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Do we still need libraries ?

Mohammad Saad Bin Osama

Rollno: 10
Section : v - C
ICT Project
Do We Still Need Libraries
The simple answer is yes because Google provides you100, 000 answers and librarian

Gives you the right one .Libraries are still important because they let you borrow

Educational books for free.

Libraries do much more than just give information, there are community discussions

And reading groups where you talk about green initiatives or economic issues.

400 public libraries are in threat of closure, campaign to save them is in

Gathering pace. But in age of downloads, cheap books and easy online shopping,

Can this great British institute survive?

Some of the UK’S bestselling authors have joined the fight againset”culture vandalism”

By backing in a national day of protest read-ins against library closure.

So what can the internet provide that a library can't, and when is there simply no online

Substitute for a trip to your local library? Here are five examples on either side:.

Historian and author Andrew Dalby, 63, who edits pages for online encyclopaedia

Wikipedia from his home in France, say he still needs regularly visits to good libraries in


Free internet access With 30% of the population still without a home internet connection

Libraries are for many their first and last online experience. This is an advan tage for those who
cannot afford internet sevices .

Libraries’ have expert staff how will help you and find the book you want and they will

Be kind. Library’s have lots of books which will keep you occupied .And in some library’s there is
Story time.

Expert staff anyone who's spent five minutes trawling the thousands of medical and health websites
will know the perils of misinformation.

Engage in local democracy Community forums in libraries are the perfect place to meet and engage
in local politics because they're neutral, non-judgemental spaces,
If you were, say, a Leeds United fan in Croydon, you used to have to join a club or put leaflets in your
local library, then hope you find people in common.

Community activity used to revolve around notice boards in town halls and libraries, now your notice
board is global.."
Comfort in numbers OK, forums and social networks can be an impersonal way to interact, but
sometimes magic happens. Mr Dalby explains: "Sometimes the right answer just comes when people
ask each other questions on forms.
"You create something together like bees in a hive, like bees building a honeycomb "..

For those who can afford a portable reader like a Kindle or iPod, the convenience of accessing books
on a beach, up a mountain, or anywhere else for that matter, can be irresistible.

For those who can afford a portable reader like a Kindle or iPad, the convenience of accessing books
on a beach, up a mountain, or anywhere else for that matter, can be irresistible.
Whereas information in libraries has been limited to the books on its shelves - the information which
managed to get published, sites like Blurb allow you to print on demand, he says.

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