Home Apartment Management Information System

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November, 2019
We declare that to the best of our knowledge, this report is our original piece of work, and
has never been published and or submitted for any award in any other university or higher
institution of learning.

Names Registration Number SIGNATURE


This is to certify that this project report has been complied under my supervision and now is
ready for submission

Mr. Jim Mwesigwa

…………………………………………. ………………………………….

Signature Date

We would like to dedicate this piece of work to our entire families especially our parents for
all their support rendered to us during this project and life time at Management Training and
Advisory Centre and to all our friends for their prayers.

We would like to give thanks to the almighty God for having enabled us to reach where we
are and accomplish this piece of work in efforts to accomplish our Diploma in particular and
attaining our education in general.

We recognize the contribution of our supervisor Mr. Jim Mwesigwa and departmental
lecturers for their guidance, knowledge and courage provided to us during our course of

We go ahead to thank and recognize the management of Steka Apartments for providing us
with the required information during our study.

We would like to gratify the efforts of all those, whose names we have not been in position to
point out reminding you that this does not mean that we have not forgotten any of you but
really appreciate the efforts you push towards us in all situations.

CHAPTER ONE.......................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background to the Study......................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem.....................................................................................................2
1.3 Purpose of the Study/ General Objective.............................................................................2
1.4 Specific Objectives of the Study..........................................................................................3
1.5 Study Scope.........................................................................................................................3
1.5.1 Content Scope...................................................................................................................3
1.6 Justification/significance of the Study................................................................................3
1.7 Justification of the study......................................................................................................4
2.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................5
2.1 Web-Based System..............................................................................................................5
2.2 Rationale of Apartment Management Systems....................................................................6
2.3 Applications of Home Apartment Management Information Systems................................8
2.4 Implementation of Rental Management Systems................................................................9
2.5 Challenges of Implementing Home Apartment Management Information Systems.........10
CHAPTER THREE...............................................................................................................12
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.........................................................................................12
3.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................12
3.1 Research Design.................................................................................................................12
3.2 Study Population...............................................................................................................12
3.3 Sources of Data..................................................................................................................13
3.4 Requirement Elicitation [Data collection] Techniques.....................................................13
3.4.1 Questionnaire Method.....................................................................................................13
3.4.2 Observation Method........................................................................................................13
3.4.2. Interview Method...........................................................................................................14
3.5 Research Design Tools......................................................................................................14

3.6 System Design Approach..................................................................................................15
3.7 Limitations of the Project...................................................................................................15
3.8 Ethical considerations:.......................................................................................................16
CHAPTER FOUR..................................................................................................................17
SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN..................................................................................17
4.0 System Analysis and Design..............................................................................................17
4.1 Study of the existing system..............................................................................................17
4.2 System Analysis.................................................................................................................17
4.3 Requirements Analysis.......................................................................................................17
4.3.1 Functional Requirements................................................................................................18
4.3.2 Non-Functional Requirements........................................................................................18
4.3.3 Systems Requirements....................................................................................................19
4.3.4 Hardware Requirements..................................................................................................19
4.3.5 Software Requirements..................................................................................................19
4.1.6 User Requirements..........................................................................................................19
4.2 Systems Design.................................................................................................................20
4.2.1 Structural/Procedural Design..........................................................................................21
4.3 System Testing..................................................................................................................26
CHAPTER FIVE....................................................................................................................27
SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT...............................................................................................27
5.0 Presentation of the Results................................................................................................27
5.2 System Implementation......................................................................................................27
5.3 Results of System Testing..................................................................................................34
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATONS................................................................27
6.0 Conclusions........................................................................................................................35
6.1 Summary............................................................................................................................35
6.2Future Work........................................................................................................................35
APPENDICES A: BUDGET...................................................................................................38
Appendix B: Questionnaire......................................................................................................39
Appendix C: Interview Guide..................................................................................................41

The study aimed to design and develop Home Apartment Management Information System
for Steka Apartments, to study and analyse the current system at Steka Apartments, to
identify the requirements for designing a Home Apartment management system, to design
and develop the Home Apartment management information system for Steka Apartments.
That is, analyse the system in place and establish the requirements that will run the system

Section one: section presents introduction to the background of study, statement of the
problem, purpose of the study/ general objective, specific objectives of the study, research
questions, scope of the study and justification/ significance of the study

Section two: Gives an explanation of the theoretical rationale of the problem being studied as
well as what research had already been done and how the findings relate to the problem at

Section three: Covers the methodology that was applied in the execution of the actual
research. It will also cover the data collection techniques, tools that were used.


1.0 Introduction
This chapter shows the background of the study, problem statement, and purpose of
the study, study scope and justification of the study.

