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Pineda, Maryjoy Health Education

BSN - 2B


A Patient's Bill of Rights is a document that instructs patients about how they should
expect to be treated when undergoing medical treatment. Most of the time, these
documents are not legally binding. They merely establish patient care expectations and
goals. The patient has the right to compassionate and courteous care regardless of
socioeconomic status. The patient has the right to receive complete, up-to-date information
from his doctor on his diagnosis, course of treatment, and prognosis in language that the
patient may reasonably be expected to understand. When it is not medically advisable to
give such information to the patient, it should be given to a suitable person on the patient's
behalf. He has the right to meet with the members of the medical staff who are in charge of
overseeing his care, either in person or informally. The bill comes in several forms, but in
general, it protects a patient's right to accurate and complete information, equitable
treatment, and self-determination while making health-care decisions. Patients can expect
to be treated with dignity and care, as well as with regard for their cultural values. The bill
comes in several forms, but in general, it protects a patient's right to accurate and complete
information, equitable treatment, and self-determination while making health-care
decisions. Patients can expect to be treated with dignity and care, as well as with regard for
their cultural values.

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