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01/10/24 Fundamentals of Sociology | University of Kent

Fundamentals of Sociology View Online

140 items

For student purchase (4 items)

We recommend that you buy a copy of this book. Chapters from this will be highlighted as
key readings for each week of the course. The follow-on course to this, The Sociology of
Everyday Life (SO336), is also based on this textbook.

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | E-Book

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | E-Book

Sociology: a global introduction - Macionis, John J., Plummer, Kenneth, 2012

Book | Suggested for student purchase

Sociology: A global introduction, fifth edition

Webpage | This contains lots of links to useful sociological resources. We strongly
recommend that you spend some time acquainting yourself with these.

1. Asking Questions, Finding Answers (9 items)

Sociology is the study of human society. Most sociologists would agree that ‘being a
sociologist’ involves a distinct approach to thinking about people ; and further, that
sociology has a great deal to contribute to our understanding of who we are and how we
are made to live. Much debate, however, surrounds the definition of human society and
how it might be made an object of study. In this regard, the identity, practice and purpose
of sociology are also open to question. This lecture provides an introduction to the
discipline of sociology. It outlines contrasting approaches to sociological thinking and
research proceeding from the most basic process of identifying social questions to which
we want to find answers, and then how we set about trying to provide them through
organising different types of research.

Required Seminar Reading (4 items)

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012
Book | Core (Must Read) | E-Book Chapter 1

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | E-Book Chapter 1

Sociology: a global introduction - Macionis, John J., Plummer, Kenneth, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapter 1.

01/10/24 Fundamentals of Sociology | University of Kent

The sociological imagination - Mills, C W., 1970

Book | Core (Must Read) | chapter 1 (available via moodle)

Further Reading (5 items)

An introduction to sociology: feminist perspectives - Abbott, Pamela, Wallace, Claire, 1990
Book | Background (Could Read)

Thinking sociologically - Bauman, Zygmunt, May, Tim, 2001

Book | Background (Could Read)

Invitation to sociology: a humanistic perspective - Berger, Peter L., 1966, c1963

Book | Background (Could Read)

Social things: an introduction to the sociological life - Lemert, Charles C., 2002
Book | Background (Could Read)

Sociology: the basics - Plummer, Kenneth, 2010

Book | Background (Could Read) | E-Book

2. Suicide: A Classic Sociological Study Updated (8 items)

The textbook by Macionis and Plummer suggests that perhaps the most intriguing example
of how social forces can affect human behaviour is found in the study of suicide. Why?
Because nothing seems a more personal choice than taking one’s own life. Yet Emile
Durkheim’s study of suicide stands as a sociological classic in beginning to understand the
distinctive patterns of suicide among different genders, nationalities, religions and cultures
suggesting far more than a purely subjective process of individual choice. Writing at the
end of the 19th Century Durkheim set out to explain the dizzying rise in suicide rates and
their distinctive patterns that accompanied industrialization in France. Some trends he
identified remain similar even over a century later, such as the higher rate among males
than females (despite dramatic changes in their social positions). But much has also
changed since Durkheim’s time and this topic provides an opportunity to consider the
extent to which classic studies about the impact of the forces of modernity upon the
individual remain relevant today. One striking trend is that it was the middle class that
were more vulnerable to suicide in Durkheim’s time as it appeared that ‘poverty tended to
protect’. But that trend seems to no longer be the case today in Western societies.

Required Seminar Reading (1 items)

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012
Book | Core (Must Read) | ‘Individuality in Social Context: the Strange Case of suicide’
Chapter 1, The Sociological Imagination pp 6-8

Further Reading (7 items)

Suicide The Hidden Side of Modernity - Roger Establet Christian Baudelot
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

01/10/24 Fundamentals of Sociology | University of Kent

Suicide: a study in sociology - E. Durkheim, George Simpson, 1952

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

The Sociology of Suicide - Matt Wray, Cynthia Colen, Bernice Pescosolido, 2011-08-11
Article | Recommended (Should Read)

Suicide: a European perspective - Nils Retterstøl, 1993

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Suicide -
, c2008
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Suicide - J P. Gibbs, 1968

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Suicide: the ultimate rejection?: a psycho-social study - Colin Pritchard, 1995

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

3: Social Life in Industrial Societies (9 items)

Social life was transformed by industrialisation and in many ways the sociological project is
still attempting to understand the impact of these changes. The transition from traditional
to industrial societies witnesses the rise of large urban centres and the concentration of
work in factories, mills and other new workplaces. Industrialisation created new forms of
social relationships and especially class divisions as a result of large scale organisations
needed by the new capitalist economy. This session will look at questions of the greater
division of labour, rationalisation of work and the attachment workers had with their
co-workers and the jobs.

