A Letter To The Youths

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Subject: Embracing Youth Empowerment and a Sincere Apology

Dear Christ Life Centre Youths,

I trust this message finds you well and thriving in the love and grace of our Lord. As we reflect on the
importance of the youth within our church family, I am compelled to address you with a message of
encouragement, gratitude, and a sincere apology.

Firstly, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for the vibrant energy and enthusiasm that
each one of you brings to our community. Our youth are the heartbeat of Christ Life Centre,
and their active participation is invaluable to the growth and vibrancy of our spiritual family.
In these formative years, you hold the power to shape the future of our congregation, and I
encourage each one of you to embrace this responsibility with enthusiasm and dedication. I
insist, your active participation is not just desired but crucial for the spiritual growth and
vitality of our congregation.

Your unique perspectives, talents, and passion contribute immensely to the diverse tapestry of
our church. Whether through worship, outreach, or fellowship, your involvement adds a
richness that is irreplaceable. I encourage each of you to recognize the significance of your
role and embrace the opportunities for leadership, service, and spiritual exploration.
Remember that your involvement is not just a service to the church but a profound journey of
personal and spiritual growth. Through active participation, you cultivate leadership skills,
build lasting friendships, and deepen your understanding of the Word of God.

Now, I must humbly acknowledge that, as your leader, I have been inconsistent in providing
the guidance and support you deserve. I apologize for any shortcomings and the impact it
may have had on your experience within our church. Your understanding and patience have
not gone unnoticed, and I am committed to rectifying this inconsistency.

Moving forward, I assure you that I am dedicated to being a more reliable and present leader.
Your voices matter, and your concerns are valid. Let us work together to strengthen the bond
within our youth community and create an environment where everyone feels heard, valued,
and inspired to actively participate in the life of the church.
I look forward to your continued contributions, and I am optimistic about the positive impact
we can make together as we journey in faith. May the Lord guide us as we grow together as a
united and empowered Christ Life Centre family.

Blessings and grace,

Makokha Mercy Munyang’ori
Junior Youth Leader
Christ Life Center Church

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