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1. Saturated water vapor at 300 kPa is heated at constant pressure in a closed

container. Then it is cooled again at constant volume until the pressure drops to
100 kPa and quality 0.6. Sketch the above processes on P- and T- state
diagrams. Determine the specific volume at each state and the temperature at
state 2. (16 marks)

2. A piston cylinder system is mounted vertically and has a stopper on top. It

contains 5 kg of liquid saturated water at 200 kPa. The heated system causes
some of the water to evaporate and the piston begins to move. When the piston
hits the stopper, the volume contained by the water is 1000 L. The water is
heated again until the pressure doubles. Show the processes involved on P- and
T- diagrams (8 marks) and determine
a. the mass of water in the liquid state at the final state (6 marks)
b. temperature at the final state (2 marks)
c. total work and heat transfer (8 marks)

3. In a process producing marmalade jams, crushed oranges containing 15 wt%

soluble solids is mixed in a mixer with sugar (1.5 kg sugar/1.00 kg crushed
oranges) and pectin (0.005 kg pectin/1.00 kg crushed fruit). The resultant
mixture is then evaporated in an evaporator to produce marmalade jams
containing 70 wt% soluble solids. For a feed of 5000 kg crushed fruit, calculate
a. kg mixture from the mixer, (9 marks)
b. and kg jam produced. (3 marks)
c. kg water evaporated, (3 marks)

4. An air stream at 35°C is to be used in a dryer and is first preheated in a steam

heater, where it is heated to 70°C. The air flow is 2000 kg mol/hour. The steam
enters the heater saturated at 150°C, is condensed and cooled, and leaves as a
liquid at 140°C. Determine the amount of steam used in kg/hour. (10 marks)

5. The inner and outer surfaces of a 6 m  7 m brick wall (Figure 1) of thickness

25 cm and thermal conductivity 0.69 W/m°C are maintained at temperatures of
20°C and 5°C, respectively. Determine the rate of heat transfer through the wall,
in W. (5 marks)
25 cm

Figure 1 Brick wall

6. A thin metal plate (Figure 2) is insulated on the back and exposed to solar
radiation on the front surface. The exposed surface of the plate has an
absorptivity of 0.6 for solar radiation. If solar radiation is incident on the plate
at a rate of 750 W/m2 and the surrounding air temperature is 30°C, determine
the surface temperature of the plate when the heat loss by convection equals
the solar energy absorbed by the plate. Assume the convection heat transfer
coefficient to be 50 W/m2°C, and disregard heat loss by radiation. (5 marks)

750 W/m2


Figure 2 Insulated thin metal plate

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