Required Seminar Reading (3 items)

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012
Book | Core (Must Read) | E-Book ch.15

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | E-Book chapter 15

Sociology: a global introduction - Macionis, John J., Plummer, Kenneth, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | ch.15

Further Reading (6 items)

The politics of working life - Paul Edwards, Judy Wajcman, 2005
Book | Background (Could Read) | Chapter 1

01/10/24 Fundamentals of Sociology | University of Kent

The sociology of work: continuity and change in paid and unpaid work - Stephen Edgell,
Book | Background (Could Read) | Chapter 1.

The thought of work - John W. Budd, 2011

Book | Background (Could Read) | Introduction

Keywords: a vocabulary of culture and society - Raymond Williams, 1988

Book | Background (Could Read) | ‘Work’

Capital - Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Samuel Moore, Edward B. Aveling, 1974
Book | Background (Could Read) | Volume 1 especially chapters 10, 14 and 15

Work and society: sociological approaches, themes and methods - Tim Strangleman,
Tracey Warren, 2008
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

On the Web
Guardian newspaper article with useful links
LSE article on Social Mobility

House of Commons Health Committee Report on Health Inequalities
Child Poverty Action Group Facts & Figures
Institute for Fiscal Studies Report on Living Standards, Poverty and Inequality in the UK
WHO 2008 Report by Commission on Social Determinants of Health

4. Social Life in Divided and Unequal Societies (13 items)

We are living through the most socially divided period of world history for which we have
record and the United Kingdom is one of the most economically and socially unequal
societies in Europe. The social class position into which we are born exerts a heavy
influence over the quality of our health (both physical and mental), levels of educational
attainment and employment prospects. Many studies suggest that there are also very low
levels of social mobility in the UK, which suggests that there is very little that individuals
can to change their socio-economic circumstances and life chances. For these reasons, the
study of “social class” and systems of “social stratification” is a central sociological
concern. This lecture is designed to introduce students to sociological traditions of class
analysis as well as some of the key facts about the experience of inequality in the UK. It
also offers outlines some of the ways in which global inequalities are measured and

Required Seminar Reading (1 items)

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012

01/10/24 Fundamentals of Sociology | University of Kent

Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapters 8, 9 & 10

Further Reading (12 items)

Sociology - Anthony Giddens, Philip W. Sutton, 2013
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Class and Status: The Conceptual Distinction and its Empirical Relevance - T. W. Chan, J. H.
Goldthorpe, 2007-08-01
Article | Recommended (Should Read)

A New Model of Social Class? Findings from the BBC's Great British Class Survey
Experiment - M. Savage, F. Devine, N. Cunningham, M. Taylor, Y. Li, J. Hjellbrekke, B. Le
Roux, S. Friedman, A. Miles, 2013-04-01
Article | Recommended (Should Read)

Health inequality: an introduction to theories, concepts, and methods - Mel Bartley, 2004
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Class and stratification: an introduction to current debates - Rosemary Crompton, 1998

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Injustice: why social inequality persists - Daniel Dorling, 2011

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Chavs: the demonization of the working class - Owen Jones, 2012

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Inequality: Causes and Consequences - Kathryn M. Neckerman, Florencia Torche, 2007-08

Article | Recommended (Should Read)

Understanding health inequalities - Hilary Graham, 2000

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Health inequalities: lifecourse approaches - George Davey Smith, 2003

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Globalization and inequalities: complexity and contested modernities - Sylvia Walby, 2009
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

The spirit level: why equality is better for everyone - Richard G. Wilkinson, Kate Pickett,
Book | Recommended (Should Read)


6. An Introduction to Identity (8 items)

A sociological approach to self and identity begins with the assumption that there is a
reciprocal relationship between the self and society. The self influences society through

01/10/24 Fundamentals of Sociology | University of Kent

the actions of individuals thereby creating groups, organizations, networks, and

institutions. And, reciprocally, society influences the self through its shared language and
meanings that enable a person to take the role of the other, engage in social interaction,
and reflect upon oneself as an object. The latter process of reflexivity constitutes the core
of selfhood. In this lecture we will use some contemporary examples of national identity to
explore how sociology understands the making of who and what we are. This class will
explore what “social identity” can be, where social identities might come from, and how
they influence individuals, groups and large communities. British national identity provides
a timely example for these questions, as it is related to current debates on Scottish
national identity and Britain’s relationship with the rest of Europe.

