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The timeless story of the book yet to be written


Table of contents


The Heritage: The Legendary Notebook 3

The timeless power of handwriting 20
What Makes an Icon 47
Our public 62
The Brand Universe 70
Did you know..? 115
The Moleskine Alphabet 118



The Heritage:
The Legendary

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Heritage: The Legendary Notebook 3

How it all began

“The story begins in the mid-90s, last century. We were three friends
with different professional backgrounds and commitments in the
worlds of design, culture and travel. We were on a sailing holiday
together when we first began talking about how a passion for travel
blended with our passion for culture and local history, as well as
discussing the birth of a new type of “creative professional”.
At that time, I was reading Chatwin’s book, The Songlines, dedicated
to Australia, to the nomadism of the Aboriginal people. There was
this long chapter in which Chatwin talks about how he writes
his books in notebooks bought in a famous papeterie in Rue de
l’Ancienne Comedie in Paris which he visited at least twice a year as,
as a person with a refined nature and love of special things, and this
was the only stationers which stocked these notebooks. Which had
been used by the international avant-garde in Paris at the start of
the 1900s, which filled the shelves, and which you can admire today
in the Picasso Museum, in archives, and which can be found on
Hemingway’s shelves in Havana – The moleskine notebooks”.

— Maria Sebregondi

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Heritage: The Legendary Notebook 4

The Moleskine notebook is
the heir and successor to the
legendary notebooks used by
artists and thinkers over the
past two centuries.
A Literary Heritage

The origins of the little black notebooks

The Moleskine notebook is the heir and successor to the legendary

notebooks used by artists and thinkers over the past two centuries:
among them Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway
and Bruce Chatwin.

The origins date back to the early 20th Century, in the golden
age of literary modernism when Paris was the mecca for the
avant-garde creative class of the time who would take their notes
on little notebooks while wandering the streets of Paris or sitting
in little cafés.

These little notebooks were mede in Tours and sold in a local pape-
terie in Rue de l’Ancienne Comedie. They held the sketches, notes,
stories and ideas that would one day become famous paintings or
the pages of beloved books.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Heritage: The Legendary Notebook 6

Creating “en plein air” and the beginning
of a new artistic era

The late 19th century and early 20th century was a vibrant time for
European culture which had its centre in Paris, the literary and
artistic capital of the Western world, and the beloved destination
for artists, writers, travellers, etc.

That special era was characterized by the use of small, pocket-size

notebooks possibly connected with the birth of painting “en plein
air” with artists, especially starting from the Impressionism, no
longer shut inside studios following the academic rules.

It witnessed the birth of writing and poetry created in the streets,

with figures like Rimbaud - “l’homme aux semelles de vent” - who
wrote on the move as he walked the streets of Paris. Free verse
poetry was born.

This was the birth of a new artistic era.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Heritage: The Legendary Notebook 7

“I would stand and look out over the roofs of Paris
and think, ‘Do not worry. You have always written
before and you will write now. All you have to do is
write one true sentence that you know.’ So finally I
would write one true sentence, and then go on from
there. It was easy then because there was always one
true sentence that I knew or had seen or had heard
someone say.”

— Ernest Hemingway

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Heritage: The Legendary Notebook 8

A name as legendary as its story

The origins of Moleskine brand name

“With the obsessive neatness that goes with the

beginning of a project. I made three neat stacks of my
‘Paris’ notebooks. In France, these notebooks are
known as carnets moleskines: ‘moleskine’, in this case,
being its black oilcloth binding. Each time I went to
Paris, I would buy a fresh supply from a papeterie in
the Rue de l’Ancienne-Comédie.“

— Bruce Chatwin

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Heritage: The Legendary Notebook 9

The timeless fascination for travel writing

Bruce Chatwin and his legendary journeys which

inspired generations of travel writers

The Songlines, Bruce Chatwin’s most famous book, is a fascinating

account of his journey through Australia, researching the noma-
dic culture of the Aboriginal, and their ritual singing. He famously
recorded his notes in these beloved moleskine notebooks he said
himself in the book he would buy in a papeterie in Paris.

His travel writings have inspired generations, transported his re-

aders to extraordinary journeys to unmapped lands prompting
generations of readers into questioning the very fabric of human
culture and our Western convictions. Chatwin was a traveller, a
novelist, a story-teller of the extraordinary.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Heritage: The Legendary Notebook 10

Bruce Chatwin and his notebooks (Interview to Wife Elizabeth)

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Heritage: The Legendary Notebook 11

Notebooks which never cease to inspire

Notes and reflections on handwriting

After buying the last copies available of the Moleskine notebooks,

Chatwin gave some to Luis Sepulveda for the journey they should
have taken together in Patagonia, but which they never took be-
cause Chatwin became ill and passed away.

