Cisf Martyrs

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SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident

1 During the night of 24.07.79, while he was on duty at old store area of Barouni OIL Refinery,
some criminals entered into the store area to commit theft. When he noticed the movements
of the criminals HSG Bhardul Singh chased them with his other colleagues. While bravely
chasing out the criminals, he was killed in the firing by the criminals. Thus, he sacrificed his
life in the line of his duty.

6909613, HC/GD
2 SI/Exe,Ved Prakash Tiwari of CISF Unit, ASP Durgapur was enrolled in CISF in 1976. He
was sent to ECL Coal fields during induction in Purulia, Dhanbad, Dumka and Deogarh
district in July 15,1983. With a small contingent of CISF, he led numerous raids against
organized coal racketeers all over the coal belt. His work brightened the image of the force.
On Dec 12,1983 at about 1700 hrs.SI/Exe Ved Prakash Tiwari visited the local police station
to find out the whereabouts of one of his colleagues who was reportedly gheraoed by the
mob of about 700-800 in the police station when CISF seized a truck loaded with illegally
mined coal. The mob was angry due to the numerous raids conducted by CISF against
VED PRAKASH TIWARI organized coal racketeers and attacked the CISF personnel with stone, iron rods and other
SI/EXE, weapon of offence in which SI/Exe Ved PrakashTiwari sustained grievous injury and lost his
CISF UNIT, ASP life. Thus, he sacrificed his life in the line of duty.
3 On March 16,1983, some unit personnel of CISF Unit, FBP Farakka on their way to local
market were violently attacked and assaulted by an unruly mob (about 150) of anti-social
elements without any provocation as they were angry with the CISF for checking the
unauthorized intrusion in the barrage area and preventing illegal fishing in the protected
Zone. Insp/Exe S.S. Pandey after receiving the information rushed to the spot for rescue of
the personnel. During the process, he sustained grievous injury in the mob attack and
NO.7201014, INSP/EXE succumbed to his injuries in the hospital. Thus, he laid down his life in the line of duty.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
4 Head Security Guard Chhedi Lal was detailed as Guard commander of Magazine No.2 at
Rajhara, Distt. Durg Chhattisgarh. During the intervening night of Jan 11&12,1983,Chhedi
Lal tried to save the life of his senior officer (ASI, on checking duty at the Magazine) who
was being chased by a Security Guard with rifle, who was found to be lax in his duty by the
ASI. In the process, HSG Cheddi Lal sustained bullet injury and died. HGS, Chhedi Lal laid
down his life in the line of his duty trying to protect his senior officer.

NO.7013315 HC/GD
5 A serious incident of fire occurred on Mar 1, 1985, in Indo Burma Petroleum complex, a
public sector undertaking located near Korba, MP. On receiving the request for help, the fire
fighting team of CISF (Fire wing) NTPC Balco, Korba was dispatched to control the fire.
CT/fire Rajbir Singh was also a member of the fire fighting team. On reaching the spot and
after assessing the situation the fire fighting operation was started. Shri Rajbir Singh along
with the other fire fighters fought the fire courageously, trying to save lives and public
property. But in the process, he was engulfed by flames and toxic gases leading asphyxia,
resulting in his death. Thus, he sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.
6 Const./GD Mohan Singh of, CISF Unit HMT Srinagar was enrolled in CISF in 1976. On
Sept 5,1990, he lost his life in an encounter with militants. Thus, he sacrificed his life in the
line of his duty.


SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
7 On 5th November, Head Constable/Driver A.P.Sabu posted at the CISF Unit, MGCC,
Nagothane, was deputed for ‘B’ shift duty involving general patrolling within the Unit. At
about 1906 hrs, he found a fire tender moving toward the Gas Cracker Plant and sensing
trouble he rushed to the spot to join the fire crew in their work. He found the entire
atmosphere around the Gas Cracker Plant surrounded with a gas cloud of highly
inflammable hydrocarbon. The civilian staff were trying to evacuate from the area in panic.
Noticing, A.P. Sabu moving in the direction towards the Gas Cracker Plant, the civilian staff
shouted at him to retreat to safer area. Undauntedly, Head Constable A.P.Sabu joined the
A.P. SABU other fire crew members in trying to isolate the leakage in a pipe, while assisting the
HC/DRIVER, operations of the fire tender. Suddenly, an extremely violent explosion occurred at the same
CISF UNIT, MGCC spot followed by a devastating fire which covered the entire Cracker Plant. Head Constable
NAGOTHANE, /Driver A.P.Sabu still struggling to contain the leaking valve, was soon engulfed entirely in
MAHARASHTRA. the flames. He died on the spot laying down his life in the line of his duties.
8 On 5th November 1990, Constable Jadhav Ashok Dattu was put on ‘B’ shift duty for
patrolling within the CISF Unit, MGCC, Nagothane Plant. At about 1906 hrs, Constable
Jadhav Ashok Dattu noticed a fire tender of his unit rushing toward the Gas Cracker Plant.
Sensing an emergency he ran towards the direction of the Gas Cracker Plant. On arriving at
the spot, he noticed a cloud of highly inflammable hydrocarbon gas that enveloped the
entire area and that the gas was escaping from a ruptured pipe which had a valve.
JADHAV ASHOK DATTU Constable Jadhav Ashok Dattu joined his other colleagues working to commission the fire
CT/GD , tender. While he was in the process of undertaking the rescue operation alongwith his
CISF UNIT, MGCC colleagues, a violent explosion occurred followed by devastating fire which engulfed the
NAGOTHANE entire area in which these officers were working. Constable Jadhav Ashok Dattu was burnt
MAHARASHTRA. to death while being engaged in his duty. He knew the extreme danger in which he was
working yet undauntedly he went to perform his duty in total dedication. Thus, he sacrificed
his life in the service of the nation.
9 No.844510491, Const. Zala Bhupat Singh of CISF Unit, MGCC Nagothane was enrolled in
CISF in 1984. On Nov 5, 1990,he was detailed for the “B” shift duty at the CISF Fire Station,
MGCC Nagathone. Around 1905 hrs., he received an information of gas leakage near Gas
Cracker Plant. He got on to the fire tender which was called to be rushed to the scene and
on reaching the site, Const. Zala Bhupat Singh began to undertake the drill for combating
the gas leakage. There was panic in the area, as civilian staff, employed at the Gas Cracker
ZALA BHUPAT SINGH plant were rushing out asking all present to move out before an explosion took place.
CONSTABLE, Undaunted ,Const. Zala Bhupat Singh stayed at the site of incident and worked to contain
CISF UNIT, MGCC the gas leakage. Suddenly, there was a big explosion followed by a huge fire which
NAGOTHANE (MH) engulfed the entire area. Const. Zala Bhupat Singh was burnt to death in this fire. Thus, he
laid down his life in act of supreme sacrifice in order to protect human lives and industrial
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
10 No.834480410,Const.Pushpender Singh of CISF Unit, MGCC Nagothane was enrolled in
CISF in 1983. On Nov 5, 1990 at about 1906 hrs. a gas leakage occurred near the gas
cracker plant. He along with his other colleagues while trying to repair the leakage in a pipe
line died on the spot in a sudden explosion followed by devastating fire which covered the
entire cracker plant. Thus, he sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.

11 On 5th November 1990, Constable Prafulla Kumar Naik was detailed for ‘B’ shift duty in the
CISF Unit, MGCC Nagothane. His duty involved patrolling in the general area of the plant.
At about 1906 Hrs., he saw the fire tender of the CISF moving towards the Gas Cracker
Plant. Sensing there was an emergency, he rushed in that direction. On arriving at the site,
he found that the area was engulfed with highly inflammable gas which was leaking from a
ruptured part in the Cracker Plant. There was panic amongst the civilian staff who were
running away from the scene. Inspite of being fully aware of the lurking danger due to the
PRAFULLA KUMAR NAIK inflammable gas, Constable Prafulla Kumar Naik joined hands with the fire crew in
CT/GD undertaking operations to bring the leaking gas under control. While he was assisting his
CISF UNIT, MGCC colleagues in the emergency operations, a violent explosion occurred followed by a
NAGOTHANE (MH). devastating fire. Constable Prafulla Kumar Naik was burnt to death while manning his
emergency post. He laid down his life in working with his team and in attempting to control a
major disaster.Thus, he scarified his life in the line of his duties.
12 On Nov 5,1990, Constable Panchanan Behera was detailed for B shift duty in the CISF
Unit,MGCC, Nagathone. His duties involved patrolling in the area of the gas cracker plant.
At about 1906 hours, he saw the fire tender of the CISF unit moving towards the Gas
Cracker plant. Sensing an emergency, he rushed to the spot where the fire crew of the
tender had started emergency operations. He found that there was a cloud of highly
inflammable gas surrounding the entire area. The civilian staff working in the plant were
PANCHANAN BEHERA running away in panic, shouting to everyone to clear the area. In spite of being fully aware
CONSTABLE, of the high risk involved in the emergency Constable Panchanan Behera joined hands with
CISF UNIT, MGCC the fire crew in their attempt to bring the gas leakage under control. While the personnel
NAGOTHANE (MH). were at work, a violent explosion took place followed by a devastating fire which engulfed
the entire area. Constable Panchanan Behera was burnt to death instantaneously as he
stood working amidst the flames. Thus, he sacrificed his life in line of his duties.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
13 On 5th November 1990, Constable Wasudeo Tulsiram Choure was assigned B shift duty at
the Fire Station in the CISF Unit ,MGCC Nagathone. At about 1905 hours, information was
received for a gas leakage at the fire station. On arriving at the scene of the accident,Const.
Wasudeo Tulsiram Choure found that the entire area enveloped in a cloud of highly
inflammable gas. Along with his other colleagues of the fire crew, constable W.T. Choure
began to commission the fire tender to contain the gas leak from one of the ruptured parts
of the plant. The fire crew began the emergency drill, unmindful of the lurking danger in the
WASUDEO TULSIRAM area. The civilian staff saw the fire crew at the work and asked them to move away before
an explosion took place. Undauntedly Constable Wasudeo Tulsiram Choure continued to
CONSTABLE, work when suddenly there was a violent explosion followed by a devastating fire in the area.
CISF UNIT, MGCC Constable Wasudeo Tulsiram Choure was burnt to death in the flames while he working at
NAGOTHANE (MH) his post.The extreme sense of devotion to duty exhibited by Constable Wasudeo Tulsiram
Choure resulted in saving many lives of civilians who were working in the plant. Thus, he
sacrificed his life in the line of his duties.
14 On 5th November, 1990, HC/GD Amar Nath Prasad Singh was detailed for ‘B’ Shift duty in
the CISF Unit,MGCC Nagothane. He was deployed in general patrolling duty around the
Gas Cracker Plant. At about 1906 hrs. HC/GD Amar Nath Prasad Singh found a fire tender
of his unit moving towards the Gas Cracker Plant. Sensing trouble, he rushed to the spot to
assist the Fire Crew. On reaching the site, he noticed that a cloud of highly inflammable
gases had enveloped the entire area. HC/GDAmar Nath Prasad Singh found the civilians
staff deployed at the Gas Cracker Plant running away from the site in panic, asking
everybody to evacuate as an explosion seemed imminent. Some civilians asked HC Amar
AMAR NATH PRASAD Nath Prasad Singh to seek safety and not waste his time in trying to treat the cause of gas
SINGH leakage. Undaunted to the hazards, HC/GD Amar Nath Prasad Singh was able to reach the
HC/GD, Fire Crew who were trying to operate the fire tender to combat the gas leakage and also
CISF UNIT, MGCC attempting to repair the ruptured pipe from where the inflammable gas was leaking. During
NAGOTHANE the process, the whole area was subjected to a violent explosion followed by devastating
MAHARASHTRA. fire. HC/GD Amar Nath Prasad Singh was burnt to death in the flames while working at his
post. Thus, HC/GD Amar Nath Prasad Singh, laid down his life in the line of his duties.
15 No. 89461156, CT/GD Moti Lal of 3rd Res Bn. was enrolled in CISF in 1989.While he was
on duty at NHPC Uri (J&K), on Nov 9, 1991, information was received that some terrorists
had taken shelter in the residential colony of the project. Search operation led to
apprehension of two terrorists alongwith one AK-56 Rifle, three filled magazines and two
grenades .Anticipating a retaliatory action by the terrorists at any time, all personnel of the
CISF were put on high alert. On Nov 10, 1991, at about 0700 hrs. the terrorists in large
MOTI LAL, CT/GD, number and with sophisticated weapons attacked the CISF barracks. Constable Moti Lal
3 RB BHILAI, DURG, CG was the first to react and returned the fire while encouraging his colleagues to fight the
terrorists. During the encounter with the terrorists, CT/GD Moti Lal lost his life. Thus, he
sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
16 Insp/Exe. Kabul Singh of CISF unit, HMT Srinagar was enrolled in CISF in 1985.On July
20,1992, he lost his life in a bomb blast at Srinagar. Thus, he sacrificed his life in the line of
his duty.


