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Web Application Development

1. Explain the following using C#: a).Inheritance b).overloading
2. Write a note on C# properties with example?
3. Discuss about datatypes in C#?
4. Discuss about operator overloading in C#?
5. Highlight the features of C# language?
6. What is an Indexer?Explain its uses with an example?
7. Explain Interface in C#? Explain in briefly?
8. Write about the various operators available in C# ?
9. Explain the features in Indexer and Properties in C# ?
10.Describe the method of implementing operator?
11.Differentiate the class and structures in C# ?
12.Discuss about operators and Expressions in C# ?
13.What is an Interface?Explain the procedure to create a interface in
C# ?
14.Explain class in C# with Example?
15.Design a structure datatype named Date of birth to contain
data,month and year of birth.Write a C# program?
16.Write a Differentiate between structures and Enumeration?
17.Write a C# program for overloading unary and binary operators?
18.Write a C# program for handling various Exceptions?
19.Write a C# program to implement Interface?
20.What is the between ref and out keywords in C# ?
21.Describe Enums in C# ?
22.Elucidate Namespace in details ?
23.What are ASP.NET webform?How is the technology difference
than what is available through ASP?
24.Explain web controls in details?
25.Discuss about the .NET framework?
26.What are the different types of Validators in ASP.NET? Explain in
27.Write a code to send e-mail from an ASP.NET application?
28.Develop a web application for telephone directory with following
a).Get Ph.no and Address detail from the user.
b).Store it to the database.
c).Provide the individual search facility by using Ph.no and
29.Explain the validation control in detail?
30.Write about the features of ASP.NET application?
31.Discuss to create a windows form application using ASP.NET with
32.Write a short note on Rich Controls?
33.Discuss how to create a Web Application using ASP.NET?
34.Explain reading and writing with stream and sending mail
35.Explain ASP.NET page lifecycle with program?
36.Explain key concepts of using Exception handling in .NET?
37.How can validate a Data?
38.Difference between client-side and server-side validation
39.Explain briefly about the ASP.NET state management?
40.Explain the HTML server control of ASP.NET? and Advantages of
41.Explain AutoPostback property with diagram?
42.Define the security concepts in Advanced ASP.NET?
43.Discuss in detail about error pages?
44.Write down the steps to access data using ADO.NET?
45.What is Repeater control?Explain.
46.Discuss about the Datalist in detail?
47.Explain about the Data binding with suitable example?
48.Explain Data binding?
49.Explain Data grid?
50.Explain the steps in Displaying connection in ADO.NET?
51.Elaborate three types of database connection in ADO.Net?
52.What is ADO.NET?and what is the difference between ADO and
53.What are the Namespaces used in ADO.NET to connect to
database?Explain in detail?
54.Differentiate between Data grid and Repeater?
55.Discuss how to connect and manipulate to data in set server data
using ASP.NET?
56.What is meant by Validation process in ASP.NET?Explain various
types of validation control with examples?
57.Write directoryinfo and fileinfo classes in table form?
58.Explain the types of ASP.NET databinding with program?
59.Write the ADO.NET program for Update,Insert and Deleting a
60.Discuss about using data sets on webform in detail?
61.Discuss in detail error pages?
62.How the format with databinder.eval in ASP.NET and list data
63.How to add a Items to a DataGrid,DataList and Repeater controls?
64.Design an employee pay bills project using ADO.NET to access
the data from server?
65.Explain in detail about the data binding and Event handling wpf?

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