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If you do antagonist

a ntagonist compound supersets (like bent rows with bench press or pullups with
pushups) your workout will be super-efficient from a time perspective but will require a huge
pain in your ass to set up and take some stimulus away for efficiency’s sake. On the other hand,
straight sets of the same bodypart, exercise after exercise with normal rest is super stimulative to
the bodypart, but takes a long time to pull off. If your goal is to get a certain amount of
time-efficiency out of training vs. max hypertrophy effect, make sure your split reflects your

h.) Competing Activity Workarounds

If you work 14 hours of manual labor every Thursday but work an office job most other days,
don’t put your heavy squat day on Thursday. And if you play another sport and practices are on
Wednesdays and weekends,
weekends, make sure you plan
plan your split intelligently around those
those days instead
of just assuming that your Monday leg workout will go fine even though you ran 10 miles total in
a soccer game on Sunday.

That’s about it for the big chunks.

c hunks. If you make a split and it meets all of the above guidelines, the
rest comes to programming (choosing your exercises, their volumes, intensities, and progressions
from week to week) and periodization (how you structure your mesocycles together).
together). And so long
as you do that stuff well, your program will work great! Because of the diverse reasons described
in Point #1, your
y our split might not look like that of someone else or even the splits your ran before,
and it’s not likely to be OPTIMAL, but, it will work very well!

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