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Name : Tsafira Salsabilla Hidayah Nur Rachmad

Class : Discourse Analysis DL

NIM : 19320041

Final Exam
1. Survival of the fittest: rare Darwin book finds new home
A. Analysis
Gramatical Cohesion
• Reference
When HMS Beagle sailed into Sydney Harbour for a two-week stop on its
history-making voyage of biological discovery. (exophore)

The library bought it for £78,000 ($191,000) at a London auction (anaphora)

"It's in excellent condition," Ms Sutton said. "It looks like a new book, quite
frankly." (anaphora)

Legend has it that they sold out on the first day (anaphora)

He was trying to pacify the fury (anaphora)

of those who accused him of being an atheist who didn't believe God had
created man, (anaphora)

she said. (anaphora)

It is not about the origin of man. (anaphora)

It's about natural selection and the evolution of species in general. (anaphora)

Darwin purchased some of them. (anaphora)

IT IS a book that changed the world irrevocably - a rare first edition copies of
Charles Darwin's on the Origin of Species. (cataphora)
[Word 'it' refer to 'a rare first edition copies of Charles Darwin's on the Origin
of Species]

Darwin's masterpiece rocked Victorian society with its theory of natural

selection, challenging conventional wisdom about science and divinity.
[Word ‘its’ refer to Darwin]
Darwin was already formulating his controversial theories 13 years earlier
when HMS Beagle sailed into Sydney Harbour … (cataphora)
[Word ‘his’ refer to ‘Darwin’]

when HMS Beagle sailed into Sydney Harbour for a two-week stop on its
history-making voyage of biological discovery. (cataphora)
[Word ‘its’ refer to ‘HMS Beagle’]

the book is the only first edition in its original binding to be owned by any
public institution in Australia. (cataphora)
[Word ‘its’ refer to ‘the book’]

The library's copy was a gift from Darwin's great-grandson, Quentin Keynes,
to his physician,… (cataphora)
[Word ‘his’ refer to ‘Darwin's great-grandson]

Darwin visited the Blue Mountains, while his shipmate, (cataphora)

[Word ‘his’ refer to ‘Darwin’]

the artist Conrad Martens, painted the first of his landscapes of colonial NSW
[Word ‘his’ refer to ‘the artist’]

The library has a letter which Martens wrote to Darwin in 1862, light-
heartedly debunking the controversy and saying he had no desire to read his
friend's book. (cataphora)
[Word ‘he’ and ‘his’refer to ‘Martens’]

"I am afraid of your eloquence," Martens wrote, "and I don't want to think
that I have an origin in common with toads and tadpoles for if there is
anything in human nature that I hate it is a toady." (cataphora)
[All of words ‘I’ refer to ‘Martens’]

• Substitution
Darwin's masterpiece (substitutes “on the Origin of Species”.)
The first big purchase (substitutes “The library bought it for £78,000”.)

• Ellipsis
a book that changed the world irrevocably
Lexical Cohession
• Repetition
There is a lot of repetition in the text, as in the word 'Darwin'
• Synonim
No synonyms found in the text.
B. The predominate text is Grammatical Cohesion because it is found more than lexical

2. Greetings in a lift
A. Analysis
• Turn-taking
In the conversation above, there is one element of turn-taking, namely
attributable silence. The first is on line 2, where Bob has a short pause after
replying to Matt's greeting. In the text indicated by a sign (...) which also
means a split second pause. In addition, on lines 2 and 3, attributable silence
also occurs, which is indicated by the sign (+) which means a pause of up to
one second. The presence of a (+) sign also indicates a beginning on a topic.

• Adjacency Pairs
In Matt and Bob's conversation above, there is a preferred response, which
is one element of the adjacency pair. The preferred response is found on lines
1-3. On these lines, Matt and Bob respond well to each other's questions, it
also shows an enthusiasm when the conversation is going on and makes the
atmosphere more interesting. On line 1 Matt greeted first and was greeted
with a friendly answer from Bob on line 2 who also then asked Matt back
about his news and finally on line 3 Matt still answered questions about his
news well.

