Ancient Chinese Chariots

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Ancient Chinese Chariots

The Shang Dynasty or Yin Dynasty, according to traditional historiography ,ruled in the Yellow
River valley in the second millennium BC. Archaeological work at the Ruins of Yin (near modern-
day Anyang), which has been identified as the last Shang capital, uncovered eleven major Yin
royal tombs and the foundations of palaces and ritual sites , containing weapons of war and
remains from both animal and human sacrifices.
The Tomb of Fu Hao is an archaeological site at Yinxu, the ruins of the ancient Shang Dynasty
capital Yin, within the modern city of Anyang in Henan Province, China. Discovered in 1976 ,it
was identified as the final resting place of the queen and military general Fu Hao. The artifacts
unearthed within the grave included jade objects, bone objects, bronze objects etc. These grave
goods are confirmed by the oracle texts, which constitute almost all of the first hand written record
we possess of the Shang Dynasty. Below the corpse was a small pit holding the remains of six
sacrificial dogs and along the edge lay the skeletons of human slaves, evidence of human sacrifice.
The Terracotta Army was discovered on 29 March 1974 to the east of Xi’an in Shaanxi. The
terracotta soldiers were accidentally discovered when a group of local farmers was digging a well
during a drought around 1.6 km (I mile) east of the Qin Emperors tomb around at Mount Li
(Lishan) , a region riddled with underground springs and watercourses. Experts currently place
the entire number of soldiers at 8,000 — with 130 chariots (130 cm long), 530 horses and 150
cavalry horses helping to ward off any dangers in the afterlife. In contrast, the burial of
Tutankhamun yielded six complete but dismantled chariots of unparalleled richness and
sophistication. Each was designed for two people (90 cm long) and had its axle sawn through to
enable it to be brought along the narrow corridor into the tomb.
Excavation of ancient Chinese chariots has confirmed the descriptions of them in the earliest texts.
Wheels were constructed from a variety of woods: elm provided the hub, rose-wood the spokes
and oak the felloes. The hub was drilled through to form an empty space into which the tampering
axle was fitted, the whole being covered with leather to retain lubricating oil. Though the number
of spokes varied, a wheel by the fourth century BC usually had eighteen to thirty-two of them.
Records show how elaborate was the testing of each completed wheel: flotation and weighing
were regarded as the best measures of balance, but even the empty spaces in the assembly were
checked with millet grains. One outstanding constructional asset of the ancient Chinese wheel was
dishing. Dishing refers to the dish-like shape of an advanced wooden wheel, which looks rather
like a flat cone. On occasion they chose to strengthen a dished wheel with a pair of struts running
from rim to rim on each of the hub. As these extra supports were inserted separately into the
felloes,they would have added even greater strength to the wheel. Leather wrapped up the edge
of the wheel aimed to retain bronze.
Within a millennium, however, Chinese chariot-makers had developed a vehicle with shafts,the
precursor of the true carriage or cart. This design did not make its appearance in Europe until the
end of the Roman Empire. Because the shafts curved upwards, and the harness pressed against a
horse’s shoulders, not his neck, the shaft chariot was incredibly efficient. The halberd was also
part of a chariot standard weaponry. This halberd usually measured well over 3 metres in length,
which meant that a chariot warrior wielding it sideways could strike down the charioteer in a
passing chariot. The speed of chariot which was tested on the sand was quite fast. At speed these
passes were very dangerous for the crews of both chariots.
The advantages offered by the new chariots were not entirely missed. They could see how there
were literally the warring states ,whose conflicts lasted down the Qin unification of China. Qin
Shi Huang was buried in the most opulent tomb complex ever constructed in China, a sprawling,
city-size collection of underground caverns containing everything the emperor would need for the
afterlife. Even a collection of terracotta armies called Terra- Cotta Warriors was buried in it. The
ancient Chinese, along with many cultures including ancient Egyptians ,believed that items and
even people buried with a person could be taken with him to the afterlife.
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?
True If the statement agrees with the information
False If the statement contradicts the information
Not Given If there is no information on this
1 When Tomb of Fu Hao was discovered, the written records of the grave goods proved to be
2 Human skeletons in Anyang tomb were identified as soldiers who were killed in the war.
3 The Terracotta Army was discovered by people who lived nearby by chance.
4 The size of the King Tutankhamun’s tomb is bigger than that of Qin Emperor’s tomb.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS from the passage for each

