvee AST Bon Drake / RAP / Crown Copyright “The second trontine unit using old Soviet- ‘ra Su'7e the 38h AP based a Sovactopl- Book ar basen annoxod Crimea, this RuAF unit ‘hae formed in 2014 with ts erat aring from [Alover Russia, Tis example, 11 Buel R048" “lea former 158th AP aera delivered after ‘unlrpoing overhoulWllar-Sance Temorshuzen Indoubtedly one of the most important {Soviet miltary aircraft designs isthe world-famous Sukhoi Su-27, which entered service just before the colapse of the otmer USSR in 1991. This twin-engine, super-manoauvrable air superiity fighter and its derivatives, known Inthe West by their NATO codename Flanker, fare currently the most numerous aircraft in ‘the Russian Aerospace Forces (RUAF) and Russian Navy (RUN) with some 350 active Aircraft, 290 of which are with frontine units, {As the vast Flanker family consists of humerous variants, many people ae faced With the conundrum of trying to identity the Coract model of sircratt precisely. This is fa challenging task since tho Flankor tary Includes not only original Soviet-era Su-276, Dut algo the later Su-30, Su-33 and Su-35 series, all of which have numerous domestic and export variants, not to mention the. Various prototypes and test aicrat. This feature attempts to help with this by ‘Comparing the variants curently in Russian service and where they are deployed, while also providing a lst of key features used to differentiate between them The Flanker units The tortor of the Russian Federation Is vided ito five administrative divisions. ‘These Include the four original mitary istrets (MDs) formed in 2010 the Western, ‘Southern, Central and Eastern MDs ~ plus the Northern Fleet, which effectively became Russia's fifth MO in 2021, ofthe MDs have at east one organic Flanker uit in the form of regiment, with the exception of Central MD, which relies entiely on the MIG-31 Foxhound interceptor. Each regiment usually has two squadrons ‘operating Fiankers, but sometimes there fare thee and, in some cases, ust one. The nominal squadron strength is 12 aircraft, but Units equipped with single-seat vorsions have ‘additional two-seat trainers attached - usually fat least a pair, but thi varies, especialy with trainers becoming scarce. Some units that recently converted tothe Su-355 from the ‘older single-seat Su-27 variant have addtional stored SU-27 aircraft, but these were not taken into consideration for this feature. The nominal unt strengths are given as they ‘would have been before Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. ene en teenie Unit ‘Aireraft types and their tactical numbers ‘ors SAP 75,16, 77, 78 alo) ‘SU27SMES: 51,52, 53,54, 85, 58,57, 68, 50,61, 6,68, 64, 65,67, 8,60, 72,73, 74 '5U:30M2: 10, 50, 60, 80, 90,95 re) “ansaP 'SUGOSNETO, 71, 72,73, 74, 75,76". 77" (albu) SUS0SN2: 78,70, 80, 8,82, 83, 84,85, 85a Us) Tan AP ‘SUSOSIME 51, 52, 58, 54, 5,56 57 8,69, 604, 61, 625,17, 72,73, 74,75, 76.7778, 79, 6,81, 82 (alr) ‘Su S0ME: 4, 9 (lB) SUa0SI: 45, 5,51 be) SUS85: 12, 15,16, 17 18, 19,20,21, 28,26", 25, 26a ue) 258 0 'SUSOMD: 20, 30,442 ar) SUaDSME 1A. 16,17 fro) $5988: 01,62, 08, 04, 05, 06,07, 08, 09,10, 11,12, 2,22, 23,2425, 26,27, 28,29, 31, 32,34, 85 alr) Sa AP 'SUSDSM: OF, 02,63, O4, G5, 08, OF, 08,08, 10, 1,12, 23,22, 23,4, 25, 266,27, 28 29,2030). Er '5-27P: 03, 4, 05,06, 7,08, 08+, 10, 17,12, 14,15, 16,18, 19,20 (ab) 5u275:02 03 alle) SU27SI:21, 22, 23,24, 25, 26,27, 28, 29,50, 31, 82, 38,34, 35, 36 (all be) Su27U8: 71,73 (al bus) Sv A0M2: 45, 88, 90, 81, 92 (a lv) ard OMSHAP ‘SuSOSME35, 36 $7, 8,50, 40,41, «2 43, 45, A, 48 fa Bs) 120% AP ‘Su G0SI 02, 080, 05,06 OF 10,14 (at Back 'SUADSME OF, 18,16, 17,18 19,20, 21,28, 24, 25, 26.27, 28, 29,31 fre), eam oP ‘Su: 27UB: 65,68 (ares) SU858: 