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c You are going to \vrite a s in1 ilar article about 10 A BIOGRAPHY

sn1artphones. First \vith a partner, n1ake a list of the

advan tages and disadvantages. a Read a text about Mark Z uckerberg. Then re-\vrite
t he text w ith the extra inforn1ation (sentences A- F) as
relative clauses .
Mark Zuckerberg,
t he American computer
programmer, was o ne of
Advantages Disadvantages
t he founders of Facehook.
In his teens he began to
write software prog rams
as a hobby. After school
he went to Harvard . While
he was t here he created a
website called Facemash.
d Now decide \vhich are the three biggest advant ages and It was shu t down by t he universi ty, but it inspi red hi m
nun1ber t he n1 1-3 (1 =the biggest). Do the sa1ne to create Facehook.
the disadvantages.
He left Harvard and moved to Californ ia w ith Dust in

p Useful language: writing about advant ages and

Mos kovi t z, and t ogether t hey made Facehook an
international success .
In 2012 Zuckerberg marr ied Pri sci lla Chan.
Listing advantages
First I Firstly,... Secondly, ... Thirdly, ...
Listing disadvantages Paragraph 1 A Mark Zuckerberg was born in New York
On the other hand, there are also (some) disadvantages ... in 1984
For instance I For example...
Also, ... Paragraph 2 B He studied comput er science and
sociology at Harvard
Conclusion c Facemash allowed students t o share
In conclusion I To sum up, I think ... phot os
D He launched Facebook f rom his room in
e \Vr ite an article called 'S1na rtphones -A great 2004
invention?' Start the article \Vtth th is introduction. Paragraph 3 E Dust in Moskovitz had been his
roomma t e
Many people today don't just have a mobile phone, they
have a smartphone like an iPhone or a Blackb err y. But is it Paragraph 4 F He had dated Priscilla Chan for nine
a great invention? I t hink t here are both advantages and years
l i\l[ark Zuckerber8, the A1nerica11 co1nputer pro&rarnrner,
'vVrite three 111ore par agraphs. Plan what you're going ivho i vas bo1·ri iti New York itt 1984, 1vas one of the
to \vrite. Use the Useful langu age to help you. jounders of Facebook.

Paragraph 2 Wri te two or three advantages. b Cover A - F. Read the text agai n a nd try to re n1en1ber
the extra information.
Paragraph 3 Write t wo or three disadvantages.

Paragraph 4 Conclusion - decide if you t hink c Write a short biography of an interesting o r s uccessfu I
smartphones are a great invention or not. p erson you know about . Plan w hat you're going to
\Vrite, a nd try to use some relative clauses.
f C l1eck your a rticle fo r mistakes (gran11nar,
vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling). d C l1eck you r biography for n1istakes (gra n1n1ar,
vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling).

Writing 121

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