1.1. Background to the Study

Rental house management has become important factor in modern society hence the
need to have a rental house management system. Housing has a central importance to
quality of life with considerable economic, social, cultural and personal significance.
Though a country’s national prosperity is usually measured in economic terms,
increasing wealth is of diminished value unless all can share its benefits and if the
growing wealth is not used to redress growing social deficiencies, one of which is
housing (S. Erguden, 2001). Efficient and effective management of public housing is
hugely dependent on the availability of good, reliable and timely information. Hence,
Molen (2001) asserted that any effective landed property administration begins with a
land information system. It is no surprise therefore, that most government’s housing
organizations and agencies particularly in the developed countries have embraced
information technology and are developing effective information management
systems to provide accurate information relating to government landed property assets
(Donlon, 2007).

Babalola and Kardam (2011) indicated that computer technology has come to play a
vital role in keeping landed property records by making it possible for information to
be assembled in any desired manner by individuals, ministries or parastatals that are
directly involved with land related matters in meeting their required needs. They
argued that the manual system of handling property information/records was
becoming inefficient due to its slowness in updating, retrieving and storing of
information as well as its inability in performing both spatial and non-spatial analysis.

Unfortunately, most land and housing administration agencies in Uganda have

continued to rely heavily on the manual system of filing, recording, storing and
retrieval of information relating to land and buildings within their jurisdictions.
According to Ali & Shakir (2012), this practice can no longer be sustained in an era of
emerging information technology. There is therefore the need for an automated, more

organized and integrated housing information system that includes spatial and non-
spatial data for effective management of public housing Apartments. Since
geographic location is fundamental to many residential real Apartments practices,
most public and private organizations are increasingly realizing the contribution
which geographic information system can make in organizing and managing
information as well as decision making and service delivery (Belsky et al, 1998).

The apartment management system used at Steka Apartments is manual which

involves the manually taking or recording down the details of the clients, capturing
the payments that they had made which is hectic in the long run since it delays the
formulation of the final report that can be presented to the top management at the end
of the month thus leading to the delays in the decision-making process. Also, the
records that are always provided are always inaccurate thus containing a lot of errors
and also not reliable. Based on the problem mentioned, the research team has come up
with a solution to the problems in the existing manual system to develop a home
apartment management information system for Steka Apartments that can be used for
the proper management of the apartments as well as provide the real time access to
information required by both the tenants and the management.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Steka Apartment is using a manual system in managing its properties which is
associated with challenges like poor management of tenants, defaulters who always
leave the apartment without clearing, vacant rooms are also left out without the
consent of the management and yet there are people interested in taking them up. Poor
management of finances; since they use a manual system, it is difficult for them to
balance their books of accounts because of their many rooms in the apartment hence
having losses without knowing where they come from. These problems led to; time
consuming, labour intensive, data loss, data redundancy as well as a reduction in the
market base. Therefore, the researchers are intending to develop a Home Apartment
management information system for Steka Apartments to improve on the management
of these apartments.

1.3 Purpose of the Study/ General Objective

To design and develop a Home Apartment Management Information System for
Steka Apartments to improve on the management of the apartments

1.4 Specific Objectives of the Study
a) To study and analyse the current file-based System at Steka Apartments.
b) To collect data and identify the system’s requirements

c) To design and develop a Home Apartment Management Information System for

Steka Apartments

d) To implement a system that allows the admin to add, edit, search and delete data
from the database.

e) To test and validate the Home Apartment Management Information system.

1.5 Study Scope

This contains the subject scope (the solution to Apartment Management process for
Steka Apartments), the geographical scope (the audience to benefit from the new
system to be developed) and the time scope of the system to be developed.

1.5.1 Content Scope

The study is confined to designing and developing a Home Apartment Management
Information System for Steka Apartments.

1.5.2 Geographical Scope

This study focused on Steka Apartments located in Ntinda, Kampala District

1.5.3 Time Scope

The study was conducted between August and November.

1.6 Justification/significance of the Study

The system provides real time access to information where someone either the
management or tenant can easily access information about the property, tenants and
the history of their payments.

A Home Apartment Management Information System saves time and manpower

required to access as well as review the information about the tenants, providing

information about their payments and balances as well as giving a platform for
sending feedback.

The project enabled us researchers fulfil the requirement for the award of a diploma in
Computing and information Systems of MTAC.

The system act as a reference to use by future researchers to increase their pool of
knowledge as well as improving their research skills

1.7 Justification of the study

The study was conducted because of the inconveniences associated with the
traditional Home Apartment management information system at Steka Apartments.
This study was preferred because it avails clients or tenants with comprehensive
information about the Apartments like available units and the payment plans.

The study was preferred because the system will readily avail information about the
tenants to the management for quick reference and records management.

The system was preferred because it provides on time information to the clients about
their payment history as well as reminding them about their rent balances.

2.0 Introduction
This section consists of the literature related to the research at hand. This involves
systematic ways of reading, analysing and organizing scholars’ materials to identify
gaps to suit the objectives of this research project.

