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The Origin of Yoruba Race Abdulateef .

O Pedro-Salvador/0000-0002-6366-5670

The Origin of Yoruba Race

Abdulateef O. Pedro-Salvador
ORCHID ID: 0000-0002-6366-5670
Founder/Chief Executive Research Fellow
Sede School of Educine, Lagos, Nigeria.

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The Origin of Yoruba Race Abdulateef .O Pedro-Salvador/0000-0002-6366-5670

"until the lion have their own historians the story of the hunt will always glorify the hunter"

Chinua Achebe

Yoruba is a race of many tribes united by common descent, history, culture and language. Inhabiting a large area in the
Guinea forest region of West Africa that covers some part of the present day Nigeria and Republic of Benin. This group of
people were divided into seven Yoruba kingdoms before the civil wars that disbanded them, there are some Yoruba
settlement in Cuba, Brazil, and United States of America who originated from Oduduwa's Ile-Ife Yoruba in present South
West of Nigeria in Gulf of Guinea in west Africa. Yoruba is a famous tribe in the world whose relevance is inherent in
archetypal image wielded by the mention of the name. "Yoruba Hegemony" searched through the world history from
primeval period to the present by forensic method to ascertain the claim to their greatness.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the
surface of the deep……. and God said “let there be light” and there was light….

When your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "will you place
upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said,
"Indeed, I know that which you do not know”

Hominidae includes human, Neanderthal homo, upright man, Southern ape, Hominine, Gorilla, Bonobo, Orangutan,
Chimpanzee, Ardipithecus etc. The Hominidae (/hɒˈmɪnɪdiː/), whose members are known hominids (/ˈhɒmɪnɪdz/), are a
taxonomic family of primates that includes eight extant species in four genera: …..

The most recent common ancestor of all Hominidae lived roughly 14 million years ago…. Among the general thought to be
in the ape lineage leading up to 13 million years ago are, … all from east Africa. The classification of the great ape has been
revised several times in the last few decades.

However, for the purpose of this research and investigation, we use the word Hominids for variety of creation of apes that
walk on two legs erect, that are organized into community. All over the worlds they are hominids but some are better
developed, intellectually, physically and physiologically, than other until the present days.

These are the ones who would make mischiefs and shed blood, there were wars and battles from then till now. The
patriarchs brought order from disorder yet strife continued until a civilization grew up around the basin of Euphrates and
Tigris. Of these civilization I choose to use Sumerians simplicity. Sumerian civilization gave to other numerous civilizations:
The Greeks, The Persians, The Chadians, The Assyrians, the Romans, The Europeans, and The Americans, The Chinese, The
Indians and the rest. The peninsula was inhabited mostly by civilization that evolved from the patriarch Abraham. Prominent
among these civilizations are the Hebrew, Egyptians, Assyrians, Arabs and several smaller civilization and group, some of

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The Origin of Yoruba Race Abdulateef .O Pedro-Salvador/0000-0002-6366-5670
which are extractions of earliest tribes of Jazirat al-Arab (Arabia) of prehistoric time. Arabia has been inhabited by
innumerable tribal units.

A native system has evolved of moving from tribal anarchy to centralized government and relapsing again into anarchy. The
tribes have dominated the peninsula, even in intermittent periods when the personal prestige of a leader has led briefly to
some measure of tribal cohesion.

Arabian culture is a branch of Semitic civilization; because of this and because of the influences of sister Semitic cultures to
which it has been subjected at certain epochs, it is sometimes difficult to determine what is specifically Arabian. For
pertinence it is worth to do better classification of these hominids. A number of vary similar words apply to related

 A hominoid, sometimes called an ape, is a member of the superfamily Hominidae: extant members are the gibbons
(lesser apes, family Hylobatidae) and the hominids.
 A hominid is a member of the family Hominidae, the great apes: orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees and humans.
 A hominine is a member of the subfamily Homininae: gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans (excludes orangutans).
 A homininan, following a suggestion by Wood and Richmond (2000), would be a member of the subtribe Hominina
of the tribe Hominini: that is, modern humans and their closest relatives, including Australopithecina, but excluding
 A human is a member of the genus Homo, of which Homo sapiens is the only extant species, and within that Homo
sapiens sapiens is the only surviving subspecies.

However, for the purpose of this study, I have chosen to use the following classification for its nicely:

 HominidX subconscious intellect (Stupor state of Mind)

 HominidY conscious intellect (State of Mind)
 HominidZ super conscious intellect (State of mind)

All over the world these species of creatures are abound and intermarry thus proliferate the variants in species according
to genotypes rules. This is the reason why two individuals may not agree on ideas, concepts, perception, principles and the
rest. This forms the cause for disorders (violence, battle, war, differences) in the society.

Most importantly individualistic perceptions of this main division of Hominids foster primordial creation of HominidZ as
perceived by HominidX, HominidX seems dull, HominidZ seems brilliant.

HominidX, HominidY and HominidZ having interbred, creates thousands of species of hominids all over the world, hence
there were wars, slavery domination, mischief and bloodshed.

