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2021 Gapol - Grile pentru Academia de Politie

1. This … dress looks amazing. Where did you get it from?

a) hand-me-down

b) hat trick

c) coattail

d) hand-me-downs

2. He was talking too much, so I told him to put a … in it.

a) sock

b) zip

c) show

d) hat

3. Why are you looking at that picture with me as a kid in my …? I can‘t believe
my mother showed it to you? It‘s so embarrassing!

a) birthday costume

b) socks up

c) pants down

d) birthday suit

4. When my brother was angry, I told him to keep his … on.

a) trousers

b) shirt

c) shoe

d) coat 1/7
20.04.2021 Gapol - Grile pentru Academia de Politie

5. When I was a student and we had a project to finish , everybody … .

a) put themselves in my shoe

b) put on my thinking cap

c) rode on my coattails

d) fit like a glove

6. Mother gets a bee in her … when we do not clean out room.

a) britches

b) bonnet

c) boots

d) cap

7. She has had … all morning. I don‘t know what is annoying her so much.

a) a bee in the bonnet

b) a hole in her pocket

c) her cap on

d) her pants down

8. He is an amazing football player. He got … in the last match.

a) a hat trick

b) a shirt on

c) a hand-me-down

d) a birthday suit

9. Our boss told us to roll up our … and finish the job as soon as possible.

a) socks

b) sleeves 2/7
20.04.2021 Gapol - Grile pentru Academia de Politie

c) pants

d) trousers

10. My mother is the one who wears … in my family.

a) the birthday suit

b) the jeans

c) the trousers

d) the shirt

11. You have to put … and try to understand her: she is a single mother with
three children.

a) up your sleeves

b) your thinking cap on

c) your socks on

d) yourself in her shoes

12. I haven‘t prepared any speech for my birthday dinner. I‘ll just say
something … .

a) zipped

b) below the belt

c) in my birthday suit

d) off the cuff

13. I like your brother very much. He‘s not afraid of showing his feelings. He …

a) wears his heart on his sleeve

b) rides my coattails

c) rolls up his sleeves

d) takes his hat off 3/7
20.04.2021 Gapol - Grile pentru Academia de Politie

14. What you just said about me is so … . Either you apologize or I will never talk
with you again.

a) a bee in the bonnet

b) below the belt

c) a card up my sleeve

d) bursting at the seams

15. I am sure there is a solution to this problem. All we have to do is … .

a) roll up our sleeve

b) put our thinking cap on

c) keep it zipped

d) put our sock up

16. After eating so much I feel like I am … in my trousers.

a) burning a hole in my pocket

b) having a bee in my bonnet

c) riding my coattails

d) bursting at the seames

17. I … you. You have managed to learn for this exam in only three days and pass
it with flying colours.

a) take my hat off to

b) pull up your socks to

c) roll my sleeves to

d) put my thinking cap on

18. This fight is not over yet. I have … which will make her apologize to me.

a) a card up my sleeve

b) a bee in my bonnet 4/7
20.04.2021 Gapol - Grile pentru Academia de Politie

c) a hole in my pocket

d) a drop of a hat

19. Our goalkeeper is going to have to … if he wants to win.

a) burst to the seams

b) pull up his socks

c) keep it zipped

d) dress to kill

20. These are my favourite jeans because they … .

a) keep me zipped

b) fit me like a glove

c) wear the trousers

d) have a bee in the bonnet

21. Stop being in such a hurry! You‘re making me dizzy. Keep … .

a) your socks up

b) your pants down

c) your shirt on

d) your cap on

22. I can come and help you with the house chores … . Just let me know when
you need me.

a) at the drop of a hat

b) by the seat of my pants

c) with kid gloves

d) off the cuff

23. Do you have to talk so much? Please, put … and let me have some peace and
quiet. 5/7
20.04.2021 Gapol - Grile pentru Academia de Politie

a) a sock in it

b) your shirt on

c) your trousers down

d) your cap on

24. I have a thousand euros … . Let‘s go to the mall and buy something nice for

a) burning a hole in my pocket

b) bursting at the seams

c) below the belt

d) in my bonnet

25. You‘re going to have to … if you want to get this essay done in time.

a) handle with kid gloves

b) burn a hole in your pocket

c) buckle down

d) dress to the nines

26. I looked all over the house with a … and I still couldn‘t find my car keys.

a) shirt on

b) fine-tooth comb

c) kid glove

d) hand-me-down

27. Don‘t worry, I won‘t tell your parents that you have secretly got engaged. I‘ll

a) keep my shirt on

b) dress to kill

c) keep it zipped 6/7
20.04.2021 Gapol - Grile pentru Academia de Politie
d) fly by the seat of my pants

28. The math teacher told us to put our … on and solve the problem.

a) handcuffs

b) hat tricks

c) thinking caps

d) trousers

29. Everybody at the wedding was … .

a) riding their coattails

b) bursting at the seams

c) dressed to the nines

d) in their birthday suits

30. These trousers fit me like … . I am going to buy them.

a) a bonnet

b) a glove

c) a buckle

d) a kid 7/7

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