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Marc Louise D.

Lingating BSIT-3

Tools in Document

Margins - an empty spaces on a document's top, bottom, left, and right

sides these are required as they help with the appearance of your of
the document in a smooth and neatly manner.

Scroll bar – it’s a bar at the side of the window, this allows you to either
scroll down or scroll up of your document.

Page – It’s the empty blank page of your document

Page and Word Count – This refers on the Numbers of Pages and words
on the list of your document.

Read mode – it’s a feature that allows you to view you’re document in
a readable format. In some cases, there is a feature in word that is able
to restrict you’re document and only allows in “Read only.”

Zoom – it’s another tool next to the scrollbar and Read Mode, this
allows you to zoom in or Out of your document.
Quick Access toolbar

Quick save – this feature allows you to automatically save you’re

document, usually word also creates a backup for your save in case an
unexpected shutdown happens.

Undo – this an tool that allows you either go back or undo you’re
previous action

Redo – much like the undo, this allows you to bring back you’re last
action you undone.

Quick print – a printing option that prints the summary of the content
in your document that is currently selected.

Print preview – this is a feature that display the page of you’re

document and how the hard copy should look like.

New document – a feature that allows you to make a new document

blank document.

Customize toolbar - A toolbar that the user may customize to his or

her liking. Buttons could be added or removed as needed.
Home toolbar: font style & clipboard

Font name – It’s a collection of characters with different and unique

designs, this depends on how you use you’re font whether it’s for
project purpose or literacy.

Font size – The size of your text in your document on whether you want
to make it big or smaller

Automated cases – It’s a feature that allows you to make you’re text in
a lower or uppercase format.

Clear all formatting – Removes and formats you’re text and reverts it
to original text

Bold – This allows you’re text to be bolder.

Italic – This makes you’re text italicized

Underline – Makes you’re text to be underlined and to make it as an

indicator of your text

Strikethrough – it’s a tool in the font that makes you’re text appear
crossed. This used either to censored or the text is no longer valid.
Text effects – a tool that is used for making text in your document in a
creative way.

Subscript – Makes the text smaller below the lines

Superscript – Much like subscript, this makes you’re text small and
above the lines. Usually there is automatic way of this, is when you
either type the text 1st, 2nd, and 3rd all in while using the space button.

Highlight – this allows you’re text to be highlighted and to be indicated

Text color – this change’s you’re text color.

Home toolbar: format paragraphs

Bulleted list - It's a list of object symbols rather than numbers.

Numbered list – a list of numbers rather than objects, either roman

styled or number styled text
Multilevel - A multilayer list contains more than one level. This
commonly used when making answers with the question consist of the
letters A), B), C), in the list
Increase and decrease indentation – This makes you’re paragraph
either closer or further away from the margin

list Left, right, center, justified alignments – This alignments allows

formatting that aligns content on the right side of a page or enclosing
element. This is typically either used for documented styled formatting
or in center alignment; which is used for poetry or making lyrics.

Line spacing - Determines the amount of vertical space between

paragraph lines of text.

Table drawing tools – this makes a list of borders or boxes in your text
which can either use for listing and making examples.

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