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Module 1 Assignment

Esther Adeyemi

MIS 5360 680 FL23 - Management of Info Systems

Texas A&M International University

September 2, 2023

1. Define social business strategies for a manufacturing company, online retail store, and

an airline. Create organization and IS strategies based on business strategy. Explain in

what scenarios strategies can change and how current practices would adapt to the


Business and Information System Strategies for Different Industries


In this paper, we explore social business strategies across three diverse industries:

manufacturing, online retail, and the airline sector. These strategies not only define how these

businesses engage with customers but also serve as a foundation for shaping their organizational

structures and information system strategies (Gaol et al., 2020). Furthermore, we delve into

potential scenarios where these strategies may require adaptation, examining how current

practices can flexibly respond to evolving market dynamics. This analysis aims to shed light on

the dynamic relationship between social business, organization, and information system

strategies in today's ever-changing business landscape.

1. Social Business Strategies for Different Industries

A. Manufacturing Company

Social business strategies for a manufacturing company involve creating a strong online

presence, engaging with customers on social media, and leveraging social listening tools to

gather customer feedback (Holopainen et al., 2022). These strategies aim to enhance brand

reputation, gather market insights, and build customer loyalty.

Organization Strategy:

Cross-Functional Teams:

To maximize the impact of social media and customer engagement, it's essential for

businesses to establish cross-functional teams. These teams comprise individuals from various

departments, such as marketing, customer service, and IT, working together to ensure a holistic

and coordinated approach to social interactions.

Employee Training:

Incorporating social media into customer interaction requires a trained workforce.

Companies should invest in training programs to equip their employees with the skills and

knowledge needed to effectively engage with customers on social platforms, ensuring

consistency and professionalism.

Supplier and Partner Collaboration:

Social media isn't limited to customer interactions alone. Businesses can extend their

reach by collaborating with suppliers and partners through social channels. This collaboration

fosters a more efficient supply chain, improves communication, and enhances overall operational


IS Strategy:

Customer Relationship Management (CRM):

Implementing CRM systems is essential for tracking and managing customer

interactions. These systems centralize customer data, enabling businesses to provide personalized

experiences, improve customer satisfaction, and enhance long-term relationships.


Data Analytics:

Data analytics tools are crucial for mining valuable insights from social media data. They

help in understanding customer sentiment, identifying market trends, and making data-driven

decisions to stay competitive and relevant.

Data Security and Compliance:

Ensuring data security and compliance with regulations like GDPR is paramount. It

safeguards customer data, builds trust, and protects the organization from legal repercussions,

demonstrating a commitment to responsible data handling.

Adaptation Scenario:

If market trends shift or customer preferences change, the manufacturing company should

adapt its product offerings accordingly. The IS strategy may need to incorporate advanced

analytics and predictive modeling to anticipate changing customer needs.

B. Online Retail Store

Social business strategies for an online retail store focus on customer engagement,

personalized recommendations, and social commerce. The goal is to drive sales, increase

customer retention, and create a seamless online shopping experience.

Organization Strategy

Dedicated Customer Service Team:


To provide timely and effective customer support on social media, it's crucial to establish

a dedicated customer service team (Jamil et al., 2022). This team focuses on addressing inquiries

and resolving issues, ensuring a positive customer experience.

Influencer Collaboration and Targeted Ads:

Collaborating with social media influencers and running targeted ad campaigns can

expand the online reach of the business. Influencers can endorse products or services, while

targeted ads maximize visibility among relevant audiences.

IS Strategy:

E-commerce Personalization:

Implementing an e-commerce platform with personalization features is crucial. This

system analyzes customer behavior and preferences to offer tailored product recommendations,

enhancing the shopping experience and increasing conversion rates.

Mobile-Optimized Website:

Ensuring a responsive and user-friendly website for mobile shoppers is paramount in the

age of mobile commerce. A mobile-optimized site provides a seamless and efficient shopping

experience, reducing bounce rates and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Adaptation Scenario:

If a new e-commerce technology emerges, the online retail store may need to adapt its IS

strategy to incorporate these innovations. For instance, integrating augmented reality (AR) for

virtual try-ons could enhance the customer experience.


C. Airline Industry

Social business strategies for the airline industry revolve around customer engagement,

crisis management, and real-time communication. Airlines use social media to provide updates,

address customer concerns, and build brand loyalty.

 Organization Strategy:

24/7 Social Media Response Team:

Establishing a 24/7 social media response team ensures prompt handling of customer

inquiries and emergencies, enhancing customer support and crisis management.

