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Radiation Heat Exchange

Between Two Surfaces

An essential idea in heat exchange is thermal radiation. Let's examine
view factors, emissivity, heat transfer equations, blackbody radiation, the
Stefan-Boltzmann Law, and practical applications.

Done by:

Name: Mohammed Zahran Mohammed Hashil Al Hinai

Thermal Radiation
1 Definition
Thermal radiation is the transfer of heat between two surfaces through
electromagnetic waves.

2 M ech an ism
Photons, which are emitted by one surface and absorbed by another, are the
units of heat transfer.

3 Factors
Thermal radiation depends on temperature, surface area, and properties of
the surfaces involved.
Blackbody Radiation
N ature's Perfectio n Pro p erties
Ideal radiation, or blackbody radiation, A blackbody is an ideal heat exchanger
is released by an item that completely that emits radiation with a unique
absorbs all incident electromagnetic spectrum that depends on its
waves. temperature.

The blackbody concept is used in manufacturing to calibrate thermal cameras and in
astronomy to determine the temperatures of planets and stars.
Stefan-Boltzmann Law

Formula Real-Life Example Application

A blackbody's total energy The energy radiated by the sun In order to maximize the
output is proportional to the can be calculated using the effectiveness of heating
fourth power of its absolute Stefan-Boltzmann Law, which systems and to design thermal
temperature (T), according to helps us understand the insulation for buildings, the
the Stefan-Boltzmann Law. behavior of stars. Stefan-Boltzmann Law is
D efin itio n Emissivity is the ability of a surface to emit
radiation relative to a blackbody at the same

D eterm ining Facto rs Surface characteristics, temperature, and

radiation wavelength all affect emissivity.

Applications Emissivity is used in the design of radiative

cooling systems, temperature measurement
devices and several of heater devices
View Factors
1 What are they?
View factors calculate the quantity of energy that one surface receives from
the other and quantify the geometric relationship between two surfaces.

2 Formula
The view factor (F) is given by the ratio of the area of the surface that can
"see" the other surface to the total area of the surface.

3 Applications
View factors are used in the design of thermal radiation shields, solar
collectors, and heat exchanging systems in spacecraft and satellites.
Radiation Heat Transfer Equation

Formula Real-Life Examples Applications

The equation that describes the An significant consideration in Radiation heat transfer is used
rate of heat transfer due to the design of industrial in the design of food warmers,
radiation is Q = σ(A1/A2)F(T1^4 - furnaces, boilers, and metal ovens, and kilns.
T2^4), where Q is the heat manufacturing operations is
transfer rate, σ is the Stefan- radiation-induced heat transfer.
Boltzmann constant, A1 and
A2are the surface areas involved
=(emissivity €) , T1 and T2 are the
temperatures of the surfaces and
F is the view factor.
Applications and Examples
Thermal Imaging S p acecraft T h erm al Greenhouse Effect
C o ntro l
heat cameras are used for The Earth's temperature
firefighting, surveillance, and For spacecraft and satellites remains steady for life on
night vision since they can to control heat gain and loss Earth due to the natural
detect heat radiation. from radiation, advanced phenomenon known as the
thermal control systems are greenhouse effect, which is
needed. caused by greenhouse gases
in our atmosphere that both
absorb and reemit thermal


2.HMT university book


4. Heat Transfer Tenth Edition Book By J.P Holman

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