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The Origin of Yoruba Race Abdulateef .O Pedro-Salvador/0000-0002-6366-5670
Great Wars
Among great civilizations and low civilizations were battles and wars including,

Wars Year Civilizations

Conquest of Cyrus the great 549 BC to 530 BC Persian empire Vs various state
Greco-Persian Wars 449 BC to 448 BC Greek city States Vs Persian Empire
Samnite wars 343 BCE to 290 BCE Roman Republic Vs Samnite
War of alexander the great 336 BCE to 323 BCE Macedonian empire and other Greek-state vs variant states
Punic war 264 BCE to 146 BCE Roman Republic Vs Carthagian Empire
First Punic War 264 BCE to 241 BCE Roman Republic Vs Carthagian Empire
Second Punic War 218 BCE to 210 BCE Roman Republic Vs Carthagian Empire
Third Punic War 149 BCE to 146 BCE Roman Republic Vs Carthagian Empire
Kalinga War 262 BCE to 261 BCE Maurya empire Vs state of Kalinga (in India)
Qin’s war of Unification 230 BCE to 221 BCE Qin state Vs Han, Zhou, Yan, Wei, Chu, Qi states (in China)
Cimbrian War 113 BC to 101 BC Roman Empire Vs Cimbri and Teuton’s western Europe
Gallic War 58BCE to 50 BCE khuy67Roman Republic Vs Gallic tribe (France)
Iceni Revolt 60 to 61 Roman empire Vs Celtic tribes (England)
Jewish–Roman war 66 to 136 Roman Empire Vs Jews (middle east/North Africa)
Kito’s War 115 to 117 Roman Empire Vs Jews (Southern Europe/North Africa)
Mar Kokhba Revolt 132 to 136 Roman Empire Vs Jew (Middle East)
Gothic War (269) 269 Roman Empire Vs Goths (In Europe)
Probus’s German War 277 Roman Empire Vs Germans (In Europe)
Gothic War 376 to 382 Roman Empire Vs Goths(Eastern Europe)
Three Kingdoms War 184 to 280 China
Yellow turban Rebellion 184 to 205 Peasant Vs Eastern Han China (in China)
Wars of the Sixteen Kingdon 304 to 439 Northern Chinese States
Hunnic Invasion 395 to 453 Roman Empire Vs Hunnic tribes (In Europe)

The Origin of Man

In the beginning God said “let there be light and there was light”, the Holy Bible taught us. “and thy Lord said to the angels
I am going to create a man on Earth”, the holy Quran teaches us. A man and his wife were created how many years
ago? probably millions of years ago, million is human fantasy/whims and is not relevant in this case. Adam and Eve were
created when there was no time and no place no reckoning and no intellect. Then came the stone age with hominids and
other creatures. Darwinism started holding sway, this was marked with interbreed between hominids and progeny of Adam
and Eve. There are races, tribes and clans. The theory of on the origin of the species, People talk about Hamitic, Bantu,
Semitic, Caucasian, Africans, Chinese, Europeans, American. Hominids were ranked into higher hominids and lower
hominids; into hierarchy according to intellects, the highest in intellect did all the works: gave others hominids Names
shelters clothing’s foods technology and learning's They divided the world into planets and regions gave them names ;
Africa Asia America Europe Atlantic Pacific also named the heavenly bodies; Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mars, and Earth

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The Origin of Yoruba Race Abdulateef .O Pedro-Salvador/0000-0002-6366-5670
Sumerians were the highest and first hominids of highest intellect : they penciled both the holy Bible and the holy Quran
the gifts human has ever had and from which Greek learnt all the wisdoms Yet are you going to say some hominids are not
higher than the others Hominids spread all over the world including Africa Higher hominids master lower hominids made
them literate and numerate gave them their names (Hausa, Yoruba, Bini, Kanuri, Cameroon, Congo, Niger, Nigeria, Ghana,
Benin, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, Gulf, Guinea, Bay of Mexico,. Brazil, Pedro, da-Rocha, Johnson, Hamitic, Bantu,
Salvador, Semitic, Right and Wrong) foods, shelter and clothing, rules and regulations. Africa is populated by Bantu and
Hamitic Hominids some are higher than others in medieval periods, some hominids were clad in hides and skins and leather
while some others were clad in clothes. These higher hominids were already advanced in fabric making and always dressed
in elegant attire some of these higher civilizations endure and is extant. There was this glaring difference between Hamitic
and Bantu groups. The Hamitic enjoyed more (higher civilization) than the Bantu obviously, the Bantu in south of Sahara
glaringly depict quite different physique, forms, gaiety, posture, disposition, height, skin, hair, facial characteristics, from
that of Hamitic. That distinction is wide clear and glaring, Bantu are physically stronger more energetic but less stamina,
Bantus are short distance runners better in field and track events and are healthier, full of vigor and vitality, all these
descriptions are genetic traits inherited from ancestor. There is one behavior that determine the fate of a people: (a) gene
flow (b) genetic drift, The Hamitic indulge in gene flow hence inter racial breed is more pronounced whereas the Bantu
enjoys genetic drift: not encouraging cross breeding hence they live in clusters (clans, villages, enclaves) thus lacking the
administrative skills and living as a clan each. The Northern Bantu of Sahel region mixed a lot with The Hamitic and had
inculcated their way of lite during medieval periods(about 600years ago) hence they are more self-reliant and cohesive and
united genetically, they have evolved a new specie common to their progeny and see themselves more as brothers or
cousins (homogeneity) of a race, whereas the Southern Bantu maintain (Genetic drift kind of re procreation ) of about 600
years ago which produces no new specie and their progeny still assume the same hereditary character as of 600 years
ago hence live isolated in families villages and in enclaves as clans. Yoruba was so fortunate that they adopted gene flow
re-procreation and (not incest like) type in fact incest is an abomination in Yoruba land that attract severe punishment. Inter
family, inter-tribal, inter racial, is encouraged and celebrated in Yoruba land thus forging cohesion and unity among
kingdoms in Yoruba Empire which is the cause of Yoruba Hegemony yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Primeval Wars, Battles and Raids: Essential Humanism and Cannibalism