Blogger and Influencer Collaboration:

Collaborating with travel bloggers and influencers for promotional campaigns extends the

airline's reach and credibility.

Employee Training:

Regular employee training ensures professionalism in social media interactions,

maintaining a positive brand image.

IS Strategy:

Social Media Monitoring:

Implement a comprehensive social media monitoring system to track mentions and

customer feedback, allowing proactive responses and sentiment analysis.



Utilize chatbots and AI-powered systems to automate responses to common inquiries,

improving efficiency and customer service.

Data Security and Recovery:

Ensure robust data backup and disaster recovery plans to handle system failures during

crises, safeguarding critical information and maintaining operational resilience.

Adaptation Scenario:

In the event of a global crisis, such as a pandemic or natural disaster, the airline should adapt its

IS strategy to provide real-time updates, flexible booking options, and enhanced safety protocols

through its digital platforms.

2. How can large retail companies with a significant customer base maintain a competitive

advantage? Outline the tools and techniques in an information system that can help to

maintain and increase competitive advantage.

2. Maintaining Competitive Advantage in Large Retail Companies

To maintain a competitive edge, large retail companies can harness their information

systems' capabilities. These tools encompass customer relationship management (CRM) systems

for personalized experiences, big data analytics for market insights, inventory management

systems for efficient stock control, supply chain management (SCM) systems for streamlined

operations, e-commerce platforms for enhanced online shopping, AI and machine learning for

intelligent decision-making, and stringent data security measures to safeguard sensitive


information (Thomas, 2023). These integrated strategies enable retailers to adapt and thrive in

the ever-evolving retail landscape.

a. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems:

CRM systems collect and analyze customer data, enabling retailers to personalize

marketing efforts, improve customer service, and predict customer behavior.

b. Big Data Analytics:

Utilizing big data analytics helps retailers gain insights into market trends, inventory

management, and customer preferences, leading to more informed decision-making.

c. Inventory Management Systems:

Efficient inventory management systems ensure that retailers have the right products in

stock, reducing carrying costs and improving customer satisfaction.

d. Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems:

SCM systems optimize the supply chain, allowing retailers to reduce lead times,

minimize costs, and enhance product availability.

e. E-commerce and Mobile Apps:

Robust e-commerce platforms and mobile apps provide convenient shopping experiences,

personalized recommendations, and easy checkout options, increasing customer loyalty.

f. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning:

AI and machine learning algorithms can optimize pricing, automate customer support,

and provide real-time inventory tracking.


g. Data Security Measures:

Implementing strong cybersecurity measures protects customer data and safeguards the

company's reputation (Zinke-Wehlmann et al., 2020).

h. Customer Feedback and Reviews:

Gathering and analyzing customer feedback and reviews help retailers improve product

offerings and customer experiences.

Adaptation Scenario:

If the retail landscape changes significantly, such as a shift toward sustainable products,

retailers must adapt their IS strategies to accommodate these changes. This might involve

integrating sustainability metrics into their CRM and inventory systems, partnering with eco-

friendly suppliers, and marketing their sustainability efforts to customers.


Social business strategies and information system (IS) strategies are not mere add-ons but

fundamental drivers of success for companies across diverse industries. The alignment of these

strategies with organizational objectives empowers businesses to remain competitive, responsive,

and customer-centric. Leveraging IS tools and techniques, such as data analytics, CRM systems,

and AI, reinforces the ability to make informed decisions and deliver personalized experiences.

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the integration of social and digital

elements is pivotal for maintaining relevance and ensuring sustained growth. Therefore, the

dynamic interplay between social business and IS strategies continues to be a cornerstone of

contemporary business excellence.



Gaol, F. L., Rahayu, S., & Matsuo, T. (2020). The Development of Information System with

Strategic Planning for Integrated System in the Indonesian Pharmaceutical Company.

Open Engineering, 10(1), 721–732. degruyter.

Holopainen, M., Saunila, M., & Ukko, J. (2022). Facilitating performance measurement and

management through digital business strategy. Measuring Business Excellence, 7(3).

Jamil, K., Dunnan, L., Gul, R. F., Shehzad, M. U., Gillani, S. H. M., & Awan, F. H. (2022). Role

of Social Media Marketing Activities in Influencing Customer Intentions: A Perspective

of a New Emerging Era. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(8), 1–12. Frontiersin.

Thomas. (2023). Social Media Marketing for Manufacturing Companies | Thomas.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Friedrich, J., & Römer, V. (2020). Power to the Network: The Concept of

Social Business and Its Relevance for IC. Contributions to Management Science, 3(6),


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