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Shift Awareness

Shift Awareness is an emergent property of FA + EA + GP.

Shift is always happening. It is rarely because of conscious, sub/unconscious choice.
FA + EA + GP sustained with intent will begin to shift awareness outside of the "World" map and
the territory of the Predator within.
You do not shift awareness. Shift happens.


Gather Power

You are leaking power by maintaining a 24/7 multilayered haptic "World" map.
This map contains your full history.
No one can give you power. They can only influence you to generate your own.
The Predator within does not let you have enough personal power to gather power.
You need more power than you have to gather power.
Intentionally cultivated and sustained Focused Awareness and Emotional Awareness gathers
minute amounts of Power.
Over Time and Depth, sustained FA and EA accumulate enough momentum to allow the body
to break biopsychosocial feedback loops, heal energetic leak points, and begin to gather power.


Emotional Awareness

Emotions are thought forms.

Feelings are your body's response to emotional states.
The Predator within induces biopsychosocial feedback loops (trauma, ptsd, romatic affection,
politics, etc) in order to feed.
Emotional Awareness allows us to choose the placement of our Focused Awareness,
regardless of the Predator within.


Focused Awareness

What you focus on grows.

Your awareness has been distracted and kept focused on what feeds the Predator within.
Emotional States dictate the expression of beliefs and behaviors.
Your animal body is constantly and consistently telling you what is and isn't healthy for you.


Focused Awareness
Emotional Awareness
Gather Power
Shift Awareness

Hunter: Stalking the Predator Within

1. "The World" is a predatory mind virus.

2. You are food. We are a managed herd.
3. You are your only weapon.
4. The Predator within has a particular scent.
5. Your mind has been programmed by the Predator within.
6. You are not who you THINK you are.
7. Your body knows you better than you do.
8. The Predator within knows you better than you do.
9. You cannot kill the Predator within, you can only starve it.
10. We starve the Predator within by taking our power back.
11. Stalking is how we hunt.


Controlled Folly is practiced in the finding and managing the relationship with a Petty Tyrant.


Stalking Skillsets we are looking to build

Focused Awareness (Mindfulness, Body scan)

Emotional Awareness (emotional guidance system, what are emotions)
Tactical Empathy (NVC, Chris Doss, Clean Language)

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