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Q.1 Fill in the relevant bubble for each part.

1 In computer terminology information means
A Any data B Raw data
C Processed data D Large data
2 Which is the most suitable means of reliable continuous communication between an
orbiting satellite and earth?
A Micro wave B Radio wave
C sound waves D any light wave
3 The basic operations performed by a computer are:
A arithmetic operations B non-arithmetic operations

C logical operations D both (a) and (c)

4 The brain of any computer system is:

A Monitor B Memory

C CPU D control unit

5 From which of the following you can get information almost about everything?
A Book B Teacher

C Computer D Internet
6 What does the term e-mail stand for?

A Emergency mail B Electronic mail

C Extra mail D External mail
7 A mega byte has how many kilo bytes?
A 1004 B 1014
C 1024 D 1034
8 1 KB=?
A 1024 bytes B 1024 KB
C 1024 MB D None of these
9 One byte is equal to
A 4 bits B 6 bits
C 8 bits D 10 bits
10 In computer terminologies the term machinery refers to:
A Software B Hardware
C Data D Procedure
11 Radio waves are used in
A Radio B TV
C Mobile phone D All of these
12 1024 kilobytes are equal to:
A 1 PB B 1TB
13 The computer based information system is formed by:
A 4 B 3
C 5 D 6
14 If CD is made of soft elastic material then it is called:
A Hard disc B Floppy disc
C Compact disc D Metallic disc
15 Telephone was first invented in:
A 1676 B 1776
C 1876 D 1976
16 It is a device used to transfer files from one computer to another
A Compact disc B Laser
C Flash drive D Printer
17 Radio waves are:
A Mechanical waves B Electromagnetic waves
C Compression waves D Longitudinal waves
18 A typical floppy disk has a storage capacity between :
A 1-3 MB B 2-3 MB
C 3-5 MB D 6-10 MB
19 Example of primary memory is:
A RAM B Hard disk
C Floppy disc D Audio cassette
20 Information storage devices working on different principle are:
A Electronics B Magnetism
C Laser technology D All of these
21 Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 made:
A Machine B Computer
C Telephone D Cell
22 The first radio signal transmitted through air by:
A Marconi B Newton
C Coulomb D Fleming
23 Which of the following is not a web browser?
A Chrome B You tube

C Mozilla fire fox D Safari

24 Working principle of telephone is similar to:
A Type writer B E mail
C Computer D Telegraph

25 Fax machine is also called:

A Radio B Computer
C Tele facsimile machine D Telephone
26 Computers and internet are the main sources of
A Communication technology B information technology
C Flow of information D None of these
27 Transmitter process the
A Input signal B Output signal
C Transmitted signal D None of these
28 Telephone sends voice in the form of _____________ signals from one place to another:
A Electromagnetic B Electrical
C Magnetic D Mechanical
29 Mouthpiece contains electrically conductive _________ granules:
A Carbon B Sulphur
C Phosphor D None of these
30 Optical means:
A Lens B Sensor
C Light D Sound
31 Optical fiber uses ___________ signal to transfer information from one place to
A Electromagnetic B Light
C Sound D Electrical
32 The central part of optical fiber, through which it travels is called;
A Cladding B Core
C Transmitter D Receiver
33 Documents are sent from one place to the other through ;
A Printer B Scanner
C Fax machine D Mobile phone
34 A fax machine scanning a page to make a _________ representation of its text or
A Electromagnetic B Electronic
C Magnetic D Mechanical
35 Optical fiber works on the principle of
A Total internal reflection B Reflection
C Refraction D Diffraction
36 The transmission rate of optical fiber is:
A low B High
C Moderate D None of these

37 Multi mode cable has:

A Large diameter core B Small diameter core
C Highest bandwidth rating D None of these
38 Cell phone is a two way ____
A Sound B Radio
C Both of above D None of these
39 URL stands for
A United resource language B United resource location
C Uniform resource language D Uniform resource locators
40 An unauthorized access computer for any illegal work is called:
A Hacking B Accessing internet
C Virus D None of these answers answers answers

1 C 16 C 31 B
2 A 17 B 32 B
3 D 18 A 33 B
4 C 19 A 34 B
5 D 20 D 35 A
6 B 21 C 36 B
7 C 22 A 37 A
8 A 23 B 38 B
9 C 24 D 39 D
10 B 25 C 40 A
11 D 26 C
12 D 27 A
13 C 28 B
14 B 29 A
15 C 30 C

Q: Fill in the relevant bubble for each part.