Sepulveda talks about this in his own books, where he says how,
sitting on a barrel at the ends of the world, that he’s writing in
the last moleskine notebooks that Chatwin gave to him. Sepul-
veda himself then goes on to write a book entitled “Moleskine”
that he dedicates to his notebook collection: he too learned from
Chatwin to write everything down in the notebooks that he found
so inspiring.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Heritage: The Legendary Notebook 12

The Book
Yet to Be
Every Moleskine notebook is
a book yet to be written and a
story waiting to be told.
The Legendary Notebook brought back to Life

“Le vrai Moleskine n’est plus”

In the mid-1980s the notebook - with its typical rounded corners,

elastic closure, and expandable inner pocket - became increasingly
scarce and then disappeared completely.

‘Le vrai moleskine n’est plus’ laments Bruce Chatwin in his legendary
«The Songlines», referring to the beloved little notebook which he
nicknamed «moleskine».

In 1997, a small Milanese publisher brought the legendary notebook

back to life, choosing this literary name to revive an extraordinary
tradition of creativity and self-expression for the contemporary
creatives of our time.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Heritage: The Legendary Notebook 14

And continued its tradition in
a “Literary Relay”

From Paris literary golden age to the most forward-

thing creative minds of our time.
Pablo Picasso
It’s a kind of relay race the one that began with Hemingway and
Picasso, before moving onto Chatwin and then Sepulveda, and
which is now represented by the Moleskine Foundation Collection.

It’s a relay of creativity that is passed from person to person via

this object, each time renewing a story that lives in the present,
which looks to the future, which continues to be based on inspira-
tion and, as such, should itself inspire all of us.

Kengo Kuma

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Heritage: The Legendary Notebook 15

The book yet to be written

Following in the footsteps of its “founding fathers”, “Moleskine”

became the reverent keeper of that extraordinary tradition and,
in a few years, the legendary notebook once again began travel-
ling the globe and become the keeper of ideas, notes which would
one day become the contemporary heritage of tomorrow.
That was the beginning of the book yet to be written.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Heritage: The Legendary Notebook 16

Accounts from the great protagonists of our time (Inge Feltrinelli)

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Heritage: The Legendary Notebook 17

The Legendary Story Continues

A timeless and ever-so relevant tradition

With its story steeped in culture, rich in imagination and tied to a

grand historical tradition, a Moleskine object connects the owner to
an heritage in art, literature, cultural and geographical exploration.

Today Moleskine is global brand which designs and manufactures

objects and services to enable the expression of contemporary
talent that will be the cultural heritage of tomorrow.

Through its platforms, Moleskine wants to contribute to the deve-

lopment and sharing of human knowledge and culture.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Heritage: The Legendary Notebook 18


The Brand today:

the Timeless power
of Handwriting

BRAND BOOK 2021 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 19
Our Mission

Unleash the human genius

through hands on paper
to empower creativity and
knowledge in each individual
and the entire world.

BRAND BOOK 2021 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 20
What is Handwriting to You?

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 21
Our Manifesto

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 22
All the most extraordinary
ideas and discoveries were
born from notes made on a
blank page.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 23
Notes which changed history and humanity

Through our narratives we want to explore the story and look into the notes which have
defined our history and pushed humanity forward in all disciplines and geographical era.

The explorer Meriwether Lewis Frida Kahlo explores Scientist Enrico Fermi creates
on his travels to categorize fish. postcolonialism in her art. new, systematic ways of thinking.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 24
The Power
of Hand-
The gesture of hand-writing
is one of the most antique
forms of human civilizations.
It has developed across all
cultures and has united them
in one sacred ritual.
Human civilizations developed
through hand-writing

The humans started to write some 8000 years ago

Writing is a tool that – like a few others – quite literally changed

the course of civilization. The ability to set things down so as to
remember them unaltered beyond a single lifetime. Writing al-
lowed civilization to become organized. And literature over mere
oral tales.

The human beings started to write some 8000 years ago, in the
form of symbols which developed over the next few thousand
years in various “languages” changing and adapting to new cultu-
res and new technologies in a never-ending evolutionary process.

“Writing means sharing. It’s part of the human condition to want to

share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions.” – Paulo Coelho

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 26
What’s the future of handwriting?

