WP QCA R 003 Audit NC Tracker

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Audit Non-Conformance Tracker Open Actions 5 (1) Projects not

Outstanding Actions Closed Actions 1 (2) Projects at
5 (3) Projects at
Audit Non-Conformance Tracker 0 (4) Projects at
12 (5) Projects at

No. Year Date Audit Type Process Area Site / Row Non Conformance NC Level Action By Target Date Progress Completion Date Comments

The clients process for gathering, communicating, and implementing customer specific requirements
is not effective.
1. The financial assessment of the supply chain has not been undertaken annually in accordance with
Ford CSR.
NC1-23 2023 2/13/2023 IATF audit
Purchasing and supplier management
2. There was no evidence that the Ford CSR requirement CQI-19 had been cascaded to the Major DH Week 4 2024 Subcontract paint supplier.
The risk was considered major as this is a failure to implement Customer CSR's and a repeat of minor
NC raised at Certificate Renewal (Minor NC No. 9 3650600_COVAKX05)
FORD CSR Customer waiver in place as currently working with STA to embed into QMS in line with
MSA audit date.

The process for documenting the criteria for determining the need, type, frequency, and scope of
second-party audits is not fully effective.
NC2-23 2023 2/13/2023 IATF audit
Purchasing and supplier management
The criteria for determining the need, type, frequency, and scope of second-party audits was not Minor DH 1/4/2024 1/3/2023 clearly defined in Process 8.05 Issue 1
The risk was considered minor as there had been no new suppliers since the certificate Renewal

The process for Product Audit with respect to dimensional, performance (functional) and material
verification is not fully effective.
During the review of the clients Product Audit process as part of Management Elements, in
conjunction with:
* 8.08 Internal Audit (IA) Process (IA) (Issue 5)
* 8.18 Internal Audit Process – Details (Issue 7)
* Annual Audit Plan 2021 – 2024

NC3-23 2023 2/13/2023 IATF audit

Management Process (inc. PVP)
and the following Product Audits: Minor DH 1/4/2024 1/3/2023 * J072510 on M/C 82 – OP30 dated 21/02/2023 by Jay Patel
* F106110 on M/C 215 – OP30 dated 21/02/2023 by Jay Patel
* J055510 on Weld 1 – OP10 dated 12/07/2022 by Jay Patel
* J04901 on Weld 10 – OP10 dated 21/02/2023 by Jay Patel

It was identified that the client could not adequately demonstrate dimensional, performance
(functional) and material verification.
Deem low risk as there were other verification activities in operation, namely 1st off, In-process, and
Last off to verify dimensional and packaging requirements.

The process for Non-conformity & Corrective Action with respect to retaining documented
information as evidence is not effective.
During the review of the clients Problem Containment & Resolution process as part of Management
Elements, in conjunction with:
* 8.05 Problem Containment & Resolution (Issue 5)
* 8.15 Problem Containment & Resolution – Details (Issue 6)

* Internal NC 242 (20/03/2023 > still open) > 8D not initiated

Management Process (inc. PVP)
NC4-23 2023 2/13/2023 IATF audit
N/A N/A * Internal NC 241 (14/03/2023 > still open) > 8D not initiated Major DH 1/4/2024 1/3/2023
* Internal NC 240 (16/02/2023 > still open) > RC & CA identified and implemented, 8D not updated
* Internal NC 239 (03/11/2022 > still open) > RC identified, CA not identified

Note: 3x Internal NCs open from 2023 YTD, and 23x from 2022

It was identified that could not adequately demonstrate or present documented evidence of timely &
effective identification of RCA, CA & PA for internally identified NCs.
Deemed HIGH RISK as this is a repeat of a previously identified Major NC at the clients last Surveillance
assessment in 2022, ref. Major NC 4166890_COVMTY03.

The process for Non-conformity & Corrective Action with respect to effective implementation of
robust & effective Corrective & Preventative Action to prevent reoccurrence is is not effective.
Repeated non-conformances, against the same clause and with the same, or very similar evidence,
NC5-23 2023 2/13/2023 IATF audit
Management Process (inc. PVP)
ref.: Major DH 1/4/2024 1/3/2023
10.2.1 a) Previous Minor NC 3650600_COVAKX05 at the clients last Certificate Renewal assessment in 2021.
b) Previous Major NC 4166890_COVMTY03 at the clients last Surveillance assessment in 2022.
c) Previous Minor NC 4166890_COVMTY05 at the clients last Surveillance assessment in 2022.
Deemed HIGH RISK as this is a failure to comply with and IATF clausal requirement.

The process of Management Review with respect to being conducted at least annually is not fully
During the review of Management Review as pert of Management Elements, it was established that a
NC6-23 2023 2/13/2023 IATF audit
Management Process (inc. PVP)
formal annual Management Review had not been conducted since 23rd March 2022. Minor DH 1/4/2024 1/3/2023 Deemed low risk as it is acknowledged that "monthly" departmental reviews are being conducted with
all elements of ISO9001, IATF, and Customer CSR's (Ford QOS) being monitored and evaluated.
The last of such monthly reviews being in March 2023 for February (and historical [12m]) 2022/2023
The process for Temporary Change of Process Control with respect to the identification and use of, is
not fully effective.
During the review and verification of Production in conjunction with:
* JLR PN J0622
* Control Plan #2170, Issue 1.1
* Press P54
NC7-23 2023 2/13/2023 IATF audit Production Pressing - 2 shifts N/A N/A
it was identified that there was a requirement to utilise an error proof sample on within OP20 - 2 Minor DH 1/4/2024 1/3/2023
Stage Assembly; however the error proof sample could not be presented at the time of audit.

The client could not adequately present upon review of:

a) Visual Aid / Care Point " Alternative Process Control" > What back up, or alternative process control
had been identified?
b) 8.05 Problem Containment & Resolution (Issue 5) > The process of use of any alternative process
NC Level
Core Costs Major Open
Operations Minor Closed
Health & Safety OFI
Environmental N/A
Supply Chain

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