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Hi guys. So today we’ll be talking about an action, comedy and crime film titled, “Central Intelligence.

The story unfolds with an event from the past; twenty years ago, a group of high school boys bully
another boy named Robbie Wheirdicht because he is weirdly fat and according to them “abnormal”. On
this day, he is bathing in the boy's locker room and dancing to his best song. Shortly after, and led by a
boy called Trevor, the group watches in amusement. When he discovers that they are watching him,
they pounce on him and give him a merciless beating.

Meanwhile, there is an award ceremony going on at the school hall where the school’s golden boy,
Calvin Joyner is voted as the “Most likely to succeed” and is presented with an award. The principal
praises Calvin’s achievements so much, that he wishes that he is his son. During Calvin’s acceptance
speech, he sends a special shoutout to his girlfriend, Maggie. While he is advising the students, the
group of bullies drag in and dump the now wet and naked Robbie, along the floors of the hall.

Everywhere comes to a standstill for a moment before the entire students began to laugh at him.
Embarrassed, he stands up from his position and remains unmoved. Out of pity, Calvin removes his
special track team jacket and offers it to him to cover himself up. In appreciation, Robbie thanks him and
leaves in a hurry, while the laughter continues. Shocked, Calvin stands looking around without a word.

Now in the present day, Calvin is stopped by an office friend on his way back from the printer to talk
about a sexting app. A disinterested and moody Calvin refuses to see the app and moves to go. Holding
him back, His friend challenges that his mood swing is due to another colleague named Ethan getting a
promotion instead of him, Calvin denies it as he is not aware of the promotion and declines his friend’s
offer to have lunch with the office group because he is taking his wife to lunch.

At the restaurant, Calvin sits for lunch with his wife, Maggie, who by the way is his high school
sweetheart. But at the table opposite theirs, Ethan and other colleagues are celebrating the promotion.
His wife offers to change the table as seeing them may be uncomfortable but he refuses and request to
discuss something fun or get an iced tea mixed with bourbon.

Choosing to discuss a fun subject, Maggie shows him a picture of the dress she will be wearing to their
20-year high school reunion, telling him that she wants every girl to be jealous of her. Sadly, Calvin tells
her that he will not be attending the reunion. His wife will have none of it because she R.S.V.P’d for the
both of them.

Calvin maintains that he is not going because he does not want to spend his Friday night answering the
‘what are you doing” question, that in high school he was at the peak of everything and suddenly he is
merely an accountant, unlike his wife who is a partner at her firm. His wife is disappointed at his words
telling him that it also means he is unfulfilled with being her partner. He concludes that he is not going
and prepares to eat.

Back at the office, His wife calls to inform him of their appointment with the therapist. Meanwhile,
Calvin accepts a Facebook request from Robbie who now bears Bob Stone. And Bob asks that they hang
out later that day. Now, it gets interesting because the next series of events will take him through a

Calvin is happy to see Bob as he is now fit, healthy and happy. After hanging out for drinks and a ride to
their high school, Bob drops Calvin at home but asks for a favour; He asks Calvin to help rectify the
issues with his payroll account. Agreeing to do so, Calvin leads him into the house where he spends the

However, Bob forgets to mention an important detail: that he is a Central Intelligence Agency agent on
the run who intends to involve Calvin in his adventure, Also, that the problem is not with a payroll
account but an attempt to access encrypted information about stolen agency assets by a person named
“The Black Badger” which he intends to sell in the black market.

Later that morning, the CIA comes for Bob but he disappears before they could get a hold of him at
Calvin’s home. Confused at the turn of events, Calvin demands to know what is happening from Agent
Harris who led the search for Bob at his house. She explains that Bob is wanted for treason, the murder
of his partner Phil, and for possession of classified state secrets which he intends to sell to the enemies.
Calvin is listed as his only family at the agency and is therefore the bait to track him down. The manhunt
for Bob begins.
Soon, Calvin, Agent Harris and other agents are at his office. Shortly after, Bob calls Calvin, telling him
that he is at the stairwell. While Agent Harris deploys agents to the stairwell, he enters Bob’s office
where he sets a timed explosive and orders an Uber.