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 27
On Handwriting

Why do we need it more than ever

In the past few years, headlines proclaimed that handwriting In an era when many people are arguing for increased efficiency
was gone. Then came the experts quoting anecdotal facts about and automation in all processes, the act of handwriting is a special
handwriting key role to help students learn to write and retain way to put some humanity back in every aspect of the content.
information better.
Now, more than ever, handwriting matters. Its effect is more
In the age of keyboards, touchscreens and voice-to-text, han- profound than it was before computers and smartphones took
dwriting is as important as ever. over as the primary method of communication. Pick up a pen
and paper today and see for yourself—you might be surprised at
Whether you’re looking to retain more information in class, keep how it makes your brain feel.
your mind sharp as you age, make your mark in professional or
personal correspondence or simply compose better thoughts for
yourself or for others, handwriting is a powerful tool.

It activates the brain in ways that no other form of thinking and

communication can and creates a meaningful product for stu-
dying, self-reflection or communication with others.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 28
On Handwriting

What the Academia and Neuroscience say

“The present research suggests that even when laptops are used to take notes, they “Writing by hand is a powerful tool for learning, relaxation, creativity and con-
may be impairing learning because their use results in shallower processing. In three nection, and it’s an integral part of our culture. It offers insights and renewal. The
studies, we found that students who took notes on laptops performed worse on con- pen compels lucidity. And lucidity, offers a clearer perspective of dreams, goals,
ceptual questions than students who took notes longhand. We show that whereas ta- challenges and life in general.”
king more notes can be beneficial, laptop note takers’ tendency to transcribe lectures Forbes 2016
verbatim rather than processing information and reframing it in their own words is
detrimental to learning.” “Handwriting is a complex task which requires various skills – feeling the pen and
The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop paper, moving the writing implement, and directing movement by thought,” says
Note Taking, April, 2013 Edouard Gentaz, professor of developmental psychology at the University of
Geneva. “Children take several years to master this precise motor exercise which
“Writing a calming sentence is a form of graphotherapy, Jotting down a sentence has a big impact on how young minds develops.”
like, “I will be more peaceful” at least 20 times per day can actually have an impact, The Guardian, June 2015
especially on those with attention deficit disorder. This actually calms the person
down and retrains the brain.” “When people type notes, they’re more inclined to try to record as much of the lectu-
Priceonomics March 2013 re as possible verbatim. On the other hand, students who take notes by hand are
forced to be more selective with what they record since they can’t write as fast as
“Students who take notes by hand outperform students who type, new studies show.” they can type. This selective processing enables them to more effectively understand
and remember what they’ve heard.”
The Wall Street Journal, April 2013
Psychological Science, 2016

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 29
“Numerous studies have shown that handwriting
notes is simply better for engagement, information
retention, and mental health than is writing on
digital devices.”

— David Sax
The Revenge of Analog:Real Things and Why They Matter

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 30
On Handwriting – Moleskine Narratives

Mindfulness, well-being, organization.

Graphotheraphy. Gratitude. Practice.
Author and Life Coach Hilary Gallo specialises in ‘Fear Hacking’,
the process of addressing and acknowledging personal fears to
overcome them and move forward. His ‘Hack’ process teaches
you how we make fear our friend leveraging mostly handwriting.

“One surprising discovery people make in these workshops is just

how much everyone is struggling with fear and anxiety. It is easy to
think that others are just fine, but once we start to talk to others, we
realise we are far from alone.”

Here, he shares eight fear hacking tips to enable confidence and

personal growth leveraging handwriting.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 31
On Handwriting – Moleskine Narratives

Memory. Personal touch. Thoughfulness.

Handwriting remains one of the most personal distinguishing
human gesture, one which has been part of human civilization
for millenia.

In an era when we can dictate an email to a smartphone, sitting

down and writing a meaningful and thought act.

A handwritten note creates a lifelong memory and personal di-

stinguished touched.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 32
“Mon propos n’est jamais éducatif ni moral, ni cela
veut être une analyse objective de la société.
Son propos est le processus. L’écriture m’intéresse
parce que c’est un processus. Tu commences une
phrase et...”

— Bili Bidjocka
à propos de Écriture Infinie

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 33
On the
Connecting the magic of paper
with the limitless possibilities
of digital tech.
On the analog-digital continuum

Being analog-digital
In our everyday life we move from low-tech to hi-tech every-
day, from analog to digital, from notebook to smartphone, from
scraps of paper to the laptop. Most Moleskine users are highly
digitally inclined, navigating between smartphone and notebo-
ok with considerable ease. They aren’t mutually exclusive, it’s
just that some tasks are better executed on paper, and others
are more efficient on screen.

We navigate in an analog/digital continuum.

At Moleskine, we envision a future where it will be possible for

our users to effortlessly navigate the analog-digital-analog con-
tinuum without ever having to leave a space filled with all the
Moleskine qualities they love.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 35
On the analog-digital continuum

Benefits of analog
Creating by hand can produce a deeper emotional connection
with our brains. Many people take satisfaction from handwriting,
get pleasure from hand-drawing and enjoy the tactility of paper
pages, a sensory and physical experience that is lost when wor-
king with technology. The blank space of the analog realm allows
us to log off, giving us respite from the rush and haste of digital.

