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Module 3: Instrument & Metrics

Module 3: Instrument & Metrics

Criteria Ratings Pts

Question 1
What type of outcome
measure will be implemented
(satisfaction, clinical, 1 pts 0.87 pts 0.75 pts 0 pts
Satisfactory Progressing Progressing Unsatisfactory
efficiency and/or financial)? The question is Most aspects are Some aspects are The response does not
Why did you choose this type answered completely addressed within the addressed within the address the question(s).
of evaluation? and thoroughly. All response, but some section, but important The response reflects
topic areas are content is missing. The content is missing. The minimal understanding
addressed. The student student demonstrates student demonstrates of required readings, 1 pts
demonstrates critical understanding of basic understanding of resources, and course
thinking and application required readings, required readings, content, and lack in-
of required readings, resources, and course resources, and course depth evaluation.
resources, and course content with some in- content, but lacks in-
content. depth evaluation. depth evaluation.

Question 2
Select one (1) SMART
objective from the Gap
Analysis assignment and state 1 pts 0.87 pts 0.75 pts 0 pts
Satisfactory Progressing Progressing Unsatisfactory
it in the box below. (You may The question is Most aspects are Some aspects are The response does not
need to update your answered completely addressed within the addressed within the address the question(s).
objective based on feedback and thoroughly. All response, but some section, but important The response reflects
provided in the previous topic areas are content is missing. The content is missing. The minimal understanding
addressed. The student student demonstrates student demonstrates of required readings, 1 pts
assignment.) Describe how demonstrates critical understanding of basic understanding of resources, and course
you will measure or evaluate thinking and application required readings, required readings, content, and lack in-
the SMART objective in light of required readings, resources, and course resources, and course depth evaluation.
of the QI project (pre- & resources, and course content with some in- content, but lacks in-
content. depth evaluation. depth evaluation.
post-tests, review of medical
records, documentation,
Module 3: Instrument & Metrics

Criteria Ratings Pts

attendance at training
sessions, etc.).

Question 3.a
What is the name of the
instrument you selected?
What concept or 1 pts 0.87 pts 0.75 pts 0 pts
Satisfactory Progressing Progressing Unsatisfactory
phenomenon does the The question is Most aspects are Some aspects are The response does not
instrument measure? answered completely addressed within the addressed within the address the question(s).
and thoroughly. All response, but some section, but important The response reflects
topic areas are content is missing. The content is missing. The minimal understanding
addressed. The student student demonstrates student demonstrates of required readings, 1 pts
demonstrates critical understanding of basic understanding of resources, and course
thinking and application required readings, required readings, content, and lack in-
of required readings, resources, and course resources, and course depth evaluation.
resources, and course content with some in- content, but lacks in-
content. depth evaluation. depth evaluation.
Module 3: Instrument & Metrics

Criteria Ratings Pts

Question 3.b
How is the instrument
related to the QI project?
How can the instrument be 1 pts 0.87 pts 0.75 pts 0 pts
Satisfactory Progressing Progressing Unsatisfactory
incorporated into the QI The question is Most aspects are Some aspects are The response does not
project? answered completely addressed within the addressed within the address the question(s).
and thoroughly. All response, but some section, but important The response reflects
topic areas are content is missing. The content is missing. The minimal understanding
addressed. The student student demonstrates student demonstrates of required readings, 1 pts
demonstrates critical understanding of basic understanding of resources, and course
thinking and application required readings, required readings, content, and lack in-
of required readings, resources, and course resources, and course depth evaluation.
resources, and course content with some in- content, but lacks in-
content. depth evaluation. depth evaluation.

Question 3.c
How many items are on your
instrument? Describe the
answer choices for the items 1 pts 0.87 pts 0.75 pts 0 pts
Satisfactory Progressing Progressing Unsatisfactory
on the instrument (Likert The question is Most aspects are Some aspects are The response does not
scale, numerical, answered completely addressed within the addressed within the address the question(s).
dichotomous, etc.). If answer and thoroughly. All response, but some section, but important The response reflects
choices are numerical, are topic areas are content is missing. The content is missing. The minimal understanding
addressed. The student student demonstrates student demonstrates of required readings, 1 pts
they associated with demonstrates critical understanding of basic understanding of resources, and course
descriptive responses and thinking and application required readings, required readings, content, and lack in-
what are they (ex: 1= of required readings, resources, and course resources, and course depth evaluation.
always)? resources, and course content with some in- content, but lacks in-
content. depth evaluation. depth evaluation.
Module 3: Instrument & Metrics

Criteria Ratings Pts

Question 3.d
How is the instrument
administered (paper,
electronic, interview, etc.)? 1 pts 0.87 pts 0.75 pts 0 pts
Satisfactory Progressing Progressing Unsatisfactory
How often it is administered? The question is Most aspects are Some aspects are The response does not
Is it completed by self-report answered completely addressed within the addressed within the address the question(s).
or does a clinician or and thoroughly. All response, but some section, but important The response reflects
professional need to topic areas are content is missing. The content is missing. The minimal understanding
addressed. The student student demonstrates student demonstrates of required readings, 1 pts
administer to tool? (NOTE: demonstrates critical understanding of basic understanding of resources, and course
This is how the tool should thinking and application required readings, required readings, content, and lack in-
be administered; it is not how of required readings, resources, and course resources, and course depth evaluation.
you plan to administer the resources, and course content with some in- content, but lacks in-
content. depth evaluation. depth evaluation.
tool for your QI project.)

