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Labour Law- 04.01.

LL.B I yr (Semester I)
Long Questions:
1. Explain the term ‘industry’ as defined under Industrial Relations Code 2020
2. Define ‘industry’ in the light of Bangalore water supply case.
3. Define ‘industrial dispute’ under I.R.C and explain when an individual dispute
can become industrial dispute.
4. What machinery is provided for settlement of disputes under Industrial
Relations Code 2020?
5. Define strike and explain when can a strike be regarded as an illegal strike.
6. Distinguish between strike and lock-out.
7. Distinguish between lock-out and closure.
8. Define lay-off and distinguish it from retrenchment.
9. Examine critically the provisions relating to the closure of industry.
10. What are the unfair labour practices on the part of employers and trade
11. Define retrenchment and explain the conditions precedent to retrenchment.
12. Explain the rights of laid-off workmen for compensation.
13. What are the different penalties provided under Industrial Relations Code
14. Define ‘award’ and state the provisions relating to report, publication and
commencement of award under Industrial Relations Code 2020
15. What is a Trade Union? Explain the rights of the registered trade Union.
16.Discuss the historical reasons for the formation of combinations of workers in
17.Discuss the evolution and growth of Trade Union in India.
18.Explain the factors that contributed to the growth of Trade Unions in India.
19.Elaborate the background leading for enactment of Trade Unions Act in India.
20. Discuss the rights of unregistered Trade Union
21.Highlight the significance of the International Labour Organisation.
22. Explain the role of ILO in protection of Trade Union Members/Labourerss.
23. Explain in what manner has the ILO influenced Indian Legislations.
24. Name few Conventions of ILO.
25. Define Trade union as per the Industrial Relations Code
26. Define Employer and employee as per the Industrial Relations Code
27. Define wages as per the Industrial Relations Code
28. Define appropriate government as per the Industrial Relations Code
29. Define retrenchment as per the Industrial Relations Code
30. Explain the procedure for application for registration and alteration of name?
31. Explain the procedure for cancellation of registration of trade union?
32. Explain the powers of the Registrar for trade union.
33. What are the criteria for registration of trade union.
34. Explain the civil and criminal immunities of registered Trade Union under the
Industrial Relations Code 2020.
35. Under what circumstances can the members/trade union claim immunity from
civil and criminal proceedings?
36. Discuss the landmark judgments which uphold the civil and criminal
immunity attributed to the registered trade union.
37. Explain what are model standing orders.
38. Discuss the procedure for making of model standing orders by Central
39. Explain the preparation of draft standing orders by employer and procedure
for certification.
40. Explain the powers of the Certifying officer and appellate authority?
41. What is a modification of standing orders?
42. Discuss the liability to pay subsistence allowance.
43.Explain the authorities under the Industrial Relations Code 2020.
44. Discuss the Powers of Tribunal and National Industrial Tribunal
45. Explain the Procedure and powers of the arbitrator, conciliation officer,
Tribunal and National Industrial Tribunal?
46. Explain the Constitution of the National Tribunal
47. Discus the role of the conciliation officer.

II. Short Notes:

1. Worker under the Industrial Relations Code 2020
2. Average Pay.
3. Industrial dispute.
4. Wages.
5. Closure of industry.
6. Notice of change.
7. Rights of unrecognised Trade Union
8. Unfair Labour Practice.
9. Arbitration & collective bargaining.
10. Rights of recognised union.
11. Cancellation of recognition of union.
12. Award under Industrial Relations Code 2020Forms of Collective

Dr. Sharmila Ghuge

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