17 No.724550023, HC/GD Durga Bahadur was enrolled in CISF in 1972. While posted in CISF
unit, ONGC Jorhat, on March 1,1993 he along with two other personnel left Sarupathar in
the morning at about 0600 hrs. in a bus escorting ONGC Employees to PTF center. There,
they were supposed to move into the area to guard the oil depot structures located near the
drill site and thereafter escort the bus returning with the civilian staff. At around 1600 hrs.
the CISF escorting party saw suspicious movement of 5/6 Naga militants in the vicinity.
They noticed that the militants were equipped with sophisticated weapons and also carried
hand grenades. An alert wassoon issued soon after the militants were noticed. The Naga
militants, who were in larger number as compared to the CISF personnel, suddenly took
DURGA BAHADUR cover and opened fire on the CISF personnel. CISF personnel retaliated bravely but during
HC/GD , the encounter all three CISF personnel including HC/GD Durga Bahadur laid down their
CISF UNIT, ONGC JORHAT lives in the line of their duty. In this encounter, one militant was also killed. Thus, HC/GD
Durga Bahadur while fighting bravely with the militants sacrificed his life for the service of
the nation.
18 No723410010, L/NK P. Aravindakshan was enrolled in CISF in 1972. While posted in CISF
unit, ONGC Jorhat, on March 1, 1993 he along with two other personnel left Sarupathar in
the morning at about 0600 hrs. in a bus escorting ONGC Employees to PTF center. There,
they were supposed to move into the area to guard the oil depot structures located near the
drill site and thereafter escort the bus returning with the civilian staff. At around 1600 hrs.
the CISF escorting party saw suspicious movement of 5/6 Naga militants in the vicinity.
They noticed that militants the were equipped with sophisticated weapons and also carried
P. ARAVINDAKSHAN hand grenades. An alert was soon issued after the militants were noticed. The Naga
L/NK, militants, who were in larger number as compared to the CISF personnel, suddenly took
CISF UNIT ,ONGC JORHAT cover and opened fire on the CISF personnel. CISF personnel retaliated bravely but during
the encounter all three CISF personnel including L/NK P. Aravindakshan laid down their
lives in the line of their duty .In this encounter, one militant was also killed. Thus, L/NK P.
Aravindakshan while fighting bravely with the militants sacrificed his life for the service of
the Nation .
19 No 723410010,CT/GD,P.Shree Ramulu was enrolled in CISF in 1972. While posted in CISF
unit, ONGC Jorhat, on March 1, 1993 he along with two other personnel left Sarupathar in
the morning at about 0600 hrs. in a bus escorting ONGC Employees to PTF center. There,
they were supposed to move into the area to guard the oil depot structures located near the
drill site and thereafter escort the bus returning with the civilian staff. At around 1600 hrs.
the CISF escorting party saw suspicious movement of 5/6 Naga militants in the vicinity.
They noticed that the militants were equipped with sophisticated weapons and also carried
hand grenades. An alert was soon issued after the militants were noticed. The Naga
P SHREE RAMULU militants, who were in larger number as compared to the CISF personnel, suddenly took
CT/GD, cover and opened fire on the CISF personnel. CISF personnel retaliated bravely but during
CISF UNIT ONGC JORHAT the encounter all three CISF personnel including CT/GD,P.Shree Ramulu laid down their
lives in the line of their duty. In this encounter, one militant was also killed. CT/GD, P.Shree
Ramulu while fighting bravely with the militants sacrificed his life for the service of the

20 ASI/Exe Bidhi Chand of CISF unit, DHEP Dulhasti was enrolled in CISF in 1980. On Feb 6,
1993, the militant launched an attacked on the Sub-Officer mess at Shalimar, Dulhasti (J&K)
in which ASI/Exe. Bidhi Chand lost his life. He sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.


21 CT/GD, S. Gopal of CISF unit, DHEP Dulhasti was enrolled in CISF in 1992.On May 6,
1993, while escorting the French and Indian employees of the project ,he lost his life in an
IED explosion planted by the militants on the Kishtwar-Dul road (J&K).Thus,he sacrificed
his life in the line of his duty.

22 HC/Driver Ram Kishore of CISF unit, HEP Uri-I was enrolled in CISF in 1980.On Jan
31,1994 , the militants attacked by firing on a CISF vehicle near Now sherain Baramulla
district, J&K in which driver of the vehicle HC/Driver Ram Kishore lost his life . Thus, he
sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.

SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
23 Const/GD Rama Shankar Rai of CISF unit, HEP Uri-I was enrolled in CISF in 1989. On
Jan31, 1994,the militants attacked by firing on a CISF vehicle near New sherain Baramulla
district ,J&K. in which Const/GD Rama Shankar Rai lost his life . Thus, he sacrificed his life
in the line of his duty.


24 Const/GD Anil Kumar M.K. of CISF unit, HMT Srinagar was enrolled in CISF in 1992.On
Feb19, 1994, he lost his life in a militant attack. Thus, he sacrificed his life in the line of his


25 On April 2,1994 at about 1830 hrs. a militant group launched an armed attack at the drilling
rig at HIL-I Hapjanin which three CISF personnel including Ct/GD .M. Roken Singh lost his
life. Thus, he sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.


26 On April 2,1994 at about 1830 hrs. a militant group launched an armed attack at the drilling
rig at HIL-I Hapjanin which three CISF personnel including Ct/GD Kulwant Raj lost his life.
Thus, he sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.


SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
27 On April 2, 1994 at about 1830 hrs. a militant group launched an armed attack at the drilling
rig at HIL-I Hapjanin which three CISF personnel including Ct/GD B. C. Baruha lost his life.
Thus, he sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.


28 CT/GD U.K.Sharma of CISF Unit, FSTPP Farakka was enrolled in CISF in 1987. On June 8,
1994 during escorting of the coal rack the miscreants attacked the escort party .The escort
party resisted pilfering of coal from the racks. During the attack by the criminals, CT/GD U.
K. Sharma sustained grievous injuries and eventually lost his life. Thus, he sacrificed his life
in the line of his duty.


29 HC/GD Subhash Nagargoje of CISF Unit, ECL Sheetalpur was enrolled in CISF in 1991.On
Sept 15,1994, he lost his life in an attack by criminals engaged by coal mafia/racketeers,
while resisting illegal mining in ECL area. Thus, he sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.


30 ASI/Exe Ishwar Singh of CISF Unit, SHEP Salal was enrolled in CISF in 1971. While on
duty at CISF Unit, HEP Uri (J&K) on July 21,1995, he lost his life in a militant attack near
village Delzna while on escort duty from Uri to Srinagar. He sacrificed his life in the line of
his duty.


SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
31 Const/GD S.D.Patil of CISF Unit, ECL Seetalpur was enrolled in CISF in the year 1972. On
November 03,1995, he lost his life during an attack by criminals while on duty at Poidih
Colliery of ECL. He sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.


