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No Place for the Weak: When the battle ends, Take What’s Theirs: When the battle ends, you
you complete this grand strategy if there are no complete this grand strategy if there are more
Battleline units from your opponent’s starting army friendly units than enemy units wholly within your
ATTACKER on the battlefield. opponent’s territory.
Tame the Land: When the battle Demonstration of Strength: When the battle ends,
GRAND STRAT ends, you complete this grand strategy you complete this grand strategy if there are 3 or
if you control all of the objectives on more GALLETIAN VETERANS from your starting

the battlefield that are wholly outside army on the battlefield.

Show of Dominance: When the battle ends, you
ROUND TACTIC COMPLETE? CONTROL? SCORED Defend What’s Ours: When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy if there are any friendly
complete this grand strategy if there are no enemy GALLETIAN VETERANS units in each quarter of
units wholly within your territory. the battlefield.
2 Gaining Momentum: Pick 1 enemy unit on the Outmuscle: Pick 1 enemy GALLETIAN VETERANS
battlefield. You complete this battle tactic if that unit that has any models contesting an objective
unit is destroyed during this turn and you control marked as the proving ground. You complete this
3 more objectives than your opponent at the end of battle tactic if no enemy models from that enemy
this turn. unit are contesting the proving ground at the end of
4 An Eye for an Eye: You complete this battle
this turn.
tactic if 1 or more friendly units were destroyed in Against the Odds: Pick 1 unit from your starting
5 the previous turn and 1 or more enemy units are
destroyed during this turn.
army on the battlefield. You complete this battle
tactic if, at the end of this turn, any models from
that unit are contesting an objective you control and
Desecrate their Lands: Pick 1 terrain feature or
GRAND STRAT COMPLETE? VP TOTAL: faction terrain feature that is partially or wholly
that objective is not being contested by any enemy
within your opponents territory. You complete this
battle tactic if you control that terrain feature at the
end of this turn. Barge Through Enemy Lines: You complete this
DEFENDER battle tactic if there are 2 or more units from
This One’s Mine! Pick 1 enemy unit on the your starting army wholly within your opponent’s
battlefield. You complete this battle tactic if that
GRAND STRAT unit is destroyed during this turn by an attack made
territory at the end of this turn. If 2 or more of
those units are GALLETIAN VETERANS units, score
by the model picked to be your general. 1 additional victory point.
VETERANS unit on the battlefield. You complete
ROUND TACTIC COMPLETE? CONTROL? SCORED this battle tactic if that unit is destroyed during this
turn by an attack made by a friendly GALLETIAN
VETERANS unit or an ability of a friendly

Proving Grounds: At the start of each battle round, Masters of the Splintered Land: Friendly battleline
after the players have determined who will take the units that have a wounds characteristic of 4 or less and
3 first turn, the player who will take the second turn can do not have mounts gain the GALLETIAN VETERANS
pick 1 objective on the battlefield to be the PROVING keyword.
GROUND until the end of that battle round. The same
4 objective cannot be picked as the PROVING GROUND COMMAND: OVERWHELMING ASSAULT
more than once per battle, and only 1 objective can be You can use this command ability at the end of your
5 can be marked as the PROVING GROUND at any one
time. Only models with the GALLETIAN VETERANS
charge phase. The unit that receives the command
must be a GALLETIAN VETERANS that has 10 or more
keyword can contest an objective marked as the models. Pick 1 enemy unit within 1” of that unit that has
GRAND STRAT COMPLETE? VP TOTAL: proving ground. a Wounds characteristic of 4 or less and roll a dice. If
the roll is greater than the number of models in that
The Bonds of Battle: When a model in a GALLETIAN enemy unit, the strike-last effect applies to that enemy
VETERANS unit makes an attack with a melee unit in the following combat phase.
ATTACKER FIRST TURN DEFENDER weapon, you can target an enemy within 1/2” of
another model from that GALLETIAN VETERANS unit MAGIC: GAZE OF GHUR
instead of using the weapon’s Range characteristic Gaze of Ghur is a spell that has a casting value of 7
ATTACKER RESULT DEFENDER for that attack. If you do so, the attacking model must and a range of 12’’. If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy
be within 1/2” of another model that is within 1/2” of unit within range and visible to the caster. When
MAJ MIN DRAW MAJ MIN the target. determining the number of models in that enemy unit
that are contesting an objective, your opponent must
halve that number, rounding down.

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