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DNV CERTIFICATION OF MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS ‘Short Form Agreement ("Agreement") Section |- Cover letter Customer’ Legal entity Logal entity VAT no: Contact porson: Yurika Anggraini Business addess: Jl, Kerapu No. 87 Batu Ampar Batam - Indonesia. PT. Feen Marine Is purchase order no. required to process invoice: DNV Doc No: ‘SFA-A1456981 10550207, ‘ Gedung Dana Graha Lt. 06 # 6048 Batam 29444 Indonesia TLNo_Bi.Yes: P.0. no: FMZ00 Customer noi): Phoneimait Invoicing address: "DNV" Legal enti PT DENVEGRAHA Legal entity VAT no: 01.610.722.8-225,001 DNV orderno: 1456961 Contact person: Arius Wintoro Phoneimail ‘Arius. Business address: ‘Adhya Building, 3rd Floor Bukit Indah Sukajadi 29462 Batam Workiproject Project name: Commencement date: 2023-11-28 Work location: ‘According to survey request Applicable rules a Form sade: AGR 301 ul. Jendral Sudirman, Komp. Permata Niaga Blok A No. + Cortitication of 1 x Inert Gas Nitrogen Generator - PSA System. DNV-RU-SHIP :Rules for classification: Ships (2022-07) Contract end date: 2024.05.23, Project number 1456981 (if applicable) Page 10090 DNV Doc No: SFA-A1456981 DNV ‘Scope of Work (the Work) Geeifcation of Control & Monitoring System 1 x hert Gas Nivogen Generator - PSA System Serial number: FM200 Deliverable type: Certicate Deliverable doc number Vessel: 44597 Yard: Y2J2016-2081 - Jiangsu Yanga-MITSUI Shipbulding Co., Ls ‘According to: DNV-RU-SHIP :Rules for classification: Ships (2082-07) Asbestos ‘The undersigned customer representative confitms to be duly authorised by the company requesting afore stated services to make the folowing declaration: ‘The undersigned customer representative deciares that any products requested to be certified under this agreement will be tree from asbestos’ when delivered by the compary. Further tne undersigned customer representative declares that written procedures for purchasing and controling the ‘supply of asbestos free materials and components, for any kind of equipment, component or spare, are estabished, ‘Those procedures contain - as a minimum — supplier evaluation and selection methods, asbestos free verifcaton practices for supplied products and instructions forthe issuance of asbestos-ree declarations as supporting ‘documentation. ‘This declaration is based upon the following requirements and procedures: : SOLAS Reguition I-35, New installation of Asbestos IMO MSC.1/Ci¥e.1379 180 9001 IMO MSC.1/Cire.1426 Resolution MEPC.269(68) - 2015 Guidelines for the Development of the Inventory of Hazerdous Materials ‘The company’s other relevant procedures, if any (as listed under paragraph "Special conditions” and. added as attachments) Remuneration, terms of invoicing, costs/expenses [A Survey Fee for witness hydrotest, expenses and addlional cost, Based on the folowing ondiione: + Survey fee : IDR15,000,000.-(hycrotest independent tanks ~ FM200). Ths fee is valid for one survey visit, exclude travel expenses. + Travel expenses within Batam at IDR,500,000~vsit + Survey Fees, covering survey preparation, witness test and review manufacturer documentations and issuance of deliverables (ONV Survey Report) B . Certification Survey Fee (Control & Monitoring System), expenses, addtional cost, terms and condition. + Survey foe : IDR 31,000,000.- (for each 1 (one) systom). This feo is valid for ono survey visit, exclude travel expenses. + Travel expenses within Batam at IDR1,500,000.-Wisit + Survey Fees, covering survey preparation and review of project documentations, witness of testing and issuance of dolverables (BNV Product Gertcate) + Survey curing normal afte hours Monday to Friday 08:00 ~ 17:00. + Location: PT. Feen Marine Batam, Indonesia, + In case additional attandance duo to any rejection or re-inspection, wil be additionally charge based on hourly rato of IDR7,700,000./hour (min. 3 hoursivisit) and travel expenses IDF1,500,000.-Visit. + Overtime Rate: will be charged at IDA2,550,000.~Ihour, applicable on outside normal working hours inclucing, ‘Saturday, Sunday & public holiday and travel expenses IDR,500,000.- visit Payment Terms : 100% Contractual fee will be invoiced upon signing of Short Form Agreement. esrdng he UN ecormendaon ‘Goal Harnonan Sse of CastesonansLakting Choc GH)”afote by Uta Nan zon and Soca Casas Sun Covmies Epes ore Gay Hamonres Sy Carat anal Chomeas UNSCEGHS) he (teu Connie a Exper 202 pushes 209) cwcrogens mares coud be Caleguy 1A cig asso me) unde he GPS oe ‘Sedo te abies cooropened rier hand oer Ti pan Hs ate abn tl acd scapes DNV DocNo: SFA-A1456981 DNV Deliverables (tick as appropriate} & Centiicate B otter Product Certficata for Control & Monitoring System ‘Survay Report for witness hystetest of independent tanks Special conditions ‘Ts agreomen shal consist: ecto Cove ter, Section I - Gana Terms and Coneens. he appoabl atschents ane the apptcabe DNV Fes, whe together corte Pe regaedorre Agesant telwoen te Parse For MED