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Training Myths That Won’t Die #9: “The Best Exercise”

Just like with the “best bodypart split” question, you can’t throw a digital rock on any online
muscle building discussion forum without hitting some version of “what’s the best exercise for
(insert bodypart)?” Bad news folks, there is no best exercise for any bodypart. But there are
useful criteria by which you can pick the exercise you need for your specific goals. In part 1 of this
post, I’ll outline some reasons why “one best exercise” is a myth and in part 2 I’ll share some
guidelines for how to pick the exercise that’s right for the circumstance.

1.) Why there’s not such thing as “the best exercise to grow X body part.”

a.) Specificity Needs

If you’re growing muscle to get better at some sport, you need to consider how a certain exercise
affects the transfer of training. For example, weightlifters should mostly prefer SLDLs for
hamstring hypertrophy
hypertrophy to good mornings because the SLDL position (and thus the particular
fibers stressed most) more closely replicates the function of the hamstrings and the position of
the body in the actual weightlifting movements
movements themselves. Even in bodybuilding, specificity
concerns can be valid. If you’re interested in growing your inner back and working on back
thickness, some moves might be better at that than others that might be better at promoting back
width, even though
though you’re training “back” and maybe even
even doing some kind of row for both
both goals.

b.) Variation Needs

Even if there was a “best” exercise, within several months or sooner, it would cease to be the best

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