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Our history

For more than 80 years, our iconic

duck head logo has been a symbol
for measurable and meaningful
conservation work. 2010s
With nearly 70%
1930s 1990s of wetlands lost in
1950s settled areas of the country,
Amid the Great Depression,
the More Game Birds in Drought ends – and major
1970s In 1991, the Institute for
Wetland and Waterfowl
the Rescue Our Wetlands
campaign was launched to
America Foundation looked flooding occurs, exposing a Enthusiasm for greater Research (IWWR) is created. conserve and restore these
for ways to support struggling conflict between agricultural Canadian fundraising leads By conducting research and ecosystems. The seven-year
waterfowl populations in the interests and DUC’s mission. to the first DUC dinner in evaluating programs relating campaign conserved 651,057
Canadian prairies. Their A strong working relation- 1974. Fundraising dinners to DUC’s mission, IWWR acres and raised more than
foresight led to the estab- ship begins with the ag continue to be lively cele- helps put the right conser- $559 million – one the most
lishment of Ducks Unlimited community that continues brations of the outdoors vation programs in the significant conservation
Canada (DUC) in 1938. today. and DUC’s work. right places. achievements in history.

1940s 1960s 1980s 2000s Today

DUC is hard at work, Wetland projects become With waterfowl numbers Joining forces with Ducks DUC’s conservation
developing projects more sophisticated. DUC declining again, a sense Unlimited, Inc. (U.S.) and community stands 111,025
and banding ducks. now favours letting water of urgency builds around Ducks Unlimited de México, strong. Wetland conservation
levels fluctuate more naturally. the need for international the International Conser- helps control flooding, improve
Major engineering projects cooperation. In 1986, the vation Plan is developed water quality, and store carbon.
help return waterfowl habitat North American Waterfowl in 2001. The Plan ranks DUC works closely
to the land. Management Plan was regions according to their with government
approved – and is con- importance to breeding, and industry to
sidered one of the most migrating, and wintering conserve vital
successful conservation waterfowl. waterfowl
initiatives in the world. habitat.

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