Thy Lord said to the Angels I am going to create a vicegerent on earth, and Adam and Eve were created to be the vicegerent
(the Ruler) on earth, he became the emperor over all other hominids, and the Angels said "hath thou going to create those
who will make mischief and shed blood". [The stone age creatures became wanderers, gatherers and hunters in search of
foods for survival And thy Lord said "you know not what I know and he asked Adam teach them the use of all things" and
he Adam did, thus Adam and all his descendants became teachers over all other hominids. The teacher is the Master and
the master became the king, the descendants of Adam became kings, kingdom's and empires were made and civilization
began in the region of Euphrates and Tigris among the earliest civilizations were Mesopotamia, Sumerian, Phoenician and
Babylonia, also there were Assyrian, Egyptians, Persia, Greek, Romans, Carthaginian and others, there were several smaller
tribes and clans formed in near East, there were Hebrew tribes and Arab tribes of which Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Esau and
Joseph belong being direct descendants of Adam the primeval king on earth, they were endowed with Adamic genome
hence all their tribes were archetypal of virtues and values whose descendants formed cultures and civilizations that are
seminal and hence found here and there all over the world. One of such tribes was a clan Yarba an extraction of Yemeni
Arab whose link with Hebrew is Ishmael, Ishmael was the first son of Patriarch Abram but was married to an Arab lady from
Yemen. Yarba moved away to another location amidst inter-tribal strife but the name was archetypal. There was extensive
inter breed between the Semitic or Hamitic and the neighboring African natives, this evolved into the Pseudo Arabs
habitants of North Africa that were known as the Carthaginians, most such tribes are known as Amazigh's or Berbers or
Tuareg's among this Carthaginian tribes came as Yaruuba that eventually became archetypal in the first millennium, in the
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second millennium came the crusades of which last was in 1272 CE. There was intensive and extensive turmoil's that
followed the crusades resulting in creations of many kingdoms and empires in Sahel region of West Africa Hitherto there
were' no Empire but scanty trade routes depots. This events opened rain forest region of West Africa to the North Africa
Arab's and Amazigh's, there was trans-Sahara trade between West Africa and North Africa, North African Hominids were
more advanced in skills crafts and arts and civilization than West Africa Hominids, the consequent of this interaction is
creation of Mali Songhai, and Ghana Empires not withstanding other vassal states here and there. The dislocation of this
North Africa political structure by the crusades prompted the advent of many Pseudo African Arabs to West Africa.