32 On December 2,1995,a CISF convoy consisting of 23 CISF personnel in three vehicles was
returning from State Bank of India, Wokha to CISF Unit DHEP Doyang with Rs. 5.6 lakhs
which was the monthly salary for the unit. About 5 KM from Wokha on the densely forested
hilly road, the CISF convoy was ambushed by NSCN militants who opened heavy automatic
fire with LMG and AK-47 rifles. All the personnel in the lead vehicle died on the spot. The
personnel sitting in the third vehicle took position and retaliated bravely, but in the process
P. M. REDDY, INSP/EXE, nine personnel including Insp/Exe P.M.Reddy sacrificed their lives in the line of duty.
33 On December 2, 1995,a CISF convoy consisting of 23 CISF personnel in three vehicles was
returning from State Bank of India, Wokha to CISF Unit DHEP Doyang with Rs. 5.6 lakhs
which was the monthly salary for the unit. About 5 KM from Wokha on the densely forested
hilly road, the CISF convoy was ambushed by NSCN militants who opened heavy automatic
fire with LMG and AK-47 rifles. All the personnel in the lead vehicle died on the spot. The
personnel sitting in the third vehicle took position and retaliated bravely, but in the process
nine personnel including SI/Exe Jai Bhagwan sacrificed their lives in the line of duty.
34 On December 2, 1995,a CISF convoy consisting of 23 CISF personnel in three vehicles was
returning from State Bank of India ,Wokha to CISF Unit DHEP Doyang with Rs. 5.6 lakhs
which was the monthly salary for the unit. About 5 KM from Wokha on the densely forested
hilly road, the CISF convoy was ambushed by NSCN militants who opened heavy automatic
fire with LMG and AK-47 rifles. All the personnel in the lead vehicle died on the spot. The
personnel sitting in the third vehicle took position and retaliated bravely, but in the process
PUNAM KUMAR, SI/EXE , nine personnel including SI/Exe Punam Kumar sacrificed their lives in the line of duty.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
35 On December 2, 1995,a CISF convoy consisting of 23 CISF personnel in three vehicles was
returning from State Bank of India ,Wokha to CISF Unit DHEP Doyang with Rs. 5.6 lakhs
which was the monthly salary for the unit. About 5 KM from Wokha on the densely forested
hilly road, the CISF convoy was ambushed by NSCN militants who opened heavy automatic
fire with LMG and AK-47 rifles. All the personnel in the lead vehicle died on the spot. The
personnel sitting in the third vehicle took position and retaliated bravely, but in the process
ASHOK KUMAR RAJAK nine personnel including HC/GD Ashok Kumar Rajak sacrificed their lives in the line of duty.
36 On December 2, 1995,a CISF convoy consisting of 23 CISF personnel in three vehicles was
returning from State Bank of India ,Wokha to CISF Unit DHEP Doyang with Rs. 5.6 lakhs
which was the monthly salary for the unit. About 5 KM from Wokha on the densely forested
hilly road, the CISF convoy was ambushed by NSCN militants who opened heavy automatic
fire with LMG and AK-47 rifles. All the personnel in the lead vehicle died on the spot. The
personnel sitting in the third vehicle took position and retaliated bravely, but in the process
nine personnel including CT/GD Raghvendra Sacrificed their lives in the line of duty.
37 On December 2, 1995,a CISF convoy consisting of 23 CISF personnel in three vehicles was
returning from State Bank of India ,Wokha to CISF Unit DHEP Doyang with Rs. 5.6 lakhs
which was the monthly salary for the unit. About 5 KM from Wokha on the densely forested
hilly road, the CISF convoy was ambushed by NSCN militants who opened heavy automatic
fire with LMG and AK-47 rifles. All the personnel in the lead vehicle died on the spot. The
B.K. MADAPPA, CT/GD, personnel sitting in the third vehicle took position and retaliated bravely,but in the process
CISF UNIT, DHEP, nine personnel including CT/GD B. K. Madappa sacrificed their lives in the line of duty.
38 On December 2, 1995,a CISF convoy consisting of 23 CISF personnel in three vehicles was
returning from State Bank of India, Wokha to CISF Unit DHEP Doyang with Rs. 5.6 lakhs
which was the monthly salary for the unit. About 5 KM from Wokha on the densely forested
hilly road, the CISF convoy was ambushed by NSCN militants who opened heavy automatic
fire with LMG and AK-47 rifles. All the personnel in the lead vehicle died on the spot. The
OM PRAKASH, CT/GD, CISF personnel sitting in the third vehicle took position and retaliated bravely, but in the process
UNIT, DHEP DOYANG, nine personnel including CT/GD Om Prakash sacrificed their lives in the line of duty.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
39 On December 2, 1995,a CISF convoy consisting of 23 CISF personnel in three vehicles was
returning from State Bank of India ,Wokha to CISF Unit DHEP Doyang with Rs. 5.6 lakhs
which was the monthly salary for the unit. About 5 KM from Wokha on the densely forested
hilly road, the CISF convoy was ambushed by NSCN militants who opened heavy automatic
fire with LMG and AK-47 rifles. All the personnel in the lead vehicle died on the spot. The
personnel sitting in the third vehicle took position and retaliated bravely, but in the process
nine personnel including CT/GD Ramesh Singh sacrificed their lives in the line of duty.


40 On December 2,1995, a CISF convoy consisting of 23 CISF personnel in three vehicles
including Naik P. Sudarshanan were returning from State Bank of India, Wokha to CISF Unit
DHEP Doyang with Rs.5.6 lakhs which was the monthly salary for the unit. Naik
P Sushardshanan was in the third vehicle. About 5 KM from wokha on the densely forested
hilly road, the CISF convoy was ambushed by NSCN militants who opened heavy automatic
fire with LMG and AK-47 rifles. All the six personnel in the lead vehicle died on the spot.
Naik P. Sudarshanan was travelling in the third vehicle which did not come immediately
under fire from the militants. He got down with the other persons from the vehicle and took
position and opened fire on the militants. The militant shifted their fire to the third vehicle
when they saw the CISF returning fire. Naik P Sudarshanan was armed with SLR. In total
disregard to his own safety, he came out of his safe position and started firing from behind
the vehicle in order to knock out a LMG position. His brave action could keep the militants at
bay, but the militants soon attacked him from another side and he received a fatal burst of
automatic fire on his chest and died on the spot. He fought till his last breath and his action
was an example of bravery and courage of a very high order. For his act of bravery, he was
awarded the President Police Medal for Gallantryposthumously.
No.854090083, Naik K C Roy was enrolled in CISF in the year 1985. While posted at CISF
Unit, SBSS Salakati, on Sept 10,1996, he along with 02 personnel when carrying out the
patrolling were ambushed by the militants. They retaliated bravely forcing the militants to
retreat and flee away. However, Naik K.C, Roy was injured in the exchange of fire.
Subsequently, while undergoing treatment in the hospital, on Nov 27, 1996 he succumbed
to his injuries. Thus, Naik K.C. Roy sacrificed hislife in the line of his duties.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
42 HC/GD B.B. Manjhi and CT/GD Kuldeeep Singh of CISF Unit, PTPS Patratu were on duty in
C shift (2100hrs to 0500hrs) on Dec. 21,1996 at Conveyor belt No. 19 & 20 in the plant
area. During patrolling the area at about 0300hrs, they noticed 6/7 criminals suspiciously
moving along the perimeter wall. When HC/GD B.B.Manjhi challenged them, the criminals
hurled a country made bomb on him. Ct/GD Kuldeep Singh retaliated by opening firing on
the criminals. Meanwhile, the criminals lobbed another petrol bomb which caused serious
injury on the head and the face of HC/GD B.B.Manjhi. The criminals escaped by taking the
advantage of darkness leaving behind the copper cables and other electrical items worth
B.B. MANJHI Rs.32000/ approx. During search five country made bombs were also recovered from the
HC/GD area. The seriously injured HC/GD B.B. Manjhi was initially taken to PTPS Hospital from
CISF UNIT, PTPS PATRATU, where he was referred to Rajendra Medical College & Hospital, Ranchi. On the way to
JHARKHAND RMCH, Ranchi, HC/GD B.B. Manjhi succumbed to his injuries. He lost his life in the line of
his duty.

Naik Raj Giri Ram of CISF Unit SCCL Bellampalli was enrolled in CISF in 1977. On the
intervening night of March 1and 2, 1996, while on duty at RK-3 incline, he lost his life during
an attack by the Naxals. He sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.



No.732040044,HC/GD Akhileshwar Parsad Yadav of CISF Unit, ONGC Tripura was

enrolled in CISF in 1973. On April 3, 1996 at about 2100 hrs. he along with 12 other CISF
personnel in 2 Jeeps left from the unit for ABD Gas Supply Station of ONGC Agartala. On
the way, at about 11 Km from the unit line at an up-hill turning, the first jeep carrying six
personnel including the civilian driver came under heavy firing by a group of NLFT militants
in which 05 CISF personnel and the civilian driver including HC/GD Akhilesh Kumar Yadav
AKHILESHWAR lost his life. He sacrificed his life in the line of hisduty.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
No.834341555, L/Naik Dulal Chandra Dey of CISF Unit, ONGC Agartala, Tripura was
enrolled in CISF in 1983. On April 3,1996, at about 2100 hrs. he along with 12 other CISF
personnel in 2 Jeeps left from the unit for ABD Gas Supply Station of ONGC Agartala. On
the way, at about 11 Km from the unit line at an up-hill turning, the first jeep carrying six
personnel including the civilian driver came under heavy firing by a group of NLFT militants
in which 05 CISF personnel and the civilian driver including L/Naik Dulal Chandra Dey lost
DULAL CHANDRA DEY his life. He sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.
CT/GD Eugin Minz of CISF Unit, BCCL-CCWO Dhanbad was enrolled in CISF in 1984.
While on IS duty at CISF Unit, ONGC Tripura, on April 3,1996,he along with 12 other CISF
personnel left in 2 Jeeps from the unit for ABD Gas Supply Station of ONGC Agartala. On
the way, at about 11 Km from the unit line at an up-hill turning, the first jeep carrying six
personnel including the civilian driver came under heavy firing by a group of NLFT militant
EUGIN MINZ in which 05 CISF personnel and the civilian driver including CT/GD Eugin Minz lost his life.
CT /GD He sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.
CT/GD Hemant Mandal of CISF Unit, BCCL-CCWO Dhanbad was enrolled in CISF in 1994.
While on IS duty at Tripura, on April 3,1996,he along with 12 other CISF personnel left in 2
Jeeps from the unit for ABD Gas Supply Station of ONGC Agartala. On the way, at about
11 Km from the unit line at an up-hill turning, the first jeep carrying six personnel including
the civilian driver came under heavy firing by a group of NLFT militant in which 05 CISF
HEMANT MANDAL personnel and the civilian driver including CT/GD Hemant Mandal lost his life. He sacrificed
CT /GD his life in the line of his duty.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
CT/GD Alam Ali of CISF Unit, BCCL-CCWO Dhanbad was enrolled in CISF in 1994. While
on IS duty at CISF Unit ONGC Tripura, on April 3,1996,he along with 12 other CISF
personnel left in 2 Jeeps from the unit for ABD Gas Supply Station of ONGC, Agartala. On
the way, at about 11 Km from the unit line at an up-hill turning, the first jeep carrying six
personnel including the civilian driver came under heavy firing by a group of NLFT
insurgents in which 05 CISF personnel and the civilian driver including CT/GD Alam Ali lost
ALAM ALI, CT /GD his life. He sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.
No.891310628, CT/GD D. Panda Ranga Swamy of CISF Unit, ONGC, Agartala, Tripura
was enrolled in CISF in 1989.On Nov 25,1996 ,a convoy of 04 jeeps carrying 13 CISF
personnel and 03 ONGC project engineers, was ambushed by the militant group All Tripura
Tiger Force. CISF personnel retaliated the attack and in the exchange of fire with the
militants 02 civilians and 03 CISF personnel including CT/GD D. Pandu Ranga Swamy were
killed. Thus, he sacrificed his life in the line of hisduty.