Required Reading (2 items)

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012
Book | Core (Must Read)

National identity - Exploring Britishness - Kiss, Zsolt, Alison Park

Chapter | Core (Must Read)

Recommended Reading (6 items)

National identity and vernacular mobilisation in Europe - ANTHONY D. SMITH, 2011-04
Article | Recommended (Should Read) | first 10 pages

Birth, blood and belonging: identity claims in post-devolution Scotland1 - Richard Kiely,
Frank Bechhofer, David McCrone, 2005-03-02
Article | Recommended (Should Read)

National Identity and Support for the Welfare State - Richard Johnston, Keith Banting, Will
Kymlicka, Stuart Soroka, 2010-6
Article | Recommended (Should Read)

Are there Good and Bad Nationalisms? - David Brown, 1999-04

Article | Recommended (Should Read)

Three Faces of Identity - Timothy J. Owens, Dawn T. Robinson, Lynn Smith-Lovin, 2010-06
Article | Recommended (Should Read)

Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations - H Tajfel, 1982-01

Article | Recommended (Should Read)

7. Sociology of the Family (16 items)

The family remains at the centre of most people’s lives, but also a key social institution.
Far from being natural and unchanging today’s families continue to be shaped by changing
values and social and economic pressures. At least in many Western societies it has
become more diverse and less shaped by wider obligation. A particular focus will be
renewed concern that families without marriage appear less stable and even call into
question the families future. Many young people in Western urban centres now opt to live
as ‘singletons’ without any form of permanent relationship, let alone marriage. We will look

01/10/24 Fundamentals of Sociology | University of Kent

at the kinds of things that family sociologists look at today and how it’s changed from the
past. No longer so interested in the function of the family, today’s sociologists are more
interested in its ‘practices’ and how it manages to navigate often complex arrangements
and still remain a family.

Required Reading (1 items)

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012
Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapter 18

Recommended Reading (15 items)

Key concepts in family studies - Jane Ribbens McCarthy, Rosalind Edwards, 2011
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Families and Social Capital Research Group

Article | Recommended (Should Read)

The sociology of the family: a reader - Graham Allan, 1999

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Families, households, and society - Graham Allan, Graham Crow, 2001

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Gender, family and society - Faith Robertson Elliot, Jo Campling, 1996

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

The family in question: changing households and familiar ideologies - Diana Gittins, 1993
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Family connections: an introduction to family studies - D. H. J. Morgan, 1996

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

The anti-social family -

le Barrett, Mary McIntosh, 1991
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Seven years in the lives of British families: evidence on the dynamics of social change
from the British Household Panel Survey - Richard Berthoud, Jonathan Gershuny, British
Household Panel Survey, Institute for Social and Economic Research, 2000
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Analysing families: morality and rationality in policy and practice - Alan H. Carling, Simon
Duncan, Rosalind Edwards, 2002
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Gender and domestic life: changing practices in families and households - Tony Chapman,
2004 [ie. 2003
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

01/10/24 Fundamentals of Sociology | University of Kent

Young, free, and single?: twenty-somethings and household change - Sue Heath, Elizabeth
Cleaver, 2003
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Social identities across the life course - Jennifer Lorna Hockey, Allison James, 2003
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Age and generation in modern Britain - Jane Pilcher, 1995

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

The 'new' family? - Elizabeth Bortolaia Silva, Carol Smart, 1999

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

8. Social Life in Gendered Societies (18 items)

Gender is one of the major divisions in social life: it profoundly shapes who we fall in love
with, what kind of job we are likely to have, how we cut our hair and how much we earn.
The influence of gender on social is so every day that it can seem natural, yet sociologists
and feminists have firmly shown that gender is much more complex. This lecture explores
the ways in which sociologists have accounted for gender and gendered inequalities.

Required Seminar Reading (4 items)

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012
Book | Background (Could Read) | E-Book ch.12

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012

Book | Background (Could Read) | E-Book ch.12

Sociology: a global introduction - Macionis, John J., Plummer, Kenneth, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | ch.12

Gender - R. W. Connell, 2002

Book | Core (Must Read) | chapter 1

Further Reading (14 items)

Gender and power: society, the person and sexual politics - Connell, R W., 1987
Book | Background (Could Read)

Gender: in world perspective - Raewyn Connell, c2009

Book | Background (Could Read)

Reclaiming the F word: feminism today - Redfern, Catherine, Aune, Kristin, 2013
Book | Background (Could Read) | E-Book

How to be a woman - Moran, Caitlin, 2012

Book | Background (Could Read) | (A contemporary feminist biography)

Working conditions in the European Union: the gender perspective

01/10/24 Fundamentals of Sociology | University of Kent

Webpage | Background (Could Read)

Gender and power: society, the person and sexual politics - R W. Connell, 1987
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Reclaiming the F word: feminism today - Catherine Redfern, Kristin Aune, 2013
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