5 The hub is made of wood from the tree of_____________

6 The room through the hub was to put tempered axle, which is wrapped up by leather, aiming to
7 The number of spokes varies from____________
8 The shape of wheel resembles a _____________
9 Two_____________was used to strengthen the wheel.
10 The edge of the wheel was wrapped up by leather aiming to retain_____________
choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
11 What body part of the horse was released from pressure to the horse shoulder after the
appearance of the shafts?
12 What kind of road surface did the researchers measure the speed of the chariot on?
13 What part of the afterlife palace was the Emperor Qin Shi Huang buried in?

标题:Ancient Chinese Chariots
精析:Chariot:noun (古代的)双轮马车。

段一: The Shang Dynasty or Yin Dynasty, according to traditional historiography, ruled in the
Yellow River valley in the second millennium BC. Archaeological work at the Ruins of Yin (near
modern-day Anyang), which has been identified as the last Shang capital, uncovered eleven major
Yin royal tombs and the foundations of palaces and ritual sites ,containing weapons of war and
remains from both animal and human sacrifices.

精析:The Shang Dynasty or Yin Dynasty, according to traditional historiography, ruled in

the Yellow River valley in the second millennium BC.
Dynasty:朝代。historiography: noun 编史;撰史。这个词可以分解为 historio + graphy,后
缀 graphy 表示学科。如 demography:人口学。 “according to traditional historiography”这
valley:noun 山谷;溪谷;流域。millennium:noun 一千年;千年期。引申词:Millennials,
表示千禧一代,就是我们说的 00 后. BC:公元前。
Archaeological work at the Ruins of Yin (near modern-day Anyang), which has been
identified as the last Shang capital, uncovered eleven major Yin royal tombs and the
foundations of palaces and ritual sites, containing weapons of war and remains from both
animal and human sacrifices.
Archaeological:adj 考古学的。ruin: noun 遗迹。near modern-day Anyang:意思为现今安阳
附近。which 从句形容“the Ruins of Yin”,be identified as: 被认定为…。uncover 本意是
verb 揭开盖子。引申意思为:揭露;揭发,发现,发掘。royal:adj 皇家的。ritual:adj 祭
祀的。remains:noun 遗体;残骸;(历史)遗迹,残迹。sacrifice 在这里为名词祭品。此外它
还有作为动词:献祭;以…为祭品。“containing…”修饰 ritual sites。

段 二 : The Tomb of Fu Hao is an archaeological site at Yinxu, the ruins of the ancient Shang
Dynasty capital Yin, within the modern city of Anyang in Henan Province, China. Discovered in
1976, it was identified as the final resting place of the queen and military general Fu Hao. The
artifacts unearthed within the grave included jade objects, bone objects, bronze objects etc. These
grave goods are confirmed by the oracle texts, which constitute almost all of the first hand written
record we possess of the Shang Dynasty. Below the corpse was a small pit holding the remains of
six sacrificial dogs and along the edge lay the skeletons of human slaves, evidence of human

精析:The Tomb of Fu Hao is an archaeological site at Yinxu, the ruins of the ancient Shang
Dynasty capital Yin, within the modern city of Anyang in Henan Province, China.
Discovered in 1976, it was identified as the final resting place of the queen and military
general Fu Hao.
“the ruins of the ancient Shang Dynasty capital Yin” 和 “ within the modern city of Anyang in
Henan Province”都是形容 Yinxu。“Discovered in 1976”形容 it。general:noun 将军;上将。
rest:verb 安息;长眠。这里 resting place:安息地。