21,22, 23,24, 5,51, 52, 53,54, 55, 56, 57, $8, 52, 61+, 62, 63,64, 67, 68, 70,71, 72, 73 (ales) 279% ORAP ‘S308: 22, 29 (ab) U3: 60, 61, 62,64 65, 67+, 68,71, 72,78, 77,78, 79, 80,81, 84,85, 86, 87, 88° (atec) eam AP Su27P. BF 8 re), 5275: 84, 85 (alec) 'Su27U8: 101,102,103 al es) Sv.27UP: 100" re 5, 6, 87,6, 97,0, 917 82, 83,94, 85,967, 97", 88% 88" Tao AP ‘Su27UB: t0red Su27UP: 82 ed $SUQ55: 11, 1,14, 15,1617, 18,21, 22,28 fa re “+ Known/eriied eonbat ad pon-corbat ses * Acnamed’ aca aera wih an honorary nema. ‘Noe: Some erat may no onger have the orignal umber or Be with thei been tin cambatin Ukraine arin non-combat eit Russia's main striker “As the Flanker family consists of numerous variants, many of us are often faced with the conundrum of trying to identify the correct model of aircrattwe are looking at” ‘5.275 tn '85 Red RF-95808"isyot another former 150th IAP aircraft transfering 1 9 Su-27 uni after it re-equipped on the Su-35S. t now serves withthe ‘The Western MD has the highest number cof units and aircraft five regiments with 100 aroratt. Th RUAF units belong tothe 105th osite Aviation Division (SAD) 2h, subordinated to the 6th Air Force and Air Defence Army (A WS i PVO) at Pushkin, just south of Saint Petersburg, Ithas three units: the 14th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment (AP) at Kursk-Kalino (24 Su-30SMs), the 189th Guards IAP at The original Su-27 series Se or Pe eee ees cen te ee eee rend See etme a eee rem eraa aartented eta erect Serena ae eee Peete ee Se et ee anes Scituate Peer ere emer oe eet ren eed eter ee een es eerie eran eter eos nea Peer eon oe paler ao eee ett | eee eet ry Seth ee Pearson hanna Preto Peg eet ee Re eer ere oer tect ey Ts See ue es ems See tn) ea eas ee ees Pee rt So eens Perr! en etn ene Pee ey ero teens eee eet te ytd ee ee cerry reo ec ee eet Pere rere ect Tay ter rust two fontne unis sf sing ee ras ec Pee eae Der ere tee Petrozavodsk Besovets (24 Su-06Ss plus trainers) and the 790th IAP at Khotiove ( 'Su-3588 plus trainers, operating alongside ‘8 squadron of MiG-21s), The RuN unita of the Western MD belong to the 34th SAD The newest tho- set scat in Russians Peers ik! or Key recognition features The single-seat u-27P5 andthe two-seat Su 27081? hare he allonng features: «no carats * atte nthe mse «a infighting (9 probe «te OLS-27 ST snes centred in ‘roto the windstiet»od Soi detain ‘ind--08 (Fanta el he rse arden {ap fhe tl boom » the Booms a ites wh ‘he 2 couniemeasure penser of the APP-S0A system the sensos of the SP0-15iM radar arin receive NA) arn te font outer sie bath engin acest eto the ening ar etka an on ot tal boom ies * onthe o-seat Su-27UBIUP a smal uaiiny ptt ibe, fund on he por sie of te fslae, & pastons blow ana bein the ae auny pte (wc i st ava found inmedatty bein the cc regardless fhe version Diferoriang wheter aspera the Sout -27S5u-2718) Sod 81-2701 Si-27UP versions impossble ashe erence is ony ial ~ this can be only doe by furor eteminng he art's entity acteal and constuction numbers Same apis rhe exo S¥-27SKUBK Military Districts and Flanker bases ‘Themlan dattsard Farker— 1 ARNO 2 Karak hae) _ TineanatFetnny 24,2002" 2. Aaraktan Poltey) forraahehyoahae ‘Cenartiary Ostet (Sryoma) 16: Severomoreh3 ofthe Batic Fleet at Kaliningrad, which has two unt: the dth Guards Composite ‘viaton Regiment (SAP) at Chernyakhovsk (02 Su-S0SM/SM2s operating alongsiGe {sddttonl Su-24M/MR Fencer bomber reconnaissance airat) and the 689th Guards AP at Chialovek (19 non-modemised ‘Su-27s pus four Su-27 trainers). The Southecn MD has the second-highest number of Flanker unts and airraft: four regiments with 100 aera. The PUAF units belong to the th Guards AVS PVO (Ait gy275M 25 Btw F-52415 f the 3B IAP ang at Sovstool- Bebo