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Reviewer for Mathematics 7 1st Quarter Examination

Lesson 1: Sets and Set Operation + Venn Diagram

 Elements are contained in a set.
 If a set has no elements it is called a null set or empty set ( “{ }” or Ø )
To find the “Cardinality” of a set, denoted by n(F) is the number of elements in a set.
Ex. G = {1,2,3} |G| = 3

Set Operations
- Union - It is combining all elements of two sets into one. The symbol we use is “U”
- Intersection - Set composed of all common elements that belong to the two sets. The
symbol we use is “ ∩ “
- Complement - Listing all elements not included in the aforementioned set. Symbol “ ‘ “
- Difference - Set A and Set B , the difference of sets A - B is the set of all elements in set
A which are not elements B.

Lesson 2: Absolute Value

 The absolute value of a number n, written as | n |, is the distance on the number line
from 0 to n.
Ex. |x – 4| = 4 |x = 8 and 0|

Lesson 3: Integers (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division)

 Addition and Subtraction
a. IF the signs are THE SAME, add/subtract both numbers and copy the sign.
b. IF the signs are NOT THE SAME, change the operation to its opposite as well as the
second number, solve and copy the sign of the number with the greatest absolute
 Multiplication and Division
c. IF the signs are THE SAME, do the equation and it’s automatic positive.
d. IF the signs are NOT THE SAME, do the equation and it’s automatic negative.

Lesson 4: Properties of Addition and Multiplication of Integers

1. The Closure Property - Integers that are added or multiply is also an integer
2. The Commutative Property – The order of the numbers does not affect the answer
3. The Associative Property – The only thing that changes is the groups and the answer
is not affected by the changes
4. The Additive Inverse Property – Positive with its negative counterpart is equal to 0
5. The Identity Property
- Addition: The sum of an integer and zero ( 0 ) is the integer itself
- Multiplication: The product of an integer and 1 is the integer itself
6. Distributive Property of Multiplication over Addition or Subtraction
Ex. a x (b + c) = (a x b) = (a x c) – Addition, change the plus sign to minus for subtraction

Lesson 5: Rational Numbers

Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as a fraction. A/B = a ÷ b

Improper fraction a > b | Proper Fraction a < b
a ÷ b is also the formula that will result a terminating or nonterminating decimal

 Terminating decimal – finite number of digits after the decimal point

 Nonterminating decimal – “Repeating decimal”
- We use the powers of ten for converting decimals to fractions

Lesson 6: Fundamental Operations on Rational Numbers

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