No.834160075,CT/GD Biswajit Jamatia of CISF Unit, ONGC Agartala, Tripura was enrolled
in CISF in 1983. On Nov 25,1996,a convoy of 04 jeeps carrying 13 CISF personnel and 03
ONGC project engineers, was ambushed by the militant group All Tripura Tiger Force. CISF
personnel retaliated the attack and in the exchange of fire with the militant 02 civilians and
03 CISF personnel including CT/GD Biswajit Jamatia lost his life. Thus, he sacrificed his life
in the line of his duty.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
51 CT/GD Anil Toppo of CISF 4th Res Bn Ranchi was deployed on duty at CISF Unit, ONGC
Agartala, Tripura. On Nov 25, 1996, a convoy of 04 jeeps carrying 13 CISF personnel and
03 ONGC project engineers was ambushed by militant groups of All Tripura Tiger Force.
CISF personnel retaliated the attack and in the exchange of fire with the militant 02 civilians
and 03 CISF personnel including CT/GD Anil Toppo lost his life. Thus, he sacrificed his life
in the line of his duty.

CT/GD Malkit Singh of CISF Unit, DTPS Durgapur was enrolled in CISF in 1987. During the
intervening night of March 23and 24, 1997 while on duty at Durgapur Railway Gate No-I he
lost his life when the criminals attacked him. Thus, he sacrificed his life in the line of his




No.904654486, CT/GD Md, Ayub of 4th RB Ranchi was deployed at Raj Bhawan, Sikkim.
On the night of June 8, 1997, incessant rain triggered heavy landslide forcing big boulders
down to the huts near the sentry post. Ever vigilant, CT/GD Md. Ayub rushed from door to
door in the area to alert the sleeping inmates from the impending danger. In the attempt to
save lives of others, he lost his own. Thus, CT/GD Md. Ayub sacrifices his life in the line of
his duties.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
54 No.703470041,SI/Exe, Birender Kumar Singh, of CISF Unit, HPCL Vizag was enrolled in
the CISF in 1970. On Sept 14,1997, he along with 20 personnel was deployed in A shift
duty in the plant. At about 0600 hrs a leakage of the gas at LPG pipeline carrying LPG to
the spheres (Storage tank) was noticed and he immediately started warning CISF personnel
and employees of the undertaking of the grave danger to their lives. Showing exemplary
courage and devotion to duty he ran from place to place asking people to leave and guided
them to move to a safer place in total disregard of certain danger to his own life. Due to the
leakage of gas, a major explosion occurred at around 0630 hrs. and he died
BIRENDER KUMAR SINGH instantaneously in the explosion while trying to save lives of his colleagues as well as
SI/Exe, employees of HPCL. Thus, SI/Exe Birender Kumar Singh sacrificed his life in the line of his
CISF Unit, HPCL duty.
55 No.901380030,SI/Exe A. S. Madhu Kumar was posted at CISF unit, ONGC Nazira. On 26-
11-1998 at about 1745 hrs the vehicle in which he along with 03 other personnel and a
civilian driver was carrying out patrolling of the Moran trunk pipeline was ambushed by
ULFA militants at Dobba Tea Estate area on Moran-Sonari line road. The patrolling party
came under heavy firing from all sides by the militants. As a result, the entire patrolling
party along with the civilian driver were killed in the ambush. SI/Exe A. S. Madhu Kumar
A. S. MADHU KUMAR while fighting bravely with the militants sacrificed his life in the line of duty.
56 No. 724390069,HC/GD S. Basheer was posted at CISF unit, ONGC Nazira. On 26-11-1998
at about 1745 hrs. the vehicle in which he along with 03 other personnel and a civilian
driver was carrying out patrolling of the Moran trunk pipeline was ambushed by ULFA
militants at Dobba Tea Estate area on Moran-Sonari line road. The patrolling party came
under heavy firing by the militants. As a result, the entire patrolling party including the
civilian driver were killed in the ambush. HC/GD S. Basheer while fighting bravely with the
militants sacrificed his life in the line of duty.
57 No.924652495,CT/GD S. Surjit Singh was posted at CISF unit, ONGC Nazira.On 26-11-
1998 at about 1745 hrs the vehicle in which he along with 03 other personnel and the
civilian driver was carrying out patrolling of the Moran trunk pipeline was ambushed by
ULFA militants at Dobba Tea Estate area on Moran-Sonari line road. The patrolling party
came under heavy firing from all sides by the militants. As a result, the entire patrolling party
along with civilian driver were killed in the ambush. CT/GD S. Surjit Singh while fighting
SURJIT SINGH, CT/GD bravely with the militants sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
58 No.922298965,CT/GD Rajesh Singh was on duty at CISF unit, ONGC Nazira from 12th RB
Farakka. On 26-11-1998 at about 1745 hrs. the vehicle in which he along with 03 other
personnel and civilian driver was carrying out patrolling of the Moran trunk pipeline was
ambushed by ULFA militants at Dobba Tea Estate area on Moran-Sonari line road. As a
result of heavy firing by the militants from all the sides, the entire patrolling party along with
the civilian driver were killed in the ambush. CT/GD Rajesh Singh while fighting bravely
RAJESH SINGH, CT /GD with the militants sacrificed his life in the line of duty.

CT/GD Rafiq Ahmad Khan of CISF Unit ,PGCIL Wagoora (J&K) was enrolled in CISF in the
year 1990. On 10th June’1998 he along with the 5 other personnel was on escorting duty
with a bus carrying CISF family members for a trip to Gulmarg. While returning, when the
bus stopped at Batmaloo (Srinagar), militants opened fire on the escorting party, guarding
the bus in which CT/GD Rafiq Ahmad Khan sustained grievous bullet injuries and lost his
RAFIQ AHMAD KHAN life. Thus, he sacrificed his life in the line of hisduty.
Ct/GD Harbans Lal of CISF Unit SCCL Bellampalli was enrolled in CISF in the year 1991.
On 17th Aug’1998 he was on duty at IK-I magazine of the Srirampur area. At about 2000hrs
PWG cadres mounted an attack on the magazine resulting in the death of two CISF
personnel including Ct/GD Harbans Lal . He sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.


SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident

CT/GD C Vickraman of CISF Unit SCCL Bellampalli was enrolled in CISF in the year 1984.
On Aug’17, 1998 he was on duty at IK-I magazine of the Srirampur area. At about 2000 hrs
PWG cadres attacked him by firing and he lost his life. He sacrificed his life in the line of

CT/GD A.V.Falgunan of CISF Unit, RSTPS Ramagundam was enrolled in CISF in 1990.
While on election duty (GPE-98) in the state of Andhra Pradesh, he lost his life in a bomb
explosion triggered by the PWG cadres on Feb23,1998. He sacrificed his life in the line of
his duty.

CT/GD S.C.Konnur of CISF Unit, RSTPS Ramagundam was enrolled in CISF in 1990.
While on election duty (GPE-98) in the state of Andhra Pradesh, he lost his life in a bomb
explosion triggered by the PWG cadres on Feb 23,1998. He sacrificed his life in the line of
S C KONNUR, CT/GD, his duty.
64 No.942210114, Const/GD Sishu Kumar Mishra while posted at CISF Unit ONGC Jorhat, on
April’23,1999 was on escorting duty along with other personnel. A militant group opened fire
on them at IB Road on PWD main road about 12 Kms away from Daldali towards Dimapur
(Nagaland) when they were returning to Base Camp, Manja escorting ONGC vehicles
carrying explosives and employees. Const/GD Sishu Kumar Mishra who noticed a person in
combat dress signaling to stop their vehicles, assessed the situation and came forward
bravely to counter the militants. In the encounter that followed , he sustained serious bullet
CT /GD injuries and on the way to the hospital, succumbed to his injuries. Thus, Constable Sishu
CISF UNIT, ONGC JORHAT Kumar Mishra sacrificed his life in the line of duty.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
SI/Exe Atul Saxena of CISF unit, SCCL (B) was enrolled in CISF in the year 1991.On 18th
July’ 2000 at about 2045 hrs. around 80 PWG cadres attacked CISF personnel at Goleti
campus. They surrounded the campus and indiscriminately fired on the CISF personnel
resulting in the death of SI/Exe Atul Saxena. He sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.
66 No. 864501950 HC/FireY.V.Shetty, was enrolled in the CISF in 1986.While posted at CISF
unit, VSP Vizag, on 25-09-2000 at about 1500 hrs. a fire broke out at coke ovens-7 Coal
Chemical Plant. On receiving the information, he along with the other crew members rushed
to the spot to attend the fire call. While fighting the fire along with his other crew members,
he sustained serious burn injuries and was immediately shifted to V.S.P.General Hospital.
While undergoing treatment at hospital, he succumbed to his injuries on 30-09-
2000.HC/Fire Y.V.Shetty sacrificed his life in the call of duty.
67 No.714280082,SI/SI/Fire, M.K.Balasingh, was enrolled in the CISF in 1971.While posted at
CISF unit V.S.P.Vizag, on 25-09-2000 at about 1500 hrs. a fire broke out at coke ovens- 7
Coal Chemical Plant. While fighting the fire along with his other crew members, he
sustained serious burn injuries and was immediately shifted to V.S.P.General Hospital.
While undergoing treatment at hospital, he succumbed to his injuries on 07-10-2000.SI/Fire
M.K.Balasingh sacrificed his life in the call of duty.

No.962332575 CT/GD Bresh Kumar of CISF unit, ONGC Agartala, Tripura was enrolled in
CISF in 1996. On July’26, 2002, he lost his life in an ambush attack by the militants when he
was on duty. He sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.


SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident

No.974480662,CT/GD Raj Kishore Mandal of CISF unit, ONGC Agartala, Tripura was
enrolled in CISF in 1997.On 26th July’ 2002 while on duty, in an ambush attack by the
militants he lost his life. He sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.