caeatn the Apeoratadaonaly Relaes an ppisaton Form an he MED Cerseaton Gudainespinhes or warn aom, To sao aoa secures ne Ages sh be epee ne agreement ain case of any argilies of enacton bewach he varous Soca. he Soca ran ae recover itoe hore: te Gover Later, Gorral Tons ard Gordon, ay atachmons and Ye eplcale DNV Puls, excet toca equrerers wore he DNV ues oh tke srecaserce Hower ere a mower: Peracel Sones Agree a talito nasa betvoen ro Pro. sch apron ‘Sra remain nfl tes and atet ane tpulaons el he sare set superaede ar Conraccing es nh above marines decimant. Ay es frdcovdion loge in prthace ores, ancard ero ema om he Curt chal De Seopa and ot oc the fre Ps Asan ‘tani god oy bon Partor_ Ary sinh Casiamare prea rr habe deored oovan or mcg pupceeeny. The Agari ay oly be ered nr beeen ne Pare, Shuts ay prorson ots Agreement be Nes oe wal oY Uehtceabe sh sal et tet he vay oF forte of awe pao rovsn of tis Agree Such proven shal be anereds fhe eres necesay toma tepals val and ferns, wie Heong sre ara esa posi ‘ee Sgn! org and pry Ne ponisan Te Normans mae plata ‘ne erga reach Pay nesta Serves sas conerence betes Arenas xeetes, Pe he Paes apes he Servees Sal ‘ovorod ty the prover Aone. Pace: brian, mes ae eee Date: you 27/9% Date: 2029-11-24 Pe. Prrbewe"s Cw) Bet a oe ‘Arius Wintoro: (Name and Title in capital letters) Principal Surveyor / Team Leader NB&CMC Maritime Indonesia QE pease Ferme NGR OT Rens BReoT vam Foye 3a DNV Section Il - General Terms and Conditions 4 Definitions and Canara 1.4 Inte Agreement the lowing dened tere sop “Aa” shal ean ay usc pare’ company, timate ‘oting company oa oda of ich pret or winats owing corpany. and ary branch bea ce. ca! ‘eprosentatve oar saat. Fr these fi ‘inion, "pret company" a “sbedary” eal ave the ‘earng slg tat unde fe Nxwagan Private Ute asi Compas fet are 32 era) “Aapoomant shal mean te arent entered ito between he steer and OW icudng tees General Teme an Cnetone arth ONY Fle anor ay eter antes or Sprensalandars The above ltscorumerts sa bo Intros a oro egrearonandin cso any amigos cr "Cnasesoe ere ne varve dorian ne sone ‘hat tae prececance the oer heya ned above excep. ‘ortocnica roqurereris whore fe ONV Pues salah peceaere: "Bast lorena nave the eame meaning asin UNIDROT Penapies ohrationaConercalConrac 2078 At 51.4 (2 name Tote ene at an sigan es Pary ivan hy ot"Bet Eons nineperermance lan acy. et Par ‘Sond omake such aos ox was be mace y @reaonante pertonal haganahdin te same oreunonanese “Cai ori shal mean any anal claims, esos (eluding pure esonorical outer demande tne, Loe ‘abies ogres. awa, prousoranjuncton,meaes, ‘obs, rages ures ce, gel ander expenses, (autes of aston whatsoever nate, ans nwhatover [ansdeon ne ragorg may aoe "Casiteaion’ salina eerie wien compra the Govespmert ane mantenance res, ane vncaton ct omplonce wth Pe ONV Fuse foughout Vessel andor Uns "Corsoquenal Lose shal nan ote aor dora ct proacten ost prosuty (asruptons) os f proc, Irtarpton or lous fuse, mass ovr, costo suse ‘awpmon dono ca eso o y Vesa or Un of lees ne, aso buses opporuies ard cana. so (oedwloes fat, eects or orapton ohare, cal rintomason, ror or sini enoadby nay stare 3 wate bugs, seve. rit raped pret ary), lessee arr tem taiesondemnton under ater conats ‘eon rmitonten cons sath ea whet dre! or nae fa ner er teases ale conmercaren he Senloes or far fms orate! conaauana ss, however sun may ae “Customer shal mean teeny wich ha eid ino be Agreement th ON: “Customer Grou” shal ean 1) the Gitomer ari tas 5) the Customers aar costars (the han ONY), uppers ere fubeonratr [tay so ae et respacive Ate; ¢) tomo enant te Soren alte to Vote or Unt. he Party ‘oni o bulla Vessel or Unt aeler he regstred owner Slr manage fhe Vso or Ut anor ay ther ‘Siganzaten slr eran who ner aanumed me respoibity ‘oranaration the Geral cr unt anno on assuming 2 ‘eeporty nas grec fk ovr he des ana. ‘etponetto rate isthe Vor or Ut sn 4) te specive dress, flees, managers egos, employees (clung agency peracona and epesonases ha pote ‘and antes mentone unde (and) ave 38 We 85 ‘Stor perso ree acing on thor bohal “Detverave" shal mean he cetverabes) which sta be ‘rv the Cutoma’ by ONY ascorng foe Agoomant: “DNV shal mean be ety win tne ONY Group wah which the Garomar nar eters ee Ages “ONY Group" ena mean 2) ON; ©) ONVAS an its Aas ©} DNV fer conan ups and sub-contract (ary fin an bee Aton ond 4) ‘tereepocive deo oes, manages, ages, employees Uineuang agony persrna and mprevnaneo 9 prsane ee 2a 25 DNV Doc No: SFA-A1456981 saerereceense a, yagia ine meatier SSmremime snes “pun men om norm Sores ioreiicames ‘plana ouch anne ot epics eet Siar pan tasers altro Sempre ea Stes tt nn requestor SS eens scepter ar ‘Seg rine bse ey Seinen ‘Sve See cot eet Sieber eaten wee" ieee age nes per momo srs Seater ey sae eed trtnsins Serer re etry cn sor cn pgm Specie seers carer Eixwian Sowraecmaee on cee eatect eee set Syusvanae nae peccne rane Soap conte veel tanta SeiaSeeaiahy tevgoremnee atheoke Seep meetatomgre eats Sebehcarpeon