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Emirates Happiness Platform

“My wealth is my people’s happiness” is an immor-
tal quote of the founding father Sheikh Zayed Bin
Sultan Al Nahyan, “God bless his soul,”. He defined
A quarterly magazine specialized his era by it, and put the first brick in the curriculum
in customs affairs,
published by the (FCA) UAE
which led to the path of happiness and positivity in
the UAE.
General Supervisor: This phrase has become a course of action and a sus-
H.E Ali Bin Subaih AlKaabi tainable goal adopted by the wise leadership for de-
Commissioner of Customs - Chairman of FCA cades, as reflected by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa
bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, “may
Advisory body:
Allah protect him”, “The well-being, sustainability
and happiness of the UAE’s people is our top prior-
H.H Sheikh Mohamed Bin Abdullah Al Noaimi ity for our federal and local governments.” For many
Chairman of Ports & Customs Department - Ajman
years, our wise leadership has been keen to instill the principles of positive think-
H.H Khalid Bin Rashid Al Mu’alla ing and happiness among the various strata of society that enable the UAE to
Chairman of ports, customs and Free Zone Corporation
- Umm Al Quwain
become the happiest nation. As UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler
of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum ‘Allah save
H.E Rashed Lahej Al Mansoori him’ said, “Positivity is a way of thinking, and happiness is a lifestyle, It is not
Director General of General Administration
Customs – Abu Dhabi what you own or do that makes you happy, it is how you think about things “
H.E Mohammed Meer Abdul Rahman Al Sarrah From the previous quotes of the wise leadership, we can conclude that the most
Director of the Department of Seaports and Customs- important features of the “Emirates happiness” or elements of the UAE magic
formula to achieve the “happiest people”. Happiness in the UAE is not just a se-
H.E Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al Mehrezi ries of slogans for media consumption; it is a vision and a quest, - the true wealth
Director General of Customs Department - RAK of society. It is a top priority, a sustainable goal and a way of life, which starts by
H.E Rashid Mohammed Hammad identifying that the human being is the catalyst of progress and growth. That the
Director General of Customs - Fujairah positive outlook of the team creates happiness. What creates positively the hap-
piness of society lies first and last in the releasing of individual capabilities and
Editor -in-chief: Mohamed Juma Buosaiba potential. .
Deputy Editor-in-chief: Ahmad Abdulla Bin Lahej
The UAE was the first country in the world to establish the Ministry of Happiness
Executive Editor-in-chief: Hassan El Kamhawi
i. In 2016, it was the first to launch the national program of happiness and positiv-
Legal Consultant: Ahmed Mohamed Albakr ity where it made the indicators of happiness and positivity an important criteria
Financial administration: Mohamed Almarzooqi for performance assessment and decision-making. The UAE thus achieved global
Marketing and Communication: Asmaa Alawadhi leadership in this area and became a beacon for those who looking for happiness
Designer: Abu Omar and those who want to live and enjoy a decent life.
Translation: Ala’ Abu Rezeq
Achieving happiness and positivity is not the responsibility of the individual or
Copyeditor: Joe Kelly the leadership alone! It is a shared responsibility flowing from top to bottom -and
vice versa- , in an attractive and stimulating work environment. According to the
UAE happiness platform, the leadership is responsible for instilling the principles
Printing: Distribution: of happiness and positivity in the work environment by formulating an inspira-
tional vision, and by promoting the culture of altruism and mental alertness.
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, P.O.Box
In customs, and in accordance with the directives of the wise leadership, we have
35000 – TEL: +9712-6979700 made increasing the happiness and positivity levels between employees and cus-
E-mail: tomers a strategic goal. A goal which we will achieve through effective com-
munication, development of services, simplifying procedures, freeing potential appreciating achievements and encouraging innovation within the framework of
diversity and unique balance between professional and personal life..
In this context, the Authority held a brainstorming session on happiness and posi-
tive in the headquarters of government accelerators in Dubai at the end of Septem-
Selling Price
UAE 25 AED - Saudi Arabia Kingdom 25 SAR - Oman 2 OMR
- Bahrain 2 BHD - Qatar 25 QAR - Kwait 3 KWD - Yemen 850
YER - Jordan 4 JOD - Iraq 4500 IQD - Lebanon 6500 LBP - ber. The session succeeded in liberating the potential of the employees and came
Palestine 5 USD - Egypt 30 EGP - Sudan 20 SDG - Tunisia 50
TND - Algeria 400 DZD - United Kingdom 4 GBP - state of the up with a wide range of initiatives that will have a positive impact on the level of
European Union 5 EU - USA 5 USD
happiness and positivity in the FCA and the customs sector in the UAE.
Subscriptions (annual)
UAE 250 AED- Arab Countries 500 AED + shipping The human happiness is challenging but it lies within ourselves and not in others,
it is in giving not in taking!
United Kingdom and the European Union 1000 AED + shipping

Mohamed Juma Buosaiba

The published articles express the opinion of the
writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of
the Federal Customs Authority
Contents 90’s Day of Customs

10 “FCA” achieves interna-

tional accreditation for the
Customs Dogs Unit (K9)

launches the first Intermodal
export shipment under “TIR
Ali al-Kaabi mediates Al-Aqroubi, Al-Khaili and Al-Shehhi during the meeting

Resulting from the visit of the state delegation headed by Ali al-Kaabi

UAE and Belarus consider ways to expand

the framework for customs cooperation
(Emirates Customs) cently reviewed the requirements for
the application of the new customs
During August 28/30, HE Ali Al
Kaabi, Customs Commissioner and
Ali AlKaabi: law of the Eurasia Economic Union,
aimed at reducing the customs clear-
Chairman of the Federal Customs The continuing development ance time using modern technolo-
Authority, headed the delegation of within UAE Customs promises gies, and applying the single window
the United Arab Emirates to visit the great prospects for cooperation principle at the land border crossing
Republic of Belarus. The visit came between the two countries points. Belarus customs work close-
in response to the invitation of Be- ly with other government bodies in
larus Customs, and aims to enhance their ports- immigration, Health, Ag-
customs cooperation and implement tions. This will enable both to ben- riculture and Transport. This close
38 the agreement on customs techni-
cal and administrative cooperation
signed between the two countries in
efit from sharing available resources,
exchange of information, and knowl-
edge and experiences to supports
co-operation reduced the transit time
by 37%.
The delegation visited the Customs
Abu Dhabi last May. joint customs work... Training Institute to review its, or-
The delegation included Saud Al In several press statements, HE Ali ganizational structure and functions.
Agroobi, Director of International Al Kaabi said that the UAE is keen . The Belarusian side presented their
Relations Department, Ahmed Al to promote economic partnership and new training course for the customs
Khaili, Director of the Office of HE trade with the Republic of Belarus. A inspectors dealing with the latest
the Commissioner, and Mohammed major contribution to this is raising tools and methods of shipping. The
Al Shehhi, Charge d’Affaires of the customs efficiency through forming UAE delegation also visited the
State Embassy in Belarus. The Belar- joint customs committees, exchang- Shooting club, the K9 Training Cen-
FCA Smart E-Commerce… usian side was headed by Belarusian
customs Chief Yuri Senko.
ing information and experience, vis-
its and joint customs workshops, and
ter a Belarussian Customs Laborato-
ry. It also had the opportunity to visit
launches a professional Customs innovations Same Customs Questions – During the three-day meeting, the direct cooperation to combat smug- the Psychological Customs Center,
diploma in customs flying overhead new answers needed! two sides reviewed the Roles and gling and counterfeit goods. As well which aims to entertain the staff and
requirements from customs work in as relieve the daily pressures.
GITEX 2018
both countries. They discussed the During the visit, the Belarus delega- During the visit, the delegation at-
latest developments in the key areas tion briefed the UAE on the best cus- tended a presentation by “Bel-
of applying laws and regulations, toms practices applied by Customs tamozhservice”, a company which
modern techniques in the areas of and the role of modern technology in works on cargo clearance, logistics
inspection and procedures for re- enhancing the role of customs in pro- management and IT solutions. In