70 NO. 884528441, CT/GD Avtar Singh of CISF 5th RB Ghaiabad was enrolled in CISF in
1998. In Sept’ 2002, he was on house guard duty of Md.Yousaf Bhatt at Baramula (J&K)
along with the CISF troops. In an attack by the militants on the CISF troops guarding the
house of Md.Yousaf Bhatt, he sustained bullet injuries. Subsequently, he was shifted to
hospital where on 13th Sept’2002 he succumbed to his injuries. He sacrificed his life in the
line of his duty.
71 No.832310472, HC/GD Solai Alagumalai of CISF Unit, OIL Duliajan was enrolled in CISF in
1983. At about 2150 hrs. on June 20, 2003 a bus carrying OIL employees was stopped at
the OCS/GCS outpost gate by the HC/GD Solai Alagumalai, who was on duty at the
gate.The ULFA militants who were already sitting inside the bus started firing
indiscriminately on him. In retaliation he also opened fire and killed one militant. HC/GD
S. ALAGU MALAI, HC/GD, Solai Alagumalai who valiantly fought against the terrorist, however succumbed to bullet
CISF UNIT, OIL DULIAJAN injuries during the encounter. HC/GD Solai Alagumalai thus sacrificed his life in the line of
his duty.
72 No.894525391, CT/GD Naren Rajbanshi of CISF Unit ,OIL Duliajan, Assam was enrolled in
the CISF in 1989.At about 2150 hrs. on June 20, 2003 a bus carrying OIL employees was
stopped at the OCS/GCS outpost gate by the HC/GD Solai Alagumalai, who was on duty at
the gate. The ULFA militants who were already sitting inside the bus started firing
indiscriminately on him. In retaliation he also opened fire and killed one militant. Meanwhile,
NAREN RAJBANSHI CT/GD Naren Rajbansi who was present in the barrack came forward to defend his
CT /GD, colleague. But he soon came under the barrage of firing and succumbed to bullet injuries
CISF UNIT, OIL DULIJAN instantaneously .CT/GD Naren Rajbanshi thus sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
73 No. 824440459, ASI/Exe Lachman Pandey joined the CISF in the year 1982.While posted
at CISF Unit, CCL Kargali, Jharkhand, on the intervening night of the 3/4July’ 2003, he was
deployed for area patrolling duty along with 02 personnel and a civilian driver. At about
0240 hrs, when the patrolling party was moving from Karo check post to Karo excavation
work shop, the patrolling vehicle was blown up in a powerful land mine explosion by the
Maoists, resulting in the death of the all personnel including ASI/Exe L.Pandey. He thus
sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.
74 No. 863080034, Const/GD Parmeshwar Murmu joined the CISF in the year 1986.While
posted at CISF Unit, CCL Kargali, Jharkhand, on the intervening night of the 3/4July’ 2003,
he was deployed for area patrolling duty along with 02 personnel and a civilian driver. At
about 0240 hrs. when the patrolling party was moving from Karo check post to Karo
excavation work shop, the patrolling vehicle was blown up in a powerful land mine explosion
by the Maoist. As a result all personnel including Const./GD Parmeshwar Murmu died.
PARMESHWAR MURMU, Const./GD Parmeshwar Murmu sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.
75 No. 943400024 ,Const/GD Dwarika Yadav joined the CISF in the year 1994. While posted
at CISF Unit, CCL Kargali, Jharkhand, on the intervening night of the 3/4July’ 2003, he was
deployed for area patrolling duty along with 02 personnel and a civilian driver. Their
patrolling vehicle was blown up in a powerful land mine explosion by the Maoist at about
0240 hrs, when the patrolling party was moving from Karo check post to Karo excavation
work shop. As a result, all the personnel including Const./GD Dwarika Yadav died.
Const./GD Dwarika Yadav thus sacrificed his life in the line of his duty.
76 Insp/Fire M M Dinakar of CISF FSTI Hyderabad appointed in CISF in 1993. Assam state
was severely affected by floods during July’2004 and Govt. of India decided to send a DM
team of CISF in which Sh.M.M.Dinakar was a volunteer. On July 20, as per directions of
District authorities of Nalbari, a team of 19 rescuers headed by Insp/Fire MM Dinakar left for
the assigned village “Hatinamati” to distribute medicine in the most affected areas. After
reaching Dhantola village, Insp/Fire M.M. Dinakar noticed strong currents of river
“Pagladiya” and instructed the fellow rescuers to take all necessary safety precautions.
Thereafter, he divided the rescuers in three groups and hired two country made boats, in
MEDEPALLI MARUTI addition to one rubberized boat of CISF. He spearheaded the operation which encountered
DINAKAR a very high speed of water current. The boat carrying 3 CISF personnel made it across, but
INSP/FIRE the other two boats were swept away from the main stream and hitsome concrete structure.
FSTI, HYDERABAD Soon both boats collided with each other and capsized. All 16 personnel were thrown into
the fast flowing water. Inspector Dinakar with the help of other fellow rescuers managed to
save lives of all team members, but in the process of saving others, he was swept away and
could not be located until his corpse was recovered almost a week later on July 26. He died
a hero’s death, fighting to save lives of his fellowmen till his last breath.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident

On 3rd March’2006, 03 personnel including HC/GD BagaTigga lost their lives when a group
of Naxals (30-40) armed with weapons and explosive launched a gruesome attack at CISF
barrack at Damoda area-I of BCCL(D). HC/GD BagaTigga fought valiantly and eventually
sacrificed his life in the line of duty.

On 3rd March’2006 03 personnel including HC/GD Ramakant Singh lost their lives when a
group of Naxals (30-40) armed with weapons and explosives launched a gruesome attack
on CISF barrack at Damoda area-I of BCCL(D).HC/GD Ramakant Singh fought valiantly
RAMAKANT SINGH and eventually sacrificed his life in the line of duty.