after traning okt and Air Defence Forces Army) at Rostov. Wier ander Tomarsusen ‘n-Don, which has thee regiments nto fits subordinated dvisions, the ard SAP at unt of the Southern MD isthe 43rd Separate subordinated 120th Guards Separate Fighter Krymsk (24 Su-27SMGs pls five Su-GOM2s) Naval Assault Aviation Regiment (OMSHAP) Avion Regiment (OIA) at Doma 2 ‘and 31st IAP at Millerovo (24 Su-30SMs) _at Saki (12 Su-30SMs operating alongside _Su-30SMB), plus the 22nd Guards IAP at Under tet Guarde SAD at Krymek, plus the Su-24M/MR Fencer bomber/ecannaiseanca Tsentalnaya Ugiovaya (12 Su-25Se and 38th IAP at Belbek near Sevastopol (yp to 20 aircraft) subordinated tothe Black Sea fleet. a number of Su-GOM2s and Su-80SMs rnon-modemised Su-27s, 16 Su-27SMs, pis The Eastern MD has only RUAF unis, 2s trainers, operating alongside a MiG- Su-3OM2s and old $u-27 trainers, not all of comprising three regiments with 70 aferaft 31 squadron) and the 23rd Guards IAP at ‘which are operational) under 27th SAD with belonging tothe 1'th A WWS | PVO at Dzyomgi near Komsomolek-on-Amur (24 ‘an HQ at nearby Lyubimavka. The only FUN Khabarovsk. These include the directly '8u-358s plus number of Su-3OM2s and A rice study of an Su-27S0, showing the absence of old IFF antennas and presence of new ‘Communications antennas as on the Su-35S Chis Lafing aie wen — SES =} ora Key. Aero Jenuary 2026 Russia's main striker ‘Su-0SMs as trainers), both under 203rd SAD at Khurba near Komsomoisk-on-Amu ‘The Norther Fleet operates the smallest umber of the Flanker fee. it 279th ‘Separate Ship-borne Fighter Aviation Regiment (OKIAP) at Severomorsk-3, an RUN Unit subordinated to 45th A WWS i PVO at Safonovo near Severomorsk, has 19 SU-338 {and two Su-30SMs. ‘An additional 60 aircrat are deployed with the various instructional, testing and training Units andl establishments of the RUAF and Russian MoD (VORF). These include the MORF's 929th State Flight Test Centre (GUTS) at Akhtubinsk operating around a ‘dozen Flanker variants for testing purposes ‘most ara its own airoraft, but some are fn temporary loan from other unit. The ath State Training Centro for Aviation Personnel and Miltary Tests (GTSPAP i VI of the MORF fat Lipetsk has two subordinated units using Flankers: th frst isthe co-located 968th, Composite Instructional and Research AWvation Regiment (ISAP} with numerous Flankers for raining, including upto five Su-27s (plus a vaines, an orginal Su-30, four Su-30SMs and atleast 10 Su-85Ss (both early and standard farcraft), The second is the 237th Guards Aviation Technology Demonstration Centre (TsPAT at Kubinka, operating eight Su-35Ss land eight Su-308Ms with the famous Fusskiye Vtyazy ussian Knights) aerobatic display team. A few ofthe old Su-27tralners are presumably also sili service, The 185th Combat Training and Combat Employment Centre (TsBP i BP) at Prvolzhsky rear Astrakhan received seven new Su-25Ss in 2022, Finally, the Krasnodar Higher Miltary Aviation School for Plots (KVVAUL) at Krasnodar operates eight export Su-27UBK trainers and atleast one single-seat Su-27P in its 787th Training Aviation Regiment (UAP) at Kushchyovskaya Current problems in the last 10 years lone at least 50 of the old $u-278 - both single-seat and two-seat aircraft ~ went through overhaul atthe four (qualified aircraft repair plants (ARZ): 20th ARZ in Pushkin, 12st ARZ in Kubinka, 275th ARZ In Krasnodar and 822nd ARZ in Ussuriysk \ezdvizhenka. This procedure provides each aircraft witha service life extension of 500 fight hours over the folowing eight years an, in cases where the service life has not been fully depleted, this eight-year period can be ‘su-27U8 0 Rect IRE-BE7S7 of 680M IAP at Chralovek sone ofthe ast vost Su27s ‘omaning in rontine