onto ata ianyieaee “may mamas nb erin ocoeae Se meneame Sere TU eras ae ersouemnom, see ec cora omit tn ana ne Serta cman comes Sacewasteonetri Cara Sea tne nappies raat Serenade enmsmentnen Setar coewrntcomaetntterann Seas rare cease Or a gine Tromeneanerajoan gerne Ppcroreereteur merece i Bec eta cn we Se spetetateetocaces SES ae Sere Sere aay Sees sngee teanctreeestyo ale eaetp bette een ams sonrevenernes omit Sates a tpg caso conae Ecce! ecm ore olen un Rigeislaemore rites ee, Sorcematterrseasoarae scene sce ran chee SOReR STS. tae renee teed aren meat, eect eben ames Sunitrmacnrcenn EERE ecien ae seman ene Semen ont yim Patera erm Sere soetereerce get eto ey Seamer caer areacoa seamen many ont Sot rea rn eaton Soo mie aera ae SEoouanstitceteer are es seve ieee ameerncehsoome SIS ees, Fa a TAT PaaS ar PaaS 26 32 33 a4 as a6 a7 38 DNV sing Bes Ets o restore sue dt tom DNV most recent ‘oak up copy. To th exten te Customer agonal the lat ordetcten dnt ON may anarge fe Custer Feasonaie ees retrton ast [ONY shal use Bes ors protean Gusto data are ‘her Canomer mate! tc ONY was grr sees fom aerecion wh he poremance othe Series part ‘rauiorsed ame Customer's General blgstions Ccusone agree al ONY poteenance othe Sense Fequras DW af as appicabe oe paeaaecess Tecvre rvrmetion requ the Serves, elysng bat at lite ioany aosomere, at, eo, egos, ase twannalogl, satware,harcwere,pysea ere, oon. ‘Savings and spodicators, gardens of whale sues \normaons proveednwitn,vrealy. pty or ‘Secroncaly ONY tal rave a Oho a a appicade conduct surveys al vert tee equpmert machinery ord ‘dite ana ether raven inemaioninparanm stay oF ‘mot asthe cae may be-Forts pups, Costar shat ‘ily manrer, wna conons, make ol acessaty ‘Srangemerte and prode ONY mh regoraby neces) ‘cores ome ate mersence fomaton ano aise Cota ‘rect acer oseh sopioabe, ness tis exc seed as pa ne Svcs 0 ent ‘Stereparcea oro, conisnces or omieacna In Intrratan poise by Sve Custre:Grup, he Caromer ie ‘ne egy, vraby nap, accuracy, comptes Se ‘ua uch nemaon nth peromane of he Sores. A Batoratieeproudod by DIV ae bac on he rforaten, {seurarision andor phyealtoma mace sess Custoet (Group w NV ‘cusomer repo for procuring the nceesry its Formation pov DNV arto keep ey orton proses o Bhi oth rovaon th Seren cad Estome"sne-trc at y oproce andute ‘Should the Customer ato prove ONY wih he equre acess reer at re age mes, ONY ray suspend he petormance ote Sevens pereing acess aor oc ot cesar irtormsion ONY Bhai have notaiy eos oreequmres fay such suspension arte Customer ibe ‘eoporabl or ON tes ard char reeanabe cos ni. ‘ipanaoe nore by ONY. Cusine confims hati fame wtn ane ncesands ne ‘equroments nib aplcabe DNV Puce, ereaiona ‘Gotvenene EU Aeguatone anal Flag Admnstaren or Sat Sie requrenersardettereandhdsapleabe ote ‘ajoarart snd ne Sere. Upon ON isuanca of ha aplealeDeverabl in accoeance ‘th Causa DNV ent etponb or raring te ite ‘nd vay ott ppeable Debra exampe feo ne ‘rocose of repr suvyein aorocanes win na Spica ONY sce as ohare erly grea in wit, Cust ‘esponstie regia bake te aes poe Gata ang sutwee. Custer sna use Best Erata prevent ‘se, Viney oe samage or orton acing OW (Groups compute” tyses ornate ning ONY patlemanae the Eoroce ‘Te Cusomer sal nsarty DNV for Cals causoaby Cstanarknenngy aabatng wongtal ot misesing ‘nermaion ‘Services delivered dig andr remotely Int evertrt DNV, naceerdere wn Cause 2 above, oom sutabletopartom he Services or pas heeding ‘Sgt! tecmolagy soc ae areal tnene, yon. ata Seams cue. snare harare eo mages er thse ‘Sptaly or rence athe case maybe the gta ‘Tesinduyr each Party sal cove sow ering om Ineanneton wth ienang and se ofthe greed Dg! "Testun the purges ! he Sarvees an ech Par sha ian asin he Seenes ar carson noses) or ‘otal Tozmocay. "conan te pincile set outin Cause 41, agreed tat DAV sal sll prove ne Dig Tachnaogy ihe prpor ot ‘ha Serwoas ne ont sal poy » ° a 4 43 5 DNV DocNo: — SFA-A1456981 customers orntesa tered ron ranserbe nan esc, ‘anion he aptowd Dial Tacclgy fore sow purpose a ‘raking ONV ts parm ne Sane oe appeable par Teveol comerer sal ene ard uve he Digi Tecnoloayl Une ote ares, ne cratn of the leone oe sal be lente othe evox ocersry for NV ipso ba Sewer: ‘Acondons warranties, ts, repeeserttos an Uraerakngs oxecs oped eatng fo fac or cuose, Slslecury autty, eoresoraence wih earies od deestin risers, dei snd werimarsnp ae exces The warantes and emesis ooo nhs Aprons ao cave ani ee ers. rato exes, pli Ssaflry egal reade, WV makes no her ‘eprconiiors wararie or naamnes whale xpos, Ineo tio rekaing buna inte oe peo werent of motcharibl ag Ties ora perce’ purpose me To Dia Toshrlegy i ceed encanta. Al Yeh ‘Me ant nteretn te he pial Teemeloy esa ‘mera al apalcae rash patos, copies, ‘Tadomare anda sce lectus Pope Ws other ‘rosityrghts, any coy opr reo relag at Iroieatons,caiorzaions, bl fe, update Fy cer ‘grams or meteal develope caring he proms a ery Eatierance servos or shew prota by ONY not {TanserfoGusone’ ara sal rena sale wth