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Name: Ariana Marie J.

Section: FIN224

Give one situational or experiential example of each of Kohlberg's stage of moral development.

Stage 1: Obedience-and-Punishment Orientation
- An example of this is when I was a child, I knew that stealing someone else's saved money was
wrong and would get me in trouble because my brother did it once and was hit by my mother. I
saw him cry and scream in pain, which is why I never do it.
Stage 2: Individualism and Exchange
- An example of this is when I was in elementary school, I would always listen to my teacher about
something that children should not do. She warned us not to fight and not to cheat on exams. That
made me realize that my parents are not the only ones who understand what is right and wrong.
Stage 3: Good boy, Nice girl Orientation
- I decided to visit my friend in the hospital once because my friend was sick. I believe that
showing care and support for my friend during a tough time is essential for maintaining a strong
and caring friendship.
Stage 4: Law-and-Order Orientation
- Our school announces a policy preventing students from using smartphones during class time.
Although I disagree with the rule, I decided to follow it because it is important to maintain order
and discipline in our school.
Stage 5: Social Contract Orientation and Individual Rights
- I am a member of the lgbtqia+ community that took part in a peaceful protest in support of
marriage equality, arguing that individuals have the right to marry whomever they choose, and
that laws should reflect this broader understanding of human rights.
Stage 6: Universal Principles

- I am now someone who deeply values justice and equality. I am willing to go against morally
wrong laws and fight for principles that align with universal human rights, even if it means going
against society's established norms or laws.

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