serie Mussan od ee Ted SC ery ‘ued ai-o-grond wespon,tansorming tint & tte eee eect ra eer ot oe eee cents emer atta peter e rer eri eee eerie eee a een ed een eter Cree ny ee ht eee or) ore eer rte See er eet ot) eee ee eee ee eae ds on the plot’ instrument pana was also anges ere ete] eae ery rege rey eaten ee ne er) eee eet es ee et ee ee eet ee ent ete et] Pen ee erry eet etl ee) en ne ere] ‘Key recognition features “The upgraded -275M is ential tothe sngle- svat u-27PS bt has the following features: the ‘FF anannas nave ben cemaves on ate arcratt (cay ara i retain the) «the new OLS-2714 RST snoor now fet othe starboard ide ot the washed te new L-50-272 Paste WR sensors re now ited on te wing eaing ees ana op car pt othe tal igs «the AR sensors ‘on te tallboom sige emaln but those an the engin | nacelles are deleted ‘nection 10a few two-seat Su27e remaining in ‘sovce with ts rontine ut, the PUAP alo has ‘ight export Su-27UBKs in sarice with 671% WAP "at Kushchyovskaya Wilr-Sander Termorshuizen ‘extended after a detailed inspection, which is. ‘a cheaper alternative to another overhaul However, most of these aicratt were builtin 1988-1091, which means many of thom, including some upgraded to the '8u-27SM standard, have reaches the end (oftheir service life set at 95 years since the production date. Thi has created a very peculiar situation where much newer, but non ‘modernised aircraft remain inservice, while upgraded jts are being placed in storage Furthermore the situation with two-seat trainers is erica in many frontine unis, their Su-27UB/UP aircraft having been grounded after depleting their resources and the only plausible stopgap solution being to borrow Su-27SM3 en rer ere ee ny et een a ea Pe ee ents Ce ery Pee er ney a ee’ Oe et eee eT Sere erect) Pens Pere ees featung combined communications, cata exchange, reer Canes reer een artes reroute ere Su-30 Ud Se eae nd es Senet) a nee rere Sree mer) SU eee regres same ara rp. Fortis, the Su20 was tod ea anda taccal data link its rear cockpit having large eer eee era) Ce ae ea) two-seat Su-80s ~ if any are available ~ from Units within the same division or MD. Clearly, this situation has to be addressed soon, especially now thatthe end of service life of the remaining Su-27 fleet is fast approaching. To complicate matters even further, these aircraft are serving with nits at the tip ofthe spear, near the combat zone in Dee rece en Peotone ce Eone Peace ad re ore Seca eee s ee ee eer ny Bee en res Key recognition features The noma or upgraded Su-275§S siento the u-27SM, but has the flowing features “+ FF antennas rove from al area « wo orl smal wit blade antonnas ane os spine immediately behing me cockpit ant one in front oft nosegear wel) associated with he new canmuncatons equipment as found an the Su-95S. Peres Ca aa Ceo entry Ce or sear commodity, twas decided to overhaul al ve en ean} me eta Key recognition features ‘he Su-3 sida tthe orignal wo-seat Su- 2TUBIUP but asthe flowing features: * aretatable FR probe on the pot side right below the winds, causing the OLS-27 IST sensor to be oe tote starboard seo he washed ‘te smal uray pit tube onthe pot side of the fssage hasbeen epostioned above an being the large aula ptt tube, Ukraine orn close relation with NATO alrcrat, hich leaves no room for erors. 'Needlase to say, the ongoing confctin Ukraine isnot helping. Not only does it place ‘addtional strain on the resources ofthe entire Flanker flet, but combat losses must be replaced from newiy-buit aicrat originally planned to go elseurere, The FUN has lost a ol |Su-aont2 s/n ‘91 Ble’ RF-95401 ofthe 3th IAP Tithe only Flanker ype in ‘Russian service wih ttl ips Wile-SanderTermorshuzen

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