14 The File
16 Free Zone
20 ducing customs clearance time. The
two sides stressed the importance of
enhancing customs and trade rela-
tecting society from unsound com-
mercial practices.
The customs in Belarus has also re-
addition, they visited “Regula” who
provide document analysis equip-
ment and car number readers.

2 Emirates Customs October 2018 October 2018 Emirates Customs 3

90’s Day of Customs

Al-Kaabi during the signing of the Arrangement with the Korean side

Worth 10.5 billion dirhams, tin the first half of 2018 51 billion dirhams worth of trade with USA in the first half of 2018

UAE and South Korea start begin FCA is working with a US delegation to
implementation of the UAEO Arrangement protect intellectual property rights
Abu Dhabi (Emirates Customs) the UAE and its trading partners. Dubai (Emirates Customs) the United States of America is one
His Excellency pointed out that the of the leading strategic trading part-
On Monday, October 1, 2018, the Ali AlKaabi: pilot phase of the AEO program be- HE the Commissioner Ali bin Sabih Ali AlKaabi: ner’s for the UAE.
Mutual Recognition Arrangement tween the UAE and South Korea Al Kaabi, Chairman of the Federal HE pointed out that the meeting was
(MRA) between the United Arab The Arrangement improves the has reduced the time for Customs Customs Authority, discussed with a The American delegation held at the request of the American
Emirates and the Republic of South competitiveness of the national clearance of consignments by ap- US delegation methods to enhance praised the level achieved by side in order to identify the customs
Korea came into force, following economy and contributes to proved companies by 98%. It fur- cooperation, exchange expertise, the UAE in the fight against activity programme with regard to
the Federal Customs and Customs building an effective business ther considerably reduces the num- and joint customs work, targeted at fraud and counterfeit goods. IPR within the UAE and the prog-
Administration of South Korea suc- environment ber of consignments selected for the protection of intellectual prop- ress that has been made achieved.
cessfully completing the pilot phase inspection due to the high level of erty rights and combating fraud and He noted that the American delega-
of the Arrangement, in September.. the companies’ compliance with the counterfeiting. tion praised the achievements in the
The number of companies benefiting rea reached 34.8 billion dirhams in programme standards and the rapid The discussions took place during UAE in the areas of inspection and
from Arrangement is 320 companies 2017 and 10.5 billion dirhams during exchange of information related to the meeting, held under the chair- monitoring of goods, protection of
to date, including 40 companies in the first half of this year. the consignments between the two manship of His Excellency, on the intellectual property rights and com-
the UAE and 280 in South Korea. HE Ali bin Sabih Al Kaabi, Customs countries. This contributes to facili- sidelines of the opening of the 12th ordinator of IPR, at the White House bating fraud and counterfeit goods.
The FCA and the local Customs ad- Commissioner, said that the Arrange- tating trade movement, reducing op- International Conference on the Executive Office. The delegation in- According to data from the FCA,
ministrations are aiming to double ment improves the competitiveness of erational costs and supports customs Prevention of Intellectual Prop- cluded a number of officials respon- the volume of trade between the
the number of UAE companies, in the national economy, and contributes risk management. erty Crimes. This was held on 25 sible for intellectual property rights two countries reached 51 billion dir-
the coming year. They also seek to to building an effective business envi- His Excellency said that the UAEO September 2018 in Dubai, in the in various American institutions. hams during the first half of 2018.
sign MRA’s with a number of the ronment - maximizing the GDP/GNP program is a means of encouraging presence of His Excellency Mo- HE Ali Al Kaabi said in a press The UAE’s imports from the United
Country’s leading trading partners, of the State, and adding value through voluntary compliance with Customs hammed Juma Buosaiba, the Gen- statement after the meeting that the States during this period amounted
led by India and China. exchanging experience and informa- regulations and procedures.. It tar- eral Director of the Authority, HE Federal Customs Authority is keen to about 38.6 billion dirhams; while
South Korea is a strategic trading tion on Customs consignments and gets those associated with the inter- Ahmed Mahbub Musabeh, Director to enhance cooperation with stra- the value of UAE exports to the
partner of the UAE and is an impor- Customs and commercial facilities national supply chain such as im- of Dubai Customs and a number of tegic partners worldwide and ex- United States reached to about 3.6
tant Customs partner of the FCA. The MAA provides incentives for the porters and exporters, shipping and officials and directors from the Au- change customs expertise, which billion and the re-export value of
The UAE’s non-oil trade (direct trade private sector, enhances the process transport agencies, manufacturers, thority. The US delegation was led will enhance the efficiency customs imported goods was AED 8.8 bil-
and free zone trade) with South Ko- of Customs risk management between Customs agents, ports and airports. by Vishal Amin, the Executive Co- se in the UAE. He underlined that lion.

