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Revision worksheet : Acids , Bases and Salts

Class: X (2022-23)

1. Calcium hydroxy apatite is a crystalline form of __________

2. The survival of aquatic animals becomes difficult in the pH range less than_____
3. What kind of an acid and a base is used for obtaining copper sulphate?
4. A compound X reacts with Zinc metal to liberate hydrogen gas with H Cl to form common salt.
Identify the compound X.
5. Give one use of POP.
6. What is formed when CO2 reacts with caustic soda?
7. How can we convert calcium carbonate into calcium hydrogen carbonate?
8. Baking soda can be converted into baking powder by adding an equal amount of _________
9. If we use baking soda in place of baking powder in preparation of cake, will it make any
difference to the quality of cake? Give reason.
10. Which of the following is not a salt of strong acid and strong base- Ammonium chloride,
Sodium chloride, Potassium nitrate, Potassium sulphate.
11. Name the gas that reacts with lime water to give a product which is used as a bleaching agent in
chemical reactions.
12. We obtain a precipitate of CaCO3 when we pass CO2 gas through a solution X. The precipitate
disappears on passing excess of CO2 through the solution. What is X?
13. What do we get on heating sodium hydrogen carbonate? Write the reaction involved.
14. On heating washing soda __________ is produced.
15. You have been bitten by an ant and you are feeling discomfort. What measure will you take to
get relief?
16. Which color is given by turmeric when added to a basic solution?
17. Name the gas evolved when Nitric acid is added to egg shell.
18. What is the name of the acid present in ant sting? Write down its formula.
19. If 10 ml of H2SO4 is mixed with 10 ml of Mg(OH)2 of the same concentration, the resultant
solution will give which color with universal indicator?
20. An aqueous solution A turns phenolphthalein pink. On addition of an aqueous solution B to A,
the pink color disappears. What can you predict about the pH value of both A and B.
21. Name the ions present in dilute aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid.
22. A small amount of copper oxide is taken in a test tube and dilute acid is added to it with stirring.
Which color will be obtained in the test tube?
23. What happens when hydrogen gas is passed through soap solution and bubbles escaping water
are ignited with flame?
24. During the preperation of hydrogen chloride gas on a humid day, the gas is usually passed
through the guard tube containing calcium chloride. What is the role of calcium chloride?
25. Sodium carbonate is a basic salt. Justify.

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