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Hang-Time Awesome Good Good Enough Not good enough Come to tutorial

Poster Rubric 5 4 3 2 1

Procedure and There are at least two There are at least two There are at least two Theres is at least one There is a picture
set-up pictures showing both pictures showing pictures showing picture
students collecting their students collecting their students collecting their Each picture has 1 of 3:
data. Each picture has: data. Each picture has: data. ● Figure number
● Figure number ● Figure number Each picture has 2 of 3: ● Title
● Title ● Title ● Figure number ● Description
● Description ● Description ● Title
Picture descriptions Picture descriptions ● Description
concisely share the share the process of
process of collecting the collecting the data

Graph Data for each student is Time in the air is Time in the air is There is an incorrect There is data
shared graphed for each graphed for each graph
● Time in air student and the world student or
● Height jumped record there is data with no
Time in the air is correctly graph
formatted and graphed for
each student and the
world record

Analysis and There is a clear tracking of There is a clear tracking Equation used is shared There is an equation There is a conclusion
Conclusions the equation used and of the equation used. Conclusions include the Conclusion includes
then solved for each Conclusions include the data for hang-time and data
student that includes all data for hang-time and a statement about how
the steps for calculation. a correct statement accurate the data is for
Conclusions include the about how accurate the each student.
data for hang-time and a data is for each student.
clear, correct, and concise
statement about how
accurate the data is for
each student.
Formatting Poster has three clear Poster has a title, Poster has three Poster has three Poster does not have 3
columns authors, and institution columns columns columns
With a Poster Title, Names And or or
of students, and the Name Poster has three clear Most sections are Most sections are Less than half the
and address of the column and usually present present sections are present
institution. The Poster progresses correctly
progresses correctly from
Introduction to objective to All sections are present
materials to procedure to
data to analysis to
conclusion to
acknowledgements and
works cited

Structure There is a balance There is a clear attempt There are pictures and There are pictures and There is a poster
between pictures and at balance between words, most graphs and words
words, all graphs and pictures and words, all figures are clearly Large parts of the
figures are clearly labeled graphs and figures are labeled Parts of the poster are poster are illegible
Poster has excellent clearly labeled illegible
contrast Poster has good Most of the poster has
Poster has a clear flow contrast good contrast and flow
Poster has a flow

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