The artifacts unearthed within the grave included jade objects, bone objects, bronze objects
etc. These grave goods are confirmed by the oracle texts, which constitute almost all of the
first hand written record we possess of the Shang Dynasty. Below the corpse was a small pit
holding the remains of six sacrificial dogs and along the edge lay the skeletons of human
slaves, evidence of human sacrifice.
artifact,有时也写作 artefact,noun 人工制品,手工艺品(尤指有历史或文化价值的)。
“unearthed within the grave”形容 artifacts,unearth:verb 跟 uncover 意思一样。发掘,挖掘
(埋藏物)发掘,挖掘(埋藏物)。许多动词前面加上 un,表示相反动作,比如 cover:
盖上; uncover: 揭开。 fold:折, unfold:打开,如 unfold the letter :打开信件,等等 。
grave:坟墓。oracle:noun 甲骨文。which 从句修饰 oracle texts。constitute:verb 组成;构
成 同义词 make up。“we possess of the Shang Dynasty”形容 record。这里省略了 that,其
实这是 that 引导的宾语从句,也就是 record 是 possess(拥有) 的宾语。corpse:noun 尸体,
遗体。holding 形容 pit(坑):说明这个坑里含有。hold 常有抓、拿、盛、有的意思,如
hold sth in hands 。sacrificial 为形容词,引申自 sacrifice,意思为献祭的。“ evidence of
human sacrifice”是形容 the skeletons of human slaves。evidence:noun 证据。skeleton:noun

段三:The Terracotta Army was discovered on 29 March 1974 to the east of Xi,an in Shaanxi.
The terracotta soldiers were accidentally discovered when a group of local farmers was digging a
well during a drought around 1.6 km (I mile) east of the Qin Emperors tomb around at Mount Li
(Lishan) , a region riddled with underground springs and watercourses. Experts currently place
the entire number of soldiers at 8,000 — with 130 chariots (130 cm long), 530 horses and 150
cavalry horses helping to ward off any dangers in the afterlife. In contrast, the burial of
Tutankhamun yielded six complete but dismantled chariots of unparalleled richness and
sophistication. Each was designed for two people (90 cm long) and had its axle sawn through to
enable it to be brought along the narrow corridor into the tomb.

精 析 : The Terracotta Army was discovered on 29 March 1974 to the east of Xi’an in
Shaanxi. The terracotta soldiers were accidentally discovered when a group of local farmers
was digging a well during a drought around 1.6 km (I mile) east of the Qin Emperors tomb
around at Mount Li (Lishan),a region riddled with underground springs and watercourses.
Terracotta Army:兵马俑。terracotta 本意是:noun 赤陶土;赤土。to the east of:这里用 to
表示这东西在距离 Xi’an 东部多少米的地方,通常前面会加公里数,表示相对距离。跟 in
不同,in 表示在…里面。accidentally:adv 偶然地。accidental:adj 偶然的。by accident:偶
然地。well:noun 井。drought:noun 干旱。“a region(that is)riddled with underground
springs and watercourses”形容 Mount Li。be riddled with sth:充满;充斥。如:Her typing
was slow and riddled with mistakes. 她 打 字 很 慢 而 且 错 误 百 出 。 spring : 泉 ; 泉 水 。
Experts currently place the entire number of soldiers at 8,000 — with 130 chariots (130 cm
long), 530 horses and 150 cavalry horses helping to ward off any dangers in the afterlife. In
contrast, the burial of Tutankhamun yielded six complete but dismantled chariots of
unparalleled richness and sophistication. Each was designed for two people (90 cm long) and
had its axle sawn through to enable it to be brought along the narrow corridor into the
place:verb (经比较)归类,划分,排名次。它常见动词意思为 place:放。其实 place 的
意思都由意思“放”引申后抽象使用,这里 place number at 8,000,就是确认数字为 8000 的
意思。cavalry:noun 装甲部队、骑兵。“helping to ward off any dangers in the afterlife”形容
前面那些发现物。help 除了帮助某人,还有意思:有助于…。ward sb/sth off:防止,避免,
使防止(危险、疾病、攻击等)。ward 本身可以作名词:病房;病室;行政区;被监护人。
afterlife :noun 来世;来生。 In contrast:相比之下。 yield:verb 产出,通常指 农作物 。
dismantle : verb 拆 卸 ; 废 除 ; 撤 销 。 这 里 dismantled 作 形 容 词 修 饰 chariots 。 “ of
unparalleled richness and sophistication”同样是形容 chariots。通常形容性词语名词格式(这
里是 richness 和 sophistication)用来形容别的东西时,都是加 of,如高质量的: of high
quality. 非常重要的:of great importance。unparalleled:adj 无比的;绝无仅有的。同义词:
unequalled 。 richness 是 rich 的 名 词 形 式 , 许 多 形 容 词 名 词 形 式 都 是 加 ness , 如
keen,keenness。sophistication:noun 精密,复杂,先进。形容词是 sophisticated。axle:
noun 车轴;轮轴。saw:verb 锯。have sth done:这种用法就是让某事发生。这里就是锯穿
车轴。enable sb to:使…可以/能够做某事。corridor:noun 走廊,走道。