Benefits of digital

Sharing is easy online. Notes and ideas can be saved to the cloud
and accessedthey love.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 36
On the analog-digital continuum

GTD, community, sketchnoting. Shared intimacy

A diary, a planner, a journal are very personal things. You keep
them to yourself, but sometimes you also want to share it. Sooner
or later, you’ll need to share your inner monologue with someone.
Social networks allow you to do so: a need for shared intimacy is
what drives analog bloggers to share their notebooks online.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 37
Connecting the magic of paper with
the limitless possibilities of digital tech

Moleskine believes in the creative alchemy that happens when

pen meets paper, and that, once unlocked, this creativity can
be a powerful tool for change. Moleskine users love paper, but
they are also digitally savvy and constantly looking for ways to
be more efficient.

The Moleskine Smart Writing System achieves this by combining

the best of both worlds: the distraction-free, tactile experience of
writing and sketching by hand teamed with the limitless possibili-
ties of digital tech.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 38
The Smart Writing System:
a “daily use service”

The Smart System must be recognized as such – an ecosystem

of tools that revolve around the Moleskine Smart Pen and Smart
Notebooks, and via the Moleskine Notes app, work with a variety
of digital platforms and services.

The Moleskine Smart Writing System helps the user to expand

his/her professional, private and academic projects, becoming an
«indispensable part of how the user work, think, plan and create
every day.”

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Today: The Timeless Power of Handwriting 39

What Makes an Icon

BRAND BOOK 2021 What Makes an Icon 40

An Identity Maker

"The IPhone and Moleskine are

to the knowledge worker of today
what the spear and shield were
to the Spartan hoplite."
Financial Times, December 2016

BRAND BOOK 2022 What Makes an Icon 41

Unique Success Factors


Linked with the business & professional
community. Grounded on a clear set of
Linked to the creative community
skills and capabilities.
Writing/traveling stimulus


Identification with the brand Allows to express oneself
Customer values representation Inspiring brand

BRAND BOOK 2022 What Makes an Icon 42

Moleskine story is rooted in
its culture. Its authentic and
privileged positioning as a cultural
brand has made it an icon within
the world cultural elites.
BRAND BOOK 2021 What Makes an Icon 43
Distinctive Features as Icons




BRAND BOOK 2022 What Makes an Icon 44

Celebrated through its Monogram

The graphical construction of the Moleskine monogram is a se-

ries of base modules whose shape evokes various objects and ar-
tifacts we use in day-to-day life. This base module is a deliberate
allusion to both the application icons as they appear on digital
device displays and to one of the main distinctive features of
classic Moleskine objects: the rounded corner of the notebooks.

The monogram is thus a symbolical combination of digital and

analog forms in current use.

BRAND BOOK 2022 What Makes an Icon 45

A Brand Name: How Do You Pronounce Moleskine?

BRAND BOOK 2022 What Makes an Icon 46

In Case of Loss

“To lose a passport was the least of one’s worries.

To lose a notebook was a catastrophe“.

— Bruce Chatwin

BRAND BOOK 2022 What Makes an Icon 47

A brand story and name steeped
in a grand literary tradition

BRAND BOOK 2022 What Makes an Icon 48

A contemporary Icon

Angelina Jolie

Victoria Beckham

Hillary Clinton Brad Pitt

BRAND BOOK 2022 What Makes an Icon 49

Celebrated in Pop Culture

Sherlock, 2010

The Devil Wears Prada, 2006

Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain, 2001

Grey’s Anatomy, 2005

BRAND BOOK 2022 What Makes an Icon 50

Recognized by the Business
and Lifestyle Press

“Here is the Company acknowledging that it doesn’t so much sell “(Moleskine) notebooks tap into personal identity. To carry a
notebooks as it does a sense of identity and culture. But that’s the Moleskine is to declare your values, that you are a person who
essence of luxury brands: they don’t sell physical goods so much as believes in ideas.”
the notions that the goods are supposed to represent.” The Atlantic, April 2016
Quartz, March 2013
“It’s so consistent in its execution that people know it’s a
“Moleskine is not selling a notebook, it’s selling customers on the Moleskine without even seeing the brand name,” says Barbara
identity of being the type of person who uses a Moleskine. (….). Kahn, a professorspecializing in brand loyalty at the University
Trying to copy what Moleskine did in stationery is like trying to of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. “It’s kind of a status symbol”.
copy what Prada has done with clothes.” MarketPlace, April 2013
Priceonomics March 2013