DNV os anges. Tne Digi Techrelogy proved havunao’ ‘ramet to ONY, ane Cosertar agrees to be Dama and Soiere ne poptoty rare eed DR 00s not warrant ta te provsion he dita tre ‘Srvces mille rirtemgtedorwrhout pbiems uo ar (auted by acca sues Vina Vaneabity, uno Data Tecelegy oF eval, conpateey or eaepaaton of {he Customer o ha te ures cnianed nthe Opt ‘Tesogy wil mee Custom esate. Deiverabias DAW shal upon conplten ote rlavant Bowie issue he Behera, proses amare ONVin bee prsasional (Sector is et ne appa requremnt ate sated ‘Stnjectto evant cnaons, ante ace te Any arteaton el sorority nth ON Flee ortnrar ee ‘Sustrraplone ie conmauon ease ae van ne Doheabe Int aterse apees he Deere woe esos ‘Sptay ony. The aga versen ol edgy eg Oats ‘eprectni he orga ote Onis sn ny paper vrs DAV may winx plead to any ether ris aalabie 9 DNV, ‘any te ool, sspone, wihmol witwtaw aio osaue ay Beta wi mete ees anrtapand sr tra 7) ‘ese oUt torn case ar stoped ir pertomance ‘ha Seven ONVE eal proloationl apna ‘Gastomer al provide any neces normaton or cumertaton orto pupoted manianing ne Delorble ‘rotors or ‘Customer ‘als comin due ime wi cantons oF ‘revutonsiesvod ONY: oF ‘stoner as pay any es ox oer sums oto DAY: or ‘any revamcierepance,eorsoromssons inte tae fo eDelvenbiess detects: ‘Gastar misgeesrts ONV's Laas nate, dada Betveratic or whch such nee or vacemre sued or ie ONY ules adr ne ls applet Sautry ‘Contoston rie ais for, Ha Detvaabieiaectoa, uspendd, wide witrann by DAV in acrorderen tn Cine 5 20r 198. tne Cisne sree icimmedate sop using or Gay Me Detvesble castor! thal eau that a eparies ate rnecaiey red are irevocted cease ung ane Gepayng tbe Deora ‘ay duper erro delet the Devarble wit be rected {7 DN wn Tensor pros ote mt DNV ele coe Dove eal er er dae! sot atria Customer Eunoma: Gre and ONV ie notes! eis eer delete ‘thn weve man ater delvery er came fhe Serves. ‘incnever ours tat Provided ta DNV rctleton oro Daormanceeconoara er hal bene rome or Elmina detec Gamat Heath, Sally and Envronment (HSE) 82 24 DNV nenave ONVsparormance fhe Sanices iiss vist tor vert on Gusta Group sate estes ose. Casomer ‘expanable othe adequacy. sally, sly ancepl ‘Corps ofthe wong erormarneodg resonate ‘eats to mats ” corto eleva sks ONV re favor eentlea to retae toca autany act of vl any re rte, #08 ort persoma a ok risen ‘onscreen aoe unncceprate ont ace te ‘oaveseee, corned or newce mbgatd: DV shal Pave no ‘Shy sea conamnucreno any tu dain arte Case ‘upenees soresby DNV. Varaions to the Services ‘custome ayn wring request OV 0 pron asia ‘eszonaiy sie sevne unde ie Agron ONY sal rc [eebigedoaxeane ary varabone url he consquerees To varaionnasboonaprood mwiig, as an arena is ereemer “Taxes and Remuneration Excess roid fr ini Clause 8 each Pars responsive {or end i fcay any tax, ty cr snl goverment charge Teed or mpontd onary tery het Pay Poo, ee, te or muraraion ‘Consceration) af excuse any form otek taxes, lv ced tx goose ane sovioes {rarer ry ober smi foes irre Ta reg ay {ppleabl suhegee ndos Tare booms apleabe on {Sores ences nce’ hs erent Gustemor en ‘ay such net Tain oan othe Geir oe. ‘Sette rec Tax at owed by He Casomer(evoreo tage broad). “Tra Conederaton as not neue: thing ice other smi govern sharsce [otang Tax). ncudrg ay eplemle sroares. nsuen face ne povsare niniee slow api: ronetunatlcrntscoverate iret Te rng rom ONY's page ef eatcae rm gner sompence nina ORV Gea fot {he puposo ete Soveos (Supercar Tax Coe), ‘Suh Subcontractor Inarct Tex Cs! wil be charged he {stomer nadstan othe Conteraton and ray nereaoe ne mmentanedin 22 and (e) abo, rato te eet Caer mus ect Wetrodng Tax tecrdng olan uate haley he coat ts. ‘maid Tat ONV een ntresee na Conherason, xia tn amount ceive by DNY ors Gana ena wat ‘rou have breed nad na Wiig Tax bos eid. ‘tomate mo such reas hasbeen made ors irsoion. anda Withling Tax eves, DNV ened Ireoes an sadiee! amoum heeded te reset he anton Cusine sta as ex as pcesbe anda alates oro ‘rang payment term GNV shed ary Wig ax nd theses of 27 toma procaueesuteg a autereaiontoake a payer winout orb aredueed ‘Wtpotdng Tax. Gunma’ and DN shal co pe't, in ‘omptingay pros fomaline necseay tore Customes teeta autoratontorake payment without or Wh aecucoe simclang ‘Cutomar sha idemty and hes ON names tr ary ns Sanaa eeponebity orsumeaund ote dus sing tt ‘he non payment ste peymen er payment to anon conpetet {xauhorty or govermetal bog fay Wihholang Tax oF ‘loos payne suri te Coton Witton day of paying tha Winolng Tax or mating any ‘hor pyre request canracson hha wage ‘Casmar sal aoe" a DN an ca eco or oer evsence ‘asonatyeistaeny te DNV et paymarthae been rege 2 {hecarpso ax authrty of ay afer competent goverment ‘ooy ONV hal eooperate wih ie Cstome” and shal une rts acto DY. easing rund ie corey where ne Wienges {owing rom the Customers payment suc tax In ase 2 Eisner (Cuter shal tect payment a grand nthe Agents [ONV,oarestr egal eety inn the ONY Group speniog 35 payee ene inv for ne Sere, neuSng any varios, aati on pw tcownn