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14:06:34 01/10/2024

Calculation Cover Sheet

Ranhill Worley KeywordPerundingRanhillWorleyCover cover

Electronic File location: 'file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/718510862.xls'#$Calc Cover

Calculation Title: Design Calc. Report for Estimation of N2 Requirement Calc Number: PR-EC-0010X
Project Title: Detailed Design for E11 & Pipelines Rejuv. Work Proj No: 4211047
Client: Sarawak Shell Berhad Phase/CTR: PR009
Cover Sheet 10-Jan-24 Total Pages: 2 Plus Cover and TOC
(a) Calculation Objective

1. To determine the total pruge gas (nitrogen) requirement to HP, LP and two atmospheric vents.

(b) Methodology/Assumptions

1 The minimum N2 gas rate to purge the four vent stacks (LP, HP and two atmospheric vents) is calculated base on graph shown in Appendix 9 of

(c) References

1. DEP - Pressure Relief, Emergency Depressuring, Flare and Vent Systems
2. N2 Gas Purge of E11 Vent Stacks (Conceptual Design)

(d) Conclusions

The minimum N2 gas purge rate for four vent stacks is 3Sm3/h. The N2(nitrogen) gas generator package shall efficient to produce xxSm3/h of 95-99%
nitrogen by weight.

0 29/04/03 Preliminary Calculation JMK/NAS Checker 13/02/03


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14:06:34 01/10/2024

Calculation Cover Sheet

Ranhill Worley table of contents

Electronic File location: 'file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/718510862.xls'#$Calc Cover

Calculation Title: Design Calc. Report for Estimation of N2 Requirement Calc Number: PR-EC-0010X
Project Title: Detailed Design for E11 & Pipelines Rejuv. Work Proj No:
Client: Sarawak Shell Berhad Phase/CTR: PR009
Table of Contents Page: 2 Plus Cover and TOC
(e) Table of Contents

Heading: Page No: Worksheet Name: Row Number

Cover & TOC 0 Calc Cover 2
1.0 Objectives 1 Portrait
2.0 Background 1 Portrait
3.0 Basis 1 Portrait
4.0 Calculation & Discussion 1 Portrait
5.0 Conclusion 1 Portrait

(f) Attachments

Appedix 9, DEP80.45.10.10 - Figure purge rates required for pipe flares

(g) Revision History

(g) Hold List

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 29/04/03 Preliminary Calculation JMK/NAS Checker 13/02/03

Perunding Ranhill Worley Calculation Pad 2 of 6 718510862.xls - Calc Cover

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Ranhill Worley
Calculation Sheet 1

Electronic File location: 'file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/718510862.xls'#$Portrait
Calculation Title: Design Calc. Report for Estimation of N2 Requirement Calc Number: PR-EC-0010X
Project Title: Detailed Design for E11 & Pipelines Rejuv. Work
KeywordPeru 1 Proj No:
Client: Sarawak Shell Berhad Phase/CTR: PR009
Include sheet in TOC: X 10-Jan-24 Page: 1 of 2
1.0 Objective

1. To determine the total pruge gas (nitrogen) requirement to HP, LP and two atmospheric vents.

2.0 Background
The vent system on E11 complex comprises a HP, LP and two atmospheric vents (at E11P-A). Recently, these four vent stacks are purged continuosly
with hydrocarbon gas to maintain positive pressures and prevent air ingress to the system as the oxygen ingress can lead to the formation of flammable or
even explosive mixtures. As a part to reduce Global Warming Potential, the vent stact headers will be purge with Nitrogen (N2) instead of hydrocarbon
which is hazardous.

To provide contingency, the N2 gas package will be designed to produce nitrogen which is 95-99% by weight. This N2 gas will be used for purge
gas for all the vent stacks and other utilities such as blanket gas.

3.0 Basis
1. Molecular weight of nitrogen is taken as 28.
2. Actual temperature of purging is assumed as 90°C (195°F)

4.0 Calculation & discussion

Description Vent stack T-375 HP vent VS-440 LP Vent VS-425 ATM Vent
Flare stack ID (in) 14 18 6 16
*Purge rate (cm/s) 0.20 0.30 0.15 0.26
Surface area(m2 ) 0.10 0.16 0.02 0.13
Actual flowrate (Am3/hr) 0.693 1.718 0.095 1.176
Standard flowrate (Sm3/hr) 0.550 1.363 0.076 0.933
Standard flowrate (MMscfd) 0.0005 0.0012 0.0001 0.0008
**Min N2 flow (Sm3/hr) 2.5 6.0 0.5 4.0 2.92
**Design Flow (SM3/hr) 4.0 9.0 1.0 6.0

Note : * figure from Appendix 9, DEP80.45.10.10

** figure from Conceptual design report

From the calculation, the minimum N2 purge rate for four (4) vent stacks is 2.92Sm3/hr (0.0025MMscfd). However, the conceptual design report shown
the minimum N2 purge rate is to be 13SM3/hr and the N2 gas generator package is designed to produce 25Sm 3/hr og 95-99% nitrogen by weight.
In this matter, SSB to advise PRW on the design purge rate for new N2 gas generator package as the minimum N 2 purge rate calculated by PRW is only
25% of the figure written in conceptual report.

5.0 Conclusion
The minimum N2 gas purge rate for four vent stacks is 3Sm3/h. The N2(nitrogen) gas generator package shall efficient to produce xxSm3/h of 95-99%
nitrogen by weight.

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Rev: 0 Page: 1 of 2

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Ranhill Worley Calculation Sheet 1

Electronic File location: 'file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/718510862.xls'#$Landscape
Calculation Title: Design Calc. Report for Estimation of N2 Requirement Calc Number: PR-EC-0010X
Project Title: KeywordPerunDetailed Design for E11 & Pipelines Rejuv. Work 1 Proj No:
Client: Sarawak Shell Berhad Phase/CTR: PR009
Include sheet in TOC: 10-Jan-24 Page: 2 of 2

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Ranhill Worley Attachment F 6

Electronic File location: 'file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/718510862.xls'#$Attachment
Attachment Identifier: F Calc Number: PR-EC-0010X
Attachment Title: 1 Proj No:
Phase/CTR: PR009
Include sheet in TOC: 10-Jan-24 Page: # of #

Rev: 0 Page: # of #

Ranhill Worley Calculation Pad Portrait

Rev 1 718510862.xls - Attachment

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