The Bantu and The Hamitic Races

Hominids are scattered all over the surface of the earth as nomads hunting and gathering for foods, In Africa there are two
major classifications: The Bantu and the Hamitic. The word Bantu is probably derived from Semitic language b a y t u
meaning home, house, settlement. A term very prominent Swahili and Zulu Languages, however a region south of Sahara
is classified Bantu active region and region North of Sahara is Hamitic. Yoruba by this definition belongs to Bantu for this
analysis latitude 10° north of Equator is termed North Bantu region and latitude 5° north of Equator will be referred to as
South Bantu North Bantu is neighbored by the Sahel savanna. (Sahel region) and South Bantu by Atlantic (Coastal region).
Oyo Empire therefore had more Hamitic influence from which its hegemony was derived, their relation with Hamitic Berber
bestow lots of values and opportunity on them, Oduduwa who was an extraction of Hamitic Berber tribes was able to teach
Bantu hominids cotton, farming, arts and crafts, textile technology, fabrics and clothing aside other valuable skills like bronze
and brass crafts. Of them all, the exclusive know-how Oyo had over textile, fabrics and clothing's i placed Oyo Empire over
all its Neighbors and was able to wield its over Dahomey and Bini Kingdoms: Oba Eweka of Bini, Oba Onipopo of Popo, Oba
Alaketu of Ketu and Oba Onisabe of Sabe, Olofin of Awori, Oba Awujale of Ijebuland, Oba Alake of Egba, Owa of Ijeshaland
and the rest in about 800 years ago (before 1400century), then most hominids were clad in leather, animals hides and skins
and raffia except those who had trade links with North African Arabs typical of Gao and Kano trade routes. This was medieval
type of Hegemony inherited by Oduduwa and bestowed on his progeny which was passed down by some of his
grandchildren, particularly Olowu (Cotton farmer) who specially learnt all the skills involved in textile and fabrics which he
Olowu and Owu's (including the likes of Pedros. Alakijas Da-Silva, Show-Silvas, Davies, Madam Efunporoye Oshuntinubu
(etc.) took down to coastal region with Awori's and which eventually became complicated with slavery and slave trade.
Actually there had been slave trades with Portuguese and even in North Africa Arabs ii during hominids periods, the
Portuguese came initially for trade in cotton, salt, pepper, tobacco, gold, cocoa, palm oil and the rest, of all the commodities
cotton and cocoa became top in demand cultivating in large depots for cotton and cocoa in the Awori land named Popo
Aguda meaning cotton depot and Popo Kakawa meaning cocoa depot. These two depots are adjacent to each other and
are still extant, cotton means Algodao (Aguda) in Portuguese and cocoa means cacao (Cacawu/ Kakawa) where Madam
Tinubu eventually lived with her last husband Mallam Bukar. Madam Tinubu true to the archetype was an Owu lady who
eventually became a successful business woman dictating the pace of Trade in Awori coastal region, had a strong trade link
with the Europeans and became agent through/where Yoruba refugees and prisoners of war and Owu's and others came
to be enlisted to travel to Salvador, Bahia in Brazil. After some years of sojourn in Salvador some of them came back home
as returnees coinciding with William Wilberforce Anti trade movement, Awori land was named Lagos (meaning Lagoon) and
was called Eko (tongue variants of oko) in Bini/Edo, oko is a Yoruba word for farmland and Yoruba saw it as such having sent
one his grandchildren Olofin to lead a group to farmers there coincidentally one of the other Oduduwa dynasties Oba of
Biniiii had equally deputed King Ado to lead another Bini group to do same. There was this misunderstanding but was
resolved amicably as cousins to cousins and agreed to share the sovereignty of the land as it still exists today. The un-
necessary scuffle/misunderstanding as regards sovereignty of Eko/Oko is unfortunate caused by insufficient anthropological
study of Psycho social significance of Bantu West Africa forest/coastal region.

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The Origin of Yoruba Race Abdulateef .O Pedro-Salvador/0000-0002-6366-5670
The Science of Diversification
Hypothetically human intellect varies according to the science of complexity of genomic genotypes, hence there are variants
in human’s character: behavior, intellect forms colors and the rest. Illustratively interbreed between (a) HominidY and
HominidX give Nine (types) variants. HominidY with HominidZ give another different set of Nine variants so will HominidX
cross HominidZ. This multiplicity of behaviour and intellect variants may go in geometrical progression, this explains why
brothers may not agree and the factors responsible, wars, battles and violence Amidst this situation Oduduwa and his
Yaruuba tribes men from Afro-asiatic during Crusades wandered into Forest Region of West Africa among a set of hominids
unlettered and unskilled He taught them some of skills arts and crafts Astounding among these skills is the making of cloth
and textiles from cotton iv provision of clothing to a group of peoples clad in hides, skin v and raffia like stone age hominids
was worth according Oduduwa all the respect and honor he deserved He taught them several other skills and eventually
made their ruler In consequence large scale farming of cotton was started Before you know it became popular from north
to south and from west to East The Europeans learnt about this thus trade and commerce were established between Ife
and costal. regions The coastal regions were inhabited by Bantu hominids who had never heard of cotton arts and crafts
before immediately open a social links with Ife, Ife grew in fame and being sought for by all coastal communities in west
Africa Oduduwa brought all the heritage to bear in ruling. Ife Empower and thought all other things: administration.
Commerce and industry and made his grandchildren to rule over all unlettered and unskilled hominids inhabiting rain forest
coastal villages and enclaves, prominent among these are (1) Oba Eweka of Bini (2) Alaafin of Oyo (3) Olowu of Owu (4)
Onipopo of Polo (5) Orangun of Ila (6) Onisabe of Sabe. (7) Alaketu of Ketu, Oduduwa had several other grandchildren that
were made rulers, Oduduwa reigned between 14th and 15th centuries when west African hominids were not literate,
however Oyo of all his kingdoms with his proximity with Muslim scholars here and there became literate in Arabic letters
so Arabic or Islamiyah grew up in the neighborhood including that of Mallam Alimi of Ilorin fame of all Yaruuba kingdoms
Oyo became the most powerful This is the cause of Yaruuba Hegemony obsessed with power and fame to almost oppression
resulting in civil wars one time or the other. The hegemony of Yoruba race is mainly rested on the hegemony of two of his
grandchildren in particular; Oranmiyan of Oyo and Olowu of Owu. Oranmiyan established two dynasties in Oyo and in Bini,
Olowu took Cotton Arts and crafts fame to West Africa and beyond and all over Bantu lands, and even to South America
Salvador in Bahia, Brazil. Portuguese and Other Europeans were so attracted to Bight of Bini for Cotton (Algodao) and Cacao
(Kakau), Owu the cotton merchants at the Peak of their fame were eventually dislodged from Abeokuta and many of them
took refuge in Lagos, Owu brought civilization to Bantu land and inter breed with their fellow tribes men from Ile-Ife: The
Awori's led by the Olofin who pitched its stations at Ota, Isheri, Isolo among other places and finally at Iddo on Lagos Lagoon,
most Yaruuba refugees in Lagos easily inter breed among themselves, all inhabitants of rain forest of West Africa were
Bantu including Nigeria, Dahomey, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Cote-de-Voire, Liberia And Guinea etc. but upper forest region of
Ife Empire hominids vastly interbred with North Africans hominids making the Yaruuba losing their genomic identity as
defined by the science of gene flow.