4 Emirates Customs October 2018 October 2018 Emirates Customs 5

90’s Day of Customs

Headed by the FCA and in full co-operation with the

Local Customs and National Security Agencies

Customs Security Team

completes the evaluation of
readiness of the country’s
points of entry
Ali AlKaabi:
Authority and local administrations are well aware of
future risks and challenges and are keen to build and
strengthen customs capacity to address them
Ali Al-Kaabi presided over the meeting of the team at the headquarters of the FCA in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi (Emirates Customs) team’s important role in the con- threats and illicit commercial prac- istry of the Interior, the security

In August, the Security Customs

tinuous improvement of the opera-
tions of customs administrations at
tices are key strategic goals of both
the country’s Local and Federal
Honoring Khatm Melaha Customs Centre apparatus and General Authority
of Ports, Borders and Free Zones
Team for Evaluating the Customs the country’s land, air, and seaports Customs Administrations. These On the sidelines of the meeting, HE Ali Al Kaabi, , honored Mohammed Security (Manafth).
Points of entry within the UAE has and postal facilities. This is a key are part of the UAE Vision 2021, Ibrahim Al-Risai, Director of Khatm Melaha Customs Centre, of the In accordance with the directive
completed its mission to evaluate part of the FCA’s role and work the National Agenda, and the di- Administration of Marine Ports and Customs in Sharjah, in recognition , the team has carried out a num-
the country’s customs points and and demands that that the team to rectives of the wise leadership to of his outstanding efforts in raising the performance efficiency of the ber of tasks , the most important
determine the readiness of the cus- establish an ongoing development improve customs control and en- port. This has had the great impact to face and overcome customs risks of which being the assessment of
toms, security and administration plan to maintain points of strength hance the performance of customs related to the movement of passengers and goods through the port... the current situation at the border
departments. The Team was led and improve points of weaknesses, administrations. This also requires During the award ceremony, His Excellency said that the port team has crossing points in the country in
by the Federal Customs Authority. which will improve the readiness the FCA to strengthen the strategic achieved tangible results in the development of inspection procedures. terms of customs, security and ad-
The team assessed the needs of the of key customs points, including partnerships between relevant spe- This has led to a high level of customs control of the movement of crimi- ministrative readiness. The assess-
staff and their expertise, as well cooperation with Local Customs cialist authorities, to enhance the nals and combating of smuggling. Which has improved the level of col- ment has identified the strengths,
as their equipment and training, Administrations and relevant secu- country’s security and commercial lective performance in the port, which is now a model to be added to the weaknesses, and development
suggested the appropriate ways of rity authorities. systems at its points of entry. list of best practices within customs in the UAE. requirements and has produced
meeting the needs, and help im- Al Kaabi thanked the Local Cus- He added that the Authority, the He praised the general level of performance and customs control at the the necessary recommendations
prove customs inspection and secu- toms Administrations, the Ministry Local Customs Administrations, land, sea, air and postal customs ports in the country. He stressed that and proposals to enhance customs,
rity procedures. of Interior, the General Authority and the relevant security authori- the vigilance of customs officers and inspectors in the Authority and the security and administrative effi-
HE Ali Al Kaabi, Chairman of the of Ports, Borders and Free Zones ties are well aware of the scale and Local Customs Administration have played a major role in providing ciency, in light of the best inter-
FCA, led a meeting with the Team Security, and other relevant au- quality of risks and the future chal- national security s and protecting society from the increasing global national standards and practices in
held at the FCA’s headquarters in thorities for enabling the team to lenges presented to customs and se- risks. this area.
Abu Dhabi, and received a presen- perform its mission, through as- curity. . It is, therefore, keen to im- The team also took the task of iden-
tation on the key outcomes of the sisting its visits, and providing the plement and develop plans, which tifying the human development and
team’s work , and their findings on required customs and security in- ensure the continuous enhancement between the Authority, the Local the team will be formed under the training needs of these ports, as
the level of readiness. formation. of customs capabilities and raise Customs Administrations and secu- chair of the Executive Director of well as the necessary equipment.
He stated that the team’s visits con- In several press statements, HE the competency of staff at all lev- rity agencies in this field. the Customs Affairs Sector at the It has also proposed appropriate
firmed the readiness of the customs pointed out that maintaining the els to face and overcome the risks In July, Al Kaabi issued a direc- Authority. The team includes 17 mechanisms to meet these needs,
and security services at the coun- country’s security and protect- and challenges. At the same time, tive to form the Customs Security members representing the Local and to enhance inspection and cus-
try’s borders while stressing the ing the community from various he praised the level of cooperation Team; the directive stipulates that Customs Administrations, the Min- toms security procedures.

6 Emirates Customs October 2018 October 2018 Emirates Customs 7

90’s Day of Customs

Achieving a perfect score in the evaluation

FCA discuss cooperation FCA at the head of Government Authorities

with Watani al Emarat Foundation in the electronic/mobile transformation index
Ali AlKaabi:
A significant achievement, which meets the objectives
of the UAE vision and a major step towards the
country’s first position globally by 2021

Abu Dhabi (Emirates Customs) on time and to the required quality.

He pointed out that the Authority has succeeded in im-
The FCA has achieved a leading position at the Federal plementing an integrated system to improve and measure
in mGovernment indices, according to the report of the the experience of customers in the use of mGovernment
government enabler’s indicators, issued by the Prime services through the customs inquiries service and the
Minister’s Office in 2017. The FCA has been ranked the periodical bulletins of electronic and printed informa-
first at the Federal Government level in its percentage of tion. The system contributes to the achievement of the
electronic/mobile transformation of federal services. It objectives of the vision of the UAE 2021 and represents
achieved 100%, outperforming the average result for the a significant move in reaching the world’s number one in
Federal Authorities of 97.85%. the index of electronic/mobile services by 2021.
The report praised the efforts of the FCA and its mobile At the same time, the report of the Office of the Presi-
transformation team in its continuous communication dency of the Council of Ministers pointed out that the
and actions throughout the year, as well as its eagerness Authority ranked fourth in the Federal Governments
to implement the mobile government’s enablers require- ranking of customer satisfaction with electronic/mobile
ment on time. services, achieving 89%. The Authority ranked fifth in
HE Ali Al Kaabi, Customs Commissioner, said, taking the government index in the percentage of public aware-
Ali al-Kaabi and Dirar al-Bahl exchange commemorative shields first place at the Federal Government level in percent- ness on electronic and mobile services, achieving 78%
age of electronic/mobile transformation, is a major FCA and achieved 93% in the index of government compli-
Abu Dhabi (Emirates Customs) the nation and service to its people. . He stressed the achievement in the past year for the ance with quality standards for electronic/mobile ser-
During a key meeting held at the Authority’s head- commitment of the Authority to develop and strength- FCA. Highlighting that this vices. Finally, it came in the eighth place in the gov-
quarters in Dubai in the first week of August, HE Al en this cooperation and instill the values of national achievement reflects the Au- ernment level for usage of government electronic/
Kaabi, Chairman of the Federal Customs Authority identity for the employees within the UAE customs thority’s efforts, and staff mobile services in 93%.
and HE Dirar Al Flasi, Executive Director of Watani sector and its clients from the community. commitment to the imple- HE explained that the government enabler’s team
al Emarat Foundation, discussed working together HE also, expressed his appreciation for the leader- mentation and turn within the Authority has implemented the mGov-
to open up new opportunities for future coopera- ship role played by the Foundation in building the the visions of the ernment enablers on services on a priority basis.
tion. Jointly it was agrees to develop mechanisms to nation by deepening its values and principles in the wise leadership and These are the Customs inquiries function, and the
deepen the values and national identity of employees hearts of its people. objectives of the provision of statistical reports to the concerned au-
in the FCA who deal with the customs departments, For his part, Dirar Al-Falasi expressed his deep ap- federal govern- thorities, where smart applications standards have
within the emirates including exporters, importers preciation for the role of the Federal Customs Au- ment it into a been applied to the Authority website...
and customs agents. thority in protecting the security of the community, tangible re- Moreover, the IT department of the Author-
The meeting was attended by HE Ahmed Abdullah facilitating trade and enhancing the country’s posi- ality both ity has focused on innovation in the field of
bin Lahej, Executive Director of Customs Affairs tion in globally. Through the development of ap- mGovernment enablers by implementing
Sector, Ahmed Al Khaili, from the Office of HE the propriate strategies and the implementation of ad- around 21 new applications , including the
Commissioner. Dr. Ahmed Bin Sumait, International vanced customs initiatives that improve the security launch of live chat service on the website and the
Expert in Legislation and Security, and Mohammed of the State. In addition, he recognized the contri- development mobile apps for the Authority us-
Khalifa Al Muhairi, Director of Corporate Commu- bution made by the FCA in building key national ing multiple communications channels o, such as
nications and Marketing represented the Foundation. competencies within the employees, inspectors and “Contact us”,. r, “FAQ service” launched to serve
HE Ali Al-Kaabi praised the level of collaboration customs agents to contribute effectively in maintain- the customer and to answer their questions directly.
between the FCA and the Foundation in order to pro- ing security and facilitate trade. He Stressed that the These new systems make use of the latest Artificial
mote the principles and values of national identity and coming period will see increased constructive coop- Intelligence (A.I.) techniques and the services are
to build an Emirati customs generation committed to eration with the Authority. available 24/7, in both Arabic and English on the web-
site and the mobile Apps.

