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Collage Making

Hazzyl Claire Paras BSN 2A

My collage

As seen in my collage art, I am not much of an artist. As observed, my life is a bit boring, like a typical girl who always stays in her
room and do nothing aside from her korean-pop and Asian dramas addiction. Despite my boring hobbies, I have a very fun and
cheerful personality, a very easygoing and friendly person whom sometimes they referred to be as somewhat extroverted yet

Hobbies and interests I have that can be seen in my art is first my love for korean pop, their music and dances which makes me
practice dancing and enjoy challenging myself in singing in different language. Another is I love watching dramas, I can stay up all
night and finished a whole series. I enjoy dramas may it be in korean, chinese or thai and I am also a big fan of barbie movies. These
two are most of the things I do during my leisure time. A big part of my life is food. I am such a foodie; I love to eat but I also love to
cook. I learned to cook during my high school and after learning, I loved cooking for myself and also for others. It was also a training
for myself when I have to live far from my parents and live independently due to schooling. After learning how to cook, I was also
engaged in baking and I enjoyed doing it. Foods that I enjoy much are pasta recipes and I am a big fan of chocolates. I cannot include
and show most of my hobbies in this collage because again, I am not much of an artist which is why I limit it only to the major
hobbies I have. Seeing and being able to read this art of mine is a short way in getting to know me.

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