How to be a woman - Caitlin Moran, 2012

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Working conditions in the European Union - European Foundation for the Improvement of
Living and Working Conditions, 1997
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

The Second Sex (Vintage Classics) eBook: Simone de Beauvoir: Books - 5
Jun. 2014
Webpage | Recommended (Should Read)

The feminine mystique - Betty Friedan, 1970

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

The female eunuch - Germaine Greer, 1991

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

The beauty myth: how images of beauty are used against women - Naomi Wolf, 1991
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

The second shift: working families and the revolution at home - Arlie Russell Hochschild,
Anne Machung, 2012
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

9. The Medicalization of Society (10 items)

The advancement of modern medicine is essential to the ‘Project of Modernity’. Improved
sanitary conditions, prolonged average life expectancy and the increasing availability of
‘biomedical enhancements’ of the body have not only enhanced our life qualities, but also
fueled social and economic development. However, some argue that modern medicine not
only provides new cures to old diseases, but also ‘creates’ new types of illness which may
lead to excessive treatment. For example, some claim that ADHD seems to be the new
name for ‘a naughty child’, and an increasing number of people seem to turn to
antidepressants to deal with ‘normal sorrow’. This lecture explores how medical, social and
political influences shape our understanding of normality and our modern pursuance of
health. It focuses on the concept of ‘medicalization’ and investigates the process in which
certain physical or psychological conditions are being problematised as an ‘illness’ or
‘abnormality’ that requires interventions from health as well as social authorities.

Required Seminar reading (3 items)

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012
Book | Core (Must Read) | E-Book Chapter 21

01/10/24 Fundamentals of Sociology | University of Kent

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | E-Book Chapter 21

Sociology: a global introduction - Macionis, John J., Plummer, Kenneth, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapter 21

Further reading (7 items)

Self-Help Literature and the Making of an Illness Identity: The Case of Fibromyalgia
Syndrome (FMS) - Kristin Barker, 2002-08
Article | Background (Could Read)

Health - Mildred Blaxter, 2010

Book | Background (Could Read) | Chapter 1

The medicalization of society: on the transformation of human conditions into treatable

disorders - Peter Conrad, 2007
Book | Background (Could Read) | Chapter 1

Medicalization, Markets and Consumers - Peter Conrad, Valerie Leiter, 2004

Article | Background (Could Read)

The Social Construction of Illness: Key Insights and Policy Implications - P. Conrad, K. K.
Barker, 2010-11-01
Article | Background (Could Read)

Sociological approaches to health and medicine - Myfanwy Morgan, Michael Calnan, Nick P.
Manning, 1985
Book | Background (Could Read)

DISCIPLINING DOMESTICITY: Framing the ADHD Parent and Child - Adam Rafalovich,
Article | Background (Could Read)

10. Digital Culture and Power (14 items)

This lecture explores issues of sociality, participation and power in new media and digital
culture focusing on the concepts of ‘networked publics’ and ‘participatory culture’.
Attending to intersections of gender, race, sexuality and class, we will examine to what
extent various forms of digital culture have affected and transformed contemporary social
relations and modes of participation in culture and political life. We will also consider
some of the tensions between individual cultural participation and corporate media

Required Seminar Reading (1 items)

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012
Book | Core (Must Read)

01/10/24 Fundamentals of Sociology | University of Kent

Further Reading (13 items)

Race after the Internet - Lisa Nakamura, Peter Chow-White, 2012
Book | Recommended (Should Read) | White Flight in Networked Publics: How Race and
Class Shaped American Teen Engagement in MySpace and Facebook

Spreadable media: creating value and meaning in a networked culture - Henry Jenkins,
Sam Ford, Joshua Green, 2013
Book | Recommended (Should Read) | Introduction

It's complicated: the social lives of networked teens - danah boyd, 2014
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

New media: an introduction - Terry Flew, 2005

Book | Recommended (Should Read) | pages 1-17

Cultural studies: the basics - Jeff Lewis, 2008

Book | Recommended (Should Read) | Chapter 11: New Media Cultures’

Digital media and society: an introduction - Adrian Athique, 2013

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

New media: a critical introduction - Martin Lister, 2009

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

The cybercultures reader - David Bell, Barbara M. Kennedy, 2007

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Understanding digital culture - Vincent Miller, 2011

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Reading digital culture - David Trend, 2001

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Creating second lives: community, identity, and spatiality as constructions of the virtual -
Astrid Ensslin, Eben J. Muse, 2011
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Digital sociology: critical perspectives - 2013