8 Emirates Customs October 2018 October 2018 Emirates Customs 9


The first of its kind in the Middle East Undertaken by a team of 4 K9 and 4 trainers

“FCA” achieves international accreditation “FCA” conducts the first inspection using
for the Customs Dogs Unit K9 K9 Unit at the Ras al-Dara port
Abu Dhabi (Emirates Customs) tested against the standards of the IP- RAK (Emirates Customs) dential Affairs, under the guidance
WDA, the examination covered both of His Highness Sheikh Mansour
The Custom Dogs Unit (K9) affili- Ali AlKaabi: drugs and explosives detection, in an On October 4, 2018, the Federal Ali AlKaabi: bin Zayed, has provided the neces-
ated to the Federal Customs Author- indoor or outdoor environment, and Customs Authority (FCA) launched sary financial support for the estab-
ity has obtained the International
The accreditation is a in handling vehicles, bags, buildings, the first Customs inspection using
The Authority seeks to lishment and operation of the Unit,
Accreditation Certificate from the Regional and an international etc. the K9 Unit (Dogs). This took place strengthen the control of the based on their conviction of the
International Police Work Dog for achievement adding to the list His Excellency the Commissioner of at Ras Al Dara port under Ras Al ports and enforce the concept importance of the Unit and its role
American Police Dogs (IPWDA) of of achievements of the UAE in. the Authority confirmed that obtain- Khaimah Customs Administration of customs deterrence in in protecting the security of the so-
North Carolina. The unit is the first ing this international accreditation and within the framework of the proportion to the scale of risk. ciety, enhancing control over Cus-
institution in the UAE and the Middle means the international recognition Authority’s plan to start fieldwork toms ports and combating smug-
East to receive such accreditation. of the professionalism of the K9 Unit for its K9 Unit at all customs ports gling.”
HE Ali Bin Sabih Al Kaabi, Customs and its adherence to the international in the UAE. The Authority has completed its K9
Commissioner and head of the Au- standards required for inspection and The first division of the Federal K9 Unit in several stages, starting with
thority, said that the achievement of to the acquisition of international examination. He further noted that Unit, which included four train- the selection of dogs and the imple-
this accreditation by the K9 Unit is knowledge and experience. The ac- the unit had succeeded, within just ers and four dogs, participated in mentation of an integrated training
a major regional and an international creditation is issued by one of the a few months, to import dogs, train the inspection. The Unit had pre- equipment, monitors, and dedicated program that meets international
achievement to be added to the list most prominent organizations ac- them to detect drugs, explosives and viously received several months K9 Teams. This plan strengthened best practice and is tailored to the
of achievements of the UAE. It also credited in the United States and the prohibited materials, in the UAE en- training to carry out inspections for the security of, customs and trade sites and work environment in the
confirms the Authority’s commit- world.” vironment and to reach the interna- detection of drugs and explosives in the State. UAE ports. The training made use
ment to support the State security He pointed out that the evalua- tional level of performance and pro- in the UAE s. The second group of His Excellency pointed out that the of samples of prohibited substanc-
system and protect society from the tion process carried out by the team fessionalism required.. 25 dogs is scheduled to start at the Authority was able, with the sup- es such as drugs and explosive ma-
negative impact of smuggling, by lasted for five days, where they as- Mr. AbdulSalam Al Shamsi, Director border crossings before the end of port of the Ministry of Presidential terials provided by the competent
meeting the best international stan- sessed the working environment of the K9 Unit, said that the Unit’s the year. Affairs, to complete the first Fed- authorities in the UAE.
dards and practices in the field of in- of the Customs, dogs both in terms receipt of the international accredita- HE Ali Bin Sabih Al Kaabi, Cus- eral Customs K9 Unit in the UAE HE Ali Al Kaabi praised the level
spection and detection of drugs and of its physical and human elements, tion certificate as the first unit in the toms Commissioner, said, “we seek in record time. On the occasion, of cooperation and support pro-
explosive materials at all points of and in terms of its capacity to detect Middle East to do so coupled with to strengthen Customs controls and His Excellency thanked His High- vided by the Local Customs Ad-
entry to the UAE- land, sea, air and narcotics, hazardous substances and and the Commissioner’s honoring of strengthen the concept of Customs ness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed ministration in RAK to enable the
postal. explosives. the team represents a strong stimu- deterrence under the responsibili- Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister Authority and the K9 Unit to carry
He added, “We are proud of this The evaluation included three stages lus for the employees of the Unit. It ties entrusted to the Authority to and Minister of Presidential Af- out its duties. He thanked the Ras
achievement, which is an interna- during which the performance of 25 will encourage them to improve their deal with the scale of security chal- fairs, for his unlimited support for Al Khaimah Customs Administra-
tional recognition of the efforts made customs dogs and 25 trainers, rep- performance and apply optimal inter- lenges and Customs Risks. The the establishment of the K9 Unit in tion and the employees at Ras Al
by the Authority and the K9 Unit and resenting the first cadre of dogs and national standards in the field... He Authority is implementing an inte- the Authority and order to allocate Dara port for providing them with
adherence to international standards handlers, were examined. During the stressed the commitment of the team grated plan to support the customs new building to house the Unit in all necessary requirements to en-
and specifications for training. It fur- three stages, efficiency and commit- to continue their efforts to reach the ports in the UAE, including sup- Umm Al Quwain. able the K9 team to fully carry out
ther reflects the FCA’s commitment ment of the dogs and handlers were top position globally. pling customs ports with the latest He added, “The Ministry of Presi- its work in inspection and control.