“Moleskine: The Brand to Give Nomads a Mobile Identity” “They’re such an iconic and unique brand.”
Psfk, Feb 24 2016 Digiday, June 2015

BRAND BOOK 2022 What Makes an Icon 51

Recognized by the Marketing Community

“Moleskine notebooks are demo- “In less than a decade, Moleskine «Moleskine wouldn’t have become “It’s not just an emotional propo-
cratic vessels for self-expression notebooks have been resurrected the Ueberbrand they are without sition for brands to strive to be
(…). (They) provide the modern from the dead and turned into also doing a phenomenal job Lovemarks, but also a financially
nomad with an emotional anchor, the totem of a vibrant global sub- in bringing their story to life, lucrative one. [...] The relationship
a home away from home, while at culture. Much of it is down to the continuously building a new myth». between brand desire and sales and
the same time serving as a device internet.” market growth can also be seen in
of curiosity, discovery and explo- pg 118 Moleskine notebooks and Nutella
ration.” pg 172-179 spread. Both brands have been no-
minated on”
pg 152-164 pg 203

BRAND BOOK 2022 What Makes an Icon 52

Recognized by the Design Community

“A ‘design classic’ is an industrially manufactured object with timeless aesthetic value. Introducing the ‘Moleskine by Driade’ Portable Office Collection
It serves as a standard of its kind and, despite the year in which it was designed, is still 2016 Milano Design Week
up to date. The collection presented in these three volumes has been put together by a
group of experts following the above criteria.”
Phaidon Design Classics -
A three-volume set containing the ultimate selection of design classics.

BRAND BOOK 2022 What Makes an Icon 53

Recognized by Academia

Prestigious academic institutions utilize Moleskine as a case study

in their corporate strategy and marketing courses.

2012 - SDA Bocconi Moleskine On The Road

2016 – Harvard Business School Moleskine: a cultural icon

BRAND BOOK 2022 What Makes an Icon 54


Our Public


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BRAND BOOK 2021 Our Public 55

Our Public

“Moleskine consumer has many sides, many ages”

– M. Sebregondi

“One characteristic that all Moleskine users share is a sense of aspi-

ration and selfempowerment, personal growth – a distinction based
on a real attention to giving meaning to whatever you’re doing.
The search for meaning – I would say that this is one of the brand’s
strongest characteristics, the search for meaningful experiences,
the search for things that endure – all these things are the same. ”.

BRAND BOOK 2022 Our Public 56

The Creative Minds:
A Global Influential Niche

Moleskine public is a global community of people highly educa-

ted, inquisitive and creative: they are global citizens who work in
today’s knowledge economy and are represented by modern pro-
fessionals and knowledge workers from a range of demographic
backgrounds. They are curious and always on the move. They are
the Creative Minds.

“These are the thinkers, leaders, innovators, influencers and entre-

preneurs, pushing the cultural and commercial envelope, developing,
designing and marketing the newest products and services.”
– R. Florida, The Rise of the Creative Class

BRAND BOOK 2022 Our Public 57

A Lasting Authentic Relationship – Our Competitive Advantage

An enormous amount of spontaneous and organic activity on the web

BRAND BOOK 2022 Our Public 58

A Digital Snapshot..

Facebook: +513K followers, +10 Market Pages

Instagram: + 275 K followers , +2.3 Mln mentions + 8 Mln visits, 37countries

with dedicated e-commerce

Moleskine Newsletter: + 382K subscribers

Wechat / Weibo / Line: + 122 k Followers in Asia

MyMoleskine Community: + 365 K creative members

BRAND BOOK 2022 Our Public 59

..and an organic multi-generational digital presence

IG: #Moleskine, 2.3M posts TikTok: #Moleskine, 13M views Tiktok: #Journaling, 307,9M views

BRAND BOOK 2022 Our Public 60

MyMoleskine Community

Where imaginations meet

Moleskine values creativity and imagination in everyone by sup-

porting knowledge sharing, creation and self-expression.
(Moleskine Brand Values).

myMoleskine is the core representation of the brand strategy

and it’s one of the main competitive advantages of Moleskine as
a brand.

BRAND BOOK 2022 Our Public 61

MyMoleskine Community

Brand Community site released in 2010.

Available in English (Japanese in stand by from 2018).
Subscribed members: 365k, among which 40k active members
in the last 6 months. Artworks uploaded: 24k.

The Creativity Challenge is an online contest for the myMoleski-

ne and social (IG) community. In each Creativity Challenge, fans
are asked to submit artworks, photographs, illustrations or hand-
made objects responding to a specific theme. The most voted
uploads are featured on Moleskine IG page.