1 1) Who discovered neutrons?
A James Chadwick B J.J Thomson
C Newton D None of these
2 Which symbol is used to represent atomic number?
3 Which one is the fundamental particle of atom?
A Protons B Neutrons
C Electrons D All of these
4 What is the relationship between protons and neutrons?
A A = N-P B A = P-N
C A = (P+N) D A = (A+2N)
5 The number of neutrons in a nucleus is called
A Atomic Number B Mass Number
C Neutron Number D None of these
6 Isotopes have
A Same atomic number B Different atomic number
C Same atomic masses D Different atomic masses
7 The radiation which our earth receives from outer space are called as
A Cosmic radiations B Background radiations
C Primary radiations D Secondary radiations
8 When cosmic radiations interact with atoms in atmosphere then radiations created are
A Cosmic radiations B Background radiations
C Primary radiations D Secondary radiations
9 Alpha particle has ionizing power
A Highest B Lowest
C Moderate D None of these
10 Who discovered radium and polonium?
A Marie curie B Henry Becquerel
C J.J Thomson D Rutherford
11 The highest ionizing power of alpha particle is due to its
A Large Mass B Small Mass
C Stability D Unstability
12 Half life of hydrogen is
A 22.3 years B 57.1 years
C 112 years D 12.3 years
13 Radioactive elements have atomic number
A Less than 82 B 82 and less than 82
C More than 82 D 82 and more than 82
14 Cobalt-60 is used for curing of
A Cancerous tumor B Stomach disease
C Throat disease D Lung disease
15 Nuclear radiations is measured in
A Becquerel B N/s
C Rem D None of these
16 Artificially produced radioactive elements by bombardment of different particles are
A Isotopes B Radio isotopes
C γ-particles D Mouns
17 What happens to the atomic number of an element which emits one alpha
Particle and a beta particle?
A Increased by 1 B Stays same
C Decreases by 2 D Decreases by 1
18 Breaking of heavy nucleus in to smaller nuclei is called
A Nuclear fusion B Nuclear fission
C α-decay D β-decay
19 Release of energy by the sun is due to
A Nuclear fission B Nuclear fusion
C Burning of gases D Chemical reaction
20 The elements which emits radiations are called
A Radioactive isotopes B Non-radioactive isotopes
C Radioactive elements D None of these
21 Which of the following radiations has more penetrating power?
A An Alpha particle B A beta particle
C Gamma ray D All of these
22 Which device is used to count background radiations?
A GM tube B Vacuum tube
C Digital stop watch D None of these
23 The amount of energy released in nuclear fusion reaction is
A 17.6 eV B 17.5 MeV
C 17.6 V D 17.6 W
24 Phosphorous 32 is used for the diagnosis of
A Thyroid gland B Stomach disease
C Brain tumor D None of these
25 What is the temperature of sun
A 20 K B 200 K
C 20 million K D 20 Billion K
26 Lekuemia is
A Cancer B Brain Tumor
C Thryoid Gland D Blood Cancer
27 Energy-mass relationship is
A m=Ec2 B E=mc
C E=mc2 D None of these
28 How many isotopes does carbon have
A 2 B 3
C 4 D 6
29 The ionizing power of β particle is
A More B Less
C Moderate D None of these
30 β particle has range
A Few centimeters B Thousand meters
C Several meters D Kilometers
31 Charge on Alpha particles
A -2 B -1
C +2 D +1
32 Beta particles contains charge
A -2 B -1
C +2 D -2
33 Gamma particles has charge
A Negative B Positive
C Neutral D None of these
34 Range of γ-particles is
A Lowest B Intermediate
C Highest D None of these
35 Iso means
A Same B Different
C Single D Many
36 What is the SI unit of radioactivity
A N/s B Becquerel
C Disintegration D Diopter
37 The penetrating power of Alpha particle is
A More than Beta rays B More than Gamma rays
C Less than Beta rays D Less than Gamma rays
38 Half life period of lead is
A 10.6 hours B 10.6 minutes
C 10.6 seconds D 10.6 months
39 The reason carbon-dating works is that
A Plants and animals are strong B After death plants and animal stop
emitters of carbon-14` taking in fresh Carbon-14
C Excessive carbon dioxide in the D After death plants and animal take in
environments fresh Carbon-14
40 The half–life of a certain isotope is 1 day. What is the quantity of the isotope after
A Zero B One half
C One quarter D One eighth answers answers answers

1 B 16 B 31 C
2 B 17 D 32 B
3 D 18 B 33 C
4 C 19 B 34 C
5 C 20 C 35 A
6 A 21 A 36 D
7 A 22 A 37 C
8 A 23 B 38 A
9 D 24 C 39 B
10 C 25 C 40 C
11 A 26 D
12 D 27 C
13 D 28 A
14 A 29 B
15 C 30 C

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