10 Emirates Customs October 2018 October 2018 Emirates Customs 11


In cooperation between FCA, ATCUAE and Local Customs administrations

UAE launches the first Intermodal export

shipment under “TIR carnet”
Ali AlKaabi: Mohammed Buosaiba: Mohammed Ben
The launch of the first The activation of the “TIR” Sulayem:
export shipment of the system contributes to the “TIR system is the key to
TIR carnet reflects the development of national security and trade, driving
State’s keenness to fulfill industry, encourage exports transport globally, which
its obligations and play an and moving to highest will start and end with TIR
active role in facilitating ranks globally in the global regime”
international trade. competitiveness indicators.

Dubai (Emirates Customs) holder Kuehne + Nagel with the TIR carnet issued by the successful path to build a competitive knowledge-based to the national economy by simplifying the movement
ATCUAE was used for this TIR transport. economy that strengthens its position as a regional and of national & international transport, giving access to
Wednesday, September 19, UAE represented by the On Wednesday morning, the container was transferred global trading center; based on the vision and guidance over 62 TIR operational countries. In addition to achiev-
FCA and the Automobile & Touring Club of the UAE to the Sharjah Customs Center at the Sharjah Interna- of the wise leadership and the principles and objectives ing the highest standards of safety in the transport of
(ATCUAE), in cooperation with the Federal Transport tional Airport Free Zone. The customs inspectors affixed of Vision 2021 and UAE 2071. Added that the coming goods with the unification of customs procedures, and
Authority-Land & Maritime, Dubai Customs and the the customs lead seal on the container, performed the period will witness the completion of the second phase reduce the waiting time for trucks on the border using
Sharjah Ports and Customs administration, UAE has customs control on the TIR carnet and transmitted the of the implementation of the “TIR” system in the UAE, fast tracks.
launched the first intermodal export shipment of Indus “release of transit message” using the IT portal and they which includes the completion of the integration of IRU- HE pointed out that the activation of the “TIR” system
International FZC and carnet holder Kuehne + Nagel handed over the TIR carnet to the transport company; IT risk management tools between the FCA and the lo- contributes to the developing the national industry, en-
from the Emirate of Sharjah via Jebel Ali, Dubai to and allowed to move the container towards Jebel Ali cal customs administrations. In addition, the activation courage exports, and move to the top ranks globally in
Czech Republic via Germany, according to the Interna- Customs center in Dubai, where the TIR carnet was pre- of additional customs centers in Ras Al Khaimah, Fu- the global competitiveness indicators, logistics businesses
tional Road Transport system “TIR”. sented to the customs inspector and after physical check- jairah and Ajman. With pilot shipments in partnership and customs procedures. As well as supporting, small and
The ceremonial launch was honored by the presence of ing the “termination of transit” was transmitted with with Saudi Arabia and Oman. Pointing out that the third medium-sized companies operating in free zones, and en-
Mohammed Juma Buosaiba, Director General of the customs control (stamps) on the TIR carnet by Dubai phase aims to complete the digital transformation of the hancing control of goods using the e-clearance system
FCA, Mohammed Bin Sulayem, President of ATCUAE Customs officials. The container then gated into the Jeb- full use of the electronic TIR (eTIR). On his part, HE Mohammed Ben Sulayem adds “TIR
and Mohammed Mir Abdul Rahman, Director General el Ali port terminal, to be loaded on the ship to travel by He praised the efforts exerted by the partners in the im- system is the key to security and trade, driving transport
of Sharjah Customs. In addition to a number of execu- sea to the Port of Hamburg, Germany for continuation of plementation of the “TIR” system and the level of coop- globally, which will start and end with TIR regime. The
tives, directors of the administrations and heads of de- TIR transport until Czech Republic. eration they provided. Especially the Federal Transport most important element that focuses on the TIR is the
partments of the participating entities and officials of the HE the Commissioner, Ali Al Kaabi, said that the activa- Authority for Land and Maritime Transport, the Automo- security in the transport of goods, where customs du-
two companies. tion of the TIR system and the launch of the first inter- bile & Touring Club of the UAE (ATCUAE), the local ties and taxes are guaranteed by the TIR carnet along
Preparation for the launch of shipment began on Tues- modal export shipment from the State using the TIR car- customs administrations, the International Road Trans- with the mutual recognition of customs controls, which
day by the Sharjah Customs, they inspected the con- net reflect the State’s keenness to fulfill its international port Union (IRU) and the private sector. facilitates trade to increase the economy and ease of do-
tainer containing the goods to be exported in the Indus obligations and play an active role in facilitating the On his part, HE Mohammed Buosaiba expressed his ing business. We are extremely happy with the support
International FZC warehouse in Sharjah Airport Inter- movement of international trade. In addition, to provide pleasure to launch the first export shipment according to and cooperation of National & International stakehold-
national Free Zone, preparing the customs declaration, a stimulating and attractive business environment for the international road transport system “TIR”. Stressing ers with a common interest to develop trade corridors
whereby the transport is facilitated by the UAE carnet global capital. He pointed out that the UAE continues its that the system provides many advantages and benefits and initiate the TIR project in UAE”.