On 3rd March’2006,03 personnel including CT/GD Digamber Jha lost their lives when a
group of Naxals (30-40) armed with weapons and explosives launched a gruesome attack
on CISF barrack at Damoda area-I of BCCL(D).CT/GD Digamber Jha sacrificed his life in
the line of his duty.
80 No.933220021, SI/Exe DhirendraNath Prasad of CISF Unit, BIOM Kirandul, Distt
Dantewada (Chhattisgarh) enrolled in CISF in 1993. On Feb 9, 2006, he along with a
contingent of CISF was detailed to guard the Hiroli Magazine at Bailadila Iron Ore Project of
National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. Dantewada (Chatisgarh).At about 1950 hrs.
a large group of Naxals (500) armed with grenades, Petrol bombs, firearms etc. launched a
gruesome attack on the CISF post, asking CISF personnel to surrender. SI/Exe Dhirendra
Nath Prasad along with other contingent personnel fought valiantly. In spite of being
seriously injured they did not lose courage, continued to confront the Naxals and resisted
their advance to capture the explosive magazine. But during the exchange of bullets, 08
CISF Unit BIOM Kirandul
personnel of the contingent including SI/Exe Dhirendra Nath Prasad Singh received
severe injuries and sacrificed their lives in discharge of duties.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
81 No.894653296, Const/GD Surve Navnath of CISF Unit, BIOM Kirandul, DisttDantewada
(Chhattisgarh) enrolled in CISF in 1989. On Feb 9, 2006 Const/GD Surve Navnath in a
contingent of CISF was detailed to guard the Hiroli Magazine at Bailadila Iron Ore Project of
National Mineal Development Corporation Ltd. Dantewada (Chhattisgarh).At about 1950
hrs. a large group of Naxals (500) armed with grenades, Petrol bombs, firearms, etc.
launched an attack on the CISF post asking CISF personnel to surrender. Const/GD Surve
SURVE NAVNATH Navnath along with other contingent personnel fought valiantly. Inspite of being seriously
CT/GD, injured they did not lose courage, continued to confront the Naxals and resisted their
CISF Unit BIOM Kirandul advance to capture the explosive magazine. But during exchange of bullets, 08 personnel
of the contingent including Const/GD Surve Navnath Singh received severe gunshot
injuries and laid down their lives in discharge of duties.
82 No.012060120 CT/GD Mallikarjun of CISF Unit, BIOM Kirandul, Distt Dantewada
(Chhattisgarh) enrolled in CISF in 2001. On Feb 9, 2006,he along with a contingent of CISF
was detailed to guard the Hiroli Magazine at Bailadila Iron Ore Project of National Mineal
Development Corporation Ltd. Dantewada (Chhattisgarh).At about 1950 hrs. a group of
Naxals (500) armed with grenades, petrol bombs, firearms, etc. launched an attack on the
CISF post asking CISF personnel to surrender. CT/GD Mallikarjun along with other
contingent personnel fought valiantly. Inspite of being seriously injured, they did not lose
courage, continued to confront the Naxals. and resisted their advance to capture the
MALLIKARJUN explosive magazine. But during exchange of bullets, 08 personnel of the contingent
CT/GD including CT/GD Mallikarjun received severe gunshot injuries and laid down their lives in
CISF Unit BIOM Kirandul discharge of duties.
83 No.942298149 CT/GD Dinesh Singh of CISF Unit, BIOM Kirandul, DisttDantewada
(Chhattisgarh) enrolled in CISF in 1994. On Feb 9, 2006 ,he along with a contingent of
CISF was detailed to guard the Hiroli Magazine at Bailadila Iron Ore Project of National
Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. Dantewada (Chhattisgarh).At about 1950 hrs. a
group of Naxals (500) armed with grenades, petrol bombs, firearms, etc. launched a
gruesome attack on the CISF post asking CISF personnel to surrender. CT/GD Dinesh
DINESH SINGH Singh along with other contingent personnel fought valiantly. Inspite of being seriously
CT/GD injured, they did not lose courage, continued to confront the Naxals and resisted their
CISF Unit, BIOM Kirandul advance to capture the explosive magazine. But during exchange of bullets, 08 personnel of
the contingent including CT/GD Dinesh Singh received severe gunshot injuries and laid
down their lives in discharge of duties.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
84 No.932297585 CT/GD Raj Kumar Yadav of CISF Unit, BIOM Kirandul, Distt Dantewada
(Chhattisgarh) enrolled in CISF in 1993. On Feb 9, 2006 ,he along with a contingent of CISF
was detailed to guard the Hiroli Magazine at Bailadila Iron Ore Project of National Mineral
Development Corporation Ltd. Dantewada (Chhattisgarh).At about 1950 hrs. a group of
Naxals (500) armed with grenades, Petrol bombs, firearms, etc. launched a gruesome
attack on the CISF post asking CISF personnel to surrender. CT/GD Raj Kumar Yadav
along with other contingent personnel fought valiantly. Inspite of being seriously injured ,
RAJ KUMAR YADAV they did not lose courage, continued to confront the Naxals and resisted their advance to
CT/GD capture the explosive magazine. But during exchange of bullets, 08 personnel of the
CISF Unit BIOM Kirandul contingent including CT/GD Raj Kumar Yadav received severe injuries and laid down their
lives in discharge of duties.
85 No.942298769 CT/GD Umesh Parsad Shukla of CISF Unit, BIOM Kirandul, Distt
Dantewada (Chhattisgarh) enrolled in CISF in 1994. On Feb 9, 2006,he along with a
contingent of CISF was detailed to guard the Hiroli Magazine at Bailadila Iron Ore Project of
National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. Dantewada (Chhattisgarh).At about 1950
hrs. a group of Naxals (500) armed with grenades, Petrol bombs, firearms, etc. launched a
gruesome attack on the CISF post asking CISF personnel to surrender. CT/GD Umesh
Parsad Shukla along with other contingent personnel fought valiantly. Inspite of being
UMESH PARSAD SHUKLA seriously injured, they did not lose courage, continued to confront the Naxals and resisted
CT/GD their advance to capture the explosive magazine. But during in exchange of bullets, 08
CISF Unit BIOM Kirandul personnel of the contingent including CT/GD Umesh Parsad Shukla received severe
injuries and eventually laid down their lives in discharge of duties.
86 No.9422999388 CT/GD Jai Narayan Mishra of CISF Unit, BIOM Kirandul, Distt Dantewada
(Chhattisgarh) enrolled in CISF in the year 1994. On Feb 9, 2006,he along with a
contingent of CISF was detailed to guard the Hiroli Magazine at Bailadila Iron Ore Project of
National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. Dantewada (Chhattisgarh).At about 1950
hrs. a group of Naxals (500) armed with grenades, petrol bombs, firearms, etc. launched a
gruesome attack on the CISF post asking CISF personnel to surrender. CT/GD Jai Narayan
Mishra along with other contingent personnel fought valiantly. Inspite of being seriously
injured , they continued to confront Naxals and resisted their advance to capture the
JAI NARAYAN MISHRA explosive magazine . But during exchange of bullets , 08 personnel of the contingent
CT/GD including CT/GD Jai Narayan Mishra received severe injuries and eventually laid down their
CISF Unit BIOM Kirandul lives in discharge of duties.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
87 No.923510095 CT/GD Raj Kumar Tiwari of CISF Unit, BIOM Kirandul, DisttDantewada
(Chhattisgarh) enrolled in CISF in 1994. On Feb 9, 2006 ,he along with a contingent of
CISF was detailed to guard the Hiroli Magazine at Bailadila Iron Ore Project of National
Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. Dantewada (Chhattisgarh).At about 1950 hrs. a
group of Naxals (500) armed with grenades, petrol bombs, firearms, etc. launched a
gruesome attack on the CISF post asking CISF personnel to surrender. CT/GD Raj Kumar
Tiwari along with other contingent personnel fought valiantly. Inspite of being seriously
injured , they continued to fight the Naxals and resisted their advance to capture the
RAJ KUMAR TIWARI explosive magazine. But during exchange of bullets, 08 personnel of the contingent
CT/GD including CT/GD Raj Kumar Tiwari received severe gunshot injuries and eventually laid
CISF Unit BIOM Kirandul down their lives in discharge of duties.
88 No.731390146 SI/Exe Kaptan Boipai of CISF Unit, CCL Kargali was appointed in CISF in
1973. On 06.04.2007 at around 1940 hrs. about 400 armed Naxals armed with grenades,
petrol bombs, firearms etc. launched a gruesome attack on the CISF camp. The CISF
personnel on guard duties at the camp retaliated bravely to the attack. SI/Exe Kaptan Boipai
who was in the camp, led a team to assist the personnel at morchas who were retaliating
the attack. The Naxals asked them to surrender but the brave CISF personnel refused to
bow down and continued fighting bravely. Two personnel including SI/Exe Kaptan Boipai
lost their lives in the Naxal attack. SI/Exe Kaptan Boipai while fighting bravely with the
KAPTAN BOIPAI Naxals sacrificed his life in the line of duty.
89 No.942291003,CT/GD Hoshiyar Singh of CISF Unit, CCL Kargali was appointed in CISF in
the year 1994. On 06.04.2007 at around 1940 hrs about 400 armed Naxals armed with
grenades, petrol bomb, firearms etc. launched a gruesome attack on the CISF camp. The
CISF personnel on guard duties at the camp retaliated bravely to the attack. The Naxals
asked them to surrender but the brave CISF personnel refused to bow down and continued
fighting bravely. CT/GD Hoshiyar Singh who was positioned at the main gate fought bravely
HOSHIYAR SINGH and kept on firing in all direction to stop Naxals from advancing. Hundreds of bullets and
CT/GD splinter marks around the morcha bear the testimony to the brave front that this young man
CISF UNIT CCL KARGALI put up in the face of the ferocious Naxals attack. While fighting with Naxals, Const/GD
Hoshiyar Singh laid down his life in the line of duty by giving supreme sacrifice.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
90 No.804470799 HC/GD Hanuman Sharan Tiwari of CISF Unit SCCL (S) while on leave at
native place, on 16-11-2007 took a boat to cross Choti Mahanadi river at Barhi Police Stati
range, Katni District (MP). The boat was overloaded with 30-40 passengers and at about 14
hrs, it suddenly capsized. As a result the passengers in the boat fell into the river. Even thou
Shri Hanuman Sharan Tiwari could have saved himself, his conscience did not allow to lea
the people drowning around him. Instead of saving himself, he caught hold of the capsiz
boat with one hand and started pushing the drowning people without caring for his own safe
In the process he consumed all his energy to save as many people as he could. Ultimately,
made the supreme sacrifice and lost his life in the river Chota Mahanadi as he collapsed due
No.881170216 ASI/Exe Vikash Gurung of CISF Unit, BSP Bhilaiwas enrolled in CISF in
1988. On 08-06-2008 at about 1130 hrs. the jeep in which he along with other duty
personnel was carrying out patrolling near Bordih Dam (Orejhar village), met with a
landmine explosion, triggered off by Naxals. In the incident, three personnel including
ASI/Exe Vikas Gurung sacrificed their lives in the line of duty.
No.944720095 HC/Driver Bramah Prakash of CISF Unit, BSP Bhilai was enrolled in CISF in
1994. On 08.06.2008 at about 1130 hrs.the jeep in which he along with other duty
personnel was carrying out patrolling near Bordih Dam (Orejhar village) met with a landmine
explosion, triggered off by Naxals. In the incident, three personnel including HC/Driver
Bramah Prakash died, sacrificing their lives in the line of duty.
No. 004340234 Constable. G.Murmu of CISF Unit, BSP Bhilai was enrolled in CISF in2000.
On 08.06.2008 at about 1130 hrs. the jeep in which he along with other duty personnel was
carrying out patrolling near Bordih Dam (Orejhar village), met with a landmine explosion,
triggered by Naxals. In the incident, three personnel including Constable/GD G.Murmu died,
sacrificing their lives in the line of duty.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
94 No.724510177, SI/Exe Subash Chandra Pradhan of CISF Unit, NALCO Damanjodi was
enrolled in CISF in 1972. He was deployed along with other personnel at the Magazine of
Mines at NALCO Damanjodi in Koraput District of Odisha. On the night of 12.04.2009 at
about 2115hrs. a large group of heavily armed Naxals approx.400 in number launched
simultaneous attacks on the Fire Station Barrack, CISF Mines Barrack and CISF main
Gate Control Room and the Explosive Magazine of National AluminiumCompany (NALCO)
Damanjodi Odisha. The Naxalites were armed with AK-47 Rifles, SLRs, Country made
weapons, petrol bombs, grenades and IEDs. They were also accompanied by the local Jan
militia groups. The first line of defence bore the brunt of the attack. SI/Exe Subash Chandra
Pradhan along with other personnel took up the challenge of this sudden and vicious attack
and retaliated.The Naxals then concentrated their fire on the most crucial morcha engaged
SUBASH CHANDRA for the defence of the Magazine. Naxalites resorted to firing on this Morcha from three sides
PRADHAN simultaneously and also hurled petrol bomb at the Morcha. SI/Exe Subash Chandra
SI/Exe, Pradhan along with other CISF personnel showed extraordinary courage and faced the
CISF UNIT, NALCO three-pronged attack with exemplary bravery. During exchange of fire, one of the attackers
DAMANJODI was killed and a number of them seriously injured. The officer along with 05 other CISF
personnel continued their heroic action in defending this crucial Morcha and made the
supreme sacrifice. SI/Exe Subash Chandra Pradhan while fighting bravely with the Naxals
sacrificed his life in the line of duty.
95 No.073460020, CT/GD Solanki Kirtan Kumar of CISF Unit, NALCO Damanjodi was enrolled
in CISF in 2007. He was deployed along with other personnel at the Magazine of Mines at
NALCO Damanjodi in Koraput District of Odisha. On the night of 12.04.2009 at about
2115hrs. a large group of heavily armed Naxals approx. 400 in number launched
simultaneous attacks on the Fire Station Barrack, CISF Mines Barrack and CISF main
Gate Control Room and the Explosive Magazine of National Aluminium Company (NALCO)
Damanjodi, Odisha. The Naxals were armed with AK-47 Rifles, SLRs, country made
weapons, petrol bombs, grenades and IEDs. They were also accompanied by the local Jan
militia groups. The first line of defence bore the brunt of the attack. The Naxals concentrated