2.1 Web-Based System

A Web-based system refers to any program that is accessed over a network
connection using HTTP, rather than existing within a device’s memory. Web-based
systems often run inside a Web browser (Roger and Jeff Offutt, 2009). However,
Web-based systems also may be client-based, where a small part of the program is
downloaded to a user’s desktop, but processing is done over the Internet on an
external server. Web systems are popular due to the ubiquity of web browsers, and the
convenience of using a web browser as a client to update and maintain web systems
without distributing and installing software on potentially thousands of client
computers is a key reason for their popularity, as it’s the inherent support for cross-
platform compatibility. Common web systems include webmail, retail sales, auctions,
wikis, instant messaging services and much other function (Ching, 2013). Web-based
system understands as server components of distributed systems which use the HTTP
protocol to exchange data between servers and clients (browser). By this definition,
the principal problem of Web-based system development becomes apparent (Arora,
2010). In any business, certain Web-based systems support creation, integration,
analysis, and distribution of information, particularly for supporting management
processes. Web-based systems are distributed systems that can be accessed using a
Web browser (Rezazadeh and Butler, 2009.). During recent years the extent and scope
of their use has grown rapidly, significantly affecting all aspects of our lives.
Industries such as manufacturing, travel and hospitality, banking, education, and
government are Web-enabled to improve and enhance their operations. Ecommerce
has expanded quickly, cutting across national boundaries. Even traditional legacy
systems have migrated to the (Web King, C. H. Liu, and P. Hsia, 2006). Due to the
high amounts of new demands, Web systems are evolving continually and the
complexity of these systems is increasing rapidly. Therefore, the use of a rigorous
method becomes more important

There are several important characteristics for web-based systems, which can be
characterized from both the user and the system side (Ramakrishnan, 2013)

User-focus and massive user population (user side)

Web users are the focal point of all web systems, from traditional services such as
information search and retrieval, to newer systems such as e-commerce and web-
based computing. The user population is extremely large and continuously growing,
quite unprecedented as compared to the user population of traditional computer and
software systems (Ching, 2013)

High complexity system (system side)

The pervasive nature of the web, its overall large size, distributed resources, and
multi-layered structure, all contribute to the extremely high complexity of web-based
systems and systems (Arnold & John, 2015)

2.2 Rationale of Apartment Management Systems

There are apartment management solutions that address back-end accounting,
payment processing, investment management, tenant tracking, work orders, complex
reporting, and beyond.

Accounting. Strong accounting functionality provides the ability to implement

efficient bookkeeping workflows, while providing the foundation to make informed,
data-driven financial decisions. Accounting features enhance your ability to handle
check writing, management of receivables and collections, bank reconciliations, top
level financial reporting, and fixed asset depreciation. (Adam, corporate governance ,

Work Order Management. The upkeep of facilities is key to both tenant

satisfaction, as well as attracting new residents and potential investors. Work orders
provide a means to manage service work, preventative maintenance, and unit prep
work. Work order management systems can help you coordinate work you perform
with your own staff, in addition to work you subcontract to outside vendors.
Scheduling features optimize availability of labor and equipment to make sure work is
being performed as efficiently as possible. Additionally, more and more programs are
providing application access to allow field access for service workers.

Rent Collection. Collecting on rent in a timely manner is one of the main challenges
facing some property management company. The quicker and more completely the
apartment can receive tenant payment, the better positioned you are to put that cash to
work for you. Great strides have been made in the rent collection tools available to
property managers. Many solutions offer payment portals and the ability to establish
electronic (ACH) payments. Receivables and rent collection tools also offer features
designed to make taking in fees and security deposits more manageable. (Adam,
Solution provided by Property Management Softrware, 2016)

Property Tracking. One of the key reporting dimensions for property managers is
the ability to track information on a property or unit basis. This is generally an aspect
of property management software systems that is unique to the industry. With the
right system you can track property assets and value, vacancies, tenant histories,
property descriptions, previous improvements and work, as well as ownership and
investment information (Adam, Solution provided by Property Management
Softrware, 2016)

Tenant Management. Every property management company is looking for tenants

who make prompt payment and ideally stay tenants for the long-term. A tenant
management module provides a central repository for tracking tenant information and
optimizing the relationship. Tenant management solutions allow you to database
tenant data including contact info, payment and service history, renewals, rent
increase schedules, and beyond. Additionally, many programs integrate tenant
screening functionality to help you put existing credit data and criminal histories to
work in helping you find desirable tenants. (Arnold & John, 2015)

Investment Management. Taking on new ownership interests and investors can

dramatically accelerate the growth of their property management business. The ability
to track and report on ownership and investment data is a major business challenge
though. Investment management modules allow the management to track investments,
handle disbursements, and even identify new investors. owner portals are becoming
increasingly popular as a way to efficiently provide owners a snapshot view of their
investment data. (Adam, 2016)

Prospect Tracking. Attracting new clientele is as important to property managers as
to any business. Prospect tracking systems allow you to automate much of the work
related to finding new tenants including data basing contact info, posting vacancy ads,
scheduling showings, and coordinating with interested potential tenants.

Robust rental management solutions are becoming increasingly more accessible.