Angrily, Calvin demands that he wants to be excluded from whatever Bob is doing. Bob informs him that
he is already part of it and has to help out. The agents soon discover that they were tricked and
surround Bob and Calvin. Bob uses Calvin as a hostage to get out and a gunfight starts.

Not long after, Bob escapes with Calvin as the explosive goes off. Just in time, the uber arrives and Bob
snatches the car. In the car, he begs Calvin once more to put his skills to use in decrypting the
information. Calvin requests to be let out of the car and the operation, Bob stops the car at a secluded

At the temporary hideout, while Bob narrates the story of his partner’s death, an agency asset arrives on
a bike and shoots at Bob. Bob dodges, leaving Calvin with an opportunity to run. Taking the bike, he
rushes to meet the doctor’s appointment with his wife.

Outside the doctor’s building, Agent Harris ambushes him and tells him once more to bait Bob and alert
the agency through an alert device of their whereabouts. Adding that Bob is losing his grip on reality and
needs to be stopped. She tries to convince Calvin that Bob is a rogue asset and he is The Black Badger.

After letting him go, Calvin hurries to the appointment where he meets Bob as the therapist. Alarmed,
he tells his wife that they should go home. Thinking that he was trying to avoid their issues as usual she
refuses and he joins the therapy session. Unaware of the tension or that the therapist is Robbie from
high school, she continues to share their difficulties with having a baby and sustaining the marriage.

With Calvin not cooperating at the therapy, Maggie leaves the session in anger. Calvin confronts Bob
about the real therapist and he reveals a closet where the therapist is tapped to the wall. Calvin
threatens to use the alert device to contact Harris if Bob does not tell the truth. Again, Bob reaffirms his
story and pleads for Calvin’s help.
Calvin agrees and takes him to Trevor Olson, the lead high school bully, who is a big-shot bank executive
that can help with the encrypted asset. At the office, Trevor pretends to be genuinely sorry for
humiliating Bob and for spoiling Calvin’s speech years ago. He later laughs at their faces saying that Bob
will always be fat.

Bob remains quiet, unable to face his bully and walks out. Disgusted at Trevor, Calvin tells him to change
for the better and leaves with the decrypted information. On his way out, Agent Harris calls threatening
to arrest his wife for conspiracy to treason unless he turns in Bob. Put in a difficult spot, he makes a

Outside, Calvin attempts to apologise but Bob cuts him off thanking him for sticking with him as his only
true friend. He had hardly finished talking when the agents arrived to take him away. With a look of
betrayal and hurt, he is led by the agents in handcuffs to the car. Dejectedly, Calvin follows with other
agents in a separate vehicle.

At the CIA’s safe facility, Bob is questioned by Agent Harris. Refusing to tell her about the asset, she
demands the ‘extraction tools. Bob cries out in pain as he is being tortured, Meanwhile, Calvin is on the
other side of the interrogation glass demanding to leave.

At the sound of Bob’s cry, Calvin distracts the agents and snatches a gun and a key card. Gaining access
into the interrogation room, he cuffs agent Harris and sets Bob free, they leave the room. Outside, Bob
refuses to fight and is downcast. Calvin apologises to Bob and tells him that he does a super-cool job and
he should believe more in himself, He agrees and they survive another round of a gunfight, stealing a
bulletproof car, and they both leave.

In the car, Bob gives Calvin a bag of gear and tells him to enter the information which is a code into the
secure phone. Cavin wonders how a code will get them the location for the information exchange but
discovers that the information is not an ordinary code but the Longitude and Latitude of the meeting
venue. Excited, Bob gives him a thumbs up and instructs him.
Plugging the code into the GPS, Calvin gets the address which is in Boston and they set out to steal a
plane for the journey. At the private airfield, Calvin acts as the distraction while Bob gets the plane

In the plane, Bob deceives Calvin that the fuel is finished and they are going to die. Scared and in tears,
Calvin confesses that he wishes that he fulfilled Maggie’s goal of having a child instead of stalling. Bob
reveals that he still has the opportunity to do that because it was a prank.