• Sequences
1. Opening Sequence
Matt : hi how’s things
Bob : hi good... good

2. Pre-sequence
Bob :haven’t seen you for ages how are you
Matt : fine busy though as always

3. Insertion sequence
Matt : must meet my performance objectives eh [laugh]
Bob: [laugh] yeah me too

4. Closing Sequence
Bob : ah well see you later
Matt : yea bye
3. Conversation Between Husband and Wife
A. Analysis
• Flouting maxim of quantity
1. Wife: You seem different today. Everything alright?
Husband: Yes dear, everything is fine. I just had a busy day at the office.
2. Husband: How was your day? Did you do anything interesting today?
Wife: Oh, I learned a new recipe on the internet today. I was thinking of
trying it for dinner tomorrow.
3. Husband: Interesting. What is that recipe?
Wife: It’s a variation of grilled chicken. I know this is your favourite
dish, so I thought I would try something new with it.

Some of the pieces of conversation between husband and wife

above show some answers to a question posed with answers that are not
too exaggerated, but also not too short, and there are some additional
(bold) additional information.

• Flouting maxim of quality

1. Wife: You never spend any time with me. All you think about is work.
Husband: Now that is not true. You know that I must feed a family, right.

The conversation above shows that the choice of the word husband
(bold) is slightly wrong because the word can cause misunderstandings
between them.

• Flouting maxim of manner

1. Wife: How was your day at the office, dear?
Husband: It was the same as usual.

In the piece of conversation above, it shows the violation in the

form of unclear answers from the husband (bold) which makes the wife
confused, such as "what usually you do?????".

4. Death of a Salesman
A. Analysis
• Positive Politeness
1. Linda: Why? What happened? [Slight pause] Did something happen, Willy?
(line 3)
2. Linda: Don’t you feel well? (line 7)
3. Linda: [very carefully, delicately] Where were you all day? You look
terrible. (line 9)
4. Linda: [resigned]: Well, you’ll just have to take a rest, Willy, you can’t
continue this way. (line 17)
From the conversation pieces above, how many times has Linda shown
her concern for Willy. Linda means that is Willy gets calm and positive
energy for Willy.
• Negative Politeness
1. Willy: It’s all right. I came back. (line 2)
2. Willy: No, nothing happened. (line 4)
3. Linda: [helpfully] Oh. Maybe it was the steering again. I don’t think Angelo
know the Studebaker. (line 13)
4. Linda: Maybe it’s your glasses. You never went for your new glasses. (line

From the conversation pieces above, it shows some negative politeness

that makes the conversation atmosphere quite bad so it is better to avoid
negative topics and ways of conversation.

B. The predominate of the conversational text above is positive politeness because it is

found more than negative politeness.

5. Betulkah Kelompok Anarko di Balik Ajakan Rusuh?

A. Analysis
• Macro structure
Teks berita diatas memiliki tema sebuh kerusuhan yang dilakukan sebuah
oknum yang memberikan ancaman pada negara. Teks berita TEMPO ini
menjelaskan secara detail bahaya-bahaya yang disebabkan oleh kerusuhan
tersebut serta kerugian bagi oknum lain disekitarnya, seperti warga setempat
kejadian dan juga pemerintah.
• Super structure
1. Summary
Headline : “Betulkah Kelompok Anarko di Balik Ajakan Rusuh?”

Lead : ENAM belas hari ditahan, selama itu pula Muhammad Rizki, 21
tahun; Rio Imanuel (23); dan AA (17) tak bisa ditemui tim penasihat
hukum. Upaya tim pengacara bertemu dengan mereka baru terwujud pada
Ahad, 26 April lalu, di ruang tahanan Kepolisian Daerah Metropolitan
Jakarta Raya.

