Physics Assignments

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I. Find the dy/dx of y =x-2+ 6x312 -6

2. Find the dy/dx of y = e(ax2+bx) where a, b are cons
tants .
3. If P = at 2 -bt, find the rate of change of P with
.1 resp ect to time ) h x t are in meter
4. A partic e posi.tion
. .
at any time . .
't' 1s given i1s x == (2t3 + 4t2 + 6t + 9 ere '
and seconds respectively then find
i) Initial position ii) positio11 at one second
iii) velocity function iv) initial velocity
v) velocity at one second vi) acceleration function
vii) initial acceleration viii) accelcr!1tion at one second
5. If y = sinx
- - - , then fin d-.dy
x+c osx dx
6. If y -_ l+co. sx , then fi1nd -dy .
x+s1 nx dx
7. If x = at4,y =bt , then find dy.

8. If f (x) = xcosx, then find /" (x·).
9. Find the dy/dx of y =3x2 + 5
1-0. Find the dy/dx of y = (ax+b)2
11. Find the dy/dx of y = 3x2 +3x 3 -5
12. Find the dy/dx of y = +4 +s
. X
- lJ__
~-... . Pin-d he rf yidx of_y-:;- x 4 -+ 4x3 + 5.r-:.f.__
. 1 4
14. Fmd the dy/dx of y=- y-+ C
"x+ -2,3
15. Find the dy/dx of y = 3x3 + 4x4 - 5
16. Find the dy/dx of y =x-·2 + 6x312 - 6
17. Find the dy/dx of ytx3 tanx
18. Find the dy/dx of y = x4.logx
19. Find the dy/dx of y=(x2.+1).sinx
20. Find the dy/dx of Y = ex -~in x log x
21. Find the dy/dx of y == Iogx
22. Find the dy/dx of Y =
1-co sx
23. Find the dy/dx of Y = l+co sx
24. Find the dy/dx of Y = + x2
25. Find the dy/dx of Y = sin ( cos x)
1. ASSIGNMENT - 2 . . ) · iven by
A metallic disc is being heated. Its area· A (in m2) at any time t(tn second ts g
A = t + 4t + 8 • Calculate the rate of increase in area at t =3 s ·
2. t t
A particle starts from rest and its angular displacement (in rad) is given by 0 == 20 +5 ·
~) the initia! angular displacement ii) angular velocity iii) initial angular v~locity -
iv) angular·acceleration v) initial angular acceleration vi) angular acceleration at t - 2 s
3. •
If x=b(0+sin0) and Y=b(l-cos0) find dy.
4. dx
If f (x) =x sin x find J" (x) .

5. 3
If x =l +at + bt +ct and y =2+bt4 +ct;+ t find dy (a, b, care constants).

6. If y x2 + 2x) find !2'_
(3x-4) dx
7. If y = sinx , th~n find ~.
x+cosx dx
8. 2
If = n x - 20x, find the rate of change of A with respect to x.
9. 3
If V = x - 2n x , find the rate of change of V with respect to x.
10. 2
If P == at -bt, find the rate of change of P with respect to t.
11. -frW = 6/ch'i :-._Ji, -fi~d ti; ~;-~f;hang-;1;fW~th respe~t i~ h : -
12. If N = (at+ b )2, find the rate of change ifN with respect to t.
13. If y_ -
sin fi d dy . f
- - , tn J
logx dx . j
14. If y = [x 1, then find


t2 - 1
15. Find the derivative of Y = ,2 + ·
16. Find f"(x) if f(x) _(2x +3)( 2x- +l). 3

17. Find f" ( x) if / (x) = (2x + 3) (3x + 2) . .

18. Find the derivative of .Jx+3 ·
19. If y = sinxlogx find y' •
20. Find the·dy/dx of Y = 3x2 +3x3 -5
21. Find the dy/dx of x + x tan x

22. Find the dy/dx of Y =


23. Find the dyidx of Y ..:. cos ( sin x)

Find the dy/dx of Y =e . sinx ogx
2x •
25. Find the dy/dx of Y == (x+ t)'

--- =--= = - - - - - •.-.- ------

• 1. ASSIGNMENT - 4·
Aparticle starts moving\vi1:h initial velocity u -·25ms-1 and retardation a= -2ms-' .. ·
2. Draw the veiocity-till)'.(? graph.· • · •· · . • · ·. · · . _, .
If a Particle stats moving with initial velocity u = If11s-' and acceteratton a . 2m_s ·, ·
~he velocity of the particle at ariy time is given by v=u+at=l+2t. Plot the Veloc1ty-
tinie• graph ·of the particle. . •
3. Plot the line 3x~2y=O .
4. Plo~ the line x.,3y~6=0 ·,. · • •
5. . . Find the verte~ of the equation y=x' ..:.gx
• 6. Fin? the.vertex of the eqlJation y=-2x' +3
7. • Plot the.graph Y=2x' +3X.+5 .. • . •.
8. • • The ceiitre of giveh circle (x.:_ 2): +(Y- ~)' =16-
_.-9. • • 2 ·2 · • . . . .

For EUipse ~+L=1 the lerigth oflllajor axis is:

25 16 · . ·
•• 10. Write the equatiOn Of the straight linepa~sing through (2, 1)&(6,15) .-

l 1. A straight line-2x.:.3y 1j intercept~. ,s,y-aXes re~pectively ·

• 12. ·_ (x+ i)' +(Y+ f)' . g' +f' -c represents a circle the centeI"is
13. I{P=at' -bt, find the rate ofChllnge of P with.i-especitor· ·_ · ·•
14. • Calcu!ate the area enclosed under the curve f ( X) "x• between the limits .
:_: X·=·Oandx = 1•

. ../

, 15 . _ co_s2 x • _ dx = _ ·
l6. ·The radius of circle (x-3)' +(y-:4i = 25
• • 4 • •

. 17. •The-ve~ex of y .= x 2 ·_ 4;_ is (p~ ~q) then· p_ ·+ q ~s _·_

• • ' .

•18. . x + Y :--.Lintercepts x and X° axes at p,q thell p+f(is :_ .

' . .

•~- •' 2 •• 3. • •• ' - • ·. • • . '. . . :. . ' . • . ,·· ••

• • 2 . 2 .• . - • . •• . . .
19 .• • For ellipse ..;&+ :--l find the Jength of major axis
•20·. •. In· ahove question fmd th~-- lep.gth _of -minor axis -·
21. • In above question verti~es •of ellipse . ·• .
22. In above·questio'n find Foci . _. . . . • . .
23. lhabove qUestion find ecrntn~1ty . • (h k) ci di. .
.24. Write the ef}uation ofcirc e havmg centre at , an ra us r
• 25~ Plot the line 3x+5y =15

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