12 Emirates Customs October 2018 October 2018 Emirates Customs 13


In cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior

“FCA” launches a professional Ali AlKaabi:
diploma in customs The Diploma program is based on the
principles and objectives of the UAE
The first Federal program for the The three-stage program develops Vision 2021 and seeks to achieve its
development of all customs cognitive, legal, disciplinary and objectives to establish a secure society
inspectors throughout the UAE behavioral skills and build a competitive economy

Abu Dhabi (Emirates Customs) of customs work . This will, enable them to play their der the direction of Arab and foreign experts and lec- of the legal and procedural knowledge and skills re-
part in protecting the security of the community. turers. It will focus on theoretical understanding and lated to customs work. The most prominent of these
In September, the Federal Customs Authority, in co- He added that the launch of the customs professional practical application to achieve the programme. . This are the unified customs law, customs procedures, the
operation with the Ministry of the Interior, launched, diploma is based on the principles of UAE Vision 2021 will include presentations on concepts and theories, Harmonized System (HS Code) for tariff classification,
the customs professional diploma for the development and seeks to achieve its principles and objectives to es- major scientific studies, group discussions, practical customs valuation, rules of origin, and free zones.
of customs inspectors throughout the UAE, both males tablish a secure and unified society and build a compet- exercises, E-training, activities and external work. It The second stage of three weeks of the program in-
and females,at the Federal Police School in Sharjah itive, knowledge based economy. The customs diploma will emphasize benchmarking and teach the most up to cludes the development of specialized technical skills
The new customs diploma, which was developed by the aims to develop the appropriate behavioral skills and date experiences and practices in customs work. and the basic analytical skills related to customs work.
Customs Development Department at the Authority, is competencies of the employees of the Authority and HE Ali Al Kaabi stressed that the Customs Diploma . This includes customs risk management and target-
the first federal professional program in the UAE Cus- the Local Customs Administrations. This will further Program, meets the standards and principles applied ing, body language, security indicators, drug control
toms., Its aim is to raise the efficiency of customs in- increase their skills and abilities to meet the increasing by the accreditation bodies in the UAE and members and dealing with dangerous and explosive materials.
spectors in serving the State Security System. The pro- customs and security challenges and combat all types of the Customs Diploma will be recognized fully as It will further cover , customs inspection of contain-
gram is designed in both Arabic and English. It meets of smuggling. It will have a positive affect the security achieving a personal an academic qualification. He ers, people, vehicles and baggage., ,understanding of
the high-quality international standards, which apply to and stability of the UAE. pointed out that the Authority aims, in future, to make shipping documents, maintaining customs records, the
the requirements and duties of a Customs inspector and HE Ali L Kaabi expressed his thanks and appreciation the professional diploma a basic requirement of taking handling of evidence, and detention procedures .The
equip him/her to meet the increasing challenges. to the team of HH Lt General Sheikh Saif bin Zayed on the job of customs inspector. This will ensure the third stage, of more than one week, includes the devel-
HE Ali Al Kaabi, Customs Commissioner, said that the Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of existence of a standard level knowledge and training opment of the behavioral, personal and social skills of
rapid developments in the field of customs work and the Interior, for his support for the Customs Professional in security and customs for all customs inspectors in participants., It will take into account, time manage-
increasing customs and security challenges imposed on Diploma programme and his guidance in providing all the state. ment skills and priorities, creativity, innovation, focus
the customs authorities and departments require the facilities for its rapid implementation... The diploma program is implemented in three basic on results, problem solving and decision making. Fi-
customs inspectors’ to constantly develop their skills He added that, the program will be implemented in stages. nally, it will look communication skills and customer
and increase their knowledge and expertise in all areas three stages and will use a variety of training tools un- The first stage, over 10 days, includes the development service.

14 Emirates Customs October 2018 October 2018 Emirates Customs 15

The File

Crown Prince of Dubai launches Dubai

38 Customs’ “Smart Disclosure application”

“Smart Customs innovations”

flying overhead GITEX 2018
Once again, during the recent GITEX 2018 exhibition in Dubai, Local Cus-
toms Administrations rocked the GITEX with its innovation and creativity
that enhances Customs work not only in UAE but also globally.
The most prominent innovations from the Customs sector in the UAE re-
vealed during the exhibition is the announcement of a new era of global de-
velopment across the interdependent industries of ports, transport, customs
services and global trade by maximizing the use advanced scientific inven-
tions and leading applications artificial intelligence. Crown Prince of Dubai and Chair- the iDeclare service (the Smart which provides training for Cus-
man of the Dubai Executive Coun- Disclosure application) which will toms inspectors on how to carry out
The most important feature is that it has been developed by citizens of the
cil His Highness Sheikh Hamdan help passengers coming into Dubai inspections at the customs centers.
UAE. This shows the vast potential of the staff of the Customs sector and
bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Mak- airports declare their belongings and Moreover, Dubai Customs also pre-
their creative abilities, as well as their belief in their future, their homeland,
toum launched Dubai Customs’ iDe- pass through the gates in as little as sented the Authorized Economic
their confidence in their leadership and their ability to move to a future
clare service (the Smart Disclosure 5 minutes instead of 45 minutes. Operator (AEO), and the Smart Risk
through technology and electronic transformation.
application) during his visit to the Musabeh said, “We are keeping Engine in the Dubai smart govern-
Most innovations adopted by the Customs administrations during GITEX a stand of Ports, Customs, and Free abreast of technological advance- ment pavilion. Displaying in ad-
targeted at the priority areas in customs, especially the customs inspection Zone Corporation (PCFC) at Gitex ments in order not only to survive dition 17 of its latest projects on
sector, and represent the key sectors, which support the physical and eco- Technology 2018. but to thrive in today’s market. He advanced innovation and Artificial
nomic security of the UAE. His Highness was received by Sul- added, “Dubai Customs has trans- Intelligence applications.
Moreover, all of the innovations presented aim ultimately to raise the level tan bin Sulayem, DP World Group formed creativity and innovation Customs World presented its pro-
of customer satisfaction, which is a key strategic objective of the state. This Chairman and, CEO and Chairman into a sustainable business approach grams and projects that help facili-
is achieved through reducing the time and cost of the procedures and by of Ports, Customs and Free Zone that fully integrates employees with tate trade and customs procedures.
maximizing the use of electronic and intelligent processes that can be accom- Corporation. the practical application new ideas Dubai Maritime City Authority has
plished in a few seconds. The Ports, Customs and Free Zone and innovations that impact their “Maritime Connect”, and “Smart
Corporation (PCFC) is tookpart in daily work”. Client Mobile Application” to show,
The development announced by the local customs community at GITEX the Gitex Technology Week 2018 During the exhibition, Dubai Cus- and Dutech, PCFC’s technical
2018 have confirmed that innovation has become a permanent approach in under the theme “Future Transfor- toms also presented its smart proj- arm,introduced DRAAS, Mektabi
the UAE’s customs sector, where employees share their new ideas and inno- mations Gate”. It highlighted its ects, “Intelligent Vessel Tracking and Nau System.
vations on a daily basis. latest projects and most advanced System” :which monitors the move- Trakhees- Department of Plan-
If innovation is a daily approach and practice, the future of the State’s cus- innovations, including Artificial ment of goods by sea and air, and ning and Developmentpresented
toms sector is promising and will fulfill the goals of the wise leadership. Intelligence applications, and digi- enables competent staff to manage the “Smart Inspection System”,
talized Customs services. risks with more effectively and en- “Tarakhees Business Opportunity-
The following file deals with the most important innovations of the customs Ahmed Mahboob Musabih, Direc- hances the efficiency of operations. stage2”, “Business Wallet”, and
sector in the UAE during GITEX 2018. tor of Dubai Customs introduced “Virtual World in 3D Service”: “Chat Bot”.