段 四 : Excavation of ancient Chinese chariots has confirmed the descriptions of them in the
earliest texts. Wheels were constructed from a variety of woods: elm provided the hub, rose-wood
the spokes and oak the felloes. The hub was drilled through to form an empty space into which the
tampering axle was fitted, the whole being covered with leather to retain lubricating oil. Though
the number of spokes varied, a wheel by the fourth century BC usually had eighteen to thirty-two
of them. Records show how elaborate was the testing of each completed wheel: flotation and
weighing were regarded as the best measures of balance, but even the empty spaces in the
assembly were checked with millet grains. One outstanding constructional asset of the ancient
Chinese wheel was dishing. Dishing refers to the dish-like shape of an advanced wooden wheel,
which looks rather like a flat cone. On occasion they chose to strengthen a dished wheel with a
pair of struts running from rim to rim on each of the hub. As these extra supports were inserted
separately into the felloes , they would have added even greater strength to the wheel. Leather
wrapped up the edge of the wheel aimed to retain bronze.

精析: Excavation of ancient Chinese chariots has confirmed the descriptions of them in the
earliest texts. Wheels were constructed from a variety of woods: elm provided the hub, rose-
wood the spokes and oak the felloes.
excavation: noun ( 对 古 物 的 ) 发 掘 , 挖 掘 。 动 词 excavate , 意 思 跟 unearth 差 不 多 。
description : noun 描 述 。 construct : verb 建 造 。 a variety of : 各 种 的 。 elm : noun 榆 树 。
hub:(轮)毂。spoke:(车轮的)辐条。felloe:外轮。elm provided the hub, rose-wood the
spokes and oak the felloes。这里面都是讲述什么木料制作的什么。第一个 elm provided the
hub:由榆树制作的毂,后面 provided 因为重复就省略。
The hub was drilled through to form an empty space into which the tampering axle was
fitted, the whole being covered with leather to retain lubricating oil.
drill:verb 钻。drill through:钻穿。“into which the tampering axle was fitted”这里的 which
形容 empty space。tamper:verb 干预;篡改。be fitted into(space):被安装,适配在里面。
“the whole”指 the hub,说明是整个 hub。“being covered with leather to retain lubricating
oil” 形 容 the whole ( hub ) 。 be covered with : 覆 盖 着 。 retain : verb 保 留 ; 保 持 ; 保 存 。
lubricate:verb 给…上润滑油;上油, 这里 lubricating :adj 润滑的。
Though the number of spokes varied, a wheel by the fourth century BC usually had eighteen
to thirty-two of them. Records show how elaborate was the testing of each completed wheel:
flotation and weighing were regarded as the best measures of balance, but even the empty
spaces in the assembly were checked with millet grains.
vary:verb 变化;不同;有差异。 by:到…时候。 elaborate:adj 复杂的。“the testing
of”:…的测试。flotation:noun 漂浮,动词 float。be regarded as: 被视作…,其中 regard 可
以替换为 view、take、deem、see。这里的 measure:noun 表示展示方式;判断方法,具体
意 思 : 判 断 ; 衡 量 ; 尺 度 ; 标 准 ; 程 度 。 例 如 : Is this test a good measure of reading
comprehension? 这种测试是判断阅读理解力的好方法吗?assembly:noun 装配;组装,这
One outstanding constructional asset of the ancient Chinese wheel was dishing. Dishing
refers to the dish-like shape of an advanced wooden wheel, which looks rather like a flat
cone. On occasion they chose to strengthen a dished wheel with a pair of struts running from
rim to rim on each of the hub.
outstanding:adj 杰出的;出众的。constructional:adj 建造的;构造的。construction:noun
建筑,建造。asset:noun 常见意思为资产,这里指有用的物(或人);财富。 dish: noun
盘子。refer to:指。dish-like:像盘子,碟子的。-like 常接在名词后作形容词使用,比如
monster-like:像怪兽一样的。rather like:相当像。cone:noun 椎体。On occasion:偶尔;
有时。strengthen :强化,使牢固。with:用…来。strut:noun 撑杆;支杆; “running from rim
to rim on each of the hub”形容 strut。“with a pair of struts running from rim to rim on each of
the hub.”在每个轮毂的边缘间加上一对支柱。
As these extra supports were inserted separately into the felloes, they would have added even
greater strength to the wheel. Leather wrapped up the edge of the wheel aimed to retain
support:支撑物。insert:插入。separately:adv 分别地。“added even greater strength to”字
面意思是给…增加了更大的强度, wrap up:包裹起来。“aimed to retain bronze” 解释为何
要用皮革包裹,be aimed to:目的是。