Arriving at the venue for the exchange, Bob geared up with instructions to Calvin to stay back and call
him if anything comes up. Then, he headed to the underground parking garage where the meeting is to
take place. Here is the plot twist:

At the underground, Bob discovers that Phil faked his death and stole the information to sell on the
black market in the bid to extort the agency while framing him. Unaware of the events unfolding, Calvin
calls to tell Bob that Harris is The Black Badger on her arrival at the venue. Meanwhile, the conversation
is getting heated as Phil and Bob try to gain the confidence of the information buyer that they are with
the real encrypted asset.

Unable to reach Bob, Calvin runs into the venue and Bob, Phil, the buyer and his guards all drew their
weapons on him. Bob quickly shoots him in the neck with the bullet grazing him and Calvin falls to the
ground. Soon, a gunfight starts and the encrypted chip from Bob and Phil are forgotten on the ground,
Calvin crawls from his place, picks them up and runs off.

The buyer sees him and pursues him with a car. Bob withdraws from the fight and just a hair's breadth
away from Calvin, he crashes the buyer and his car into the wall. Outside, Phil catches up with Bob
where the final twist unfolds:

Phil lies to Calvin that Agent Harris had him fake his death to reveal Bob as The Black Badger in the bid
to further frame him. Throwing his gun away, Bob engages Phil in a fight, Calvin picks up the gun and
fires widely at Bob, he hits a very stunned Bob around the waist.
Calvin commands Phil not to come close as he does not trust him. Aiming to fire at him, he discovers
that the gun was out of bullets and throws it away. Phil catches the gun and reloads it. Pointing it at
Calvin, he confesses that he never liked Bob, rather he is jealous of his constant reference to Calvin
during their missions together and hates how good and naive he is. He reveals himself as The Black
Badger and how he wanted to frame Bob and how he faked his death.

Bob rises quietly during the confession according to plan. Distracting Phil with the Golden Jet flip, Calvin
falls hard. Phil mocks him and asks why he did the flip, Calvin answers that it was for distraction. Bob
finishes off Phil by pulling his throat and pushing him into the water.

Elated, Bob praises Calvin for his skills and tells him to join the agency, after all, he already has a cool
code name “The Golden Jet '' from high school. He apologises for shooting him and tells him to hurry
because they are to deliver the encrypted chip and attend the high school reunion. Calvin agrees.

Arriving in style in a helicopter, Agent Harris meets them to thank them for a job well done and equally
tells Calvin that there is an opportunity for him at the agency if he ever wants a career change and
leaves. Calvin meets his wife who has been unaware of the whole adventure on Agent Harris’ orders and
is surprised at seeing her husband with their supposed therapist. He explains everything to her while
Bob officially introduces himself. He supports Calvin who announces that he is ready to have kids with

Excitedly, she seals the news with a kiss and they join the party. At the party, Bob turns to go back due
to nervousness but Calvin and his wife collectively reassure him and Bob settles into the party.

Trying to recreate their last senior year, the homecoming king result was announced. Bob Stone
emerged as the winner to the surprise of everybody. Calvin confides in his wife that he hacked into the
voting system. Bob confronts his fears by punching Trevor for attempting to bully him again. On stage,
He shares that he forgives everyone that bullied or laughed at him 20 years ago. He crowns his speech
by going completely naked, showing his fit and well-built body.

His high school crush, Darla, meets and congratulates him there, he asks her on a date and kisses her.
Everyone cheers as they dance into the night to his favourite song.
A few months later, Calvin hugs his pregnant wife goodbye as Bob picks him up to resume his first day at
the Agency. Bob surprises him by returning his high school jacket that he had given him in the school’s
hall 20 years ago and they leave together for the Agency.

Will the two make a good team in the agency? We sure hope they do. However, kindly like this video
and subscribe to our channel, so we can bring you more breathtaking movie recaps like this. Until next
time, take care and stay safe.

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