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Lands SMP

Lands SMP
Minecraft server
(Application Sheet)

Name: [What sort of structures

do you like to build?]:
Age (answer optional):
[Do you have any [How good is your
experience with an computer?]:
[How good are you at
[Do you have any making farms?]:
experience in
[Do you understand that
killing any sort of pets on
this server is strictly
forbidden? (Unless it’s for
a plot device)]:

[Do you consent to

having your character
drawn/written about, and
possibly posted on social
media sites? With full
credit, of course]:

[Do you understand that [Do you agree that by

by joining this server, you joining this SMP, you
must follow the rules we agree to partake in some
have set in place. And lore related activites, and
understand that we have thereby create a
the full right to kick/ban character?]:
you if you decide to
the full right to kick/ban character?]:
you if you decide to
knowingly break these

[Breaking rules on either [Do you understand that

the Minecraft server or any hacking of the server
Discord server can result without our primisson is
in a kick/ban from both, grounds for banning, and
do you agree to this?]: will follow that rule?]:

(Character Template)

[Name]: Appearance (Image or

[Do you have any
[Age]: experience with
roleplaying and/or
[How does your writing in any way?]:
character feel about
[Do you create any sort
[Why did your character of art whether it be
travel to Lands?]: drawing, song writing,

[Personality]: [Motives]:

[Fears]: [Backstory]:
[Likes]: [Extra Information]:

[Dislikes]: [Alignment]:

[Role they will play in the [Any outside

story]: occupation?]:

[Species?]: [Any buildings or

structures that will need
to be built, that tie to your

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