Book | Recommended (Should Read) | Chapter 1

A networked self: identity, community and culture on social network sites - Zizi
Papacharissi, 2011
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

11. Sociology in a Scientific World (11 items)

In 2009, the UK’s Royal Academy of Engineering envisioned the dawn of a ‘new industrial
revolution’, in which emerging sciences (e.g. synthetic biology and nanotechnology)
deliver an unrivalled set of technological solutions to a wide range of social issues. Yet
scientific advancement may also prompt new phenomena and impel social changes in

01/10/24 Fundamentals of Sociology | University of Kent

unexpected ways. For example, the growing community of ‘biopunks’, which refer to
individuals purchasing DNA sequencing equipment from eBay and conducting genetic
experiments at home; or, the rise of ‘Hackerville’, a remote town in Romania nicknamed
for its home as a global cybercrime hotspot.
This lecture takes a sociological perspective in mapping out the main debates of modern
science and technology and their impact on everyday life. It highlights the value of
empirical research in the development of a social understanding of science and explores
arguments made by both science and social science communities. It invites students to
reflect on the mutual influence science and society have on each other, and the ways in
which social sciences can be constructive in understanding and steering scientific

Required Seminar Reading (3 items)

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012
Book | Core (Must Read) | E-Book ch.23

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | E-Book ch.23

Sociology: a global introduction - Macionis, John J., Plummer, Kenneth, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapter 23

Further Reading (8 items)

Global issues: Make social sciences relevant - Luk Van Langenhove, 2012-4-25
Article | Recommended (Should Read)

Living in the world risk society - Ulrich Beck, 2006-08


Biology is technology: the promise, peril, and new business of engineering life - Robert H.
Carlson, 2011
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Human futures: art in an age of uncertainty - 2008

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

CyberSociety 2.0: revisiting computer-mediated communication and community - Steve

Jones, 1998
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

What technology wants - Kevin Kelly, Penguin Books

Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Biological Citizenship - N Rose, C Novas

Chapter | Recommended (Should Read)

The two cultures - C. P. Snow, American Council of Learned Societies, 2008, c1998
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

01/10/24 Fundamentals of Sociology | University of Kent

12: Beyond a Eurocentric Sociology (10 items)

Required Seminar Reading (4 items)

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012
Book | Core (Must Read) | E-Book ch.2

Sociology: a global introduction - John J. Macionis, Kenneth Plummer, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | E-Book ch.2

Sociology: a global introduction - Macionis, John J., Plummer, Kenneth, 2012

Book | Core (Must Read) | ch.2

Rethinking modernity: postcolonialism and the sociological imagination - 1974- Bhambra,

Gurminder K., 2007
Book | Core (Must Read) | ch.3

Further Reading (6 items)

Varieties of second modernity: the cosmopolitan turn in social and political theory and
research - Ulrich Beck, Edgar Grande, 2010-09-14
Article | Background (Could Read)

Stark Realities and Eurocentric/Androcentric Bias in the Sociology of Religion - Michael P.

Carroll, 1996-23
Article | Background (Could Read)

TOWARD A GLOBAL SOCIOLOGY?. Evaluating Current Conceptions, Methods, and Practices

- William G. Martin, Mark Beittel, 1998-01
Article | Background (Could Read)

Sociology, Eurocentrism and Postcolonial Theory - G. McLennan, 2003-02-01

Article | Background (Could Read)

Modernity: a non-European conceptualization - Nicos Mouzelis, 1999-03

Article | Background (Could Read)

Future of Sociology in South Asia: Challenges and Prospects - Chandan Sengupta, 1997
Article | Background (Could Read)

Appendix: Advice on Taking Notes and Essay Writing (10 items)

Good essay writing is an acquired skill. In order to do well on this course you should make
every effort to learn this skill. The highest marks will be awarded to those who write their
essays as a sociologically informed argument. There are a number of publications that are
designed to help you achieve this:

Successful study for degrees - Barnes, Rob, 1992


01/10/24 Fundamentals of Sociology | University of Kent

How to argue - Bonnett, Alastair, 2011


How to study: a practical guide - Casey, Francis, 1985


How to write about the social sciences - Cuba, Lee J., Cocking, John, Cuba, Lee J., 1997

Studying for a degree in the humanities and social sciences - Dunleavy, Patrick, 1986

How to write essays - Lewis, Roger, National Extension College, c1993


The good study guide - Northedge, Andrew, 2005


How to think like a social scientist - Pettigrew, Thomas F., c1996


Argument and evidence: critical analysis for the social sciences - Phelan, Peter, Reynolds,
Peter J., 1996

Critical reasoning: a practical introduction - Thomson, Anne, 1996



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