Many features, which just a few years ago were reserved for only the most
sophisticated, enterprise solutions, are now available to property management
businesses of all sizes and software budgets. Software providers are leveraging tools
like business intelligence dashboards, web portals, automation features, improved
system integration, customizable alerts, and mobile access to help property managers
run their business more efficiently.

2.3 Applications of Home Apartment Management Information Systems

Property Matrix
Property Matrix is a web-based system that is best suited for apartment complexes
and multi-family unit properties. Besides basic property management features, the
system has robust maintenance and accounting packages (Gupta, 2006 United States
of America).

TOPS Software
TOPS software has been a well-known property management solution for more than
25 years. It's a Web-based system specializing in HOA and condo management, and
offers accounting and portfolio management (Gupta, 2006 United Kingdom Clinical
Research Units).

Condo Manager Available in a software-as-a-service module, Condo Manager

delivers a full suite of accounting, management and database features with data
import and backup.

Budgetary Real Apartments Development
Budgetary Real Apartments Development and Property Management Accounting
Established in 1989, Budgetary is an on premise or web-based Property Management
solution for small to mid-size developers, fee managers, and property owners. It offers
robust standard one Property accounting functionality (Gupta, 2006 United States of

MRI Commercial Management

This is Offering automated calculations and billing; MRI Commercial Management
removes human errors from recovery calculations and square footage adjustments.
This solution offers depth of functionality while being heavily customizable (Barnett
et al, 2000, Solon, Ohio with a total of ten offices in North America and United

2.4 Implementation of Rental Management Systems

These various activities within rental management are seen to be a correct
representation of the true aim and need for rental management system to be practiced.
This is in line with what previous studies have indicated, where it was noted that the
practice of rental management was developed to suit numerous main purposes.
According to Arnold L. R. & John R, (2016). The main purpose of rental management
system is to increase the value of the property. This same statement is strengthened by
the statement posed by Arora S.P (2010). Who states that rental management system
is a management process to maximize income and capital assets? From the views
presented by both parties, it is found that there is a need for vital rental Management
practices to be implemented to ensure that the value of a property can be upgraded to
meet particular targets that have been determined by the investors or owners of the
property asset involved. This is compatible with the views submitted by (Becker,
2014)who state that the implementation of management practices involving property
professional activities help property owners achieve the respective objectives of

Meanwhile, (Ching, 2013) has pointed out that for best performance, property
management practices should be applied in managing properties for an organization.
In this context, the best performance is meant by covering various aspects that involve
achievement in the form of financial or economic gains, social benefits, user

satisfaction, optimization and other functions. For public schools, the buildings
erected by the government is not intended to fulfil the purposes of investment or
financial gains, but more towards the efforts to meet the needs of social welfare. This
is because school buildings are used only for the purpose of education itself. These
kinds of buildings which serve a certain specific purpose are often referred to as
operational buildings.

2.5 Challenges of Implementing Home Apartment Management Information

The real challenges for Home Apartment Management Information System to be
thoroughly implemented in buildings lies in the following areas:

Cost: Developing the system is expected to be quite expensive regarding the

necessities of its construction like the system analyst, system developer and the tools
to be used among others.

Inadequate information: The researcher may most likely face a challenge of

inadequate information due to the availability of few and rare web based system
developers in the country. This will therefore lead to difficulty in acquiring enough

Software fragmentation: Due to the developing a web based application it could be

difficult for developing my own system and make it more efficient compared to the
different web based application. The researcher will focus on the most recent version
and yet it’s not compatible with other versions. The researcher will focus on the most
recent versions forgetting that other versions are not compatible with it.

Competition: The system development platform is very crowded. This will therefore
lead to a challenge of high pressure from competitors hence making it difficult for my
system to prosper.

According to (Gibler, 2014) inadequate expertise to provide immediate response to

failure of service as well as lack of Property Management practitioners in the local
market that can provide advice or assistance in the implementation of Property
Management. Property skills are vital, but the local industry remains conservative and
protective. A change in the mindset is needed and therefore more proactive campaigns

are needed to change the perception of the professionals involved in the construction
and property markets. (Daniel, 2013)

Stress that the implementation of rental management is considered late for some
properties as at present, there are many aging buildings with high deterioration level.
Home Apartment Management system may help in standardizing future maintenance
allocation required but this, however, may not contribute to minimization of
maintenance cost if the building services are in poor condition due to improper
maintenance carried out in the past.

Developing Countries like Uganda are still lagging behind in the aspect of software
development specific to Apartment Management and adoption of integrated
Apartment Management may require high initial cost, unless the computerized
programmers can be found locally in the market. Most building management agencies
claim that their profits are not as much as expected and in order to adopt this
integrated system, funding support is required.

3.0 Introduction
This section highlights the research methodology, methods, Research Design/
Research Approach, Population and Sample (where necessary), Sampling Technique
(where necessary), Requirements Elicitation Methods/ Data Collection Methods,
System Design Approaches, any Limitations of the Study, and ethical considerations
if necessary.

 To study and analyse the current Home apartment Questionnaire
management information system at Steka Apartments Observation
 To review literature in relation to Home apartment Document review /literature
management information system and come up with review
requirements for the system.