Question 3.e
How is the instrument
scored? Are items summed to
find a total score? What is 1 pts 0.87 pts 0.75 pts 0 pts
Satisfactory Progressing Progressing Unsatisfactory
the range for scores? What The question is Most aspects are Some aspects are The response does not
do scores indicate (ie- do answered completely addressed within the addressed within the address the question(s).
higher score indicate higher and thoroughly. All response, but some section, but important The response reflects
symptomatology)? topic areas are content is missing. The content is missing. The minimal understanding
addressed. The student student demonstrates student demonstrates of required readings, 1 pts
demonstrates critical understanding of basic understanding of resources, and course
thinking and application required readings, required readings, content, and lack in-
of required readings, resources, and course resources, and course depth evaluation.
resources, and course content with some in- content, but lacks in-
content. depth evaluation. depth evaluation.
Module 3: Instrument & Metrics

Criteria Ratings Pts

Question 4.a
Include the reference(s) of
the article(s) or resource(s)
(using APA 7th edition 1 pts 0.87 pts 0.75 pts 0 pts
Satisfactory Progressing Progressing Unsatisfactory
guidelines) and a direct link or The question is Most aspects are Some aspects are The response does not
doi to the article or resource. answered completely addressed within the addressed within the address the question(s).
Include the hyperlink if and thoroughly. All response, but some section, but important The response reflects
possible. topic areas are content is missing. The content is missing. The minimal understanding
addressed. The student student demonstrates student demonstrates of required readings, 1 pts
demonstrates critical understanding of basic understanding of resources, and course
thinking and application required readings, required readings, content, and lack in-
of required readings, resources, and course resources, and course depth evaluation.
resources, and course content with some in- content, but lacks in-
content. depth evaluation. depth evaluation.

Question 4.b
Describe the sample used in
the article or resource to test
validity and reliability 1 pts 0.87 pts 0.75 pts 0 pts
Satisfactory Progressing Progressing Unsatisfactory
(including demographics). Is The question is Most aspects are Some aspects are The response does not
the sample similar to the answered completely addressed within the addressed within the address the question(s).
sample in your QI and thoroughly. All response, but some section, but important The response reflects
organization? Why is it is topic areas are content is missing. The content is missing. The minimal understanding
addressed. The student student demonstrates student demonstrates of required readings, 1 pts
important for the samples to demonstrates critical understanding of basic understanding of resources, and course
be similar? thinking and application required readings, required readings, content, and lack in-
of required readings, resources, and course resources, and course depth evaluation.
resources, and course content with some in- content, but lacks in-
content. depth evaluation. depth evaluation.
Module 3: Instrument & Metrics

Criteria Ratings Pts

Question 4.c
Describe the validity of the
instrument in your own
words. What type of validity 1 pts 0.87 pts 0.75 pts 0 pts
Satisfactory Progressing Progressing Unsatisfactory
is evaluated in the The question is Most aspects are Some aspects are The response does not
article/resource (content, answered completely addressed within the addressed within the address the question(s).
predictive, discriminant, etc.)? and thoroughly. All response, but some section, but important The response reflects
Include specific test values topic areas are content is missing. The content is missing. The minimal understanding
addressed. The student student demonstrates student demonstrates of required readings, 1 pts
(specificity, sensitivity, demonstrates critical understanding of basic understanding of resources, and course
correlations, etc.) if they are thinking and application required readings, required readings, content, and lack in-
reported in the of required readings, resources, and course resources, and course depth evaluation.
article/resource. Is the resources, and course content with some in- content, but lacks in-
content. depth evaluation. depth evaluation.
instrument considered valid?
Why or why not?

Question 4.d
Describe the reliability of the
instrument in your own
words. What type of 1 pts 0.87 pts 0.75 pts 0 pts
Satisfactory Progressing Progressing Unsatisfactory
reliability is evaluated in the The question is Most aspects are Some aspects are The response does not
article/resource? Include answered completely addressed within the addressed within the address the question(s).
specific test values (test- and thoroughly. All response, but some section, but important The response reflects
retest correlations, topic areas are content is missing. The content is missing. The minimal understanding
addressed. The student student demonstrates student demonstrates of required readings, 1 pts
cronbach’s alpha, etc.) if they demonstrates critical understanding of basic understanding of resources, and course
are reported in the thinking and application required readings, required readings, content, and lack in-
article/resource. Is the of required readings, resources, and course resources, and course depth evaluation.
instrument considered resources, and course content with some in- content, but lacks in-
content. depth evaluation. depth evaluation.
reliable? Why or why not?
Module 3: Instrument & Metrics