段 五 : Within a millennium, however, Chinese chariot-makers had developed a vehicle with

shafts, the precursor of the true carriage or cart. This design did not make its appearance in Europe
until the end of the Roman Empire. Because the shafts curved upwards, and the harness pressed
against a horse’s shoulders, not his neck, the shaft chariot was incredibly efficient. The halberd
was also part of a chariot standard weaponry. This halberd usually measured well over 3 metres in
length, which meant that a chariot warrior wielding it sideways could strike down the charioteer in
a passing chariot. The speed of chariot which was tested on the sand was quite fast. At speed these
passes were very dangerous for the crews of both chariots.

精析:Within a millennium, however, Chinese chariot-makers had developed a vehicle with

shafts, the precursor of the true carriage or cart.
develop : 研 发 , 开 发 。 vehicle : noun 交 通 工 具 , 车 辆 。 shaft : noun 轴 , 传 动 轴 。
precursor:noun 先驱;先锋;前身。“the precursor of the true carriage or cart”:是 shaft 的
This design did not make its appearance in Europe until the end of the Roman Empire.
Because the shafts curved upwards, and the harness pressed against a horse’s shoulders, not
his neck, the shaft chariot was incredibly efficient.
这里有 not…until 句型:直到。。。才。make its appearance:出现,意思跟动词 appear 相
同 。 curve upwards : 向 上 弯 曲 。 harness : 马 具 。 incredibly : adv 不 可 思 议 地 , 形 容 词
incredible。efficient:adj 高效的。

The halberd was also part of a chariot standard weaponry. This halberd usually measured
well over 3 metres in length, which meant that a chariot warrior wielding it sideways could
strike down the charioteer in a passing chariot. The speed of chariot which was tested on the
sand was quite fast. At speed these passes were very dangerous for the crews of both
halberd:noun 戟。weaponry:noun 总称,武器,兵器。measure:verb 距离(或长度、宽度、
数量等)为…,同常重多少时用 weigh。warrior:勇士,战士。“a chariot warrior wielding it
sideways”这里 wielding it sideways 形容是 warrior 的动作,wield:verb 挥动。形容挥动武器
的时候,有时也用 swing。charioteer:驾车者。strike down:击倒。crew:noun(飞机、轮

段六:The advantages offered by the new chariots were not entirely missed. They could see how
there were literally the Warring States, whose conflicts lasted down the Qin unification of China.
Qin Shi Huang was buried in the most opulent tomb complex ever constructed in China, a
sprawling, city-size collection of underground caverns containing everything the emperor would
need for the afterlife. Even a collection of terracotta armies called Terra-Cotta Warriors was buried
in it. The ancient Chinese, along with many cultures including ancient Egyptians, believed that
items and even people buried with a person could be taken with him to the afterlife.