Templates and toys are paper tools available for free on my-
Moleskine with different purposes:
• Notebook personalization (by adding a different page layout to
your notebook, or a weekly/monthly planner)
• Enhance the launch of a notebook, especially Limited Editions
(i. e. batman, the beatles or super mario launch)
• Provide a paper ‘gifts’ for special occasion/holidays
BRAND BOOK 2022 Our Public 62

The Brand Universe

BRAND BOOK 2021 The Brand Universe 63

The Brand Values


Identity over conformity Innovation over conservation. Essence over form.
Inclusiveness over exclusivity. Discovery over certainty.

Moleskine values creativity Moleskine is driven by discovery Moleskine always focuses on

and imagination in everyone by and curiosity, not by dogmatic the true essence and the deeper
supporting knowledge sharing, certainty and conservation. meaning of things.
creation and self expression.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 64

Moleskine has worked over the
years with a number of high-
profile authors through various
brand projects across cultures
and geographies.
Kengo Kuma Spike Lee

One of Japan’s greatest architets, he has worked with Moleskine Acclaimed American Film Director, his work explores race re-
on various projects. He donated his notebook on the occasion lations, colorism in the black community, the role of media in
of Detour Tokyo, and is now part of the Moleskine Foundation contemporary life and other social issues. He has won numerous
archive. He’s also part of the publishing series «Inspiration and accolades for his work. On the occasion of the launch of a re-
Process in Architecture» and he was also celebrated FOLD on a stored version of his cult movie She’s Gotta Have It, Moleskine
recent story looking into his creative process. created with him a special edition notebook in celebration of
the cult movie and his commitments in social issues.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 66

Giorgia Lupi Ou Ning

Is an Italian information designer and internationally renewed An high-profile Chinese artist, writer, curator and all-around
expert on data visualization. Her work is also part of the per- contemporary intellectuals. He’s engaged on a number of cul-
manent collection at the Museum of Modern Art. In 2019, she tural and social endeavor in China and abroad where he’s recko-
became a partner on Pentagram’s New York team. Moleskine gnized as one of the most authorative Chinese thinkers. As a
collaborated with her on the book “Mind, Maps and Infographi- Detour authors, he has donated his notebook where he created
cs” and she was featured in a conversation on FOLD. the artistic and social project of Bishan Commune, which was
then featured in majour museums around the world.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 67

Jessica Walsh Ma Yansong

A young American designer, art director and illustrator. Her The most acclaimed contemporary Chinese star-architect, he’s
bold and provocative style wants to address a number of social a longtime Moleskine friend. He has collaborated with Moleski-
and cultural issues of our time. She’s part of Moleskine FOLD ne on a number of project and is one of the most influential
network of cultural leaders who shared her creative journey in brand figure in China.
a conversation with us.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 68

Alun Be, Potentially, from Edification Series
Moleskine Foundation is
a non-profit organization
that believes that access
to creativity and quality
education is key to produce
positive change in society and
drive our collective future.
Our mission

The Moleskine Foundation is a non-profit organization that pur-

sues a mission of Creativity for Social Change. Its purpose is
to inspire, encourage and connect young people to transform
themselves and their communities through creativity. It does so
by providing unconventional education tools and cultural expe-
riences that help fostering critical thinking, creative doing, li-
fe-long learning and a changemaking attitude. A central belief is
that creativity is key to producing positive and systemic change
in society, reducing inequalities and driving our collective future.

Moleskine actively backs its various projects leading to a clear

and close relationship between the company and the Foundation.

Cyrus Kabir, Caribbean Sun from the series C-stunners, 2012

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 70

Activities to Date

UK Germany

USA Italy

Egypt Bahrain

Senegal Chad

Coast Cameroon
Uganda Kenya



Initiatives with Cultural

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 71

Strategic Vision: toward richer and more
integrated cultural and educational offering

Unlock creative skills Support spaces where Build a new public awareness
of underserved and immagination and about creativity for
marginalized youth criticality can occur social change

AtWork, Creativity Pioneers Support fund, Folios, Creativity Pioneer

WikiAfrica Education Creative Tools for Social Change Podcast, Foundation Collection

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 72

AtWork: inspiring a new generation
of thinkers and doers

AtWork is an educational format that unlocks the creative

potential of young people through critical thinking, growing their
sense of self awareness and self-confidence, and stimulating their
changemaking attitude.

The AtWork format is composed of four main elements: the

workshop, the exhibition, the community, and the collection. The
combination of these elements creates the unique quality of the
format that is delivered thanks to strong partnerships nurtured
by the Moleskine Foundation, mainly with local and international
cultural organisations.