their fire on the most crucial morcha engaged for the defence of the Magazine. Naxals
resorted to firing on this morcha from three sides simultaneously and also hurled petrol
SOLANKI KIRTAN KUMAR bombs at the Morcha. CT/GD Solanki Kirtan Kumar along with other CISF personnel
CT/GD, showed extraordinary courage and faced the three-pronged attack with exemplary bravery.
CISF UNIT ,NALCO During exchange of fire, one of the attackers was killed and a number of them seriously
DAMANJODI injured. The Constable along with 05 other CISF personnel continued their heroic action in
defending this crucial Morcha and ultimately made the supreme sacrifice. CT/GD Solanki
Kirtan Kumar while fighting bravely with the Naxals sacrificed his life in the line of duty.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
96 No.072302825,CT/GD Bidhan Majhi of CISF Unit, NALCO Damanjodi was enrolled in CISF
in 2007. He was deployed along with other personnel at the Magazine of Mines at NALCO
Damanjodi in Koraput District of Odisha. On the night of 12.04.2009 at about 2115hrs. a
large group of heavily armed Naxals, approx.400 in number launched simultaneous attacks
on the Fire Station Barrack, CISF Mines Barrack and CISF main Gate Control Room and
the Explosive Magazine of National Aluminium Company(NALCO) Damanjodi Odisha. The
Naxals were armed with AK-47 Rifles, SLRs, country made weapons, petrol bombs,
grenades and IEDs. They were also accompanied by the local Jan-militia groups. The first
line of defence bore the brunt of the attack. CT/GD Bidhan Majhi along with other
personnel took up the challenge of this sudden and vicious attack and retaliated. The
Naxals then concentrated their fire on the most crucial morcha engaged for the defence of
BIDHAN MAJHI the Magazine. Naxals resorted to firing on this Morcha from three sides simultaneously and
CT/GD, also hurled petrol bombs at the Morcha. CT/GD Bidhan Majhi along with other CISF
CISF UNIT ,NALCO personnel showed extraordinary courage and faced the three-pronged attack with
DAMANJODI exemplary bravery. During exchange of fire, one of the attackers was also killed and a
number of them seriously injured. The Constable along with 05 other CISF personnel
continued their heroic action in defending this crucial Morcha and ultimately made the
supreme sacrifice. CT/GD Bidhan Majhi while fighting bravely with the Naxals sacrificed his
life in the call of duty.
97 No.062307105, CT/GD Barun Paramanik of CISF Unit, NALCO Damanjodi was enrolled in
CISF in 2006. He was deployed along with other personnel at the Magazine of Mines at
NALCO Damanjodi in Koraput District of Odisha. On the night of 12.04.2009 at about
2115hrs. a large group of heavily armed Naxals approx.400 in number launched
simultaneous attacks on the Fire Station Barrack, CISF Mines Barrack and CISF main
Gate Control Room and the Explosive Magazine of National Aluminium Company (NALCO)
Damanjodi Odisha. The Naxals were armed with AK-47 Rifles, SLRs, country made
weapons, petrol bombs, grenades and IEDs. They were also accompanied by the local Jan-
militia groups. The first line of defence bore the brunt of the attack. CT/GD Barun Paramanik
along with other personnel fought back valiantly. The Naxals then concentrated their fire on
the most crucial morcha engaged for the defence of the Magazine. Naxals resorted to firing
on this Morcha from three sides simultaneously and also hurled petrol bombs at the Morcha.
CT/GD Barun Paramanik along with other CISF personnel showed extraordinary courage
BARUN PARAMANIK and faced the three-pronged attack with exemplary bravery. During exchange of fire, one of
CT/GD, the attackers was killed and a number of them seriously injured. The constable along with
CISF UNIT ,NALCO 05 other CISF personnel continued their heroic action in defending this crucial Morcha and
DAMANJODI ultimately made the supreme sacrifice. CT/GD Barun Parmanik while fighting bravely with
the Naxals sacrificed his life in the line of duty.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
98 No.034400409, CT/GD Potupureddi Appanna of CISF Unit, NALCO Damanjodi was
enrolled in CISF in 2003. He was deployed along with other personnel at the Magazine of
Mines at NALCO Damanjodi in Koraput District of Odisha. On the night of 12.04.2009 at
about 2115hrs. a large group of heavily armed Naxals approx.400 in number launched
simultaneous attacks on the Fire Station Barrack, CISF Mines Barrack and CISF main
Gate Control Room and the Explosive Magazine of National Aluminium Company(NALCO)
Damanjodi, Odisha. The Naxals were armed with AK-47 Rifles, SLRs, country made
weapons, petrol bombs, grenades and IEDs. They were also accompanied by the local Jan-
militia groups. CT/GD Potupureddi Appanna along with other personnel braved the
challenge and fought valiantly. The Naxals then concentrated their fire on the most crucial
morcha engaged for the defence of the Magazine. Naxals resorted to firing on this Morcha
POTUPUREDDI APPANNA from three sides simultaneously and also hurled petrol bombs at the Morcha. CT/GD
CT/GD, Potupureddi Appanna along with other CISF personnel showed extraordinary resistance
CISF UNIT ,NALCO and faced the three-pronged attack with exemplary bravery. During exchange of fire, one of
DAMANJODI the attackers was killed and a number of them seriously injured. The Constable along with
05 other CISF personnel continued their heroic action in defending this crucial Morcha and
ultimately made the supreme sacrifice. CT/GD Potupureddi Appanna while fighting bravely
with the Naxals sacrificed his life in the call of duty.
99 No.085275832, CT/GD Lalit Kumar of CISF Unit, NALCO Damanjodi was enrolled in CISF
in 2008. He was deployed along with other personnel at the Magazine of Mines at NALCO
Damanjodi in Koraput District of Odisha. On the night of 12.04.2009 at about 2115hrs. a
large group of heavily armed Naxals, approx.400 in number launched simultaneous attacks
on the Fire Station Barrack, CISF Mines Barrack and CISF main Gate Control Room and
the Explosive Magazine of National Aluminium Company(NALCO) Damanjodi Odisha. The
Naxals were armed with AK-47 Rifles, SLRs, country made weapons, petrol bombs,
grenades and IEDs. They were also accompanied by the local Jan-militia groups. The first
line of defence bore the brunt of the attack. CT/GD Lalit Kumar along with other personnel
took up the challenge of this sudden and vicious attack and retaliated. The Naxals then
concentrated their fire on the most crucial morcha engaged for the defence of the
Magazine. Naxals resorted to firing on this Morcha from three sides simultaneously and also
hurled petrol bombs at the Morcha. CT/GD Lalit Kumar along with other CISF personnel
showed extraordinary courage and faced the three-pronged attack with exemplary bravery.
During exchange of fire, one of the attackers was killed and a number of them seriously
injured. The officer along with 05 other CISF personnel continued their heroic action in
defending this crucial Morcha and ultimately made the supreme sacrifice. CT/GD Lalit
Kumar while fighting bravely with the Naxal sacrificed his life in the line of duty.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
100 No.864490939, HC/GD Bhagirath Singh of CISF Unit, NALCO Damanjodi was enrolled in
CISF in 1986. He was deployed along with other personnel at the Explosive Magazine of
Mines at NALCO Damanjodi in Koraput District of Odisha. On the night of 12.04.2009 at
about 2115hrs. a large group of heavily armed Naxals approx.400 in number launched
simultaneous attacks on the Fire Station Barrack, CISF Mines Barrack and CISF main
Gate Control Room and the Explosive Magazine of National Aluminium Company(NALCO)
Damanjodi Odisha. The Naxals were armed with AK-47 Rifles, SLRs, and Country made
weapons, petrol bombs, grenades and IEDs. They were also accompanied by the local Jan-
BHAGIRATH SINGH militia groups. CISF personnel at the first line of defence bore the brunt of the attack. The
HC/GD Naxals asked them to surrender, but even after being greatly outnumbered they refused to
CISF UNIT ,NALCO surrender. They kept on fighting bravely and retaliated and thereby held the Naxals at bay
DAMANJODI till they fell to their bullets and attained martyrdom. HC/GD Bhagirath Singh while fighting
bravely with the Naxals sacrificed his life in the call of duty.
101 No.871380185, HC/GD Amrendra Sharma of CISF Unit, NALCO Damanjodi was enrolled in
CISF in 1987. He was deployed along with other personnel at the Explosive Magazine of
Mines at NALCO Damanjodi in Koraput District of Odisha. On the night of 12.04.2009 at
about 2115hrs. a large group of heavily armed Naxals approx.400 in number launched
simultaneous attacks on the Fire Station Barrack, CISF Mines Barrack and CISF main
Gate Control Room and the Explosive Magazine of National Aluminium company(NALCO)
Damanjodi, Odisha. The Naxals armed with AK-47 Rifles, SLRs, and Country made
weapons, petrol bombs, grenades and IEDs. They were also accompanied by the local Jan-
militia groups. CISF Personnel at the first line of defence bore the brunt of the attack. The
AMARENDRA SHARMA Naxals asked them to surrender, but even after being greatly outnumbered they refused to
HC/GD surrender. They kept on fighting bravely and retaliated and thereby held the Naxals at bay
CISF UNIT ,NALCO till they fell to their bullets and attained martyrdom. HC/GD Amrendra Sharma while fighting
DAMANJODI bravely with the Naxals sacrificed his life in the call of duty.
102 No.074410059, CT/GD Sarabjeet Singh of CISF Unit, NALCO Damanjodi was enrolled in
CISF in 1987. He was deployed along with other personnel at the Explosive Magazine of
Mines at NALCO Damanjodi in Koraput District of Odisha. On the night of 12.04.2009 at
about 2115hrs. a large group of heavily armed Naxals approx.400 in number launched
simultaneous attacks on the Fire Station Barrack, CISF Mines Barrack and CISF main
Gate Control Room and the Explosive Magazine of National Aluminium Company(NALCO)
Damanjodi Odisha. The Naxals were armed with AK-47 Rifles, SLRs, and Country made
weapons, petrol bombs, grenades and IEDs. They were also accompanied by the local Jan-
SARABJEET SINGH militia groups. CISF personnel at the first line of defence bore the brunt of the attack. The
CT/GD, Naxals asked them to surrender, but even after being greatly outnumbered they refused to
CISF UNIT ,NALCO surrender. They kept on fighting bravely and retaliated and thereby held the Naxals at bay
DAMANJODI till they fell to their bullets and attained martyrdom. HC/GD Sarabjeet Singh while fighting
bravely with the Naxals sacrificed his life in the call of duty.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
103 No.024490607, CT/GD Vipin Kumar Singh of CISF Unit, NALCO Damanjodi was enrolled in
CISF in the year 2002. He was deployed along with other personnel at the Explosive
Magazine of Mines at NALCO Damanjodi in Koraput District of Odisha. On the night of
12.04.2009 at about 2115hrs. a large group of heavily armed Naxals approx.400 in number
launched simultaneous attacks on the Fire Station Barrack, CISF Mines Barrack and CISF
main Gate Control Room and the Explosive Magazine of National Aluminium
Company(NALCO) Damanjodi, Odisha. The Naxals were armed with weapons like AK-47
VIPIN KUMAR SINGH Rifles, SLRs, country made weapons, petrol bombs, grenades and IEDs. They were also
CT/GD, accompanied by the local Jan-militia groups. CISF personnel at the first line of defence bore
CISF UNIT ,NALCO the brunt of the attack. The Naxals asked them to surrender but even after being greatly
DAMANJODI outnumbered they refused to surrender. They kept on fighting bravely and retaliated and
thereby held the Naxals at bay till they fell to their bullets and attained martyrdom. CT/GD
Vipin Kumar Singh while fighting bravely with the Naxals sacrificed his life in the call of duty.
104 No.945021672,SI/Exe S. K .Samal was enrolled in CISF in 1994. While posted at CISF Unit,
BIOM Bacheli, on 25-10-2009 at about 1600 hrs., he left for patrolling/area domination in
the QRT vehicle along with his other team members of the mining 10 area. At about 1620
hrs. the vehicle in which they were carrying out patrolling near core drill area which was
about 01 KM from the Mining 10 area, was blown apart in an IED blast planted by the
Naxals followed by heavy firing on them resulting in the death of SI/Exe S. K .Samal and 03
S. K. SAMAL, SI/EXE,CISF other personnel .SI/Exe S. K .Samal sacrificed his life in the call of duty.
105 No.854507247, HC/GD Satyapal Singh was enrolled in CISF in 1985.While posted at CISF
Unit, BIOM Bacheli on 25-10-2009 at about 1600 hrs. he left for patrolling/area domination
in the QRT vehicle along with his other team members of the mining 10 area. At about
1620 hrs. the vehicle in which they were carrying out patrolling near core drill area which
was about 01 KM from the Mining 10 area was blown apart in an IED blast planted by the
Naxals followed by heavy firing on them resulting in death of HC/GD Satyapal Singh and
03 other personnel. HC/GD Satyapal Singh sacrificed his life in the call of duty.
CISF Unit ,BIOM Bacheli
No.85273719,CT/GD Rahul Gahlaut was enrolled in CISF in 2008 .While posted at CISF
Unit ,BIOM Bacheli on 25-10-2009 at about 1600 hrs. he left for patrolling/area domination
in the QRT vehicle along with his other team members of the mining 10 area. The
patrolling vehicle was targeted by an IED blast at around 1620 hrs followed by firing. This
resulted in the death of CT/GD Rahul Gahlaut and three other personnel. CT/GD Rahul
RAHUL GAHLAUT, CT/GD Gahlaut sacrificed his life in the call of duty.
CISF Unit, BIOM Bacheli
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
No.063560755,CT/Driver Virender Singh was enrolled in CISF in 2006. While posted at
CISF Unit, BIOM Bacheli on 25-10-2009 at about 1600 hrs. he left for patrolling/area
domination in the QRT vehicle along with his other team members of the mining 10 area.
The patrolling vehicle was targeted by an IED blast at around 1620 hrs followed by firing.
This resulted in the death of CT/Dvr Virender Singh and three other personnel. CT/Driver
VIRENDER SINGH Virender Singh sacrificed his life in the call of duty.
CISF Unit, BIOM Bacheli