 To design and develop the Home apartment We used HTML with some PHP,
management information system for Speka JAVA SCRIPT and CSS, MYSQL
Apartments. partly and WampServer, Data flow
diagrams, context diagram flow
sequence diagrams, use case
diagrams entity relationship
 To test the Home Apartment management We used an evaluation
information system that has been developed. questionnaire

3.1 Research Design

The researchers used action research approach. This is because the research ended up
into developing a system to solve the problem.

3.2 Study Population

This research’s study population covered the staff or employees of Steka Apartments,
clients and in total the number was 13 from which samples was drawn
3.3 Sources of Data
According to Joop & Hennie, (2013) Primary data refers to original data collected for
a specific research goal, while Secondary data is data that is collected for a different
purpose but reused for another research. The researchers will use both primary and
secondary data. Primary data about the existing Information System will obtained
from the Company documents and interviews with members of the organisation
mainly the manager, staff members. Secondary Data will be used from articles.

3.4 Requirement Elicitation [Data collection] Techniques

The researchers studied the existing system carefully and in detail. This helped us to
come up with a new system that enabled the management of Steka Apartments
manage its tenants and Apartments.

3.4.1 Questionnaire Method

According to Sekaran, (2003). A questionnaire is a document with a list of recorded
questions. Recorded questions refer to questions with predetermined answers.
Questionnaires can either be open ended or close ended. They can as well be self-
administered or mailed questionnaires.

Questionnaires as a Data collection technique was used because they are precise and
concise and therefore save time.

3.4.2 Observation Method

This method helped the researchers to gather first-hand data on the behaviour of the
home apartment management information system, Interaction between the clients or
tenants, staff members like manager with the method of handling the process,
Relationships that exists between the activities and which resource does what and in
which way Things that participants can’t or won’t discuss was seized through this
method Observation.

The researchers used this method because with this method you can Collect data
where and when an event or activity is occurring, contains no biasness unlike
questionnaires as someone can give you false of wrong information perhaps is Not
dependent on people’s (process participants) willingness or ability to provide

More so observation method enables the researchers to crosscheck for validity and
accuracy of the information that was gathered using other methods.

3.4.2. Interview Method

An interview is a conversation where questions are asked and answers are given. In
common parlance, the word "interview" refers to a one-on-one conversation with one
person acting in the role of the interviewer and the other in the role of the interviewee.

The interviewer asks questions, the interviewee responds, with participants taking
turns talking. Interviews usually involve a transfer of information from interviewee to
interviewer, which is usually the primary purpose of the interview, although
information transfers can happen in both directions simultaneously. One can contrast
an interview which involved bi-directional communication with a one-way flow of
information, such as a speech or oration. The researchers used this method because,
allow probing and posing of follow-up questions by the interviewer, can provide in-
depth information about participants’ internal.

This method was chosen because it is relatively cheap to conduct. It also provides
basically for first-hand information (Sekar-an, 2003).

3.5 Research Design Tools

The researchers used a prototype model. A prototype demonstrates the main features
of the system without all of its detailed functionality. Prototyping can be used in a
number of different ways; for example, to identify requirements, to demonstrate the
technical feasibility of a proposed system and to convince people a particular system
is worth developing. A prototype approach to software development places a strong
emphasis on users. When a prototype is built, a user can decide whether she likes it
or not. Feedback from the user is applied in the next version of the prototype,
(Marcelo et al, 2012).

Advantages of Prototyping Process Model

Reduced time and costs
Prototyping can improve the quality of requirements and specifications provided to
developers. Because changes cost exponentially more to implement as they are
detected later in development, the early determination of what the user really wants
can result in faster and less expensive software.

Improved and increased user involvement
Prototyping requires user involvement and allows them to see and interact with a
prototype allowing them to provide better and more complete feedback and
specifications. The presence of the prototype being examined by the user prevents
many misunderstandings and miscommunications that occur when each side believe
the other understands what they said. Since users know the problem domain better
than anyone on the development team does, increased interaction can result in final
product that has greater tangible and intangible quality. The final product is more
likely to satisfy the user’s desire for look, feel and performance.

Data flow diagrams

Data flow diagrams a graphical representation of the flow of data through an
information system, modelling its progression aspects. It elaborates what kind of data
is input and output from the system, where it comes from and goes to and where it
was stored. The researchers used DFDS because they are an important technique for
modelling a system ‘s high level detail by showing how input data is transformed to
output results though a sequence of functional requirements and easy to understand by
technical and non-technical audiences

Evaluation and validation

System evaluation and valuation was conducted on a complete design of the event
management system to evaluate the design compliance with its specific requirements

3.6 System Design Approach

The researchers employed structured design approach in designing the system which
will contain the ERD’s (entity relationship diagrams), DFD (data flow diagrams), and
context diagrams and data dictionaries. The design methodology is a collection of
cooperating objects and individual objects are treated as instances of class hierarchy.

