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Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education 10

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management
to promote societal fitness.

Performance Standard: The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical
activity participation of the community and society.

Learning Competencies: It expresses a sense of purpose and belongings by participating in

physical activity related community services and programs. (PE10 PF-Ib- h-48)

I. Objective: at the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

a. identify the different skills in volleyball.

b. determine the significance of volleyball.
c. Perform/execute all the skills in volleyball.

II. Content: Volleyball

III. Learning Resources: Physical Education 4, Team Sports and Recreational Games
Authors: Rommel Rivera
Mercy Pineda
Lourdes Soriano
Agnes Regala
Mary Chantelle Carlos
- pp. 65-70
Instructional Material: Volleyball

IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation

a. Prayer

b. Checking of attendance

c. Classroom Management

d. Motivation
Teacher: Good morning class! Before we
start, we will be having an activity that
blow your minds in accordance with our Students: Good morning sir!
lesson today called “ Guest me”.

Instruction: I’ll be showing you picture/s

and some word/s to sum up and complete
the word. If you know the answer just raise
your hand and I’ll call you. Is it clear?

-fasten your seat belt, because the game is

about to start.
Students: Yes sir!

Clue number 1.

+ ing

Angela: passing
Teacher: Very good Angela!

Clue number 2.

Jaylo: Sir, it is spiking.


Teacher: Very good Jaylo!

Clue number 3.

Isabela: Tossing sir.

+ ing

Teacher: Very good

Isabela! You’re smart.

Clue number 4.

Janice: sir, I’m sure of that it is


Teacher: Excellent Janice!

Clue number 5.

Franz: Service sir!

Teacher: Very Franz!

Teacher: You are all good in guessing class.

I think you prepared so much.

-after you have answered the given clues,

can you now make a guess if what topic
should we go through this day? Yes Jeff.

Jeff: sir it talks about volleyball.

Teacher: Yes Jeff, probably it deals with
volleyball. Go deeper class, think about
more. Zyra, you’re raising you hand.
Zyra: I’m pretty sure that what we
going to discuss for today is about the
skills. Am I right sir?
Teacher: Exactly Zyra!

Teacher: For today, we will be dealing with

the different skills in volleyball. Let’s
identify and determine all of them.

Teacher: before we proceed, let me ask

you. Have you played it yet?

Students: No sir!
Teacher: To those who played it already,
can you share it to the class if what does it Yes sir!
feels like? Rap, I know you’re a player.

Rap: It feels amazing, I find it fun and

Teacher: Nice experience Rap! Even you enjoy.
Ira, I saw you playing volleyball. Do you
want to share?

Teacher: It is a nice hobby Ira, isn’t it?

Ira: sir it makes me happy when
playing, and it makes me fit too.
Teacher: Let us now proceed, for you to
understand and perform these skills.
-First, we have passing. What is it all
about? Iya.

Teacher: Very good Iya! In addition, you

just have to follow the proper position in
order for you to receive a ball well. Iya: It is about how you receive the ball
from a service, and touch through your
arms with the same level.
Teacher: Did you get it class?

Students: They are about to execute the

Teacher: what makes it difficult Cheska? skill.
All you have to do is to bend your kness,
one foot is a bit forward, and head is back,
elbows out. That’s it. Understand?
Cheska: Sir, I find it difficult.

-Next, we have tossing. How it is be done?

Yes Lo.

Cheska: Got it sir!

Teacher: Is everyone can follow? Lo: It is how you push the ball to your
teammate to hit. Also, in execution it
should not allow to spin with your fingers
Teacher: well, it is nice to hear that. The and come off into your palm.
third one is Service. What about it? Any
idea? Yes Darwin.
Teacher: Very good Darwin! Class, you’re Students: Yes sir!
making me feel amazing with your fantastic
ideas, very substantial.
Darwin: Service is when you let the ball
across to opponent’s court successfully.
-Indeed, we have two types of service such Also, a way of earning point.
as the underhand and overhead serve.

Teacher: The fourth one is the spiking skill.

Ideas and thoughts? Yes Shane.

Students: They are going to execute the

Teacher: Very good Shane! In addition, you two types of service.
must always the proper way to avoid from
any injuries. Let’s try it.

Shane: It is when you can earn points

through hitting the ball forcefully going
Teacher: Can you still follow class? through the opponent’s court.

Teacher: Lastly, we have the blocking skill.

Yes Anna.
Students: They are about to execute the
spiking skill.

Teacher: You’re probably right Anna.

Students: Yes Sir!

Teacher: With this you are not allowing the Anna: You are extending your hands
other team to score, through your defense in upward and fully to defense from hit of
blocking it will be possible to score. For the opponent.
your safety, awareness is needed to avoid
from any injuries.

E. Valuing:

Teacher: What do you think is the

significance of knowing these skills upon
playing volleyball? Sarah.
Students: They are about to execute
blocking skill.

Teacher: Nice answer Sarah!

Teacher: What trait/s you can apply in

everyday living towards playing volleyball?

Teacher: Very well said Doms! I think

you’ve learned so much today. Am I right?

Sarah: it widens your mind to some

knowledge and helping you to be more
V. Generalization: skilled. It develops also your capabilities. It
makes you fit too.

-The students are about to

identify and enumerate the
different skills in volleyball such
as, service, blocking, passing,
spiking and tossing.
Doms: Upon playing volleyball, it teaches
me a good character like being disciplined
through self. To properly associate with
other people too.

Students: Yes sir!

VI. Evaluation:

-For your activity, I will be

giving you at least 10 minutes to
practice the 5 basic skills in
volleyball to perform
individually. The following
criteria are listed below;

Execution – 5

Effort -5

Behavior - 5

Strategy -5

VII. Assignment:

- For your preparation, you are task to

make a research about our next
discussion that is about the Rules and
regulations of volleyball.

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