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RO55 – Learning Outcome 1

Know the areas of employment in the sports industry.

Research Task

Task 1 – Areas of employment in sports industry

Areas of employment (delete as you complete them)

Administration/ Organisation Sport development Government
Advertising and marketing Sports events Media
Coaching, leading, instructing Sports-related gambling National governing body
Facilities Sports science Retail
Professional sport Finance

Areas of employment in sports industry

You must write in full sentences for each description – You can decide how to present the information e.g. as a list /
in a table etc

For all 14 areas you must:

1. Identify the area of employment

2. Give two examples of jobs within the area
3. Explain what might be done in both of those job roles
4. Link both of the roles to an event or facility

Example paragraph:
Administration/ Organisation
Within the administration and organisation area of employment there are jobs such as a receptionist. This
job role could be undertaken in a reception in a sports centre. This job covers tasks such a recording
people who attend the sports centre and collecting details of people who wish to become a member of
the sports centre.

Complete a paragraph like the example above for all 14 areas

- As a self check you should have 28 job descriptions in total!

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