16 Emirates Customs October 2018 October 2018 Emirates Customs 17


The File

its E-Applica-
tions in GITEX
Week 2018
Abu Dhabi Customs launches 5 smart For the fifth year in a raw, the
projects with 207 government entities Department of Seaports and
Customs (DSPC) has partici-
The General Administration of Cus- Land Customs Outlets”, in which an pated in the 38th session of
toms - Abu Dhabi launched a pack- electronic linking system was imple- GITEX 2018 which was held
age of five smart projects during mented with the Interior Ministry so at Dubai Trade Centre for the
its participation in the 38th Session the data of vehicles and passengers period 14- 18 October 2018.
of the Technology Week (GITEX are checked directly at the entrance His Highness Sheikh Ham-
2018), as part of the Abu Dhabi Gov- of the State, and where the vehicle dan bin Mohammed bin
Buosaiba checking out the participating departments’ agenda ernment’s main platform and in the reaches the inspection area, the in- Rashid Al Maktoum Crown
presence of His Excellency Rashid spector displays the data using a por- Prince of Dubai and Chair-
The Authority commends the smart initiatives Lahej Al Mansoori, Director Gener-
al of the General Administration of
table device with a laser reader.
At the end of the inspection, the in-
man of the Dubai Executive
Council, officially inaugurat-

and applications of Local Customs Abu Dhabi Customs, executive di- spector enters the result in the mo- ed the 38th edition of GITEX
rectors and a number of department bile device, where the system “Dha- Technology Week, at Dubai
directors, heads of departments and bi” to record the results and contact World Trade Centre on Octo-
HE Mohammed Juma Buosaiba, Di- jah and Ajman. demonstrate ts success in building employees. relevant parties. It is an advance- ber 14th 2018.
rector General of the FCA, visited During the visit, HE praised many a competitive ‘knowledge based HE Rashid Al Mansouri said that the ment over the old system where the The DSPC stand was with-
GITEX 2018 and toured the partici- of the smart projects presented by economy’. launch of the smart projects package inspection process required the in- in the pavilion of the Gov-
pating pavilions, to inspect the proj- the Local Customs Administrations, HE Buosaiba confirmed that the comes within the framework of the spector to actually inspect the goods ernment of Sharjah which
ects, innovations and initiatives that which contribute to the overall de- projects proposed by the Local Cus- implementation of the GMS Strate- and then return to the office to enter included 36 government
they contained velopment of customs in the UAE toms facilitate procedures and man- gic Plan which aims to enhance the the results in the “Dhabi” system. entities set on leveraging
The FCA delegation visited elec- e and elevate it to a global leader. age customs risks efficiently, as well information technology infrastruc- The new project will speed up trav- state-of-the-art technological
tronic and smart initiatives and He added that, the initiatives and as contributing to the enhancement ture and the digital transformation of elling procedures by reducing the tools and standards to posi-
projects for a number of parties par- projects presented at the exhibi- of the security of the community, Customs operations. This confirms time of processing and by eliminat- tion the Emirate of Sharjah
ticipating in GITEX 2018 including tion reflect the technical develop- and facilitate trade through shorten- the keenness of Abu Dhabi Customs ing the use of paperwork. as a leader in Information
those from Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Shar- ment undertaken by the UAE and ing customs clearance time. to invest in innovation, keep up with Al Mansouri added that the third and Communication Tech-
modern day mechanisms and en- project is the “Intelligent Reporting nology (ICT) innovation.
hance the technical capabilities and System”, which provides accurate DSPC introduced its elec-
smart services offered to public. statistical information and data to tronic services and applica-
“Manassa” is the Abu Dhabi Customs’ platform Al-Mansouri stated that in addition customs leaders linked to databases tions which demonstrated
the latest services render to
to the security and strategic dimen- of several vital institutional sectors,
for commerce and clearance sion of these smart projects, it pro- such as foreign trade, human re- the public, customers and
vides many services to the customs sources, customs data, seizures and establishments. By these
The General Directorate of Abu Dhabi Customs partnership was in line with the directives of the wise services the departments has
has launched the “the Unified Electronic Window” leadership and in support of Abu Dhabi Economic Vi- public in general, with a focus on others.
customs agents and passengers The General Directorate of Abu showcased its advanced so-
“Manassa” which will facilitate commercial activity sion 2030. lutions and applications that
through the sea ports first, and then it will be imple- In an unprecedented move at the state level, the “Manassa” through customs outlets in addition Dhabi Customs has also launched its
to the customs cadres of leaders, fifth project, the unified electronic facilitates procedures and re-
mented at the land, air and postal ports in the Emirate platform uses the various advantages of electronic services duces time consumption for
of Abu Dhabi in a partnership with Maqta Gateway offered by both Abu Dhabi Customs and the Ports Com- employees and customs inspectors¸ window “pathway” which will fa-
and. The Smart Package includes 4 cilitate commercial activity through their customers.
Company a subsidiary of Abu Dhabi Ports. munity System, allowing easy exchange of all imports,
The new platform was announced at GITEX Technol- exports and transshipments, in addition to the payment of projects. the seaports first, and then be applied
ogy Week 2018 at the Dubai World Trade Center. This customs duties for all types of land, air and sea freight. In the details, the first project was en- to the land and air ports in the Emir-
titled “Customs Inspection System at ate of Abu Dhabi.

18 Emirates Customs October 2018 October 2018 Emirates Customs 19

Free Zone

Same Customs Questions – new answers needed!
Understanding E-commerce as a part of the broader changes globally on
how people shop, is a challenge that faces customs administrations
Understanding E-commerce as a part of the broader changes globally on
how people shop, is a challenge that faces customs administrations
There is no obvious evidence for customs or other tax authorities that a
transaction has taken place in the presence of e-commerce