ty Saye 92 92 sa DNV Doc No: SFA-A1A56981 ‘ences pees by OW sta be vies aozrtane wh {betas ofOWV oc on bal ote pce aus ta ar or [Shuasin ne Agreeneninseston hurts Yat ley ‘Sheed cervse ORV wl chase ay ox expenses neured ‘conoctan wit cance enone (9 avling her ‘coerees iedet Tare) Cmsorarsoepisinuooae sent slcrone mare in ‘Scorcncs win te nomaton provided by Casioner. Soul Sich anv alo ret Onomors reqtement ard reeds {eke reaind deo react anaemic riaton ‘orcadte ONY by Cusoner, hen ONY stl be enles'o harp a reazonale handing ie. ‘Adonai expenses whic ae ncued by ONY in comection ‘tne gertmarce ole Seweas rata whch ON Tewpostie, or stare, ent too organ on he Bato fe Cure! oof epeton ot Usucca ests ad feratna spe be charges separ aie especie inert cost ees motets) egees chee. Incase ate payments, NV i ete (charge ate yest terest accor tone apaeale aw tis Reteeent 98% par annum pron. cher he Ngner ‘hae upd any pa lhe Senices an feta, ‘orl aubpend wth wing ay Datverabe hn esect al oustanding payers wht ood onl arr a of Shocretebushact roatoneip win be Cstonar Goon Iparape by he Gamer are aed arr ternal be ‘erat ssercancs wth Case 19510), No cepts ang btwoon DNY an the Caomer shal ier wy pont payment of maces by the Csr. Te CGistomershal hare ho a's sto ay sue ncn ss Irrocpetstountorcame, unese such cororsar ie Uhdsped oh been al adsl vpnby auth scorarca wth Gauze 2 Consiseray Each Pay 2 recent ageasto Keep content any iteration’ cores fo etter Prt as daca Par recourse re heer! ens acy ceased the ‘iscoug ary atte te of acento be ronson ot ovvoptetey The rcbien sha eat auc ened Itematon wah reasonable cae an aignie ret esata { secoeng ho parce wnt he dle Pre prot Sito coment preg nenever tht ea Party ay share eeniometon ath te Ate anther oer myeos or Diloscora anor are suber: contcotaiy oa Fettctng he panepes Pere “Tye obigatons so oxhin Cus 81 sala aot any Iaenaton wc: or bacomes inown othe “eset rom 8 tha pany witout ny consgartalyoblgatants ne esenn Parr (sor ecanes gereay araledein te ite conan froups ro or alr fone pro he ecpet hs been cevsened by to recpiert ncepedonty Hom hs oveovant ii autos be dasone sy sanpetnt aun goverment agony. Sel Sn Fag harron ot Sih tavant publ une naccordnce wth appeal four oer rate publ refutes ba Vesel Uta deccsed by ONV ts rpatees ame acer Uta cing company andlor anya te sures Tepecertates wi dacsed nie nth epasios he InleratoralAssoistoncl Cissenton Soemtes (ASS, Custer acoowleges a ON sound an oblgaton fue rlmon’ pie stories 0. Pag Amnesia Shall Siac ana Commi or yon sng on arb, ‘sccessto vernon nacorcaee wh apples equations, Exntomer shal ve ues aoe in ast aut Sear ray eed wpe oes Unte ee “Te oblgaions in i seen sha suv he compltan othe Sevices a ternhaion he Agesment en shal an for sr iog ah rlvatfomatinrmane conn Aasigment and Subcontracting Tis Ageern: icing any Doiveatie sued a aut avo or rng nerator Selsve fr the Cotomer nonghis (rely Scrogson obit, mest com Bett tal tanto ey ete ia pay what he rer ton conanterONV. Gustamari akanflos oro any repay ary igre of se in espect oar Detverante what Tre conaet ot ONY. (RV may as dlctetonsabontac pars of of ne whole ne ‘Sorwea cay eter compary wih he ONV Group. Tho ONY a Paar car DNV Groin sal nave na bento! ansenal be aie terre ‘pare’ be Cstome he iis, excaire, raion ay “nsraornie sat ou nthe Noroemert 11 Intetectsa Property Rights 11.1 Frthe purpose otis Ageament each Pay sal aman he {3e ear of any oe elena propery agi thereto ‘cng pror iota ala! ns Apeamer ana escape a8 ‘roi ent ot nthe Aareone'naring heen sal ny ary ‘ror garth any ch ca propery oN 11.2 Customer shal hala mites, tl analy ros Sean o (eine Detveratis or eres te Serves er aneod (rovdnay purpose eluding tego use ay Dalvie ‘Stcorarce wh he sepa rarest. 1.8. Sujet athe condor ablgsten set ut Ciao 9 above, a reiectual propery gs ne norton a ta ‘ele conection ih ts Agee aha vet MONY. 10 teal, DNV ehal hls re copy the Dalraie 11.4 Ean Paty warn tat eld al recssany ris ole ‘rdiiorraton sunset urpasect he Series O° ‘thers pat of asent lt ablations unde the Seyeament Each Paty shal nary ac hte oe: Pty False fom ay Caen esting rom ary hermgement of Bs Barras caused by tw afer Pay 12 Force Mooure 421. Nther Pash be in trach thie Agraria or ae or ure day nprtmanceNetourar fre case ch {alle or dot is atbtbloto an ureesecale event wich (Gerbejons he conte! eas Party anna feesonaly be evade overcame, rung Btls ‘rod come, terol etc Vrs or eter eo" ated ov vam roe loc hava pancemes acer rses sates ‘tere wet ex.s fl of ily serie, abaur ‘Sepa, brescowno acacia rarepor ea, Sy pu iy wing aye nese sae ©) 122 Intmeeventl a ce mapurecenurece teases Party ‘hal ety tho ator Pry wtoutundue dl othe peru ‘tie tution andthe eganatadcuason Ether Party shall be fattest eenate he Agron wih rare eet ents {hatoveermeure scruronce enue ornare han thy dae, 13. ndenilestions 131 DNV Group and Gustmar Grup sat ncerenty ang ol ach ‘hermes romana aganst i ims ming whe crying Sule Sone espe Ea sean one { Srconage omer pope er oan onseqorrl ass 132 ‘The Savaes sal be forthe Gusta! ony. Fh Custom nat ners that ary eer mart o tw Cutomar Grup anor ery {hepa nase svar Ta the Sesoee ne ronaes or re (Castine oly ands undesioo ane agreed Dal main ‘separeed hea isinfrdoa ar tal bo rtrd ge ary ptson tr corporation ae’ an he gnats hres ay Font revady or Clam hersunc The Customa shal ncaty rd names ne ONV Group For ard aplet Came breugntty te Customer Grp (omer an th Cua) ‘cannes wih te Sven 183. The Custone: eae reponse ane shal eave, nema, dated end ned neoies the DY Group tor and sera at ism inveepet !politon or areamiaton emenstna rom Tressets eugene propery of Coroner Sony waar coned ed lated e eros cae enor casey bythe Customs Grog and rung Yom reine hemes th he porermates onan parse othe Steen, 184. Theoblgatns tendon set xin his Agrourvert shall apy intespeet ot eny Gime regress wheter suc las re Sased on tesoh et corsa acon bese cu (slautory or here) (cng egloenes), craton feet abst of oheie econ ana te exer fen Gime are caused or amston wih he ro {aise carage o rr.) actor omasen n ros saad ‘Ste noun or obvious ta hich maces highly probe ha 185 Each Paty sal notye thr Paty wiht un dla upon Becoming ase ay index they ib verse foe am pant he oer Pain ruton is Agteomen 188 The Customer agrees tat any Gai by Gusiomer Grouoin nnecon wie Sevan snd bs Agreement hal Be 4 a > 181 7 DNV Doc No: SFA-A1A56081 ‘ought cey aginst ONY in accoance win lace 21, anc {he Customer st denny an hoghaess ONY Grp em ‘ay Camby Cusomor Groupibroach De Cauca 186 LUmitaton of abitty DRY shal note lable for ry Claim rcured by Castro andor latcer rousing rom lating tar cooneston with he ‘arlomanoe o conertmrance he Sarees y DNV reach ‘aay satay craters), beac orc beach of Staats tt aby ary marta th DNV Grp, ‘ice oe sen sat out becw [OM faliy for lls sing out rn comnacton th {hs Aorerent sabe ied os aggepte a olen mes ‘he Carian exsuang wy xporses an asburcemerts) prssle © ONV fhe Sonn never encoun mesma Epgregate sumo! USD fou mon in cas he Cusomer pay th tes progcaly. eg. urd a Peoseal Sewer hgreemen amir eo arangerer DNV's Ty for at Carne aig aut of or cannecon the ‘areerent salon inte oan agra fla tenes the ‘mud Consueraton ecg ay expanses © Sburcomens) neve! sxaoay& maka 979s eum of Ssbormion “Toe mtn o! abit set ou above saline pp fore = potorance of Serves at proves nClause 54nd ONV's Frbreation ebigeone ae outin Causa 12.1 above, ann the Clan areng auto Dive proven il mason or ‘jess noulgance ar san aragerert ee: ‘ny Imisone and exusone of DNs ty salen the cher arbor the OV Group; ad i appable theretevart Fag Aen or Sha Stoo ny sev [rowens harder on ena eve Flag ASMneraton or Shot Bite ad the Custer acops that theater meres fhe DNV Geupardine ag Agmrsiaor or Sof Site shal bo anes teinvek such infaionandexclusen fib recy tenors any Gaim fom he Oasorer Goin Neser Party excues ots ay tabi whch cant be slic or mts by he sopcable rant nn ‘ny Clam against DNV Group bythe Cusme sal be Geared {Se irarecaby waves anéhmobare ules opal prasmangs have been ings acaange wi Clase 21 Este ne exp cf venermarne tor ne cae of comalsen ot torearar Semen feng inies evs not res.n hn commancemer a nau See mote pers, set sees pore'n ‘Any Cir mast be noted o DNY within iy Eunos days ‘tur tne Gunloner decaverad or srouhave covered the ‘rer reer lear she ll ‘Both Paes cal maisn adequate nsuranoe coverage ‘over he espns tune eis ae he eat fpowonral uncer the Agee lr such amour anon such ferme as ao stares he roepesveinati and wih Uris who aren god sarang, Suonsuraes srl ‘fan aware of uregeion, Business ees, anibery and atheoruption ‘Tn Panes shal conduct ter respecive business aces na far erica ane laf rarer y accotsance wih al apoeabe lane ans gneralyaecptes ses cont neuag batt Intact fhe SN ence cont) evaung sry inaccesane ‘aztes,nlvngbutrotiid to aoapiane or Ssauesconcoim adrian, bry ue aut, bach o Fman gts, er tte mpc of uveasonane werk conti. Each Paro his Raman shal eriniy an hos harmiet {tecaher Pry tom any Oa esuling tomo" ag ou ot breaches of lugs 4 Trade Compliance te concusion ote partorance of ary cbgion nde. tue of ary rg prs. fare woul est ‘ebrenca ay rage eceremic ot inaeal sarciors. expat (tus, rade rescore, onbarges or te ral’ ‘puione, nce, messrs or oststars [Santor by any ary anv Aas or may expose (a reasons option! he Party) ary Party ago’ lates othe kot ‘hy aoverze eases pursue to wy Sartore such Parts ‘nite emata the Agreement whle a par by writen Form cous KOR en BR DNV rece oe one Pary win mie et na wot ay fabiyercompersaten Noting nts Agreement stl of sal te concrvedin aque te Panesar te Asa ot reach any apeabe Senos, rnany way tat woe ‘rpove ary Paty alr sige oho rok ay aaverse ‘earree prsurtto ay Sencar, 172 Each Party rpreors and waa hat 2) isnot dented on any Sersons reat it cx oes 8 ‘nrget of Sancone argt: Saree sng percen wih ‘arma US person oor prsen wou te panbog ‘ated by Sarco fom engagingin aoe business beter ‘sevios)(Sanctoned