CT/GD Harpal Singh of CISF unit, SJVNL Jhakri was enrolled in CISF in the year 2004.On
2nd Dec’ 2009, on the way to polling booth he lost his life in a land mine blast triggered by
Naxals while on election duty in Jharkhand. CT/GD Harpal Singh sacrificed his life in the
line of his duty.


No- 882200082 HC/GD Satyajit Singha Roy enrolled in CISF in 1988. While posted at CISF
unit BIOM Bacheli, on 16.11.2011, at about 1600 hrs a group of Naxals attacked Satyajit
and other Constable. They took up the challenge of this sudden and vicious attack and
bravely fought back. However unfortunately both laid down their lives in the line of their

No 094710151 CT/GD RAJU NUKALA enrolled in CISF in 2009. While posted at CISF unit
BIOM Bacheli, on 16.11.2011, at about 1600 hrs a group of Naxals attacked Raju Nukala
and HC/GD Satyajit Singha Roy. They took up the challenge of this sudden and vicious
attack and bravely fought back. However unfortunately both laid down their lives in the line
of their duty.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
No 902292185 Const/GD Subhash Chandra enrolled in CISF in the year 1990. While
posted at CISF Unit, BIOM Kirandul, on 13-05-2012 at about 2100 hrs the vehicle (Bolero
Jeep) carrying him along with 05 other duty personnel for “C” shift duty was ambushed by
Naxals on the way by opening heavy firing on them. In the ambush Const/GD Subhash
Chandra along with 05 other personnel bravely fought with the Naxals. All the six personnel
including Constable/GD Subhash Chandra lost their lives. Const/GD Subhash Chandra
SUBHASH CHANDRA sacrificed his life in the line of duty for the service of the nation.
CISF Unit, BIOM Bacheli
No 94460089 Const/GD Prakash Chand Meena enrolled in CISF in the year 2009. While
posted at CISF Unit, BIOM Kirandul, on 13-05-2012 at about 2100 hrs the vehicle (Bolero
Jeep) carrying him along with 05 other duty personnel for “C” shift duty was ambushed by
Naxals on the way by opening heavy firing on them. In the ambush Const/GD Prakash
Chand Meena along with 05 other personnel bravely fought with the Naxals. All the six
personnel including Constable/GD Prakash Chand Meena lost their lives. Const/GD
PRAKASH CHAND MEENA Prakash Chand Meena sacrificed his life in the line of duty for the service of thenation.
CISF Unit ,BIOM Bacheli
No 104510052 Const/GD Ashok kumar Verma enrolled in CISF in the year 2010. While
posted at CISF Unit, BIOM Kirandul, on 13-05-2012 at about 2100 hrs the vehicle (Bolero
Jeep) carrying him along with 05 other duty personnel for “C” shift duty was ambushed by
Naxals on the way by opening heavy firing on them. In the ambush Const/GD Ashok kumar
Verma along with 05 other personnel bravely fought with the Naxals. All the six personnel
including Constable/GD Ashok kumar Verma lost their lives. Const/GD Ashok kumar Verma
sacrificed his life in the line of duty for the service of the nation.
CISF Unit, BIOM Kirandul
No 10460172 Const/GD Jayanta Das enrolled in CISF in the year 2010. While posted at
CISF Unit, BIOM Kirandul, on 13-05-2012 at about 2100 hrs the vehicle (Bolero Jeep)
carrying him along with 05 other duty personnel for “C” shift duty was ambushed by Naxals
on the way by opening heavy firing on them. In the ambush Const/GD Jayanta Das along
with 05 other personnel bravely fought with the Naxals. All the six personnel including
Constable/GD Jayanta Das lost their lives. Const/GD Jayanta Das sacrificed his life in the
line of duty for the service of the nation.
CISF Unit, BIOM Kirandul
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
No 082301933 Const/GD Kailash Chand Meena enrolled in CISF in the year 2008. While
on Internal Security Duty from 1st Res Bn. Barwaha at CISF Unit, BIOM Kirandul, on 13-05-
2012 at about 2100 hrs the vehicle (Bolero Jeep) carrying him along with 05 other duty
personnel for “C” shift duty was ambushed by Naxals on the way by opening heavy firing on
them. In the ambush Const/GD Kailash Chand Meena along with 05 other personnel
bravely fought with the Naxals. All the six personnel including Constable/GD Kailash Chand
KAILASH CHAND MEENA Meena lost their lives. Const/GD Kailash Chand Meena sacrificed his life in the line of duty
CT/GD for the service of the nation.
No 082301923 Const/GD Ranjeet Singh enrolled in CISF in 2008. While on Internal
Security Duty from 1st Res Bn. Barwaha at CISF Unit, BIOM Kirandul, on 13-05-2012 at
about 2100 hrs the vehicle (Bolero Jeep) carrying him along with 05 other duty personnel
for “C” shift duty was ambushed by Naxals on the way by opening heavy firing on them. In
the ambush Const/GD Ranjeet Singh along with 05 other personnel bravely fought with the
Naxals.All the six personnel in cluding Constable/GD Ranjit Singh lost their lives. Const/GD
RANJIT SINGH Ranjeet Singh sacrificed his life in the line of duty for the service of the nation.

No 84220068 HC/GD P. N. Chaterjee enrolled in CISF in the year 1984. While posted at
CISF Unit BIOM Bacheli, on 04-11-2012 he along with another constable was deployed on
“A” shift duty at Akashnager check post. At about 0600 hrs. around 20-25 Naxals, in the
disguise of villagers in groups attacked on both the duty personnel with sharp edge
weapon at the check post. In the attack both got seriously injured .The constable died on
the spot and HC/GD P. N. Chaterjee succumbed to his injuries in the hospital. HC/GD P.
N. Chaterjee sacrificed his life in the call of duty.
SN CISF No., Rank, Name & Brief of incident
No 014430129 CT/GD K.R.Arjun enrolled in CISF in the year 2001. While posted at CISF
Unit BIOM Bacheli, on 04-11-2012 he along with HC/GD P. N. Chaterjee was deployed on
“A” shift duty at Akashnager check post. At about 0600 hrs. around 20-25 naxals, in the
disguise of villagers in groups attacked on both the duty personnel with sharp edge
weapon at the check post. In the attack both got seriously injured. Const/GD K.R.K Arjun
died on the spot and HC/GD P. N. Chaterjee succumbed to his injuries in the hospital.
K. R. ARJUN Const./GD K.R.K Arjun sacrificed his life in the call of duty.
On 23.09.2013 HC/GD Dibakar Nayak along with CT/GD Mukesh Kumar and CT/GD
Jitendra Kumar were detailed with arms to escort the school children of CISF Unit PGCIL
Wagoora from Wagoora to Kendriya Vidhyalay, B. B. Cantt Srinagar. After dropping the
school children at K.V., B.B.Cantt Srinagar, they went to Maharaja Market, Srinagar for
mess purchasing. Meanwhile, in Maharaja Market near Naaz Cinema some unidentified
DIBAKAR NAYAK militants with weapons fired on the escort party, resulting in the death of No. 843040056
HC/GD HC/GD Dibakar Nayak scarified his life in the line of duty towards the nation.


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