精析:The advantages offered by the new chariots were not entirely missed. They could see
how there were literally the Warring States, whose conflicts lasted down the Qin unification
of China.
advantage:noun 优势“offered by the new chariots” 形容 advantage。“Warring States”: 战国。
literally : adv 确 实 地 ; 真 正 地 ; 不 加 夸 张 地 。 “ whose conflicts lasted down the Qin
unification of China.”形容 Warring States,即战国时期各个国家。unification:noun 统一。
Qin Shi Huang was buried in the most opulent tomb complex ever constructed in China, a
sprawling, city-size collection of underground caverns containing everything the emperor
would need for the afterlife.
opulent : adj 豪 华 的 。 “ ever constructed in China” 形 容 opulent tomb complex , 这 里 的
complex 是名词:错综复杂的组合;复合体。the most…ever..:有史以来…最…。sprawling:
adj 蔓延的;杂乱无序伸展的。这里 sprawling 和 city-size 都是形容 collection,由于形容词
性质类似,所以加逗号分隔。sprawl:verb 扩展;延伸。cavern:noun 大地穴;大洞穴。
“containing everything the emperor would need for the afterlife” 形容 caverns,说明它包括所
Even a collection of terracotta armies called Terra-Cotta Warriors was buried in it. The
ancient Chinese, along with many cultures including ancient Egyptians, believed that items
and even people buried with a person could be taken with him to the afterlife.
a collection of:一系列的。通常服装或者设计品,都会用到 collection 这个词,意思为系列
产品。along with:除…以外(还);与…同样地,“along with many cultures including
ancient Egyptians”插入语,形容 ancient Chinese,“buried with a person”形容 people,解释

1:根据题目中的 grave goods 定位到第二段 These grave goods are confirmed by the oracle
texts, which constitute almost all of the first hand written record we possess of the Shang Dynasty.
因为是确认了所以对照题目中的 prove to be accurate。答案:TRUE.
2:根据第二段末位 Below the corpse was a small pit holding the remains of six sacrificial dogs
and along the edge lay the skeletons of human slaves, evidence of human sacrifice.这里讲到奴隶,
而不是问题中的 soldiers,所以答案为 FALSE.
3:根据 Terracotta Army 定位到第三段 The terracotta soldiers were accidentally discovered
when a group of local farmers was digging a well during a drought around 1.6 km (I mile) east of
the Qin Emperors tomb around at Mount Li (Lishan). 这里的 accidentally 跟题目中的 by chance
意思一致. 答案:TRUE.
4 : 根 据 King Tutankhamun 和 Qin Emperor’s tomb 定 位 到 第 三 段 , 第 三 段 讲 到 两 个 长 度
130cm 和 90cm, 但是都是指 chariots, 没有对比他们的坟墓,所以答案为 NOT GIVEN.
5: hub 定位到最早提到这个词的第四段,Wheels were constructed from a variety of woods:
elm provided the hub, rose-wood the spokes and oak the felloes. 所以答案是 elm。
6 : 按 顺 序 看 下 面 一 句 The hub was drilled through to form an empty space into which the
tampering axle was fitted, the whole being covered with leather to retain lubricating oil. 所以答案
是 lubricating oil。
7 : 定 位 到 描 述 spoke 的 句 子 : Though the number of spokes varied, a wheel by the fourth
century BC usually had eighteen to thirty-two of them. 答案是:18 to 32.
8:题干提到 shape of wheel , resemble( 像),定位 Dishing refers to the dish-like shape of an
advanced wooden wheel,which looks rather like a flat cone.答案为 dish/flat cone。
9:题目提到 strengthen the wheel ,所以定位 On occasion they chose to strengthen a dished
wheel with a pair of struts running from rim to rim on each of the hub. 答案是 struts。
10 : 明 显 在 第 四 段 最 后 一 句 , they would have added even greater strength to the wheel.
Leather wrapped up the edge of the wheel aimed to retain bronze.
11:题目问马身体的哪一部分免受来自马具的压力。定位到第五段 Because the shafts curved
upwards, and the harness pressed against a horse’s shoulders, not his neck, the shaft chariot was
incredibly efficient。答案是 neck。
12:题目问战车是在哪里进行速度测验的。定位第五段:The speed of chariot which was
tested on the sand was quite fast. At speed these passes were very dangerous for the crews of both
chariots. 所以答案是 sand。
13:题目问秦始皇死后埋葬在哪一部分宫殿里,定位:第六段 Qin Shi Huang was buried in
the most opulent tomb complex ever constructed in China, a sprawling, city-size collection of
underground caverns containing everything the emperor would need for the afterlife. 答案最多 2
个词,所以填 tomb complex。

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