Psychology of Human Intellect

And thy Lord said I know what you know not and he said Adam teach them the nature of all things, So Adam was the first
teacher and first to be Conscious Holy Bible say and she gave Adam of the fruits to eat and their eyes open Adam, Eve and
their descendants were the first to be Conscious (intelligent) while other hominids were in various stages of consciousness:
HominidX, HominidY, HominidZ. The narration of events places peoples by HominidX and HominidY give rise to myths,
legends, superstition, mythology and the rest. So all narrations are child prodigy, heroes, archetypes etc. are facts as
perceived by the hominids. Events of stone age era will be narrated differently by HominidX, HominidY and HominidZ but
all are perceptive facts and there should be no controversy: Oduduwa was accorded primordial stature just like all other

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HominidX and HominidY accord our child prodigy. archetypal personality and heroes the same primordial quality Oduduwa
just like all other Afro-asiatic hominids wandered into West Africa Sahel and rain forest region and found himself among
other hominids with time he realized that his hosts belong to Bantu race hence he was privileged to teach them arts and
crafts the heritage of his own Afro Asiatic Race This quality of his conditioned his host to make him their ruler, Period! The
host realized Oduduwa belonged to higher intelligence(Idol): perception of lower, of higher intelligence.

Archetypes of Hegemony Over Bantu Tribes: Ori Lomo Oba Alade (Destiny Defines a
There is certain quality probably inherent in Oduduwa's genome which is archetypal of his ancestors. He has bestowed to
his generations Yaruuba; excellence, intelligence, perfectionism, success, elegance trades and commerce, farming, arts and
crafts, Innovative ideas, vigor and vitality, wealth and riches that gave Yaruuba dominance over all Bantu tribes of Gulf of
Guinea. Yaruuba has produced large number of eminent personality than any in Bantu Kingdom who excelled in their various
areas of callings starting from Ooni, Alaafin, Eweka 1, Olowu, Owu's, Awujale, Alake, Bishop Ajayi Crowther, Henry Carr,
Samuel Johnson, Babington Macaulay, Herbert Macaulay, Madam Oshuntinubu, Olofin, The Brazilian and Saro returnees
including the da Rochas, the Campos, the Augustos, the Grillos, the Salvadors, the Pereira, Ferreira. the Pedros. the Santos.
the Vera Cruz, Ehingbeti, the Marinhos, the Da Silvas, the Sho-Silvas the Ramos, the Peregrino, the Pinheiro, the Da Costas,
the Gonzalez, the Alakijas, the Martins, the Saros included, the Savages, the Williams, Care, the Caulcricks. the Coles, the
Macaulays, the Johnsons, the Cokers, the Taylors, the Dohertys. Then there were those that returned from Caribbean
Islands the Vaughans, the Morgans, the Glovers etc. Then the front liners in the quest for Nigeria Independence of Yaruuba
race included Bode Thomas, Kofo Abayomi, Herbert Macaulay, Adedoyin, Adelabu, Awolowo, Akintola, Fani-Kayode,
Mojeed Agbaje and the rest other prominent Yaruuba's son included Rev Ransome Kuti, Mrs. Funmilayo Kuti, Madam
Efunporoye Oshuntinubu (alias Madam Tinubu), Madam Pelewura, Taiwo Olowo, Muhammed Shitta Bay, etc. made up the
Cream of Yoruba race and dominated early twentieth century scenes of Bantu Race of Gulf of Guinea, Nowhere else can
boast of the likes of Brazilian Quarters Ehingbeti (Marina and Broad Streets) Cathedral Church of Christ, The Sea port, The
administrative techniques of chieftaincy arrangement of Idejo's and others chiefs, the establishment of Yoruba cultures and
heritage in Brazil, Cuba and United State of America. The Yoruba dominated the Bar and Benches throughout Bantu region
stretching from Sierra Leone to Angola / Congo sub region There are several others that may be mentioned, all these and
more manifest the Hegemony of Oduduwa, Ife and Yoruba race, the archetypes brought from his origin rob off on his
progeny the Yoruba.