Criteria Ratings Pts

Question 5.a
Data collection: What data
will be collected? How will
data be collected? Who will 1 pts 0.87 pts 0.75 pts 0 pts
Satisfactory Progressing Progressing Unsatisfactory
collect data or be responsible The question is Most aspects are Some aspects are The response does not
for ensuring data is collected? answered completely addressed within the addressed within the address the question(s).
How often will you collect and thoroughly. All response, but some section, but important The response reflects
data? Where will data topic areas are content is missing. The content is missing. The minimal understanding
addressed. The student student demonstrates student demonstrates of required readings, 1 pts
collection occur? demonstrates critical understanding of basic understanding of resources, and course
thinking and application required readings, required readings, content, and lack in-
of required readings, resources, and course resources, and course depth evaluation.
resources, and course content with some in- content, but lacks in-
content. depth evaluation. depth evaluation.

Question 5.b
Data management plan: How
will you manage the data
collected? Where will 1 pts 0.87 pts 0.75 pts 0 pts
Satisfactory Progressing Progressing Unsatisfactory
collected data be stored? The question is Most aspects are Some aspects are The response does not
Who will be responsible for answered completely addressed within the addressed within the address the question(s).
maintaining confidentiality and thoroughly. All response, but some section, but important The response reflects
and integrity of data? How topic areas are content is missing. The content is missing. The minimal understanding
addressed. The student student demonstrates student demonstrates of required readings, 1 pts
will you ensure data accuracy demonstrates critical understanding of basic understanding of resources, and course
& quality? thinking and application required readings, required readings, content, and lack in-
of required readings, resources, and course resources, and course depth evaluation.
resources, and course content with some in- content, but lacks in-
content. depth evaluation. depth evaluation.
Module 3: Instrument & Metrics

Criteria Ratings Pts

Question 5.c
Data analysis: What are the
goals for data analysis? Who
will be responsible for 1 pts 0.87 pts 0.75 pts 0 pts
Satisfactory Progressing Progressing Unsatisfactory
analyzing data? How often The question is Most aspects are Some aspects are The response does not
will data be analyzed? What answered completely addressed within the addressed within the address the question(s).
statistical analyses will be and thoroughly. All response, but some section, but important The response reflects
performed? topic areas are content is missing. The content is missing. The minimal understanding
addressed. The student student demonstrates student demonstrates of required readings, 1 pts
demonstrates critical understanding of basic understanding of resources, and course
thinking and application required readings, required readings, content, and lack in-
of required readings, resources, and course resources, and course depth evaluation.
resources, and course content with some in- content, but lacks in-
content. depth evaluation. depth evaluation.

Question 5.d
Data dissemination: What
will you do with findings from
your data analysis and QI 1 pts 0.87 pts 0.75 pts 0 pts
Satisfactory Progressing Progressing Unsatisfactory
project? How will you The question is Most aspects are Some aspects are The response does not
disseminate findings from answered completely addressed within the addressed within the address the question(s).
your QI project? and thoroughly. All response, but some section, but important The response reflects
topic areas are content is missing. The content is missing. The minimal understanding
addressed. The student student demonstrates student demonstrates of required readings, 1 pts
demonstrates critical understanding of basic understanding of resources, and course
thinking and application required readings, required readings, content, and lack in-
of required readings, resources, and course resources, and course depth evaluation.
resources, and course content with some in- content, but lacks in-
content. depth evaluation. depth evaluation.
Module 3: Instrument & Metrics

Criteria Ratings Pts

Tool attached
Include the tool as a PDF at
0.5 pts 0 pts
the end of the assignment. Satisfactory Unsatisfactory 0.5 pts
The tool is attached to the end of the document. The tool is not attached to the end of the document.

Professionalism: Template
with APA title page
0.5 pts 0.25 pts 0 pts
Use the template with the Satisfactory Progressing Unsatisfactory
APA title page that is Template used. APA title Template used & APA title page not Template not used and APA title 0.5 pts
provided to you to complete page included. included and/or template not used. page not included.
the assignment.

Professionalism: Format
The assignment should be
neat and well organized. 0.5 pts 0.25 pts 0 pts
Responses should be typed Satisfactory Progressing Unsatisfactory
The assignment is neat and well Some issues noted with The assignment is not neat or well
within text boxes. Complete organized. Responses are typed organization and/or responses organized. Responses are not typed 0.5 pts
sentences should be used within text boxes. Complete are not typed in text boxes or do within text boxes. Complete
appropriately. sentences are used appropriately. not use complete sentences. sentences are not used.

Spelling/Grammar 0.5 pts 0.25 pts 0 pts
There should be no spelling Satisfactory Progressing Unsatisfactory
No spelling/grammar issues Some spelling/grammar issues Multiple spelling/grammar issues 0.5 pts
and/or grammar errors.
noted. noted. noted.

Total Points: 17

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