All AtWork participants become part of the AtWork Community,

a group of global creative thinkers who believe that creativity
can be a tool for social transformation.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 73

WikiAfrica Education: expanding and
enhancing on-line content about Africa

WikiAfrica Education is a platform of empowerment that

amplifies voices from Africa to reflect the rich and valuable
history, languages, people, and communities of the continent.
We use technology and culture to inspire a new generation of
African creative thinkers and doers by increasing production,
access, and awareness of contextually and linguistically relevant
knowledge resources from Africa.

We are nurturing a movement of African creative thinkers and

knowledge creators who act as a force for social change and
ensure African presence and relevance in global knowledge
networks. Open and accessible knowledge by Africans for Africa
will go a long way to preserve languages, build identities, and
contribute to our collective futures.

Find out more about WikiAfrica

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 74

World Economic Forum endorsed and showcased the WikiAfrica Edu
program for the Global Technology Governance Summit

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 75

Creativity Pioneers Support fund

The impact of the COVID-19 on the cultural sector is being felt

around the world. It affects the fundamental right of access to
culture, the social rights of artists and creative professionals,
and the protection of a diversity of cultural expressions.

In the absence of responsive public support and recovery

strategies, the downsizing of cultural and creative sectors is
resulting in negative impact on cities and regions, disrupting
its social fabric, levels of innovation, citizen well-being and the
vibrancy and diversity of communities.

Creativity Pioneers Support Fund is a one-time funding program

for non-profit organizations worldwide that use creativity as a
tool for social change that are currently facing the impact of the
Covid-19 pandemic.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 76

An Extraordinary Collection

The Moleskine Foundation Collection is a gathering of more than

1300 unique works created by artists and thinkers in continuous
growth and evolution since 2006. The collection reflects the
variety, richness, and complexity of contemporary creative
thinking. It features the contributions of artists, designers,
architects, musicians, filmmakers, illustrators, intellectuals, and
philosophers, who - page after page - have filled the notebooks
with thoughts, sketches, images, often transforming them into
artifacts that are entirely different from the original.

The Collection also has a unique educational value, since it is a

starting point of reflection and inspiration for the young people
from the underserved communities all over the world who are the
beneficiaries of our unconventional educational programs. The
notebooks they create as an output of the workshops enter the
Collection alongside the established authors. This horizontal and
non-hierarchical philosophy characterizes our overall approach
to creativity and education. Natoï-Allah Djimasra, House of our Dreams, AtWork N’Djamena 2018

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 77

William Kentridge, I Am Still a Parable, 2021

Nadeen El Rashidy Untitled, AtWork Cairo, 2015

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 78

Amal Attiya, Untitled, AtWork Lab Manama, 2013

Kundai Nathan, Portmanteau, AtWork Harare, 2018

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 79

Folios: Showing the use of creativity for
positive personal and social transformation

Folios is the Foundation cultural publication, aiming to highlight

and deepen our programs and initiatives, through the voices and
experiences of our partners and beneficiaries. It is our compass
while exploring and discovering new frontiers in the field of
creativity for social change.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 80

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 81
Creativity Pioneers Podcast

Changing the way creativity is understood,

talked about, and used by individuals

The podcast aims to equip all of us with new perspectives and

unconventional ideas to amplify our creativity, critical gaze, and
imagination. We engage in conversations with unique creative
minds from all over the world, to explore and expand our
understanding of creativity and its transformative power.

Each episode sparks from a selection of 3 keywords, chosen by

our guest speakers. They serve as a compass, helping to orientate
the conversation through art, entrepreneurship, literature,
philosophy, politics, and social activism.

Listen to the podcast

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 82

A unique network of partners in the cultural,
creative and education fields

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 83

for Social
Empower underprivileged
communities by providing to-
ols to help capture inspiration
and nurture creative thinking.
Creative tools for social change

Connecting with world cultural leaders committed to

redefining community

Moleskine and Moleskine Foundation have always believed that

creativity, imagination, and quality education are key drivers of
positive social change. Through this joint initiative, we aim to
empower underprivileged communities by providing tools to
help capture inspiration and nurture creative thinking.
With this program we commit to gifting thousands of notebooks,
writing instruments and bags to several carefully chosen non-
profit organizations around the world each year.

We do this in the belief that creativity is not only a comfort and

a means of release, but also an expression of freedom - a way to
say, “I’m here and I count”. Creative Tools for Social Change is
about finding empowerment through self-expression and making
sure that today’s ideas have a place to grow.

