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Individual Assignment Template

Please use this template for the individual assignment. Try to keep the total page number below 10

1. Business Initiative
In this section you will need to describe the organization you have selected and present some
information about its main activities, its history and operations, as well as how it has been operating in
the last years.

After this brief introduction you will identify a target business initiative and describe it in a bit more
depth (what it includes, why it is important for the organization, what is its time-frame etc)

Note: The business initiative can be something broad enough so that it can be decomposed later into
several use cases.

2. Business Stakeholders
Here you need to introduce the business stakeholders that are impacted or impact the selected business
initiative. For each of the provide a description and explain why this initiative is important for them.

3. Business Entities
Identify the business entities around which you will capture data and analytics insight. For each of these
highlight the types of data that you will capture.

4. Use Cases
Develop a number of use cases that are necessary to support the targeted business initiative. Start by a
categorization of these based on the business function in which they belong if appropriate.

4.1 Prioritization of use cases on matrix

Place each of the use cases on the matrix and then develop a list of the sequence in which they will be
addressed. Explain why you developed this ordering and why the sequence makes sense.

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5. Data Sources
For the top 3 prioritized use cases brainstorm the data sources that are relevant. List them briefly per use
case and then plot them on the table as per slide 45 of Lecture 2.

6. Develop Scores
Describe 3-5 composite scores that make sense for your business initiative. Present which variables they
are comprised of and provide a rationale for their selection.

7. Document recommendations and map scores

For the three top prioritized use cases describe 3-5 recommendations and then map the appropriate
scores to them that could help capture relevant data for decision-making. The recommendations and the
scores must be selected based on how well they target the selected business initiative.

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