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Summary Sheet

Getting Started
The aim of this programme is to support you to better understand your moods, anxiety and
depression, as well as make some positive changes for yourself in managing your mood and your

This programme is based on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).

How we feel (our moods), the thoughts we have, what we do, and the physical feelings in our
body are all linked and can be represented by the cycle below:

Mood difficulties occur when lots of negative or unhelpful cycles occur over and over again.
The basic idea of CBT is that you can change how you feel (your mood) by changing
what you do (actions and inactions) and how you think (your thoughts).
Anxiety and depression are not simply feelings or moods. Anxiety and depression are
characterised by changes in mood, physical reactions, thinking patterns, and behaviour:

© SilverCloud Health 2017

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