Hegemony: Meanings and Definitions

The word "hegemony" is a phenomenon and not activated but inherent in the systemism of society, it is the dominance
manifested in the quality and personality of a person or the archetype of a people. Semitic, Hebrew, Arab, British, America,
Sumerian, Russia, Yoruba, Mali, Bantu, Hamites, and several others are examples of a people. A people is a group of
individuals who have certain things in common: usually heritage, values, interest, customs, traditions, culture, goal,
habitation, nature, etcetera. There are several groups of people some are dominant and some others are humble hence
peaceful but there are some in between the two that are neither dominant nor humble. Most often hegemony is nothing
but manifestation of archetypes of a people that highly seminal, seminality of archetypes is much dependent on value's
attractiveness, sustainability, survival, value, and the needs for that archetype. Sumerian archetype is sourced from literacy
and numeracy, and primeval civilization. Hebrew Hegemony is sourced from The Holy Bible, Moses, Abrahamic etc., Arab
archetypes is sourced manly from the Holy Quran, Kaaba, Scholasticism and medieval civilization. Greek archetypes are
sourced from scholasticism, philosophy, music, art, mythology etc., Romans hegemony is sourced mainly from Renaissance,
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Scholasticism, Music, Art and Crafts. British hegemony is sourced from mainly Automation, Industrial revolution, science,
Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday, James Watts, Williams Shakespeare and the rest. Europeans hegemony is sourced from
Scholasticism, Science, Technology, Music and Poetry. U.S.A hegemony is wonderful and extremely wealthy and
unprecedented largely sourced from Science, technology, Entertainment, sport, music, electronics, nuclear science,
Internet, Commerce, Industry and Scholasticism. Russia hegemony is sourced from Science and Technology, Space Science,
Satellite Communication and Scholasticism. Mali archetypes and Hegemony is Scholasticism, wealth of mineral resources,
customs and traditions (gene flow), way of life, modern day pseudo. Arabs have Hegemony sourced from Islam (gene flow),
lifestyles, rich seminal Archetypes (nomadic lifestyles and agricultural habits), wealth of arts, crafts and culture and
cohesion. Hamitic Race has archetypes sourced from nomadic lifestyles, cohesion, gene flow method of re-procreation, arts
and crafts, heritage etc. Bantu Archetypes have their strength in genetic drift, lifestyles, self-identity, mutual loves, Arts and
crafts and environment endowed with Rain and Mangrove forests with plenty of food. Yoruba hegemony is sourced basically
from in medieval cotton, arts and crafts, textile and fabrics still extant and in modern day from transatlantic trade, Ehingbeti,
Popo-Aguda, Kakawa, CMS/Anglican Society, Country Capital, The seat of Colonial government, Commerce and Industry,
Scholasticism/first set of Lawyers and administration, and governance. Ghana / Gold Coast Hegemony is sourced mainly
from Kwame Nkrumah's Pan Africanism, Modern day Egypt's Hegemony is based on Gammel Abdel Nasser Pan Arab
Ideology and Scholasticism. Ancient Egypt's Hegemony was derived from Pharaoh's dynasty of great history. South Africa's
Hegemony is based on permanent settlement of the (White) Europeans and Nelson Mandala's Archetypes. Lionel Messi
Hegemony is sourced from his skills in football which is God given. With all the examples and instances given below
Hegemony is phenomenal dominance rather than oppression and usually genomic / heritage which can only be changed
with informed genetic investment. America were originally occupied by native Indian hominids before European genomic
dispositions started creating a new Darwin's generations of America. Australia and New Zealand were originally inhabited
by the Aborigines hominids the Superior European hominids went there and phenomenal hegemony took its toll and is
beneficial. Indonesia and Africa had received Pseudo Arabian phenomenal hegemony before the arrival of Europeans
Hegemony. Hegemony versus Hegemony: This situation is typical of east versus west (powers people call it) hegemony
exemplified in telecommunication G4. VS. G5 dominance. But Hegemony is (phenomenal) is natural and far beyond G4/G5
which is self-centered and at the end of COVID-19 the true meaning of hegemony will be glaringly well defined Period.

