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International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management (IJETM) ISSN: 2394-6881

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Volume 2, Issue 6; November-December: 2015; Page No. 01-03

Chemtrails: A review
Humza Bin Masood

Environmental Sciences Program, FC College, Lahore, Pakistan

“We Will Know the Importance of Planet Earth

When Last Tree Will Die
And Last Fish will be caught
Then we will realize; we can’t eat Money”

INTRODUCTION: they Spraying?). Global dimming is basically a term

Engineering the climate is the Last and the Scariest refer when the sun rays are not able to get to the
option to save planet Earth (US Scientists). Many earth.
ways are there to engineering the climate like
“Why in the World are they Spraying” is the first best
Artificial Rain, Cloud Seeding, Giant Reflectors, Using
awarded documentary around the world.
Aerosols, Haarp Project, Silver Iodide but Chemtrails
Documentary was related to Chemtrails and was
is one of the cheapest sources for engineering the
directed by Michal J. Murphy. The documentary was
climate. In fact it cost thousands of Dollars but
based on several experimental values and most of the
relating to other Climate modification techniques it is
experiments were based upon the focus of
the one of the cheapest sources. Trillions of Nano-
Aluminum, Barium and Strontium. It is directly
particles of Aluminum, Barium and Strontium are
against the Chemtrails; but beside this we must not
sprayed every day over our heads in our blue sky
forget the importance of Chemtrails as well, but we
which seems like white clouds. This is done by special
must consider that we just only use it in highly
kind of Air Planes which have special types of engine
extreme conditions. The Documentary claims that
placement by which these air planes can move to
Chemtrails is weather modification technique and is
several miles in the atmosphere. Then these air
used in bets for making money. “When Ever you see
planes spray Aluminum, Barium and Strontium in
jet Chemtrails going over you are going to get
form of Nano-particles. These Nano-particles can
Aluminum, Barium, Strontium coming down on you;
move millions of miles in atmosphere (Michel J.
and what should it be there in the soil? Yes, it should
Murphy). These Nano-particles are sprayed and due
be in the soil, it was there, always was there, well
to change in pressure at higher altitudes they are
should it be in the rain; absolutely not. (Franchis
condensed. These condense particles form a layer
Mangels). Considering the Lab Reports of “Basic
and they stop sunlight coming to our planet earth.
Laboratory” of Washington we can see that amount
This causes global dimming (Why in The World are
of Aluminum in Pond Sediment was 375000 ug/l;

Corresponding author: Humza Bin Masood 1

Humza Bin Masood, International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management (IJETM)

which is really a high amount. Similarly focusing on 1840 ug/l. While just going under a test which was
Barium it was 3090 ug/l and focusing Strontium it was accidentally opposite shows the production of a gel
345 ug/l. Focusing on the above values just consider from the soil sample of FCC botanical garden soil like
for a while what kind of life the fishes are dealing unknown material. This gel like structure was unable
with in that pond. One more thing to focus here is to melt even with direct burning on the specula.
that when human or any other animal is going to
Beside this fact that FCC Botanical garden soil is more
consume fish as a source of energy it is going to get
organic than the FCC Armacost Building Parking but
high amount of Aluminum; so here that living
the pea seeds grow faster in FCC Armacost Building
organism is not going to consume Aluminum from
Parking Soil than in FCC Armacost Building Parking
water only but by food sources as well.
Soil. If more amount of elements will increase it will
EPA commonly known as Environmental Protection affect Water holding Capacity of Soil. FCC Botanical
Agency and sometimes also known Environmental Garden Soils gives the Water Holding Capacity of
Protection Act gives the value for maximum 19.67% and 17.39% for FCC Armacost Building
contamination value which is 1000 ug/l for the safe Parking Soil. It is said that more of the pollution is
use. Secondly, when we see the results of Eastside spread by water as they mix up with water and allow
Lake Shasta Water it shows 3450 ug/l contamination bacterial grown, it means more water; more
of Aluminum which is the same debate again. While contaminations by bacterial activities, this will be
the Rain sample near Shasta shows 2190 ug/l good until and unless all elements present there
contamination. Here in some water samples the remains in normal amount. If intake of Iron is less it
contamination level increased from 1000 ug/l but can cause Chlorosis in Plants (Molly Allman). The
when we see the soil samples all had increased from change in Fe level is due to pH level change (Molly
1000 ug/l. Allman). The pH of soil had changed due to increased
amount of Aluminum (Michael J. Murphy). The Soil of
The studies performed for the increase of Aluminum
FCC Botanical Garden gave pH 7.47 while FCC
in Lahore, Pakistan shows that the amount of
Armacost Building Parking Soil gave pH of 8.05; it is
Aluminum is increasing each year and this is due to
said that pH of Soil is Acidic but here pH is Basic it is
chemtrails. Not only this we know while increase in
only due to increased level of Aluminum; while pH of
amount of one kind of element it will affect the
Water was 4.41 which is again due to Aluminum
amount of other elements as well. So considering this
Oxide. If amount of Fe is increased in Soil it causes
rule some samples were tested in FC College Lahore
plant leaves to decolorize (Molly Allman). If leaf will
which shows that Fe level in FCC Botanical Garden
be decolorized no or very less chlorophyll will be
soil had reached to 3988 ug/l while from the soil of
produced and plant will die.
FCC Armacost Science Building Parking had reached

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Humza Bin Masood, International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management (IJETM)

“If all trees are removed and human finds another of Aluminum sprayed from chemtrails to modify the
source of food he can only survive 12 years due to temperature of our planet earth. Beside the fact that
Oxygen Depletion.” it causes air pollution it is true that it also causes
water pollution and soil pollution. So we are not
Now-a-days there is large controversial debates that
going to get oxides of aluminum by inhalation
Amount of Alzheimer, Asthma, ADD, Allergy and
through air but also from plants. Aluminum causes
Respiratory Orders had disturbed; more over there is
defects in Plants (Barb Peterson; Co-director “Why in
a controversial debate that why the amount of Lung
the World are they Spraying?”.
Cancer had increased. According to newly surveyed
report it is said that amount of Asthma had increased Beside all the facts specific amount of Aluminum was
in such a way that it is found in one adult out of not detected in FCC but all other results give guesses
twelve and one child out of eleven. Medical Scientists that Aluminum is there. Moreover if Chemtrails are
and clinical psychologists believe that the Alzheimer cheaper source for weather modification but if it is
is caused by increase in Aluminum Level in the brain causing many diseases than this must be banned and
and doctors believe that Asthma had increased due other sources like gaint reflectors can be used as
to increase of Air Pollution; beside the fact many of Geo-engineers have to save human health but not
them don’t know how Aluminum had increased and money. So if saving money is the other purpose as
had not listen word Chemtrails ever. The Fact is this well than pollution is in human mind.
that such increase in amount of Alzheimer, Asthma,
“Pollution is not in lithosphere, atmosphere or
ADD, Allergy and Respiratory Orders is due to Oxides
hydrosphere it is only in human mind.”

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