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Rig Floor Instructions – 7” OD / NC50 DAV MX Circulating Sub

Please note this Rig floor instruction is just to facilitate the steps and not to eliminate the use of reading
the DAV MX Standard Operating Procedures
Tool Make up
If tool supplied to rig not made up, make up the Tool Connections NC50 with 34 K ft.lbs (“3 ports” 7.6ft length Valve sub to be
made above the 14ft Catcher Sub). No need for SHT due to tool is already tested and QC’d before sent to the rig.

Note: NC50 Dart OD is 2.25” (ensure clearance from BHA components above)

Tool Activation (Opening the Ports for Losses/Spotting LCM)

1) Ensure pipe is full/wet prior to dropping the dart. (Never drop the dart in dry pipe as it can damage the dart)
2) Unwrap the 2.25” OD Standard Diverter Dart (providing 100% bypass)
3) Take a note of the SPP at 250gpm for reference.
4) Drop the dart nose down in wet pipe, and pump with maximum 250gpm.
• Minimum Opening Dart pump-in flow rate is 80gpm for SDD (NC50 7” OD tool)
• Do not exceed 1,500psi of differential pressure across the tool when pumping the dart in.
• Pumping should start as quickly as possible to limit the risk of the dart not seating properly.
• Observe sharp pressure drop indicating opening of CircSub. -> IMMEDIATELY stage up the pumps to at least
525gpm (175gpm x 3 ports for SDD/SFD) for two to three minutes to lock the valve open. Or if using ADD, stage
the pump up to 375gpm (125gpm x 3 ports for ADD dart)

Bypassing Through Locked-Open Tool

• Maximum flow rate through the 3 -p o rt ed sub locked open with SDD is limited to 780gpm (based on 11-14ppg fluid).
• There is no minimum flow rate requirement as the valve is locked open.
• When displacing LCM through the ports of a locked-open sub it is important to always OVER-DISPLACE the pill to make
sure there is no material left/sitting across the ports as it might cause issues with closing.

Tool De-activation (Closing the Ports)

1) Flush through 1x string volume of clean mud at maximum allowable flow rate to ensure the valve is free from any debris
2) Unwrap a 2.25” OD Universal Closing Dart (UCD) and drop nose down. Pump the UCD all the way into place with 250gpm.
a. Scenario 1: UCD shearing out the opening dart instantaneously: Observe sharp pressure increase to reference
level indicating circsub closed.
b. Scenario 2: UCD landing on top of the opening dart: Observe sharp pressure increase to above reference level:
DO NOT SLOW DOWN PUMPS and continue pressuring up until a drop to reference level is observed indicating
circsub closed. (expected SPP to shear < 2,500psi).
3) Closure of tool will result in a higher flowing pressure (and the MWD will start pulsing again). At lower pump-in flowrates
the shear will be seen as expected, however, at high flowrates, the ‘shear’ may not be seen.

Please refer to SOP for complete risk register on tool operations

Few notes;
- Dart should be pumped all the way to activate the tool.
- Avoid dropping dart on dry pipe – see risk register in operating manual
- No need for surface testing/SHT – all tools were tested and QC’d before sent to the rig
- On a shallow hole activation <3000ft, refer to shallow hole activation procedure (consult CDT personnel)
- If using WBM, please ensure tool is flushed internally with fresh water. However, where OBM has been used, please do not

Focal Point of Communication from Coretrax:

Afrizal Safrin / Business Development Manager & Technical Sales Support - MEA
Coretrax MENA
Email: / Mobile: +971 56 221 8441

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