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Bombay Scottish School, Powai


8.2.2024 I HISTORY 2 hrs 80

History- Ch 8: The Delhi Sultanate; Ch 9: The Mughal Empire. Ch 11: Renaissance, Ch 12:
Reformation, Ch 13: Industrial Revolution
Civics- Ch 4: Elections, Ch 5: Local Self-Government- Rural, Ch 6: Local Self-Government- Urban

9.02.2024 I ENGLISH LANGUAGE 2 hrs 80

Essay Writing - Descriptive, Narrative & Argumentative; Story Writing & Picture Composition,
Letter Writing- Formal / Informal Letter, Notice and Email Writing, Comprehension & Grammar -
Tenses, Preposition, Synthesis of Sentences, Transformation of Sentences.
12.02.2024 I HINDI 3 hrs 80
Monday Literature - कहानियााँ - 1) पाठ -4 नेताजी का चश्मा 2) पाठ -5 अपना-अपना भाग्य 3) पाठ-6 बड़े घर की
बेटी कनिताएाँ - 4) कविता -3 स्िर्ग बना सकते हैं 5) कविता-5 मेघ आए Language- 1. पयागयिाची शब्द - पेज (253)
2. िाक्य शद्ध
ु करें - पेज (304) 3. महु ािरे - 41 से 60 पेज (313-314) 4. अनेक शब्दों के विए एक शब्द- 51 से 70 पेज
(275) 5. विशेषण- पेज (240) 6. वििोम शब्द पेज-(262) 7. वनदेशानस ु ार िाक्य पररितगन 8. वनबधं 9. पत्र - औपचाररक
और अनौपचाररक 10. अपवठत र्दयांश

13.02.2024 I GROUP III ELECTIVE / ART PAPER 2 2 hrs 100

Tuesday TD/Art 2-3
Economic Applications :Ch:10 Economic Infrastructure, Ch.11 Social Infrastructure, Ch: 12 hrs
Consumer Awareness, Ch: 13 Globalisation
Home Science : Ch. 2: Food and Health ; Balance Diet(pdf uploaded); Ch. 4:Growth and
Development; Ch. 5: Play and play school-early child ; Ch. 7: Colour and its applications ; Ch. 8:
Light in the Home; Ch. 12: Fibres: Properties and uses; Ch. 13: Fabric structure; Ch. 14:
Communication and Extension.
Commercial Applications: Ch 1: Introduction to Commercial Organisations, Ch2: Ownership
Structures_Sole proprietorship and Joint Hindu Family Business, Ch3: Partnership, Ch 7:
Functioning of a Commercial Organisation,Ch.11: Nature and Terminology of Accounting, Ch.12;
Accounting Records,Ch13: Natural Resources.
Technical Drawing Applications : Ch 1: Geometrical constructions, Ch 2: Area conversion, Ch 3:
Engineering curves, Ch 4: Orthographic Projection, Ch 5: Isometric view, Ch 6: Oblique view, Ch
7: Templates.
Physical Education: Section A- Ch. 4: Circulatory System, Ch 5: Games and Sports ; Section B-
Football, Cricket, Volleyball,Basketball
Computer Applications:Ch. 2:Data values and types ; Ch. 3:Operators in Java ; Ch. 5:Conditional
Constructs in java ; Ch. 6:Iterative constructs in Java;Ch. 7: Nested for loops;
Western Music: Concerto and Life Works.

14.02.2024 I BIOLOGY 2 hrs 80

Ch 2: Cell, Ch 10: Nutrition, Ch 11: Digestive System, Ch 12: Skeleton- Movement and
Locomotion, Ch 13: Skin .

15.02.2024 I ENGLISH LITERATURE 2 hrs 80

Thursday Drama:Julius Caesar- Act 1-Act 2; Poems- Ch 1. A Work of Artifice, Ch.2. Skimbleshanks: The
Railway Cat, Ch 3. I Remember, I Remember, Ch 4. A Doctor's Journal Entry for August 6, 1945,
Ch 5. The Night Mail; Short Stories- Ch 1. Bonku Babu's Friend, Ch 2. Oliver Asks for More, Ch
3. The Model Millionaire, Ch 5. The Boy who Broke the Bank.
16.02.2024 I GEOGRAPHY 2 hrs 80
Friday Ch.11: Hydrosphere Ch.12: Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere Ch.13: Insolation Ch.14:
Atmospheric Pressure and Winds Ch 15: Humidity Ch. 20: Natural regions of the World
(Equatorial region, Tropical Deserts, Tropical Monsoon) Map Work: World Maps (rivers ,water
bodies, mountains, plateaus and natural regions).

20.02.2024 I MATHEMATICS 2.5 hrs 80

Ch 8: Triangles
Ch 12: Rectilinear Figures (Ex. 12A)
Ch 14: Circles
Ch 17: Mensuration (Ex. 17C)
Ch 19: Trigonometry
Ch 20: Simple 2D problems in Right Triangle
Ch 21: Co-ordinate Geometry
Ch: Histogram
Ch: Constructions (Incircle, Circumcircle and Tangents)

21.02.2024 I CHEMISTRY 2 hrs 80

Wednesday Chemistry Ch.5: The Periodic table Ch.6: Study of the first element -Hydrogen
Ch.7: Study of gas laws Ch.8: Atmospheric Pollution [Will be tested as per the notes given in the

22.02.2024 I MARATHI 1 hr 40
पाठ - १४ ते जीिनदायी झाड
कविता- ९ उजाड उघडे माळरानही
व्याकरण- िाक्याचे प्रकार, पत्रिेखन, सिगनाम, वियापद, उतारा िेखन
II EVS 2 hrs 80
Ch 8 : Air Pollution ,Ch: 9 Greenhouse effect and Ozone depletion, Ch: 10 Soil and Land, Ch:11
Ch: 12 Urbanization, Ch:13 Agriculture.

23.02.2024 I PHYSICS/ ECONOMICS 2 hrs 80

Friday Physics- Ch.3: Laws of Motion; Ch.6: Heat and Energy; Ch.7: Reflection of Light; Ch.8: Propagation of Sound
Waves; Ch.9: Current Electricity; Ch.10: Magnetism.

Economics - Ch: 7 Primary Sector : Agriculture, Ch: 8 Secondary Sector : Industry, Ch: 9 Tertiary Sector,
Ch:10 Poverty in India, Ch:11 Problem of Unemployment in India
II ART PAPER 3- From 11.00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 3 hrs 100

Students Reporting Time: 8:10 a.m.

Writing Time : 8: 45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m./11:15 a.m./11:45 a.m.

Please note the following:
Value Education/Scripture Assessment will be conducted on Wednesday, 31st January, 2024 during the value
education/scripture period. Portion for these include the topics covered during the regular classes.

Please note the following:

Online Revision Days before Final Assessment is on Thursday, 1st February 2024 & Friday, 2nd February 2024.
(A separate Timetable will be uploaded for the online revision classes)
Study Leave : Monday 5th February to Wednesday 7th February 2024.

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