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 85

Creating and telling stories
with like-minded brands and

BRAND BOOK 2021 The Brand Universe 86

Moleskine Global Strategic Partnerships

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 87

LONDON Object: Classic Hard Cover Notebook Pocket Use of occasion: PR & Events
DESIGN FESTIVAL Customization type: Cover Year: 2018

BRAND BOOK 2021 The Brand Universe 88

POLITECNICO Object: Classic Hard Cover Notebook Large Use of occasion: Reselling
DI MILANO Customization type: Cover, Paperband Year: 2018

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 89

LOCARNO Object: Hard Cover Notebook Pocket, Film Passion Journal Use of occasion: PR & Events
FILM FESTIVAL Customization type: Cover, Paperband Year: 2014

BRAND BOOK 2021 The Brand Universe 90

MoMA Object: Classic Hard Cover Notebook Pocket Use of occasion: PR & Events
MUSEUM Customization type: Cover, Paperband Year: 2014

BRAND BOOK 2021 The Brand Universe 91

PARSONS Object: Large Cahier Journals Use of occasion: Internal Gifting
SCHOOL OF DESIGN Customization type: Cover, Inside Cover Year: 2016

BRAND BOOK 2021 The Brand Universe 92

HERMITAGE Object: Classic Hard Cover Notebook Large and Pocket Use of occasion: PR & Events
MUSEUM Customization type: Cover, Paperband Year: 2016

BRAND BOOK 2021 The Brand Universe 93

THE ACADEMY Object: Classic Hard Cover Notebook Large Use of occasion: Gifting and Reselling
OF AWARDS Customization type: Cover, Internal pages, Endpapers Year: 2016

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 94

10 CORSO COMO Object: Hard Cover Notebook Pocket, Large; Cahiers Pocket Use of occasion: Reselling
MILANO Customization type: Cover, Paperband, Endpapers Year: 2014

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 95

SHANGAI Object: Classic Hard Cover Notebook Large Use of occasion: Reselling
TANG Customization type: Cover, Endpaper, Inside pages Year: 2016

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 96

A Shared Story Told Through a Beautifully Crafted Object

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Brand Universe 97


Did you know..?

BRAND BOOK 2021 Did you know..? 98

Did you know...?

A literary legacy We’re all unique

The name of the brand is inspired by travel writer Bruce Chatwin’s Did you know that every Moleskine notebook has a unique name?
The Songlines, in which the author refers to his preferred black A quality control sticker in the expandable pocket identifies
notebook as “moleskine” due to its oilcloth feel. Chatwin valued exactly when and where it was made thanks to a special code.
the contents of his travel journals above all else, going as far as to We can trace the origins of your notebook – it’s up to you to
state that losing his notebook would be much more of a disaster decide its destination.
than losing his passport.

Do you say “Moleskine” correctly? Perfectly proportioned

Actually, there’s no right or wrong way to pronounce “Moleskine”, You might not realize it, but one of the reasons Moleskine note-
just as there’s no right or wrong way to fill each page: scribbles, books appeal to the eye is that they are shaped according to the
doodles, or the next literary blockbuster, it’s all good. You can Golden Ratio. Studied by mathematicians for centuries, this ratio
say “Moleskine” however you choose. brings a sense of order, balance and beauty wherever it is found.

BRAND BOOK 2022 Did you Know...? 99

Did you know...?

You can create a custom edition

Although typically made for corporate clients, Moleskine offers
custom editions of their famous notebooks. Notable editions in-
clude a MoMA Tim Burton retrospective, The Glass House, and
The Helvetica Project.

The original colours

Originally Moleskine was only black, just like the little black no-
tebooks of the early 20th century. A collaboration with Italian
publisher Feltrinelli has determined the creation of the color Red.

Cares about the environment

The Moleskine company is careful to select manufacturers that
support environmentally responsible practices, including the use
of acid-free paper and Forest Stewardship Council certification.

BRAND BOOK 2022 Did you Know...? 100


The Moleskine

BRAND BOOK 2021 The Moleskine Alphabet 101

A E Imagination Notes S
Art Ecosystem Inclusivity Nurture Self-expression
Authenticity Elegant Inspiration Self-discovery
Empower Intimate O Simplicity
B Excellence Introspection Organization Sharing
Beauty / Beautiful Exploration Original Story
Black Notebook Education J Smart
Journey P
C F Journaling Perfectly proportioned T
Classic For me Personal Talent
Collaboration Fulfil K Personalization The filling is you
Community Functionality Knowledge Planning Timeless
Companion Planner Tradition
Content G L Platform Travel
Contemporary Growth (personal) Learning Premium
Creativity Legacy Productivity U
Culture H Legendary Professional Unleash
Curious/curiosity Human Genius Purpose Unique
Handwriting M
D Heritage Meaning Q V
Diversity Memory Quality (Your unique) Voice
Design I
Document Idea N R W
Durable Identity Notebook Relevant Wonder

BRAND BOOK 2022 The Moleskine Alphabet 102

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