2. Story
Main story : Pengacara dari Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Jakarta, Shaleh Al
Ghifari, menyesalkan sulitnya memberikan pendampingan hukum kepada
mereka. Padahal setiap tersangka berhak mendapat bantuan hukum. "Ini
pelanggaran," katanya, Selasa, 28 April lalu. Rio dan Rizki disangka
memprovokasi kerusuhan. AA yang masih di bawah umur pun turut
dijadikan tersangka. Personel Kepolisian Resor Tangerang menangkap
ketiganya di Kafe Egaliter, Tangerang, Banten, pada 9 April lalu.

Background : Ada kertas stensil dan cat semprot saat mereka ditangkap.
Polisi menuduh mereka menulis ajakan berbuat kerusuhan massal di
sejumlah tembok sekitar Pasar Anyar, Tangerang. Kamera pengawas
(CCTV) milik penduduk sekitar merekam aksi corat-coret ketiga pria
cungkring itu. Pada pekan yang sama, polisi menangkap dua pemuda lain
yang juga dituduh bagian dari kelompok "Anarko"-gerakan subkultur yang
mengidamkan tiadanya intervensi negara-di Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Saat
diperiksa pada awal penangkapan, keduanya didampingi pengacara yang
disediakan polisi. Pemeriksaan berlanjut di Sub-Direktorat Keamanan
Negara Polda Metro Jaya beberapa hari seusai penangkapan, bersama
Rizki, Rio, dan AA yang juga dibawa ke markas Polda.

Comments :
1. Verbal Reaction
"Meski terpisah di banyak tempat, kelompok ini terhubung dalam
berbagai media sosial," ujar Nana
"Mereka terhubung dengan kelompok lain yang memiliki
kesamaan ideologi," ujar Dwiasi
"Sebagian di antara mereka juga pernah mengikuti unjuk rasa besar
di DPR beberapa waktu lalu," ujar Dwiasi
"Kami memidanakan mereka karena memprovokasi kerusuhan dan
cara menyampaikan aspirasi mereka dengan merusak fasilitas
umum," ujar Asep Adi Saputra
"Akibatnya, sering kali orang kesulitan membedakan ini Gerakan
Anarko atau bukan," ujar Bima Satria Putra

2. Kesimpulan
Menurut Emma, Kelompok Anarko bukanlah ancaman negara
karena mereka hanya bermodal kuota internet yang sangat jauh
tertinggal jika dibandingkan dengan sistem keamanan negara saat

• Micro structure
1. Semantic Aspects
o Background
Latar belakang terjadinya kerusuhan tersebut dikarenakan oknum
Anarko merasa tidak puas terhadap pemerintah terhadap penanganan
Covid-19 kemarin.
o Pra-anggapan
‘Rio dan Rizki disangka memprovokasi kerusuhan. AA yang masih di
bawah umur pun turut dijadikan tersangka.Personel Kepolisian Resor
Tangerang menangkap ketiganya di Kafe Egaliter, Tangerang,
Banten, pada 9 April lalu.’
Kata 'disangka' (bold) pada kalimat diatas merupakan sebuah
anggapan yang belum tentu benar adanya dan harus melewati beberapa
tes tahapan setelahnya.

2. Sintax Aspects
o Susunan Kalimat
Ada banyak kalimat aktif dan pasif didalam berita tersebut yang
dibuat oleh penulis sebagai sorotan pelaku dan juga menunjukkan
sebuah kejelasan dari berita tersebut.

o Koherensi
Ada beberapa bagian yang kurang kohoren dalam teks berita diatas
seperti pada bagaimana penulis kurang tepat dalam penempatan info
3. Stylistic Aspect
Penulis menggunakan beberapa aspek stilisika didalam berita ini,
tujuannya adalah untuk keindahan berita yang ditulis seperti subkultur, seusai,
memantik, sinpatisan dan beberapa lainnya.

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