Percor) 1b) sre net dct onset 80% or more owned, cones iyo acing on baat rs ba beet any Cancion wen pertoring hs Areerrs.o engaging in ryan ‘avon hs Agee. fl nt engage many avy ‘rach of Satan, oral mous expare ay Pay annie ‘ates oe ik ary adverse measures pUSuRtD ay Sentene 18 bate 181 Ea Pary i responsi fer ensuring the tony costes frsona cate naczzaanen wih appt saa rey lm. The Esme aa rey ONV inarting ana nadrece any he Inomaton pov or arerwce ade aval e ONY or {he purpose ol ON paance a theSeows conta fersond cata Tis novfeaton clgaton snl omerer nol aeiy Te comact dette of he enoloees ote vereseraties oe ‘Cstorer povided rth purpse of emmuncatonbelnee ‘he Coromor and ONV ae wel ae wena desomantson ‘exchanged coreg basic onto, 182 Nerwthstancng anyhng hersint the conary. ORY shal have the iat stor provess and ue fo or purposes a) |Mtrmaton ara data desusedcclectac sing gonesed ‘tomar aringin conection wh he prov al he Serves, ‘sess oherwte expt agred etree Ie Paes ov 3 caso Beate base Astra oer uns! such nfrmaron sre Gis outie fe ONY Group shallba gyregated ra Snopes om. 19 Teemand Termination 181 ‘Ts Agreomen shal emai i fl xe ane ett nt ne Delores cltered othe Srvcos awe carte en pa orn snare omninte air by mati apraeant ern ccoraurce win ny ous herea 192. Enon Pay may fern the Agraorenty writin tee oho ‘he Pay anor folowing cssanes. 2) te oer Panyconmts aster breach of hs Agreement tru iis recty suc reac itn tor wong Saye he Feciptl hear Pare wien aes 1) tte otter Pony becomes inser unable to py cobs as they a de, of aujet to barseupieyprecwesngs rinisvaon, recovers, dasoutoniqudaton whdlegp oF ‘ihouree orsnuce trbusnes or ©) frcomerenc ar sing the oer Psy awrite nee 90 (the dye port eration 103 Ine ove of eninaton fhe Agreement by sie: Paty. tor ‘Sy veazon sical teminain fr convene, he Paes iverrert wo cain drapes ard be cleuaton ered salbe ‘dee acordans wih hs govering iw 184 Uns atrwise agrees nthe overt ne Agrees ‘ermal bythe Guta convertors aeorsnee wih 132 2) grovocorpicion he Sones, ONY shal bene {oi{) he ayees remuneraton rhe Serene ordered up oe tof tena, a sows eared by ON upto an Incuaig te ermatn cate ane) 10% re ramuneraton ‘greed in respec of Servees wich havent Ceen proves. In ‘heeven the Aiea onl tema by DNV fr connor it ‘urdares wit 192 (¢) ror campon of he Serécs, NV {ral ony be aritlec we he agroearorareaton oth Sovens ‘nore upton ste termination 195 raeporva of caus, nthe oon trminaton, OV chal be ‘nea ean ay pyre pesto ssvance fay foe ‘mado by ie Cestomer pets he ete of emnton upto he ‘Srount to whan ONY is ett pomsante Cause 1030104 Shove a aplate 108 tregpocive ol cause, rhe event of aminaon, OW ay, without reluaoe bay omer res aaleie © ONY rca ‘ispond tna andor tre any Delverate wit Inmate effact andr suspend ov wihan any Voss oUt 187 a2 DNV Dee No: SFA-ATA56081 rom las nto upon et petomance of he Sevens. {ich case he provion of Cause 8 shal ap none event ct ematin of me arent, hs srs ‘higetone of ONV are Customary fanaa ‘nloncaco nave sao aor ne oxy ortemnaton oe ‘Aafoerert, shal suave ex or ominaton, Severity ‘Shu any rovsionct hs Agreemer be alo be val er none, och stl ot af te valayoeieceaiy ct ‘hyo parr pons othe Agesmnt Sach own fal [ptmended oe erent racescaty fo male Ine ponsen vale ‘nd evoraate, whlokeepng es tel ad Gove as posse {othe ongral wong and putpone che proven Low ad Jurditon “This Agreement shal be governed by a conse exlosvely [i seeorcance win ns avec Nowy ox agro rtepie anh iam Enon Paty ois Agesrantreiceably spose hat Oso Diver, Curtin Norway sal ave axle uration hea. sate Ser lomo any epi, crrovery or Clam fssng my roneontadua dept, cotoveray or Clam arsng auf arn Grnecion wer fe Agoemet reir aryaveson ogg ‘Sronstnon,vly fommon or terminsion For theve poses each Party iexccaly submits oh recon ofthe ele De: cour Pag ea DNV Doc No: SFA-A1456981 DNV Attachment 1 Requirements for submitting electronic documentation to DNV Maritime Customer Portal 1. General terms 1.1 This attachment only applies to Customers accessing the DNV Maritime customer portal and using the application o exchange cigtal documents and documentation, 2. Getting access to DNV Maritime Customer Portal 2.1, When the Agreement is signed and the Customer agrees to use DNV Maritime Customer Portal, the Customer willbe provided with access to the portal 22 This includes access to saveral digital services. The Company Administration service allows the Customer local administrator 1 create individual user accounts 23 The DNV Maritime Customer Portal shall be used for production purposes only, not for training purposes. 3. Logging into DNV Maritime Customer Portal 3.41. The digital services can be accessed at htipsi/! under Veraciy | My services. ‘The Customer shall ag in with their registered email address, 3.2, Further detailed description on how to use the lgital services can be found inthe “User guide for My Services for Class" at Veracty |My services. 