3.7 Limitations of the Project

a. The researchers expect some degree of user resistance if the software/ system is taken
up by the firm since averagely the population is computer illiterate. The researchers
however solved this by doing enough trying to make our system intuitive to every one
b. The Project was affected by inability of the team members to cooperate towards
gathering the required data from the field as some was loved doing their personal

work than doing project work. The researchers are planning to at least allocate each
member a task to accomplish with our specified time frame and shall present a report
in our weekly reports
c. The Project was hindered by inability to get literature and data about the subject/ topic
of study. The researchers used sources to gather as much information about the study
area as possible.

3.8 Ethical considerations:

During the time of data collection, the researchers first ask for permission from the
manager before interviewing their employees.

Confidentiality of the interviewees and the users of the system. User’s information
was kept confidential. Most especially information about their financial details.
Customers had to accept an agreement policy before making payments.

4.0 System Analysis and Design.
This chapter generally gives overview the existing system, together with the analysis
and design of the current system

4.1 Study of the existing system

Under existing system, Steka Apartments Ntinda used a manual system to manage the
tenant information, book keeping, financial management, checking the vacant room,
checking the defaulters (tenants owed), reminding them about their rent balances and
when to clear them as well as for them receipts upon payment of their rent balances.
In addition, with the current system, there was a tendency of tenants leaving the
rooms without being noticed as well as taking long by the management to determine
the total rent amount that has been paid.

4.2 System Analysis

 Data loss. Steka Apartments Ntinda faced this challenge since the records or
important data for example the financial records, the tenant records like contact
information and payment records among others.
 Labour intensive. The manual system of managing the tenant information at Steka
required the management of the company to hire very many employees to manage
these records as well as retrieving them manually.
 Delayed payments. With the manual system, Steka Apartments Ntinda faced the
challenge of delayed payments since the tenants were always reminded about their
rent balances rent as it required the making of phone calls and sending text massages
to remind them some of which are always not delivered.
 Time consuming. This was seen in the process of retrieving the records of the specific
clients when needed as they had to cross check through the different books of records
which was hectic.

4.3 Requirements Analysis

This Home Apartment Management Information System makes the admin to get live
status on their room payments, their room numbers and vacant rooms’ information for
a particular room. Steka Apartment Ntinda was able to directly perform business

operation with their tenant by using their numbers, address and contact details and
also get the list of tenant on the basis of parts and accessories type.

4.3.1 Functional Requirements

 The system allows the administrators to capture tenant details or information as well
as assigning them the login credentials.
 The system allows the administrators to capture the user payments, generate receipts
for them as well as printing them.
 The system allows the administrators to bill or make invoices the tenants at the end of
the month to remind them about their rent balances.
 The administrator of the system is able to allocate units to the users as well as setting
the rent amounts to be paid for a specific unit.

 The system enables administrator send messages to tenant via email to remind them
about their payment.

 The system enables administrator to print out tenant details.

4.3.2 Non-Functional Requirements

 Security, Home Apartment Management Information System is secure since users
want the system to be so secure so that they feel confident using it. But security is not
visible as-is, and need to be reflected in the usability.

 Usability, this is the ease with the system. Something fancy, but something usable,
which provide the feature that make feel comfortable with it. Usability also relate to
the overall impression of security for example showing them messages in case they
enter wrong credentials during login.
 Availability. If the site is down or there are instability users get a really bad
impression. We degraded the quality of service and at least have a nice page
indicating scheduled maintenance or service saturation.
 Performance is superb in that users don’t have to wait excessively, but as long as
user gets a feedback about what’s going on, he or she can wait a bit.
 Accuracy

Home Apartment Management Information System is accurate in all computations
that are done in the system minus violating any business rule

4.3.3 Systems Requirements

These are the hardware and software components of a computer system that are
required to run the Home Apartment Management Information System for Steka
Apartments Ntinda efficiently.

4.3.4 Hardware Requirements

A web server that hosts the Home Apartment Management System have the following

 Computer Memory/RAM (4GB)

 Hard Disk Space of 1TB
 3.5 GHz processor
 Internet connection or infrastructure (including all devices that enable connection to
the internet services provider)

4.3.5 Software Requirements

 Operating System (i.e. Windows 7,8,9,10 or Mac OS X 10.3.8)
 Common and latest Web browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera, Edge)
 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) i.e. dream weaver that has Hypertext
Markup language, JavaScript, cascading style sheets (CSS), PHP hypertext processor
and Php MyAdmin for the database that runs on a MySQL engine
 Local server like Wamp server or XAMPP.