Follow the Money developed a useful ‘Framework of From a security point of view the re- to work principally with Ministries For all business transactions both com-
As part of the dynamic world of interna- Standards for E- Commerce’ which cent development in the USA of a gun of Economy/Industry/Trade and the mercial and private there is one area
tional trade Customs has over the years goes some way to outlining how con- that can be digitally printed presents an Commercial Operators to re-examine that remains constant and may provide
been used to identifying and adapting trol issues may be addressed. alarming prospect. the definitions of import and export the answer-the Money!!!! . Companies
to developments in business and trad- A second element of E-Commerce Where does this leave Customs? and clarify the position with regard to and people continue to need to be paid
ing practices. In more recent years ‘Online purchases’ such as software Fundamentally the current situation digital trade. for the supply of goods and services
it has had to deal with the increasing from overseas presents a very different leaves Customs addressing its core Taxation Authorities will also need to and this payment has also been digital-
speed of the international movement of challenge. Legally it is clear that this is questions. be engaged to identify tax liability and ised.
both goods and people, increasing digi- an importation, but as the transfer takes What national regulatory requirements tax point. Customs has already partially recog-
talisation of processes, and a focus on place ‘in the ether’ there is no obvi- need to be met? The application to digital trade of cur- nised this though it’s more audit based
maintaining national competitiveness ous evidence for customs or other tax Has a transaction taken place? rent regulations with regards to prohi- control methodologies. Perhaps it is
in the face of globalisation. authorities that a transaction has taken What fiscal or social protection risk bitions and restrictions will also need time to look at how it can make use of
A major challenge currently is the place. This has an obvious implication does it present? to be examined by the relevant authori- the international payment system itself
approach needed to both understand
Joe Kelly for revenue collection and presents a What level of control is required? ties. to both identify a transaction has taken
Customs Advisor Identification and control of risk will place and, even more interestingly,
and manage E-commerce as part of Commissioners Office – FCA risk that prohibited and restricted ma- Differing definitions and differing
the broader changes globally on how terials can be imported. opinions globally have made the defi- need the development of a close rela- have a reliable source of information
people shop, how businesses deal with At a third level the challenge presented nition of international standards against tionship with Digital Regulatory Au- of on the value of that transaction.
each other and, increasingly, the digi- in is the rapid increasing use of 3D/ which to answer these questions diffi- thorities. Many countries already use This, I know, has always been a sensi-
talisation of manufacturing and pro- consumers from overseas suppliers. digital printing in the manufacturing cult to obtain. the direct intervention of these authori- tive subject and can raise issues regard-
duction. There is a need to ask some Digitalisation and international bank- industry. This allows actual finished This is not a new situation for customs ties to enforce national social protec- ing privacy and financial security. But
fundamental questions regarding inter- ing practices may also lead to a higher manufactured goods to be produced in- as international standards in the past tion prohibitions. it is time to recognise that the interna-
national business transactions, risk and volume of non-business i.e consumer country based on software which can have always been led by, rather that The development of these external re- tional banking system including digital
control methods. to consumer transactions. be located anywhere in the world. In dictated best practice. It is essential, lationships further underlines the need currency transactions have a key role
What do we mean by e-commerce? In all of these cases the transaction the aviation industry with the increas- therefore, that these questions are ad- for the continuing development of a to play and perhaps a national respon-
The first major element of e-com- still requires goods to physically pass ing distribution of suppliers globally, dressed initially at a national level. national single window. sibility to assist.
mence, broadly understood by every- through a designated point of entry – significant elements of the final air- Customs will need to strongly advo- New evolving opportunity. Here it would be wise to give a higher
one is on-line purchases of consumer with a potential increase in the volume craft, including major structural ele- cate that they are. Over its history customs has evolved priority to engagement with the finan-
goods through company websites such of fast courier or postal traffic- where ments, are now produced using digital It also underlines yet again the impor- from a focus on the physical control of cial regulators and the banking system
as Amazon, Souk etc. Irrespective of they are subject to the normal legal printing. tance that modern Customs Adminis- all goods to the intelligent use of infor- to explore how co-operation can ben-
the origin of the goods, these purchas- restrictions and customs controls. To Here, in addition to the identification trations develop an increased under- mation to determine the goods that will efit both the private and public sectors.
es are largely supplied by in-country cope with the volume of trade this con- that a transaction has taken place, is standing of how globally business is need to be controlled. Where there are This should include discussion on in-
fulfilment centres who continue to trol requires the same increasing use of added that legally it is not yet clear using digital systems to both trade and no physical goods it will be difficult to creasing connectivity between digital
import the goods in bulk in line with digitalisation and artificial intelligence what in fact has been imported. Is it speed up/secure the international sup- continue to follow this approach. systems.
current practice. This market may that is necessary across all future cross the software? Is it the goods-produced ply chain. What can Customs use to replace the Perhaps E-Commerce itself is showing
also see a substantial increase in the border transactions. in country as a result of the printing To address the question of regula- movement of goods as the evidence of us the way to E-control – and not just
direct purchase of goods by individual The World Customs Organisation has process? tory requirement, Customs will need a transaction? for e-goods!!!!

20 Emirates Customs October 2018 October 2018 Emirates Customs 21

The Meeting is renewed
ern job performance. Based on two
main components: the acquisition
of knowledge and the development
of skills, providing learning not just
The progamme meets the overall goal
of the FCA to raise the level of com-
petency and skill necessary to meet
the increasing customs, security, eco-
nomic and social risks.
Customs Diploma is Education and training are essential
“A step in the right for the success of any plan for devel-
opment in the world. Therefore, the
direction” FCA is keen to ensure that the Pro-
fessional Diploma Program includes
In recent weeks, the Federal Customs the need to provide the members with
Authority (FCA) has succeeded in knowledge of Customs topics such
launching the Customs Diploma pro- as: Customs Law, Tariff and Harmo-
gram as the first federal professional nized System (HS), Customs proce-
program for the customs sector in the dures, Origin and valuation, The use
UAE. The program is an essential of customs inspection devices, Body
step towards providing a professional language, Anti-smuggling, Narcotics,
basis for Customs staff especially the hazardous substances. And behavior-
inspectors, and provide them with the al skills including: Creativity and in-
skills, knowledge to carry out their novation, Flexibility and adaptation,
work effective. Problem solving, Decision making,
Ali Al Kaabi The program aims to develop the ba- Self-confidence.
sic behavioral skills and competen- The Authority’s belief is that this Di-
cies of the customs inspectors in the ploma is vital and aim is to ensure
UAE. It introduces them to the laws, that the successful completion of the
regulations and conventions related professional diploma is a mandatory
to Customs work. In addition, it en- basic requirement for the job of Cus-
hances the skills of customs inspec- toms inspector at the State level,
tors, and enables them to effectively The development of this diploma
implement their important role in course is in itself a major achieve-
protecting the security of society. The ment. It is undoubtedly the result
programme is delived by a group of of a high level of co-operation, hard
the best trainers and lecturers who are work and joint efforts between the
specialized in this field. Authority and its strategic partners.
The professional diploma program The highly important role played by
was launched based on the UAE Vi- the Ministry of the Interior as well
sion 2021, which aims at building a as by the Local Customs Adminis-
knowledge-based competitive econ- trations in order develop and deliver
omy. It follows on our belief in the this professional diploma to should
ِAuthority’s ability to develop mod- be noted.

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