Oduduwa's Genome Endowment: A Paragon of Success

Oduduwa is of Sumerian extraction the earliest accepted in the world thrived in an area called Euphrates and Tigris Rivers.
These civilizations' included those of Phoenicians, Mesopotamia, Babylonians, and the rest. These civilizations were able to
produce metal tools, cotton, technology and clothing's, literacy and numeracy, Oduduwa having come from an advanced
civilization he was better positioned to be a worthy leader amongst the forest West African communities. He was able to
teach them better way of cultivating cotton, Producing Yarn and weaving the same into fabric/textile. he taught them a
superior way of metal smiting particularly iron brass and bronze, obviously Oduduwa was a worthy leader and a powerful
man indeed, this advanced civilization placed Ile-Ife a powerful empire in Forest West Africa. Oduduwa eventually crowned
his grandchildren one of whom was Olowu a child prodigy, Olowu has been very close to his grandfather his skills and trades
which he carried with him where ever he found himself, this traits Olowu inherited from his grandfather Oduduwa made
excelled and be highly Successful. These traits manifested in him in Lagos and in Salvador, Bahia in Brazil, the fame of Owu
people grew wide and far both at home and abroad. At home other tribesmen opted to join The Owu's in Lagos; The Ijebu's,
The Ekiti's, The Ijesha's, the Ibadan's, The Ilorin's, and others were all in Lagos to partake in a trade to Salvador the capital
of Bahia in Brazil. They were prosperous in Cotton and Cocoa plantation, for years before this Portuguese-Africans friendship
grew sour resulting in rebellion and uprising, this uprising was ultimately followed by Some Africans returning home while
some other move to other places like Cuba, Caribbean and United State of American. Some of these Africans were caught
by British Ships of the Antislavery Campaign championed by Williams Wilberforce and were taken to England or Sierra Leone
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The Origin of Yoruba Race Abdulateef .O Pedro-Salvador/0000-0002-6366-5670
(the likes of Bishop Ajayi Crowther and Macaulay Henry Carr etc.) They came back home and settled permanently at Popo
Aguda the Brazilian Quarters spanning from in the north Idumagbo/Adeniji Adele to Ehingbeti/Marina in the South and from
the east at Obalende to the west close to Oluwole, Bamgbose, Tokunboh, traversing west/east wards prominently and
where most of Brazilians returnees were located. Some who were hitherto native worshipers adopted Portuguese Catholic
Christian religion and several others opted for Islam which they had started right from Brazil with Brazilians Arabs they met
in Brazil. The Choice of Islam by the likes of Salvador's and others was informed by the Islamic influence had from Mallam
Alimi in Ilorin where they came from before Afonja crisis and Jihadists forced Oyo-Ile to move down to New Oyo and other
inhabitants scattered all over Yoruba land The (Salvador's etc.) found themselves in Lagos en-route to Salvador, Bahia in
Brazil. This is the wave of fortune that blow humans to his destiny, this summaries root of Salvador-Pedro as Pedro (of
Owu/Oyo-Ile) and Salvador (of Ilorin / Oyo-Ile)

Popo Aguda: The Composite of the Splinters of the Collapse of Yoruba Kingdom
Okanbi was the only child of ODUDUWA who was of a pseudo Arab African tribe the Berbers /Tuaregs of North Africa. He
was one of the fugitives that survive the crusader war ranging in Mediterranean region He found himself like several others
including Ibn Battuta the famous African historian wandering through the African land until he found himself in Ile-Ife Where
he was recognized as a worthy leader for its intelligence and skill in providing better quality of life notably ability to turn
cotton wool into yarn and ultimately to fabricvi and clothes this trait was inherited and followed passionately by one his
grandchildren who later became to be known. Olu Owu (meaning Cotton Lord) shortened to Olowu. Before the arrival of
Oduduwa West African coastal region wasn't exposed to mental development they were hardly above hominids level clad
in leaves hides and skins, It was only the Sahel/Savanna region that was somehow literate in Arabic as evidence in Mungo/
Lander Exploration and attraction of Mansa Kankan Musa to Mecca, Oduduwa belonged to that Clime, For the Quality he
and his grandchildren possessed they became leaders in Ile Ife of which Olowu was very prominent Olowu's (the Owu)
through the travail of civil wars found themselves in Waju-Igbeti where he put their camps and continue their trade with
Portuguese in cotton, cocoa, Palm Oil, Pepper, Prisoners of War, gun and gun powder. Mostly cotton and cocoa were mostly
available for exchange with the Portuguese, two major commodities were highest in demand: cotton and cocoa. The
Portuguese Merchants would disembark from his ship and starts shouting: Algodao! Algodao!! Algodao!!! Algodao!!!!

They were fond of shouting for two commodities: Algodao (which is the Portuguese term. for Owu) and Cacao (which is the
Portuguese word for Cocoa). The whole Owu camps were rented with shout of Algodao and Cacao day and night
emphasizing the fact that they are looking for Owu (cotton) and nothing else so this daily shout of Algodao! Algodao!!
Algodao!!! Algodao!!!! Algodao!!!!! sounded "A good day" …. "A gud day" ……. "A gud a" to the hearing of the Aworis who
are indigenous Yoruba inhabitants of West African coastal forest region, so Yoruba who had mixed with British Merchants
adopted the sound of Algodao to mean a way of British greetings of "A good day" … (A) (GUD) (DAY)… (A) (GU) (DA) that
became diminutive to Aguda! This is the forensic finding etymology of Popo Aguda the term Popo is a Yoruba term for a
straight passage, street, road, alley or avenue comparatively it is noted that Tokunboh street stretches from Ita-Alagba to
Freeman street/Cow lane(Agbo-Malu), and Bamgbose street from Tinubu Square to Obalende. Most of Brazilians of Owu
extractions pitched their camps there, they continued their trade and most of the victims of this inter-tribal wars who found
themselves in Lagos opted to go with the Portuguese to Brazil after Christopher Columbus had landed in South America on
his quest for the seaway to India large plantation was prepared where the Yoruba's victims of wars and some fugitives
offenders of wars were engaged or employed to teach Brazilian Portuguese Merchants how to cultivate Algodao (Cotton;
Owu) and Cacao (Cocoa) for better yield. This news of Portuguese Brazilians recognizing the value and worth of Owu people
skilled in terms of cultivation of Algodao and Cacao motivated more Yoruba's from far and wide including islands.