4.1.6 User Requirements

 A smooth and well linked navigation and menu system or elements to enable the
tenants and other end users of the system to browse from one page to another as well
as showing them their current locations on the left horizontal navigation bar.
 Accessed through strict and right authentication
 Reports like number of units that are available and the payment records of all tenants
on a daily basis.
 Quick data filtering by the system administrators

4.2 Systems Design
The researcher team is required to make a conceptual/theoretical framework for the
system before developing it. A framework was a picture representation of a system.
Systems design should follow proper design principle;

4.2.1 Structural/Procedural Design
Data Dictionary;
Admin table

Billings table

Complaints table

Payments table

Figure 1: Context diagram of the current manual system used at Steka Apartments

Figure1: Context diagram for the proposed Home Apartment Management Information

Figure 3: Home Apartment Management Information System level 1 Data Flow

Key during the process modeling

Process: show the data process

4.3 System Testing
The system was tested to ensure that it is working as intended according to the
defined specifications its performance was compared to that of the existing system to
look out for which one is more efficient. Different tests included the following

User acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing was done by the using one of the customer to ensure that the
delivered product meets the requirements and works as the customer expected.

Unit testing
This done to make sure that each module is working as expected independently. The
requirements for unit testing include test plan, test data and expected results.

Integration testing
This involved combining different modules of the system and interfacing them
together to ensure that integration is working as expected.

Validation test
The complete system was presented to end user representatives who tried out the
system and verify that the developed system addresses all the requirements and satisfy
all the intended user needs.


5.0 Presentation of the Results

Basing on the challenges that were anticipated in the problem statement of this report
in chapter one, the system was developed with several functionalities and modules to
meet the needs of both the administrators, tenants and the other stake holders.

Besides the administrators only logging into the system from the server side to update
and manipulate information suitable for the tenants, given nature of work they were
also in position to uniquely log into the system directly from the web index page to
the Login Page.

The system enables the administrator to login using the assigned credentials in the
backend, add units basing that are available and can be allocated to the tenants, add
tenants, bill them basing on the units or apartments they have preferred, make
payments and also make receipts for them as well as printing them, making reports or
complaints to the administrator.

This system also enables the administrator to vacate a unit in case a tenant leaves as
well as deleting the tenant from the tenant records,

5.2 System Implementation

HTML is a hypertext mark-up language which is in reality a backbone of any website.
Every website can’t be structured without the knowledge of html. In the proposed
parking lot management system, HTML was used to design the input forms,
formatting text and the general styling of the page.
CSS Stands for "Cascading Style Sheet." Cascading style sheets are used to format the
layout of Web pages. In the proposed parking lot system, CSS was used to define text
styles, table sizes, and other aspects of system pages that previously could not only be
defined by HTML.


Precisely, PHP is a very powerful server-side scripting language for developing
dynamic web applications. Using PHP, one can build interactive and dynamic
websites with ease. PHP script can be embedded straight into the heart of html code.
PHP is compatible with various web servers like Apache. All the PHP scripts are
executed on the server and it supports various databases like MySQL, Oracle, Solid,
Generic ODBC e.tc; however, it is mostly used with MySQL. In the parking lot
management system, PHP was used to establish connection between user interfaces
and the MySQL database.

Warmp server
WampServer is a Web development platform on Windows that allows you to create
dynamic Web applications with Apache2, PHP, MySQL and Maria DB. WampServer
automatically installs everything one needs to intuitively develop Web applications.
One is able to tune his/her server without even touching its setting files.

MYSQL (My Structured Query Language)

The My Structured Query Language (MSQL) extension defines a lightweight,
consistent interface for accessing databases in PHP. MYSQL was used because it
provides a data-access abstraction layer, which means that, regardless of which
database you're using, you use the same functions to issue queries and fetch data
System Implementation
Figure 4: Login page

This is the login page of the web based application system for stake apartment
Fig5: Sign up Page

This is where the administrator can register other members to the system

Fig.6: Password Reset page

This is where the administrator can reset the password incase he/she has forgotten.

Fig. 7: Administrator Dashboard

This is the dashboard page of the administrator.

Fig. 8: Houses Details

This is where the administrator can add new houses,print and review.

Fig. 9: Tenants Details

This is where the administrator can add new tenants,review,edit and delete.

Fig. 10: Print Tenants Details

Fig 11: Payment Page

This dashboard shows how to add new payment of tenants.

Fig. 12: Payments Details

This page shows payments details and allow the administrator to add new payment,
print and save it in Excel sheet

Fig. 13: Invoices Details

This page allows the administrator to add new invoice, edit, delete and review.

Fig. 14: Print out invoices

This page shows how to print out invoice of tenants

5.3 Results of System Testing
 Some information was fed into the system and it was directly stored into the database.
This indicated that the system will work efficiently, and the insertion of data was

 The data entered were queried from the database and the records were viewed from
the output forms and tables.

 Some other operations like deleting, updating existing records were conducted and the
results were consistent with the required need.

5.4 Conclusions
The researcher analyzed the current system and observed that the system had poor no
follow up and was inconsistent thus the team had to develop a web based application
to solve those issues and make it easy for students to participate in voting.

The Home Apartment Management Information System was designed using PHP,
java script for links, photo scope for moving picture and photos and then tested using
XAMPP server. The project further involved review of available literature about the
available Home Apartment Management Information System that helped throw some
light on how to go about with development of the new system. The project was
partially successfully developed and now properly functioning as specified by the

5.5 Summary
The organization should make sure that administrators are taught how to use the
system for efficiency, consistency and quality. The organization should also inform
the users about the benefits associated with using the system so as to appreciate it.

