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Country:United Arab Emirates

Delegate:Dhruv Abrol
Committee:United Nations General Assembly(UNGA)
Agenda:Abuse Use of Veto Power; Amending UN Charter

The UAE has now been elected as a temporary member of the security council with 179 votes
tallied for 2022-2023; The UAE will sit on the security council until December 31 2023. The
UAE has only been on the council once before the current situation making this a chance for the
UAE to have a voice for the 2nd time in its history in the UNSC. The abuse of veto power has
been a dilemma since its creation back in 1946; The issue is mainly that five counties have the
ultimatum of the veto to block any sort of resolution that could aid in global atrocities. Such
vetoes have prevented measures intended to avert or lessen the perpetration of crimes from being
investigated, prosecuted, and condemned. The problem came up historically, the USA using it
against Israel’s continuous assaults on Middle Eastern land; for example, Spain proposed a draft
resolution in 1982, a year in which Israel engaged in some of its harshest attacks against
Lebanon, calling on Israel to withdraw all its armed forces promptly and unconditionally to the
internationally recognized boundaries of Lebanon within six hours which the US objected.

Before the UAE even joined the UNSC, it commented on how it could aid in the innovation of
solutions In tackling some of the critical issues of our day, such as advancing gender equality,
combating terrorism and religious and ethical extremism. In the UAE’s recent addition to the
security council, it abstained its vote in the resolution proposed on February 26 2022, for Russia
to withdraw its military forces from Ukraine this year mainly because Houthi UAVs had targeted
the UAE and conducted missile assaults. The tiny nation has embarked on geopolitical
diversification, forging close connections with China, India, and Russia. However, the even more
recent resolution on March 2, 2022, has voted for the withdrawal of Russian Military forces
because it recognizes the net negative of casualties and brutal invasion of Ukraine. It is the
concept of global solidarity that the UAE follows, ensuring that countries always try to end the
deterioration of stable human environments.

The UAE’s efforts to reduce this maltreatment of the veto power was to, most recently, vote for a
resolution passed on April 26 2022, to require justification for veto use by the P5 members,
which Lichtenstein proposed. The UAE also plans to back any other resolutions that suppress
veto power and allow more voice to the smaller nations of the world that could cause a change in
consequence of passing resolutions. Other possible solutions include partnering with non-P5
member countries to enact resolutions to distribute veto power among these countries evenly, and
the gathering of monetary funds can be inquired to allies of the UAE in favour of such solutions
as the USA and South Korea.
Country:United Arab Emirates
Delegate:Dhruv Abrol
Committee:United Nations General Assembly(UNGA)
Agenda:Abuse Use of Veto Power; Amending UN Charter


1. 2022, 26 February, and Benyamin Poghosyan. “A Bad Day for UN as Russia Vetoes
Security Council Resolution; China, India and UAE Abstain.”, 26
Feb. 2022,

2. AFP. “UN Approves Measure for Members to Justify Vetoes.” The National, 26 Apr.


justify-vetoes/. Accessed 4 Oct. 2022.

3. Donaldson, Ben, and Ben Donaldson. “Liechtenstein’s “Veto Initiative” Wins Wide

Approval at the UN. Will It Deter the Big Powers?” PassBlue, 27 Apr. 2022,

he-un-will-it-deter-the-major-powers/. Accessed 4 Oct. 2022.

4. M
‌ iddle East Eye. “The 43 Times US Has Used Veto Power against UN Resolutions
on Israel.” Middle East Eye, 2017,
5. Justice, International Center for Transitional. “The Legal Limits of UN Veto

Power.” Medium, 16 Apr. 2019,

6. “
‌ A Bad Day for UN as Russia Vetoes Security Council Resolution; China, India and
UAE Abstain.”,
ution-china-india-and-uae-abstain. Accessed 4 Oct. 2022.
Country:United Arab Emirates
Delegate:Dhruv Abrol
Committee:United Nations General Assembly(UNGA)
Agenda:Abuse Use of Veto Power; Amending UN Charter

8. ‌

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