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The Origin of Yoruba Race Abdulateef .O Pedro-Salvador/0000-0002-6366-5670
Pedro-Salvador and Others: The Composite of Fragments of Yoruba Civil War
One of the Children of Okanbi the only male child of Oduduwa was a farmer endowed with skills and fortune in planting and
trading in Cotton (OWU) such that that. Exceptional large success in the trade earned him fame and large following,
followership and the led that attracted covetousness from the community At the Demise of Okanbi their father Oduduwa
crowned his grandchildren as royals with Kingdoms all over Oyo Empire : Olowu, Alaketu Onipopo, Oranmiyan, Orangun,
Onisabe, Alaafin who later founded two dynasties : In Oyo and Benin OLOWU having enjoyed large the patronage and loyalty
from his subjects grew very strong in power and wealth delved into other businesses including trades in gunpowder which
was the main means of monetary exchange of trade (trade by batter) with the Portuguese traders who originally came for
palm oil, Cotton, Pepper, gold and Saltvii of all Yoruba clans Olowu (meaning now Cotton merchants) became famous in
Europe for his quality and quantity of cotton, wool and eventually that appellation got stuck to him and his people who are
now known today as Owu. The Owu's intoxicated with power, fame and wealth became overbearing with impunity extended
their trade to (prisoner of war) slave trade Hitherto there was inter rivalry wars among Yoruba ethnic groups After Afonja
rebellion against Alaafin of Old Oyo-Ile Yoruba Empire Scattered : The Ekiti's, Ijesha's, Ijebu's, Ibadan's, the Ijaiye's and Ilorin's
etc. found themselves in inter rivalry battles for survival resulting in capture of large collection of prisoners of war (slaves)
camps The warring camps became clients and customers to Olowu (Cotton merchants to Europeans particularly the
Portuguese) who would sell gunpowder to them in exchange for prisoners of war later termed slaves, This trend went on
for some time until the warring tribes became wiser above their disunity formed a Confederate against Owu's ransacked
the whole Owu settlement, Thus Owu and its power collapsed and some of them found themselves in Lagos where they
settled in the vicinity of Lagos lagoon with camps erected here and there for their trades with Portuguese

Yoruba Hegemony: Forensic Perspective

Yoruba Empire like many of other African Empires particularly of West Africa Guinea Forest Region has enjoyed brilliant
historical coverage from authors historians and several other researchers but not without controversy The root of the word
"Yoruba" remains elusive Several suggestions have been put forward but lacking convincing forensic and empirical evidence.
Most of the facts given so far are based on conjecture and sentiments

Yoruba Hegemony
The forensic perspective is a composite of pieces of information facts and figures obtainable from documentary historical
collections written by notable ancient and modern scholars genealogists and historiographers This collection is a dateline
of events peoples and places right from creation through anthropological biblical and medieval periods down to the
formation of Yoruba Kingdoms and beyond What makes this OPUS unique is its coloration with scientific psychological and
archaeological characteristics and deductive and inductive logical reasoning For instance the meaning and explanation of
words like archetype, primordial hominid and the rest minimize the mythical effects that characterize history This piece of
work will be found unique and specialized.

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The Origin of Yoruba Race Abdulateef .O Pedro-Salvador/0000-0002-6366-5670

The Yoruba have peculiar type of clothes that make them distinct from other cultures. They have Aso-Ibile, the traditional clothes of
various types and shades, they started from using Ibante made from Kijipa. Later on people started wearing normal clothes made from
Aso-Oke, Etu, Petuje, San-an-yan, Aalari and so on.
UNIT SI: Traditional Clothes: Link

A profitable trade had developed by which we African exported gold, cotton cloth, metal ornament, leather goods north across the
trans Sahara trade routes in exchange for copper, horses, salt, textile and beads.
History of west Africa: Link

The kwa Niger-Congo speaking Edo people by the mid -15th century, the Benin empire was engaged in political expansion and

consolidation. Under the Oba(king) Ewuare (c1450-1480CE) the state was organized for conquest, the Benin empire extended to
Dahomey in the west, to the Niger delta in the east, along the west African coast and to the Yoruba town in the north.
The Name Comes From A Hausa Word To Refer To The Oyo: Link

The Yoruba have legendary types of clothes that make them distinct from other cultured around them. They take immense pride in
their culture, for which they are well known for. Clothing material traditionally comes from processed cotton by traditional weavers.
They believe that this type of clothes worn by a man depict his personality and social status. The Aso-Oke which is a hand loomed
clothe of different pattern and colour.
Legendary Yoruba Clothing: Link

……before the advent of the Europeans to the Yoruba land, only hand woven clothes were available. The Yoruba’s started from using
Ibante, only used for covering the private parts of both male and female.
Yoruba clothing : Link

Islam also brought with it architectural innovations, including an array of house and mosque types. In addition, textile pattern, the
horizontal loom (used primarily by men), and clothing styles in this region echo norther prototypes.
Sahel and Savanna Link
the Yoruba manufactured cloths, ironware, and pottery, which were exchanged for salt, leather, and most importantly horses from
the Sudan
The Name Comes From A Hausa Word To Refer To The Oyo: Link

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