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Name: Jaypee Langcauon Section: 11STEMB! Step 4: Outline 4. Topc: Dreams Te: stp tothe shes 2 Audience Students 3. Reference): leas ftom The Cimber by Kokou no Hip, One Pece by Echo Oda 4. Purpose: Persuade 5. Wing pattem: Cause and effect outine ‘Step 2: Draft Introcuction| © Greeting ‘© Notivate the audience Body ‘© Convince the Ausionco that hard work and resilience are roaded in achieving one's dreams ‘© Bing pilosophical aspects ‘© Connecting myse with the audience Conclusion ‘© Bing back the key aspects thatthe journey is as important asthe destination ‘© End in a poste quote ‘Step 3: Peer checking Comment: For me this speech is incredibly powerful and resonates deeply wih the sprtof chasing our dreams. I bea captures the essence of perseverance, resilience, and the bel thatthe journey is ust as important asthe destnation Name: anna Dela Cruz ‘Strengths: The message highighls the strength of resilience inthe face of challenges and setbacks. t encourages us struggles as opportunites for growth and to koop pushing fomard despite obstacles. ‘Weaknesses: While the message is beautfuly poetic and insping, it may lack practical advice or quidence on how to | tho challongos of pursuing droams. It focuses moro on the emational and philosophical aspocts rather than tho prac needed to achieve goals ‘Step 4: Final draft (ull text) Friends, forget chasing shadows! We are here for echoes of something bolder, our dreams. They're guiding stars, whispering "Rise up!” with every beat of our hearts ‘The summit shrouded? Doubt whispers sweet surrender, but in these canyons of challenge, our spirit shines brightest. We carve paths through fear forge resilience with every misstep. ‘The treasure? Not just the peak, but the climb itself. Every strugge’s a victory woven into the tapestry of our lives. They sing ofthe unstoppable spirit, proof that even the wildest dreams dance for those who dare to ascend. Here I stand, with a symphony of pixels wating to be composed. Coding’s a foreign tongue, but ts melodies hum in my veins. And so I climb, note by note, every error a harmony waiting to be discovered, every stumble a lesson learned, every doubt conquered a crescendo of unwavering belie. Climb, not forthe view, but forthe climb’s own song! Sweat, tears, and stumbles are not burdens, but brushstrokes on our masterpiece. Remember, i's not the summit, but the journey that defines us CChase dreams, not with fickle wishes, but with the wisdom that whispers, “Fulfilment ives inthe climb.” Build your constellations with grit, passion, and the belief that even the craziest dreams unfurl in the wind of relentless effort. (Onward, visionaries! The path calls, not to a destination, but to an epic symphony of reaching forthe stars. ‘And when we stand together on that peak, bathed in the light of our own doing, well know we've not only reached our dreams, we've become them, Climb! Let the echoes of our relentless pursuit reverberate through time, a testament tothe dreamers who painted their own constellations on the canvas of existence.

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