4, Submitting documents through DNV Maritime Customer Portal 41 The Customer shall select the relevant portal application to access his projects and upload technical documents. No submittal by email wil be accepted. 42 Electronic fles submitted to DNV willbe regarded as “documents” andlor documentation as mentioned in the DNV Rules and applicable standards and the Agreement 4.3 The Customer shall submit the documents requested by DNV in the agreed format and atthe agreed time. The Customer shal furnish DNV wth all other relevant information required, 4.4 The Customer warrants that they have intellectual proprietary rights to all documents sent to DNV and that the Customer will indemnify and hold DNV harmless from any and all oss or claim DNV might suffer or receive as a consequence of a breach of said warranty 45 DNV shall review the documents submitted electronically in accordance with the DNV Rules and applicable standards. Approved documents wil be identiied and stamped electronically All documentation concerning the approval wil be issued electronically. 4.8 Incase documents cannot be approved, DNV shall inform the Customer without undue delay. 4.7 Review of paper versions of the same document submitted electronically willbe charged as additional work 48 Documents received fr information only wll be identilied with an electronic mark staing RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION ONLY (or similar) and are not to be considered approved. 42 DNV will, subject to the terms and conditions far accass, ensure that approved documents are available or the duration ofthe project (e.g the delivery date ofthe Vessel} for which the deliverable is intended, 5. Organisation of submitted documents 5.1. The documentation submitted shall cover the information requested through the documentation requirements ‘and any information in excess should be avoided, 5.2. Adocument may cover more than one documentation requirement. A documentation raqulrament may be covered by more than one submitted document. 6. Digital Documentation Format 6.1. Digital documentation shal full these requirements: 2) Documents shal be submitted in POF format, Other formats may only be submitted provided that () the tle formats are supported by DNV's production system and (i) ONV has accepted the use of such format. b) Documents shal be in plain PDF format. PDF fles with special features may only be submitted provided that () the special features are supported by DNV's production eystem and (i) DNV has accopted the use of such special features. ©) Documents shall be in monochrome (black and white) unless otherwise required or necessary for the readabiliy. Documentation in colour wil not get approval comments marked on the documentation, Far ea KGAOF ei BRS or Pape FS 72. 73 DNV Doc No; SFA-A1456981 DNV Documents shall be saved in the same size as the paper size of the documentation. This means that ifthe paper size of the documentation is AO, then the size of the documentation in electronic format shall also be AO. No line shall be displayed outside documentation frame. Documents shal include ine thickness in pot fie Prior to submiting files, the Customer shall check that documentation sent for approval is accurately portrayed when viewed, Por to submiting fles, when relevant the Customer shall upioad the Customer's documents lst using the application in DNV Maritime Customer Portal to enable DNV to create mappings between the Customer's ‘documents and the DNV Document Requirements. Access to submitted documents “The Customer has status as Administrator of is account and may create and delete indvidual user accounts for sub-users, such as employees, subcontractors, shipowner etc. tis the Customer's responsibilty to keep, informed of the possbiltes (or lack of such) to limit an individual user's acoass to view and download Customer documents stored and to make use ofthe available possbblties to restrict access whenever the Customer deems this necessary. Its the Customers responsibly to implement such contractual restrictions (n the individual users as the Customer considers required, based on the relevant access rghts the Customer hhas provided to the various individual users. As of today, there are limited possibilties to put restictons on which documents an individual user may see. ‘This means that 2 subcontractor gets an indvidual user account on the Customer's DNV Martime Customer Portal subscription, the subcontractor willbe able to 699 (and download a copy of all documentation the Customer (including sub-users) has uploaded on DNV Maritime Customer Portal, unless the Customer resticts ‘access for an individual user to documents submitted under a specific project number. ‘The Customer shall indemnify and hold DNV harmless from any and all loss or claim DNV may suffer or Tecelve related to Administrators, users’ or sub-users’ use of the DNV Maritime Customer Porta service. Fane TOAST Favcior ESTT wan Page OarTD

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