Security wise, the system has an encrypted password that must be used by the
administrator so as to access information needed thus preventing the system from
unauthorized access. This implies that there should be continuity in ensuring that
security is at standard.

Due to the changing trends in technology the system needs to be updated regularly to
enhance the changing needs of users.

5.6 Future Work

 Integration to the different systems that are used in the company such as the
marketing website for the apartments and the accounts system for automatically
printing financial statements and other reports.

 Application of a mobile application that can run co-currently with the Home
Apartment Management Information System we developed.

5.7 Recommendation
 The researcher would like the system to be able to securely backup all its data in a
different physical drive probably through a network to easily recover data in case of a
disaster that leads to data loss or damage.
 The researcher would like different categories of users (tenants) of the system to be given
different access rights and what they can do with the data to guard against fraud.
 The research would like the system to process all payments online for example mobile
money and online banking.

The researcher would also like the passwords to each user to be changed every 60 days and a
password used only once to control unauthorized system access using another user’s
authentication credentials without their knowledge.

5.8 Limitations
 A lot costs incurred terms of transport, printing the project, collecting the needed
literature review delayed the entire project completion. To solve this researcher tried to be
economical and also decided to use the cheapest sources so to get the resources he
 Limited support from the management of Must Research Collaboration. This was solved
by explaining the benefits of the new system and bottlenecks of the old (Manual) system
to the managers by the researcher.

1 Akinyele, S. (1995). Hand Book on Real Management for Property Purchase. Hall Court
Publishing Press Kenya. Pg. 223, 445.
2 Ali, Z. and Shakir, M. (2012). Implementing GIS-Based cadastral and land Information
system in Pakistan, Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning. 3(1), 43 – 49.
3 Amandeep, V. Humphrey, A. & Daniel, K. (2011). Cooperate Real Apartments
Management. Corporate Headquarters Houston, Texas-TX. United States of America
4 Artenstein, A. (2008). Patterns of Housing Apartments. Oxford printing press, United
States of America. pg. 52, 53.53.
5 Donlon, K. H. (2007). Using GIS to improve the services of a real Apartments company.
Department of Resource Analysis, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, Winona, MN.
6 Gupta, A. (2006). Management journal of Apartments properties, productivity and
creativity. Dearborn Financial Publishing press, United States of America.
7 Joop, j., & Hennie, R. B. (2013). Data collection, Primary Vs Secondary.
8 Samuel, O. (2013). Management Information Systems. Novum publishing press. Wood
Green London United Kingdom.
9 Thompson, H. (2009). Real Apartments Finance and Investment. 4th Edition, Englewood
Cliff, New Jersey: prentice- Hall. United Kingdom.
10 https://websitesetup.org/bootstrap-tutorial-for-beginners (looking for how to print and
save, edit and delete forms on 17th /August, 2019)
11 https://www.codeignter.com (looking for how to connect PhP code into the database on
11th August,2019)
12 https://www.w3school.com/learn (looking for different designs of login forms, and
registration forms on 20th/ July/2019)



Transport 10,000

Internet 50,000

Airtime 30,000

Analysis software 10,000

Printing and binding the final report 100,000

TOTAL 230,000

Appendix B: Questionnaire
Dear Sir/Madam
Dear respondent. We are students of Management Training and Advisory Centre,
undertaking a study on Home Apartment Management Information System. Please spare a
few minutes of your valuable time and answer the following questions or statements as
precisely as possible. All questions just require a simple ticking of the appropriate response.
Your answers will be treated with strict confidence. You are required to tick the most
appropriate answer.


Instruction: Please tick or mark where applicable.
1 Sex:
Male Female

i. 3. In which age group do you belong?

Below 30 30-39 yrs 40-49 yrs Above 49 yrs


2) Level of education
Certificate Diploma Degree Post Masters

3) How long have you been a tenant/ employee of Steka Apartment Ntinda?
Less than 2yrs Above 2.5 Btn 5 years

Please tick appropriately: Yes, or No
Yes No
Do you have knowledge in computer?
Is the current system satisfactory?
Are the receipts issued on time and acknowledged after payment?
Is the current system trustworthy?
Is the system provide real time access to information?
Does current system keep records?

Appendix C: Interview Guide
Good morning sir/ madam, I am a student of Management Training Advisory Centre and am
here conducting a study to understand how your Apartment management system works. The
study will lead to the eminent designing of a system to help in management of the
1. How many workers are employed by your company?
2. How much time do you spend to check the tenant’s records?
3. How many people do you work on a day?
4. Do you store information about your tenants?
5. How do you store information about your customers?
6. Do need a new system?
7. Do you have knowledge how to use computers?
8. Are you satisfied with your current system?
9. How easy is it to get information about the different tenants?
10. What challenges do you find with issuing the payment receipts to the tenants?
11. What are the possible solutions for the challenges associated with the current rental
property management system?


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